et al., 2015). In our work, the user is involved to clean
only dirty data, without any automatically generated
repairs. The user intervention in this case, guarantees
the consistency of data as it resolves all the remaining
violations with no proposed possible fixes.
AI techniques have been widely used for data clean-
ing (Rekatsinas et al., 2017), (Konda et al., 2016),
(Yakout et al., 2011), (Krishnan et al., 2017),
(Volkovs et al., 2014). Some of them, use machine
learning to generate automatic repairs (Yakout et al.,
2011), (Mayfield et al., 2010) and/or leverage users
feedback using active/reinforcement learning (Yakout
et al., 2011), (Berti-Equille, 2019), (Gokhale et al.,
2014).Others learn from probabilities extracted from
data to predict repairs (Rekatsinas et al., 2017), (Yak-
out et al., 2011). In our work we exploit AI techniques
by formulating our problem as a CSP. We leverage
possible repairs returned automatically by a repair al-
gorithm to choose values that guarantee data consis-
In this work, we proposed a new data cleaning solu-
tion which makes use of the strength of CSP formu-
lation to ensure data consistency and accuracy in a
fully automatic way, while also allowing human in-
tervention when necessary. For high quality repairs,
we used QDflows as it leverages knowledge bases to
perform automatic repairs when possible, or generate
possible repairs otherwise. To ensure the consistency
in this step, we enable user intervention to manually
repair violations with no possible fixes. We also allow
multiple cleaning iterations to repair new eventual vi-
olations. In order to handle ambiguous repair cases,
we annotate the involved cells and collect their possi-
ble repairs generated previously, a CSP solving algo-
rithm is then used for a holistic repair. For optimizing
the repair search, we propose a new variable selection
technique that allows us to reach the solution quickly
and avoid dead ends. Our experiments show promis-
ing results in improving repair accuracy and data con-
sistency, achieving a F1 score higher than 99% while
minimizing human efforts (less than 0.1% for 10% er-
ror rate). They also show that our optimizations and
the proposed variable ordering technique improve the
efficiency of the backtracking search by more than
99.9% and allow it to repair data in a linear time.
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cleaning approach that provides automatic and con-
sistent repairs before using the CSPBasedRepair, han-
dling larger datasets by using a Big Data processing
tool, and automatically discover quality rules from
dirty data when they are not available.
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CSP-DC: Data Cleaning via Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solving