results, as the model may not generalize well to
real-world applications.
In this study, we focus on the problem of having vul-
nerability samples for some programming languages
but not others. To overcome this problem, we design
a method that extract vulnerability prediction knowl-
edge from available data samples and then use it to
predict vulnerabilities in another programming lan-
guage. We also, add flexibility to update the model
once new samples are provided. Specifically, in this
study, we built a model that is able to detect vulnera-
bilities in both Java and C source code. We trained a
CNN-based model with C source code from VDISC
dataset. Then, we modified the model to detect the
learned vulnerabilities in Java source code. We ex-
tracted Java sample codes from SARD dataset. By
the end of our experiments, we were able to show
that despite the many differences between program-
ming languages, we were able to train one model to
detect vulnerabilities in more than one programming
language. This study could be further extended to de-
tect vulnerabilities in other commonly used program-
ming languages such as Python and Javascript. The
study could be also improved by training the model
on other common vulnerability types from different
programming languages.
This work was funded by The Scientific and Techno-
logical Research Council of Turkey, under 1515 Fron-
tier R&D Laboratories Support Program with project
no: 5169902.
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ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering