sults. Despite the VGG16 architecture’s impressive
performance in the research paper, more recent archi-
tectures like the IncpetionV2 and Xception perform
better. The InceptionV2 could classify a single image
with a confidence rating of 99.62% and an average
f1-score of 97.10%. Similarly, the InceptionV2 ar-
chitecture was able to classify each sample set with
high accuracy, with only 3 false positives and an ac-
curacy of 99.56%. InceptionV2 has outperformed
the VGG16 and Xception architectures making it the
ideal architecture for classifying the Handwriting of
down-syndrome learners. The InceptionV2 architec-
ture addresses the problem of the poor handwriting
feedback provided to learners with down syndrome.
The research paper advances knowledge of the char-
acteristics of Handwriting that can be utilised to dis-
tinguish between down syndrome and non-down syn-
drome handwriting. Future research will focus on de-
veloping a more concrete tool to assess the level of
readability of down syndrome learners handwriting,
which will yield more informative results by looking
at different classes. In conclusion, the InceptionV2 ar-
chitecture can be used as a faster, more efficient way
to distinguish between down syndrome and non-down
syndrome handwriting. This solution can be a way
to encourage more in-depth analysis to produce more
accurate results for the recognition of down syndrome
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications