nanometer-diameter magnetic nanoparticles (Fe
were coated by fluorescein and sulforhodamine. A
magnetic field was applied on the tube by using a
permanent magnet. The fluorescein-labeled magnetic
nanoparticles were injected into the tube and
adsorbed at those sites where the magnetic field
gradient was maximal. Thereafter the tube was
washed with ethanol and the magnet field was shifted
to another site. Next, sulforhodamine-labeled
magnetic nanoparticles were injected into the tube
and they concentrated at the new site. This process
resulted in two fluorescence bands and profile of the
fluorescence signal as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: (a) A scheme describing the patterning of the
inner tube surface by applying positive ML. (b) The
fluorescence of both fluorescein and sulforhodamine
observed from the two bands of the nanoparticles adsorbed
within the tube.
In the ML process, we expose a substrate whose
surface is patterned by a magnetic field, to magnetic
NPs. The force applied on the magnetic NPs is given
where B is the magnetic flux density (Tesla), Δχ is
the difference in susceptibility between an object and
its surroundings (10
for paramagnetic
materials in air), V is the volume (~1x10
for a
10-nm diameter particle), and μ
is the vacuum
permeability constant (1.2566 10
By carefully tuning the deposition time, it is
possible to obtain patterns whose width is narrower
than the width of the lines in the mask. This is due to
the gradient of the magnetic field within the line-
width defined by the mask. The magnetic field is
stronger in the center than at the edges. As a result,
the nanoparticles are first organized in the center of
the line. The simulation of the field on the mask as a
function of the distance from the mask demonstrates
an interesting property of ML, as shown in figure 2.
In the present work the average magnetic field on
the substrate is about 10
Tesla. Decreasing the size
of the patterns, for example the width of a line, while
keeping good uniformity requires using smaller
particles, for example 2 nm particles. This size
of particles will allow achieving line widths of about
Figure 2: The magnetic field distribution above the mask,
as calculated using the COMSOL program. The field
distribution at distances of 1.5, 3.5, and 7.5 times the width
of the mask.
20±3 nm. Assuming that the magnetic dipole of the
NPs is proportional to its volume and that the gradient
of the field will increase proportionally with the field,
then the magnetic field required for working with 2
nm particles is about 0.1 Tesla. Such a field can be
easily applied in a dedicated ML system.
Figure 3 shows the negative ML process for
patterning the surface of inner tubes with enzyme and
we will reveal the localization of the reaction. Here,
the enzyme urease was patterned on the inside of the
500-µm diameter tube at different places using the
negative ML approach.
Figure 3: A scheme describing the multi-peg magnet for
applying ML in the tube. The color of a pH indicator
flushed in a solution of urea and pH indicator through a tube
patterned with the enzyme urease. The change in pH along
the tube, as obtained from the variation of the indicator’s
The tube was exposed to a multi-peg magnet that
induced a magnetic field of 100 Gauss and a solution
of magnetic nanoparticles was injected into the tube.
The magnetic nanoparticles were arranged along the
tube according to the magnetic field induced by the
magnetic pegs, as shown in Figure 3. The urease
covalently bound to sites that were not protected by
the magnetic NPs. A solution containing urea and a
pH indicator was flown through the tube. At the
regions where the urease was patterned, the enzyme
decomposed the urea, producing NH
. As a result, the
pH in that region increased and the indicator changed
its color to green/blue at urease binding sites. As is
clearly shown in Figure 3, the high pH regions appear
as green spots inside the tube. The pH variation along