tegrating different policies to manage medical edge
devices’ and clusters’ configurations. In particu-
lar, existing frameworks have paid limited atten-
tion to the critical role of efficient recovery man-
agement (Alessandro, 2022), (CISKubernetes, 2022),
(Darryl, 2022), (Fairwinds, 2023), (Joe, 2022), (Kyle,
2020). Hence, this paper: (1) mapped the observed
performance degradation (failure) to its hidden abnor-
mal flow of information (fault) and misconfiguration
type (error) and (2) selected the optimal recovery pol-
icy with optimum actions to optimize the performance
of the system under observation.
Securing workloads and information flow against
misconfiguration in container-based clusters and edge
medical devices is an important part of overall system
security. This paper presented a controller that ana-
lyzes the misconfiguration, maps the observation to
its hidden misconfiguration type, and selects the op-
timal recovery policy to maximize the performance
of defined metrics. In the future, we will integrate
streaming from different edge devices, expand the re-
covery mechanism, and conduct more experiments.
This research was funded in part by The Research
Council of Norway under grant numbers 274451 and
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy