Denial of Service Detection for IoT Networks Using Machine
Husain Abdulla
, Hamed S. Al-Raweshidy
and Wasan Awad
Department of Computer Science, Brunel University, Uxbridge, U.K.
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Uxbridge, U.K.
Information Technology College, Ahlia University, Al-Hoora, Bahrain
Keywords: Intrusion Detection System, IoT, Machine Learning, Security, Anomaly Detection.
Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) is considered one of the trending technologies today. IoT affects a variety of
industries, including logistics tracking, healthcare, automotive and smart cities. A rising number of cyber-
attacks and breaches are rapidly targeting networks equipped with IoT devices. Due to the resource-
constrained nature of the IoT devices, one of the Internet security issues impacting IoT devices is the Denial-
of-Service (DoS). This encourages the development of new techniques for automatically detecting DoS in
IoT networks. In this paper, we test the performance of the following Machine Learning (ML) algorithms in
detecting IoT DoS attacks using packet analysis at regular time intervals: Neural Networks (NN), Gaussian
Naive Bayes (NB), Decision Trees (DT), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). We were able to achieve 98%
accuracy in intrusion detection for IoT devices. We have created a novel way of detecting the attacks using
only six attributes, which significantly reduces the time to train the ML Models by 58% on average. This
research is based on data collected from actual IoT attacks on IoT networks. This paper shows that using the
DT or NN; we can detect attacks on IoT devices. Furthermore, it shows that NB and SVM are poor in detecting
IoT attacks. In addition, it proves that middle boxes embedded with ML Models can be utilized to detect
attacks in places such as houses, manufactures, and plants.
The Internet of Things promises an optimistic
technological future where the physical world is
integrated with computer-based systems, resulting in
economic benefits and improvements in efficiency.
The IoT is a network of objects, including devices,
home appliances, and vehicles, which may be
embedded with electronics, sensors, and software to
enable it to connect and exchange data. Although the
IoT makes considerable progress, they are vulnerable
to cyberattacks due to their resource-constrained
nature. Therefore, they rely on external systems, such
as intrusion detection systems, to be protected. DoS
attacks are common effective attacks to disturb IoT
It is estimated that the number of Internet of
Things (IoT) devices will be over 75 billion by 2025
(Fadul, Reising, Loveless & Ofoli, 2021) and they
will be collecting data of more than 180 zettabytes.
Yet, there are plenty of these IoT devices that are
insecure and prone to attacks (Davis, Mason, &
Anwar, 2020). A recent security review of IoT
devices categorize these attacks into four categories
namely: physical, network, software, and encryption
attacks (Andrea, Chrysostomou & Hadjichristofi,
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is used to
prevent the DoS attacks. Apart from the most used
method that is based on the port number, which is
suited for the rule-based attack detection, machine
learning methods are widely used in recent years for
DoS and anomaly detection. A recent research for
anomaly detection has shown the possibility of
machine learning to identify malicious Internet traffic
(Bagaa, Taleb, Bernabe & Skarmeta, 2020).
Abdulla, H., Al-Raweshidy, H. and Awad, W.
Denial of Ser vice Detection for IoT Networks Using Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011885700003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 996-1003
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
However, limited research has been done to develop
machine learning models with characteristics
specifically targeted at IoT device networks and
attack traffic. The IoT devices' traffic is different from
other devices connected to the Internet (such as
laptops and mobile phones) (Mishra, Varadharajan,
Tupakula & Pilli, 2019). IoT devices, for example,
are often connected to a small number of service
endpoints rather than a large number of servers.
Furthermore, IoT devices often generate the same
network traffic patterns; for example, while logging,
regular network pings of small packets at
predetermined intervals are used.
Given the lack of public datasets of real network
IoT attack traffic, there are limited studies on the
performance of machine learning algorithms in
detecting DoS attacks in IoT network. In this study
we utilized a relatively recent open-source data set to
perform our research. We found that neural networks
performed better than other machine learning
algorithms. We expect that the developed neural
network model will continue to be effective with
traffic of real-world deployments.
Our traffic analysis model is designed to run on net-
work middle boxes such as firewalls, network routers
and switches to detect anomalous traffic.
The main contributions presented in this paper
Developing four machine learning models
using Gaussian Neural Networks, Naive
Bayes, Decision Trees, and Support Vector
Machine to detect DoS attacks on IoT devices
using six attributes only.
Reducing the time required to training and
detect traffic type by 58% on average for the
four ML models.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows; in Section 2, the previous related work to this
paper is covered. Section 3 illustrates the
methodology used to train, implement, and evaluate
the trained ML to detect IoT attacks. In Section 4, four
different machine learning models: Neural Networks,
Gaussian Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, and Support
Vector Machine are trained to detect IoT attacks. It
shows that Decision Trees and Neural Networks are
better at detecting IoT attacks. In Section 5, the
performance of the ML models using two different
input methods is compared, one using all dataset
attributes and the second using only six attributes.
Measuring the performance of two different datasets,
it is shown that the performance of the trained ML
models is almost similar while time is reduced when
using six attributes only by 58% on average for all
tested models. Section 6 concludes the paper.
Several studies have been conducted on analyzing
network traffic recently. In addition to the most
traditional IDS used which is signature based,
machine learning utilization in IDS is widely being
studied in recent years (Chaabouni et al. 2019).
Restuccia et al. (2018) discussed the role of the
Software Defined Networking (SDN), blockchain,
and ML in securing IoT networks. Davis et al. (2018)
were able to develop a model using autoencoders to
detect attacks of botnets on IoT devices. They tested
their model on a testbed of 9 devices using 10
different attacks. Their model utilized 115 features.
Brun and Yin (2019) analyzed network attacks to
develop ML model using Recurrent Neural Network
(RNN) to detect the attacks. They collected data from
a testbed of three devices and then modified the data
using a simulator to simulate the attacks. Shukla
(2017) developed IDS based on K-means ML model.
They were able to achieve 70 to 90% accuracy in
detecting IoT attacks. They tested their model on
simulated network of 10 devices. A model using
Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory based
Recurrent algorithm to detect botnet activity was
developed by McDermott et al. (2018). They have
utilized info feature in PCAP traces to feed their
model. They were able to achieve 92 % accuracy in
detecting the IoT attacks.
A multilevel intrusion detection model framework
was developed by Yao et al. (2019). They tested their
model on KDDCUP99 dataset. They were able to
achieve 96.6% accuracy in detecting the attacks. A
hybrid learning approach based on decision trees was
used by Amouri et al. (2018) to develop IDS for IoT
networks. They were able to achieve accuracy of
100% on a simulated environment of 35 devices.
Anthi et al. (2019) developed a three-layer IDS. They
used 121 features as input to their model. They have
tested their model on a testbed of 8 devices. They
were able to achieve 99.97% accuracy in detecting
attacks. Yu et al. (2011), developed IDS based on K-
Random Forest ML model. They were able to achieve
96% accuracy in detecting IoT attacks. They tested
their model on KDDCUP99 dataset. Alhakami,
Alharbi et al. (2019) developed a Bayesian based
IDS. They used 42 features as input to their model
when using KDDCUP99 dataset. They were able to
achieve 84.06% accuracy in detecting attacks. SVM-
based classifier was used by Jan et al. (2019) to
develop IDS for IoT networks. They have used a
CICIDS2017 dataset with 40 features. They were able
to achieve accuracy of 98%.
For convergence of classifier parameters, Senthil
Denial of Service Detection for IoT Networks Using Machine Learning
et al. (2021) developed a fast-learning network with
particle swarm optimization. Despite the positive
results, the system's complexity is too high to be
applied to sensor nodes due to their limited
processing and energy storage capabilities. In their
suggested intrusion detection system, Moukhafi et al.
