experimentally that the Laplace mechanism is effec-
tive against the DLG attack. As future work, we want
to explore other privacy mechanisms, which may be
more effective in providing a good trade-off between
privacy and accuracy in the context of machine learn-
ing. Furthermore, we are interested in studying more
complex federated learning scenarios where partici-
pants and datasets may change over time.
The work of Sayan Biswas and Catuscia Palamidessi
was supported by the European Research Council
(ERC) project HYPATIA under the European Union’s
Horizon research and innovation programme, grant
agreement n. 835294. The work of Kangsoo Jung was
supported by ELSA - The European Lighthouse on
Secure and Safe AI, a Network of Excellence funded
by the European Union under the Horizon research
and innovation programme.
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