4.2.2 Two-Rules-Transitivity-Based Approach
In this subsection we present an example of a two-
rules-transitivity-based inter-event scenario genera-
tion. The example is presented in the table 6.
Table 6: Two-rules-transitivity-based approach example.
Rule 1 ‘least’, ‘syria’ ‘news’, ‘car’,
‘kill’, ‘bomb’
Rule 2 ‘news’, ‘car’,
‘kill’, ‘bomb’
Rule 1, from the table 6, describes an event with
description: “A car bomb explodes at Sassine Square
in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, killing at least eight
people and wounding up to 78 others. (BBC)”. Rule 2
describes an event with description: “Syrian civil war:
A Jordanian soldier dies during a gunfight between
Jordanian troops and Islamic militants attempting to
cross the border into Syria. (CTV News)”.
From that rules, the following counterfactual sce-
nario was generated: “if ‘news’, ‘car’, ‘kill’, ‘bomb’
occurs together with the ‘least’, ‘syria’ then ‘soldier’,
‘sever’ are also likely to occur”.
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initions of counterfactual scenarios, both intra-event
and inter-event, are given. Preliminary results illus-
trate the extraction of coherent causal effects and re-
quire more analysis and controlled experiments. Fu-
ture work will apply the methods to events detected
using other ToI dictionaries. We will also include
evaluating the proposed methods in the context of the
usefulness of association rules and scenarios.
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Scenario Generation With Transitive Rules for Counterfactual Event Analysis