
crease which give us 48.64 accuracy compared to the
average pooling which give us 46.5 accuracy. We see
that adding 0.25 % dropout and regularization weights
give us nearly 3.5% improvement. Similarly for the
case of CFAR100 we get increase of 0.75 % with-
out regularization to 1.1% increase with regulariza-
tion and dropout. We see similar trends for the case
of other datasets given in Table 1. For these settings
we get the best results for the case of Tiny ImageNet
which improves the result by almost 3.5 %. The con-
sistent improvement across various datasets show the
stability of the method.
In this paper, we present FlexPooling approach with
and without simple auxiliary classifier(SAC). Flex-
Pooling with SAC is a straightforward but efficient
adaptive pooling technique that learns weighted av-
erage pooling over activations together with the rest
of the network, thus generalizing the idea of aver-
age pooling with consistent improved performance.
In our approach, we make sure that each successive
layer repeats the most salient information from the
prior activations because pooling is a lossy opera-
tion but essential in separating high-level informa-
tion from low-level information. This improves the
network’s discriminability. Secondly for FlexPooling
with SAC our suggested network takes feature maps
from early stages and compress them into linear rep-
resentation via FlexPooling, where no convolutional
processing is involved, yet we downsample the fea-
ture maps into single pixel representation. The loss
values obtained from early stages of the CNN aid the
network in learning more abstract concepts by boost-
ing the gradient signal throughout the entire network.
Our approach learns jointly with the entire network
end to end, enhancing its ability to adapt and ex-
tract more meaningful feature, map representations
that help with the model’s discriminability and gener-
alizability We validate this claim by extensive exper-
iments in single-classifiers as well as multi-classifier
settings. We obtain the stable, increasing accuracy
trend in both settings from the average pool to flex
pool. We show further improvement in accuracy
when each of above mentioned settings are tested with
three different ablation studies, including FlexPool,
FlexPool with regularization and FlexPool with regu-
larization and dropout. Overall, FlexPool with(SAC)
settings attain higher accuracies on average compared
to a single classifier thanks to improved gradient sig-
nal throughout the CNN. Finally, we demonstrate that
our technique consistently outperforms baseline net-
works in image classification across a variety of pop-
ular datasets, resulting in accuracy gains of 1-3%.
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications