FakeRevealer: A Multimodal Framework for Revealing the Falsity of
Online Tweets Using Transformer-Based Architectures
Sakshi Kalra
, Yashvardhan Sharma
, Priyansh Vyas
and Gajendra Singh Chauhan
Department of CSIS, BITS Pilani, Pilani, 333031, Rajasthan, India
Department of HSS, BITS Pilani, Pilani, 333031, Rajasthan, India
Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Transformer-Based Architectures,
Multimodal Analysis, Social Media Analytics.
As the Internet has evolved, the exposure and widespread adoption of social media concepts have altered the
way news is formed and published. With the help of social media, getting news is cheaper, faster, and easier.
However, this has also led to an increase in the number of fake news articles, either by manipulating the text or
morphing the images. The spread of fake news has become a serious issue all over the world. In one case, at
least 20 people were killed just because of false information that was circulated over a social media platform.
This makes it clear that social media sites need a system that uses more than one method to spot fake news
stories. To solve this problem, we’ve come up with FakeRevealer, a single-configuration fake news detection
system that works on transfer learning based techniques. Our multi-modal archutecture understands the textual
features using a language transformer model called DistilRoBERTa and image features are extracted using the
Vision Transformer (ViTs) that is pre-trained on ImageNet 21K. After feature extraction, a cosine similarity
measure is used to fuse both the features. The evaluation of our proposed framework is done over publicly
available twitter dataset and results shows that it outperforms current state-of-art on twitter dataset with an
accuracy of 80.00% which is 2.23%more, that than the current state-of-art on twitter dataset.
Our modern world is becoming increasingly digital
as more and more people rely on the Internet for their
news, entertainment, and interpersonal needs. Online
social networks (OSNs) like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
are at the center of the current wave of digitalization
in society. Online social networks (OSNs) provide a
means for people to communicate, share ideas, and
keep up with current events; as a result, they have
become an integral part of many people’s daily rou-
tines(Lu and Li, 2020),(Grimme et al., 2017). How-
ever, it has also resulted in a rapid increase in the
number of ”fake news” articles, which are news arti-
cles that contain intentionally false information. Typ-
ically, these news articles are produced through the
manipulation of images, text, audio, and video. Since
the 2016 US presidential elections, fake news and the
spread of misinformation have dominated the news
cycle. Some news stories say that Russia has made
a lot of fake accounts and social media bots to spread
false information during the elections (Lewandowsky
et al., 2017). False information is spread widely at the
expense of both society and the individual. At first,
this kind of fake news could change or even destroy
the balance of truth in the news ecosystem. People
are forced to accept wrong or skewed ideas that they
would normally reject because of the way fake news
works (Asghar et al., 2020). The effects of fake news
persist in how people interact with and respond to le-
gitimate news. False news can hurt people, so it’s im-
portant to make a system that can automatically spot
it when it shows up on social media. But there are
some hard research questions about how to spot fake
news on different social platforms. Identification of
the source of origin or uploading of the specific news
or data on the social network, understanding the ac-
tual intention or meaning of the data uploaded, as-
sessing the data’s level of authenticity and validity,
and coming to a conclusion about whether it is real
or fake are just a few of the research problems that
have been noted in this regard. Identifying false news
is a difficult task because it involves overcoming a
number of challenges. The most challenging aspect
of detecting fake news is verifying the reliability of
the information being examined. Simply put, a ”fact”
Kalra, S., Sharma, Y., Vyas, P. and Chauhan, G.
FakeRevealer: A Multimodal Framework for Revealing the Falsity of Online Tweets Using Transformer-Based Architectures.
DOI: 10.5220/0011889800003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 956-963
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
is a basic idea constructed from anything that has ever
happened in the past, somewhere, and ultimately with
or to someone. It does not seem likely that computers
will be able to understand the significance of infor-
mation if they are allowed to decide on their own who
receives what information, when it is delivered, and
how. This matters because a lot of content on social
media relies on the same method of description. As a
result, journalistic criteria must be gathered.
As an alternative definition, determining whether
or not a news article is fake involves determining
how reliable it is. Fact-checking is one way to stop
the spread of fake news. Expert-based fact-checking
is very accurate but can’t be used on a large scale.
Crowdsourced fact-checking, on the other hand, is
less likely to be accurate but can be used on a large
scale. Thus, the era of human-powered fake news
detection is over, making way for automated sys-
tems (Zhou et al., 2019). There are numerous fact-
checking websites available for checking the verac-
ity of online content. These include sites like Politi-
Fact, BuzzFeed, Snopes, and GossipCop. The World
Health Organization (WHO) designated the virus in
early January 2020 ”Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
and the syndrome coronavirus disease (COVID-19)”.
The WHO has made all data and warnings about
COVID-19 and the virus public ”Information Epi-
demic”. The term ”infodemic” refers to a sickness
that spreads false information. It’s difficult to ver-
ify the reliability and veracity of internet shared data,
especially when it comes to a terrible disease that
threatens humanity. Buzzfeed.com is a digital media,
news, and entertainment company based in the United
States and helps in the fact-checked assertions about
the Coronavirus as shown in Figures 1 and 2.
Fake identification using manual features or
single-modal deep learning features has been the sub-
ject of prior research. The problem is that it doesn’t
take into account the fact that tweets often contain
more than one type of media. Tweets with images and
videos, like GIFs and videos, may get more attention
from users than text-only tweets. In order to solve
the problem described above, we came up with the
idea of a multi-modal fusion architecture called Fak-
eRevealer. This design combines the text and visual
content found in tweets in order to deliver a combined
model of FND.
The proposed research seeks to create reliable
models for a fake news detection system that can help
journalists and regular people spot and dismiss false
1. One goal is to look into the prevalence of de-
ceptive visuals in social media and other multimodal
systems that mix text and images.
2. Second, we aim to create a model that is both
effective at spotting fake news and capable of cap-
turing the shallow dependency relationships between
visual and textual content using techniques from the
field of transformer-based approaches.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 pro-
vides an overview of relevant prior work, while Sec-
tions 3-4 present the multi-modal datasets used in this
investigation and the proposed model architecture and
its specifics, respectively. In Section 5, the experi-
mental details of this work are explained, and in Sec-
tion 6, the work as a whole is summed up.
Figure 1: Fact-Checked Claims associated to COVID-19 by
Figure 2: Fact-Checked audio and video related to COVID-
19 by Buzzfeed.com
Fake News Detection is a binary classification prob-
lem that attempts to determine whether information
is genuine or manipulated. Most traditional work is
all about analyzing text to do things like figure out
how someone feels or find fake news. (Conroy et al.,
2015) uses a hybrid method that combines machine
learning, linguistic clues, and network-based behav-
ioral data. (P
erez-Rosas et al., 2017) uses SVM with
five linguistic feature cross validations and focuses
on linguistic feature-based approaches. (Pan et al.,
2018) employed knowledge graphs to enhance the
truth analysis. These graphs are used to extract infor-
mation about entity relationships from the data. Since
neural networks came along in the second decade of
this century, deep learning techniques have been used
in a lot of different ways. The temporal relation-
ship between words in a sentence is determined by
the recurrence neural network-based system in (Ma
and Hovy, 2016). However, one of its shortcomings
is that it struggles with long phrases. Chen et al. used
FakeRevealer: A Multimodal Framework for Revealing the Falsity of Online Tweets Using Transformer-Based Architectures
a self-attention-based configuration to solve the prob-
lem (Huang et al., 2022). The researchers also dis-
covered that visual content receives more attention
from news readers than textual content, resulting in
a stronger impact of the content on people (You et al.,
2016). GANs were used by (Marra et al., 2018) to
detect fake images, and the splicing technique was
used to identify these kinds of images. The goal of
(Steinebach et al., 2019) is to automatically recognize
photomontages using feature detection. The methods
covered above are unimodal and concentrate on either
text-based features or visual features. But with social
media, it is necessary to pay attention to both modal-
ities. Researchers extracted both the feature list and
combined them to create a single unit for multimodal
(Wang et al., 2018) created an end-to-end model
for detecting fake news called Event Adversarial Neu-
ral Networks for Multi-Modal Fake News Detection
(EANN). They have two parts to their model: text
and images. Text representation was created using
the CNN model, whereas image representation was
taken from the VGG-19. Their model has an accu-
racy of 64.8% on the Twitter dataset and 79.5% on
the Weibo dataset. Multimodal Variational Autoen-
coder for Fake News Detection (MVAE), a similar
type of architecture, was also developed by (Khat-
tar et al., 2019). Text representation was extracted
using a bi-directional LSTMs network, while image
representation was once more extracted from VGG-
19. The modal achieves an accuracy of 74.5% on
the Twitter dataset and 82.4% on the Weibo dataset.
(Singhal et al., 2019) proposed the SpotFake system
and concentrated on multimodal fake news detection.
The textual and visual components of an article serve
as the foundation for SpotFake. Singhal et al. used
the state-of-the-art BERT for textual representation
to include contextual information, while for image
features they used the VGG-19 pre-trained on Ima-
geNet dataset. The modal performs with an accuracy
of 77.77% on twitter dataset and 89.23% on weibo
dataset. Several authors have also come up with mod-
els for spotting fake news, which they have tested us-
ing the Fakeddit dataset. (Kirchknopf et al., 2021)
uses the Fakeddit dataset to perform fake news detec-
tion using four different modalities, namely the news
content, comments, images, and metadata. To iden-
tify fake news, (Shao et al., 2022) proposed an en-
semble method. To do this, they first built two uni-
modals, one on text and the other on an image, and
then built a multi-modal after using all three as inputs
to the ensemble classifier.
All of the models mentioned above did well in
the multimodal fake news detection FND, but there
is room for improvement in the measure of similar-
ity between text and visual features for the Twitter
dataset. And for the same, we suggest FakeRevealer,
a cutting-edge standalone multimodal fake news de-
tection tool.
The dataset repository consists of one dataset that is
from the Twitter media domain (Boididou et al., 2015)
and was released for a challenge at Verifying Multi-
media Use at MediaEval on multimediaeval.org. The
challenge was to figure out if the information in the
post was a good representation of reality or not. In
this dataset, each entry consists of an article that has
a text and an image associated with it. The training
sample has 11,663 unique samples and 342 unique
images, while the test set is made up of 3,755 Twitter
news tweets. For this study, we only looked at real
and fake labels and left out records that were humor-
ous. Table 1 lists the dataset statistics used for the
proposed work.
Table 1: Dataset Statistics used for the Proposed Work.
Dataset Real Fake Modality Source
TwitterMediaEval2015 4921 6742 Text + Image Github
The collection of data is the first step in the model’s
creation. The tweet’s text and image content make up
the multi-modal model’s input. The Fake News De-
tection label, which can be either R or F depending
on the input to the model, is the final result. The pro-
posed model is made up of three components: a tex-
tual component, an image component, and a module
for combining different types of information (multi-
modal component).
4.1 Hyperparameters Statistics
To train machine and deep learning-based algorithms
efficiently, hyperparameters are crucial because they
directly affect how the training algorithm operates.
Therefore, the performance of the model is highly
sensitive to these parameters. The number of hyper-
parameters employed by the suggested multimodal ar-
chitecture is shown in Table 2.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: Hyperparameters Emplyoed by the Multimodal Ar-
Hyperparameter Value
Dense Layers: 3
Dropout Layers: 1
Dropout rate: 0.2
Loss function: categorical loss entropy
Optimizer: Adam
Activation function: softmax
Learning rate: 6e-6
Beta 1: 0.9
Beta 2: 0.99
Epochs: 30
Batch size: 12
4.2 Textual Component
This sub-module is responsible for extracting the con-
textual text features from the posts. We used a
distilled version of pretrained RoBERTa-base which
is version of BERT model. BERT stands for Bi-
directional Encoder Representation from Transformer
(Devlin et al., 2018). It uses a transformer to assign
weights to every input and output connection. Pre-
viously, models were built to read the text sequen-
tially, i.e., either left-to-right or right-to-left. A ro-
bustly optimized BERT approach, RoBERTa, is a re-
training of BERT with improved training methodol-
ogy. RoBERTa takes the Next Sentence Prediction
(NSP) task out of BERT’s pre-training and adds dy-
namic masking so that the masked token changes dur-
ing the training epochs. This makes the training pro-
cess better. But RoBERTa is too large, so we opted
for Distil RoBERTa which is a distilled version of the
RoBERTa model. In our proposed model, the train-
ing inputs are first encoded using the DistilRoBERTa
tokenizer, and then the model is finetuned using the
encoding. The output of DistilRoBERTa model is
passed through a few dense layers, the last layer is
a softmax layer with 2 neurons (Fake and Real) and
finally we compiled our neural network model using
adam optimizer with a learning rate of 1e-03 as shown
in Figure 3.
We have also used a GPT-2 transformer, which is
self-supervised and has been trained on a large cor-
pus of English data. The model was mainly trained to
predict next word, in GPT-2 inputs are the sequence
of words and output are the same sequence of words
shifted one token right. The model also uses mask-
mechanism internally. But since the model is very
large, we haven’t yet fully discovered its full poten-
tial in our proposed method.
Figure 3: Textual Feature Extraction Architecture (Fine-
tuned Distill RoBERTa Model).
4.3 Image Component
We used the VGG-19 and the most up-to-date Vi-
sion Transformers (ViTs) to pull out features from im-
ages. VGG-19 is a convolutional neural network that
is trained on images from the ImageNet database and
is 19 layers deep. It is made up of 16 layers of con-
volution: 3 layers that are fully connected, 5 layers of
MaxPool, and 1 layer of SoftMax. The Vision trans-
former, on the other hand, employs a transformer-
like structure for image patches as shown in Figure 4.
In Vision Transformers (ViTs) an image is split into
fixed-size patches; each of them is then linearly em-
bedded, position embeddings are added, and the re-
sulting sequence of vectors is fed to a standard Trans-
former encoder. The standard way to do classification
is to add an extra ”classification token” that can be
learned to the sequence. In the name of each check-
point, you can see both the patch resolution and the
image resolution that were used during pre-training or
fine-tuning. The transformer is pre-trained on images
from the ImageNet-21K database with a resolution of
224 x 224.
Before applying VGG-19 and ViTs the images
have been rescaled to 224 X 224 size and images that
cannot be rescaled are being discarded. The trainable
layers of VGG-19 are all set to FALSE, and for ViTs,
all the layers except last 7 are set to False.
FakeRevealer: A Multimodal Framework for Revealing the Falsity of Online Tweets Using Transformer-Based Architectures
Figure 4: Image Feature Extraction Architecture (Fine-
tuned Vision Transformers (ViTs) Model).
4.4 Multimodal Component
For multimodal component, we first preprocess the
dataset and then use the techniques we talked about in
the textual and image components to extract text and
image features at the same time. We then combine
the two feature vectors as shown in Figure 5. This
fused output layer passed them into a dense-32, fully
connected FC-1 layer. The multimodal is compiled
using an Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 6e-6
and sparse categorical cross-entropy loss for training
the model, followed by a dropout layer with a drop
rate of 0.2 and finally the output layer, which uses a
softmax activation function.
For pre-processing, first the text records that cor-
respond to the same image are aggregated as shown
in Figure 6, then if the size of the record exceeds
500 characters (maximum length BERT can take), the
record is split into three halves ranging from [0:200],
[200:400], and [400:]. Now the image that is repeated
after the transformation is rotated by a 90-degree an-
gle for the split [200:400] and a 180-degree angle for
the split [400:..]. and for the split [0:200], the image
is kept unchanged. The np.zeros((224,224)) function
is used to replace the images that can’t be resized with
a blank image of size 224 x 224. This keeps the text
information that goes with the image. We are process-
ing 200 words at a time using the pre-trained model.
The output of ViTs is 1024 parameters, which are
passed to a 768-neuron dense layer, which reduces its
size to 768, and then the output of this layer is fused
with the output of the Distil RoBERTa layer.
Different transformer based architectures are used for
the unimodal (Text based analysis, Image based anal-
ysis) and multimodal (Text + Image based analysis)
in this research work. When making multimodal sys-
tems, the main challenge is to keep the features that
make each mode unique while combining useful fea-
tures from many modes.
5.1 Comparative Analysis of Various
Transformer-Based Unimodal and
Multimodal Architectures
5.1.1 Unimodal (Text Based Results)
Textual-based models are built by removing URLs,
punctuation, and stopwords from text data. This data
is then fed to a DistilRoBERTa that has already been
trained to pull out features. The obtained features
are passed to a fully connected dense layer, then a
dropout layer removes 20% of neurons, and the fi-
nal logits are passed to an output layer having a bi-
nary class softmax activation function. This model is
then trained using the adam optimizer with a learning
rate of 6e-6 and a loss function of sparse categorical
cross-entropy. In this proposed work, we have tested
3 textual architectures: DistilBERT, DistilRoBERTa
and DistilGPT-2, and found that DistilRoBERTa per-
forms better than others. Table 3 shows the accuracy
comparison of all three architectures.
Table 3: Unimodal (Textual based Results).
Modality Model Accuracy
Unimodal (Text) DistilBERT 86.28%
Unimodal (Text) Distil RoBERTa 89.52%
Unimodal (Text) DistilGPT-2 67.80%
5.1.2 Unimodal (Image Based Results)
The construction of image-based models starts by pre-
processing the image by resizing it to 224x224. In this
proposed work, we used three image-based architec-
tures for feature extraction: VGG16 (Qassim et al.,
2018), VGG19 (Mateen et al., 2018), and ViTs (Vi-
sion Transformer) (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020). Table 4
shows that ViTs outperforms the other two architec-
tures in terms of accuracy.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 5: Multimodal Feature Extraction Architecture.
Figure 6: Data Augmentation.
