Motivated by the increasing need for remote
monitoring of patients, in this paper, the authors
investigate whether it is practically possible to use
off-the-shelf vital sign measurement devices for
remote clinical use in a secure manner. A set of
devices (9 in total) were selected to measure the four
vital signs and weight. The devices and software
associated with them (Apps) were examined in detail.
In addition, usage terms and conditions and
regulatory compliance status were explored. With the
help of Node-Red and ESP32, the authors attempted
to intercept the data streams that were communicated
through Bluetooth.
Following review of the selected medical devices
in this paper, the practical use off-the-shelf vital signs
measurement products for remote clinical monitoring
of patients securely appears to be a difficult prospect
to achieve. This is due the fact that the reviewed
products are predominantly closed systems that have
regulatory challenges in terms of integration with
other clinical information systems. Despite this fact,
data from these sensor devices were able to be
intercepted relatively easily, thereby posing some risk
to individual privacy. The authors note there are
promising products in the market, but these still
require significant efforts to achieve practical
As for future work, there is the plan to investigate
Bluetooth range testing to measure how far the
devices can maintain connectivity with Node-RED or
ESP32, providing a clearer indication of the
proximity requirements of these sensor devices in
their susceptibility to data interception or other
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