(2018) coupled a hybrid genetic algorithm and
support vector machine with particle swarm
optimization for feature subset selection. This system
was nearly 100 percent accurate in distinguishing
DoS attacks from other sorts of attacks; however, it
was unable to distinguish typical class signals from
other types of signals. Vijayanand et al. (2018)
proposed a hybrid feature-selection method based on
mutual information and genetic algorithm for support
vector machine-based classifier in order to increase
classification accuracy. They also shown in their
experimental results that support vector machine -
based classifier is capable of outperforming an
artificial neural network (ANN). When the classifier
was trained with 400 samples, they attained accuracy
of 96 percent. Both the genetic algorithm and mutual
information could require as few as three informative
features. The findings revealed that obtaining similar
outcomes using both a genetic algorithm and mutual
information could require as few as three informative
features. This strategy, however, does not seem to be
a feasible option, given the power and computation-
cost limits of IoT devices.
In (Restuccia et al., 2018), (Meidan et al., 2018)
and (Brun and Yin, 2019) researchers did not include
the accuracy achieved by their research. In (Shukla,
2017), (McDermott et al., 2018) and (Yao et al.,
2019) researchers achieved low accuracy comparing
to the other reviewed studies. In (Yao et al., 2019),
researchers were able to achieve 100% accuracy
however it is based on network fluctuations; hence, it
requires devices to be irresponsive to detect the
attacks which is not the case with every IoT device.
In (Anthi et al., 2019), researchers were able to
achieve 99% accuracy however the number of
features used is high (121) comparing to the other
studies. None of the studies reviewed verified their
models on multiple data sets.
The models reviewed are based on a high number
of features; however, the model used in this paper is
based on six attributes only. Other work does not
compare the detection of IoT attacks on different
datasets however the model developed in this paper is
tested on two different datasets. To the authors
knowledge, this is the first paper that compares
performance of several ML algorithm in DoS
detection on different datasets with focusing on
optimization of the input parameters to reduce the
time and resource required to train the ML models.
3.1 System Overview
Various assumptions regarding consumer IoT
networks are made in the threat model (Figure 1). We
assume the network includes a middle box device
such as a home gateway router, that links the IoT
network to other networks and analyzes traffic
between IoT devices on the local area network and
the Internet. This device will analyze, store, alter, and
block any network communication that passes
through it. This middle box handles all
communication between LAN Wi-Fi devices and
Internet-connected devices.
Figure 1: Middle box Approach for Capturing IoT traffic.
Our aim is to protect IoT devices from DoS attack
traffic; hence they are connected to the middle box
which enables them to send and receive network
traffic, including attack traffic. In addition, each
device may counter DoS attacks, and the duration of
consecutive attacks may vary. Traffic is analyzed in
time series of 1 second which is shorter than typical
DoS attacks to avoid (Kabir, Hu, Wang & Zhuo,
The programing logic of the trained model is
mentioned in Algorithm 1. Algorithm 1 takes the data
captured by the middle box as well as the instructed
ML model such as NN, SVM, NB or DT. After that,
Algorithm 1 starts to train the model using the
captured data. Once trained model is available,
Algorithm 1 starts to analyze the traffic, if
anomaly/attack is detected then traffic is blocked if
not then traffic is allowed.
Python is the language chosen to implement the
model. Google Colab is the execution environment
chosen to implement, train and test the models. At the
time of the experiment, the Google Colab allowed the
use of 25.6 GB of RAM, Disk space of 225.89 GB
and offered Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Algorithm 1: Machine learning based IDS programming.
INPUTS: Datasets, machine learning models
OUTPUT: machine learning based IDS
1: while True do
2: Read traffic going through the middle box
3: Apply machine learning model
4: Train the machine learning model
5: if Trained machine learning model is
available then
6: Test the traffic
7: if attack is detected then
8: Block traffic
9: else
10: Allow traffic
13: end if
14: else
15: Wait for creating a trained machine
learning model
16: end if
17: end while
3.2 Data Sample
Figure 2: Data preparation process.