5.1.3 Multimodal (Text+Image Based Results)
The proposed multimodal architecture is a combina-
tion of DistilRoBERTa and ViTs, which outperform
the current state-of-the-art SpotFake(Singhal et al.,
2019) in terms of accuracy. In Table 5, we show
how our models compare to the current best models in
terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score. The
EANN(Wang et al., 2018) and MVAE(Khattar et al.,
2019) both use two model configurations. EANN has
two components. The text part used a CNN to gen-
erate a text representation from the word embedding
vector. and from the VGG-19 model that had already
Table 4: Unimodal (Image based Results).
Modality Model Accuracy
Unimodal (Image) VGG-16 60.83%
Unimodal (Image) VGG-19 62.50%
Unimodal (Image) ViTs 66.15%
been trained on ImageNet, the image representation
was taken. The MVAE model’s primary task was to
build an auto encoder-decoder model. They used bi-
directional LSTMs to get the text representation out
of VGG-19, and they also got the image representa-
tion out. SpotFake is also a stand-alone configura-
tion model. (Singhal et al., 2019) used the VGG-19
trained on the ImageNet dataset for the image fea-
tures and the BERT to add context to the textual rep-
resentation. The VQA (Antol et al., 2015), Neural
Talk (Vinyals et al., 2015), and att-RNN (Jin et al.,
2017) have also performed well on multimodal anal-
ysis. Even though it is a standalone configuration
model, the proposed FakeRevealer model does better
on the Twitter medieval dataset than EANN, MVAE,
and SpotFake.
The extracted features from both modalities are
fused using a variety of fusion techniques, including
multiplying, concatenating, and taking the maximum
of both features. The cosine function performs more
favorably on the multimodal architecture that is be-
ing proposed. Concatenation, which is simply con-
catenating both feature lists; add, which is adding the
values of the features; maximum, i.e., selecting the
maximum out of both; minimum, which is selecting
FakeRevealer: A Multimodal Framework for Revealing the Falsity of Online Tweets Using Transformer-Based Architectures
Table 5: FakeRevealer vs. Other Multimodal Architectures on the Twitter MediaEval Dataset.
Model Accuracy Real(P) Real (R) Real (F1) Fake (P) Fake (R) Fake (F1)
EANN 64.8% 81.0% 49.8% 61.7% 58.4% 75.9% 66%
VQA 63.1% 76.5% 50.9% 61.1% 55% 79.4% 65%
Neural Talk 61% 72.8% 50.4% 59.5% 53.4% 75.2% 62.5%
att-RNN 66.4% 74.9% 61.5% 67.6% 58.9% 72.8% 65.1%
MVAE 74.5% 80.1% 71.9% 75.8% 68.9% 77.7% 73%
SpotFake 77.7% 75.1% 90% 82% 83.2% 60.6% 70.1%
FakeRevealer 80% 76% 97% 85% 89% 42% 57%
the minimum out of both; average, which is taking
the average of both feature lists; dot, which is get-
ting the by-product of both feature lists; and cosine
fusion technique, which is selecting the maximum out
of both. In Table 6, a comparative analysis of the out-
comes of the use of various fusion methods is pro-
vided. Figure 7 provides the graphical comparison of
all the existing state-of-the-art multimodal architec-
tures with the Proposed model (FakeRevealer).
Table 6: Accuracy Comparison of FakeRevealer Fusion
Modality Fusion Technique Accuracy
Text + Image Concatenation 67.20%
Text + Image Maximum 74.55%
Text + Image Minimum 67.27%
Text + Image Add 56.35%
Text + Image Dot 65.45%
Text + Image Cosine 80.00 %
Text + Image Average 74.55%
Figure 7: Comparative Analysis of FakeRevealer with vari-
ous Pre-Existing Multimodal Architectures.
5.2 Error Analysis
We came to the conclusion that the image data is sig-
nificantly less than the textual data due to the fact that
a large number of tweets have been retweeted using
the same image, and even after image augmentation,
the accuracy of image models is significantly less than
that of textual ones. When we combine the features of
the two, the total accuracy of the multimodal analysis
suffers as a direct consequence of this primary fac-
tor. In addition, as we were training the multimodal
over cosine similarity algorithm, we saw that the total
loss was getting better, but the validation score didn’t
The proposed text model works well over Twitter-
mediaEval dataset with an accuracy of 89.74% and
the multi-models works with an accuracy of 80% and
there is still room for improvement in the image and
multimodal architectures. In future, as we observed
while training the multimodal over cosine similarity
the overall loss is decreasing but the validation score
remains constant. This issue can be further explored.
Along with this simple fusion can be accommodated
with ensemble classifier and CLIP diffusion to en-
hance the overall performance of the proposed archi-
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