”a priori” knowledge of the maximum value d
the end-customer demand over an indefinitely long
future time interval. Moreover, as d
is never
exactly known, it is often over-estimated.
The diagrams displayed in figure 4 and the entries
of columns 5-7 of table 3 show that the DRMPC pol-
icy provides a smoother control signal with respect
to the DTCM strategy. Moreover figure 4 evidences
how the interval containing each replenishment order
(k) is tighter in the DRMPC strategy. Our approach
is able to limit the amplitude of such intervals and
consequently to strictly control the FF2 of BE.
The main novelties we propose in this paper are: 1)
the supply chain dynamics is characterized by per-
ishable goods with uncertain decay factor, 2) the
proposed DRMPC approach provides a B-splines
parametrization of the replenishment order. The
B-splines parametrization allows us to reformulate
the min-max optimization problem implied by the
DRMPC as a simpler WCRLS estimation problem.
The method we propose also allows us to define a
time-varying inventory level conciliating the opposite
control requirements CR1 and CR2. CR3 is addressed
penalizing the difference between control moves and
also parametrizing the control moves as polynomial
B-spline functions. The numerical test confirms the
validity of the approach: it is actually able to reduce
the inventory level without affecting customer service
quality and without incurring an excessive control ef-
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ICORES 2023 - 12th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems