a reasonable gait. When comparing these results to
those of other works such as (Barfoot et al., 2006),
(Belter and Skrzypczy
nski, 2010), (Parker, 2001), and
(Parker and Rawlins, 1996), it is clear that the tech-
niques presented in this paper achieve comparable
success, as a tripod gait is consistently learned using
the same set of hyperparameters.
In future work, we intend to test the system on
the actual hexapod after adding the needed leg posi-
tion sensors and wiring connections for sensor infor-
mation between the leg controllers. In addition, we
plan to test the system by coevolving the hexapod’s
leg controllers to robustly compensate for defective,
broken, or entirely missing legs and/or controllers. It
is anticipated that such adaptive capabilities are pos-
sible with the neural network architecture presented
in this paper.
Additionally, it may also be possible to eliminate
the reference hexapod from the GA model. The GA
would then choose six individuals randomly from the
six GA’s populations and form a hexapod out of them,
and their fitnesses would all be equivalent to their per-
formance as a collective hexapod. This would happen
for all the individual legs in all six populations, and
there would thus be no need for a reference hexapod,
as individuals are grouping up and getting fitted dy-
namically. Such a technique would bring the results
of this paper from the coevolution of leg populations
to fully emergent hexapod gait learning. Such an evo-
lution would likely take more generations to complete
but would be an interesting result if it were achieved.
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Coevolving Hexapod Legs to Generate Tripod Gaits