Figure 2 shows the flow followed to prepare the data
sample for training and testing the models. A subset
of an open dataset was used in this test (Hamza,
Gharakheili, Benson, and Sivaraman, 2019). This
data was collected from an instrumented living lab
with 10 IoT devices emulating a smart environment.
The sample data used include several types of IoT
devices, including motion sensors, cameras, plugs,
lights, and appliances. This data is in the form of
Packet Capture (PCAP) traces. The data contains the
following type of attacks Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) Spoofing, TCP Sync, Ping of Death,
UDP Device, TCP Sync Reflection, SMURF, Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Simple
Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP).
Table 2 shows that UDP and TCP protocols
represent more than 80% of the data. Table 3 shows
that the highest used services are TCP, NTP and UDP.
The number of attack cases represent 1.7% of dataset
as shown in Table IV.
Table 2: Percentage of each protocol type in sample dataset.
Protocol Type Percent
ICMP 2.8
IGMP 0.1
TCP 32.3
UDP 48.8
NULL 16.0
Table 3: Percentage of each service in sample dataset.
service Percent
TCP 21.9
NTP 10.8
UDP 9.4
ARP 4.8
ICMP 2.8
TLSv1.2 2.8
SSHv2 2.7
TLSv1 2.6
DNS 2.4
STUN 1.0
HTTP 0.6
ICMPv6 0.3
MDNS 0.2
IGMPv2 0.1
MQTT 0.1
Others 31.4
Denial of Service Detection for IoT Networks Using Machine Learning
Table 4: Percentage of attack cases in sample dataset.
Attack Percent
0 98.3
1 1.7
3.3 Selected Features
The data set was preprocessed to be entered into the
different machine learning algorithms as input. The
following attributes were extracted from the dataset:
Attack: The data in benign state were tagged
with 0 and during attack with 1.
Protocol_type: protocol type of the connection
i.e. TCP, UDP, and ICMP
Service: http, ftp, smtp, telnet, etc.
Length: total bytes sent or received in one
Count: sum of connections to the same
destination IP address occurred in the past 2
Srv_count: sum of connections to the same
destination port number occurred in the past 2
Table 5 shows sample values for each of the selected
Table 5: Sample values for the selected features.
Parameter Sample Value
attack 0
protocol_type ICMP
service MQTT
length 466
count 13
srv_count 599
3.4 Performance Evaluation
The following metrics were calculated for each
Accuracy =
Precision =
Recall =
F1 Score =
 × 
 
TP = the number of True Positives
TN = the number of True Negatives
FP = the number of False Positives
FN = the number of False Negatives
Accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 are used to
evaluate the four ML algorithms chosen for this
We tested four machine learning algorithms to
classify normal and DoS attack traffic.
4.1 Gaussian Naive Bayes Model
Gaussian Naive Bayes Model was implemented using
Equation (1). The equation assumes that the six
chosen variables
are independent.
The class to be predicted “c” is category of the traffic
which is “Attack” or “Benign”.
The results are shown in Table 6. It achieved
0.899 accuracy in detection of attacks. The main
reason for having low accuracy value is this this
model's nature, which assumes that attributes are
independent; however, insecurity is related to each
other. For example, ping of death will result in both
high ICMP send packets and high ICMP response
packets; however, this model cannot relate send and
response packets to each other.
Table 6: Gaussian Naive Bayes Model Classification
Metric Results
Accuracy 0.89914
F1-Score 0.89808
Precision 0.91601
Recall 0.89914
4.2 Decision Tree Model
We have used C4.5 algorithm in implementing the
decision tree model which is represented by Equation
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
When implementing Decision Tree model, it
achieved 0.98 in both accuracy and precision in
detection of attacks as shown in Table 7. The ability
of the decision tree model to breakdown the data into
manageable parts is the reason for this model to
achieve higher results in this classification problem.
Table 7: Decision Tree Classification Results.
Metric Results
Accuracy 0.98244
F1-Score 0.98243
Precision 0.98303
4.3 Support Vector Machine Model
The SVM model was implemented the “Radial Basis
Function” RBF kernel which is represented by the
Equation (3):
) (3)
Lower accuracy and precision were achieved
when implementing SVM model as shown in Table
8. The main reason for having low precision value is
having a nonlinear separable problem so attack and
benign state cannot be decided in a linear approach.
Table 8: SVM Classification Results.
Metric Results
Accuracy 0.89963
F1-Score 0.89860
Precision 0.91638
Recall 0.89963
4.4 Neural Network Model
The topology of our ANN consisted of three hidden
layers of size 8 nodes, 4 nodes and 2 nodes. The
output layer is of a single node. Each node is using
the following Equation (4) to calculate the weight:
𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 = 𝑓(
) (4)
Figure 3: Comparing the accuracy result of the IoT dataset
with KDDCUP99 dataset.
Figure 4: Comparing the precision score result of the IoT
dataset with KDDCUP99 dataset.
Here is the Equation (5) for the activation function
𝑅𝑒𝐿𝑈(𝑥) = max (0,𝑥) (5)
Results are shown in Table 9. It achieved an
accuracy of 0.98 in the detection of attacks with a
precision of 0.98. The main reason that the neural
network achieved high accuracy results is its ability
to find a hidden relationship between input and
output in a non-linear approach. Also, because the
Denial of Service Detection for IoT Networks Using Machine Learning
classification is limited to two outputs, it performed
very well.
Figure 5: Comparing the f1_score result of the IoT dataset
with KDDCUP99 dataset.
Table 9: ANN Classification Results.
Metric Results
Accuracy 0.98103
F1-Score 0.98102
Precision 0.98172
Recall 0.98103
When comparing intrusion detection in both
kddcup99 and IoT sample data set, neural network
and DT maintained similar performance as shown in
Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5. NB and SVM failed
to maintain the similar performance in intrusion
detection in both kddcup99 and IoT sample data set.
Figure 6 shows that the time for identifying the
test sample traffic type is reduced by more 70% for
ANN, 56% for SVM, 75% for DT and 30% for NB.
This result in average of 58%-time reduction for the
four models.
Based on the above findings, we can see that there
is decent reduction in execution time while maintain
similar performance for Neural Network and DT
Figure 6: The difference in time for execution between
using all variables and the six chosen variables.
The DoS attack is one of the security problems that
affect IoT devices. This paper explored the use of
different machine learning algorithms, including
Gaussian Naive Bayes. SVM, Decision Trees and
ANN algorithms in detecting DoS attacks in IoT
networks. It also found that ANN and Decision Trees
performs the best in detecting DoS attacks. Limited
research was done on this area and most of the
reviewed studies were not using a sample of IoT
networks. Other studies did not include details all
performance metrics such as accuracy precision and
recall percentages.
We have used several machine learning models to
detect the DoS attacks in IoT networks. Gaussian
Naive Bayes and SVM machine learning models
achieved low precision compared to ANN and
Decision Trees due to various reasons related to the
nature of the models. ANN and Decision Trees
achieved more than 0.98 accuracy and precision. We
were able to reach 98 percent accuracy in intrusion
detection for IoT attacks. We developed a
revolutionary method of identifying attacks based on
only six attributes, which cuts the time it takes to train
the selected ML Models by 58% on average.
This research shows that machine learning
techniques such as ANN and Decision Trees, when
taught with low-dimensional characteristics, can
distinguish between normal IoT device traffic and
DoS attack traffic. This finding encourages more
research into detecting DoS in real-world IoT
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Denial of Service Detection for IoT Networks Using Machine Learning