Assessing Risk in High Performance Computing Attacks
Erika Leal
, Cimone Wright-Hamor
, Joseph Manzano
, Nicholas Multari
, Kevin Barker
David Manz
and Jiang Ming
Tulane Univerity, U.S.A.
Pacific Northwestern National Lab, U.S.A.
High Performance Computing, Risk.
High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems are used to push the frontier of science. However, the security
of these systems remains a significant concern as the number of cyber-attacks on HPC systems have increased.
Attacks on HPC systems can threaten data confidentiality, integrity, and system availability. Thus, if left un-
addressed, these threats could decrease the ability to push the frontier of science. While HPC and enterprise
systems are found to have similar threats, traditional security solutions are insufficient for HPC systems. This
research examines HPC attacks by using NIST Special Publication 800-30r1: Guide to Conducting Risk As-
sessments to create a generalized threat profile. A threat profile characterizes the threat sources and adversarial
outsiders and is used to identify traditional security solutions that could mitigate risks. Results demonstrated
that attacks originated at the login nodes, followed by coordinated campaigns that propagated the attacks
across organizational systems. The traditional security solutions that could be used to protect the login nodes
negatively impact HPC performance. These performance impacts impede the ability to push the frontier of
science. As a result, these security solutions are unlikely to be deployed in HPC systems.
High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems, such
as supercomputers, have been used to push the fron-
tier of science via modeling, simulation, and analy-
sis. There is a considerable body of HPC research
that focuses on increasing performance (Camier et al.,
2021; Chen, 2017; Valeria Barra et al., 2020; Kaiser
et al., 2014), but relatively little is understood about
the security of HPC systems (Peisert, 2017). The
security of these systems remains a significant con-
cern as cyber-attacks on HPC systems have increased
to impact the data confidentiality and integrity, and
availability of HPC systems. Thus, if left unad-
dressed, these threats could decrease the ability to
push the frontier of science. While HPCs and en-
terprise systems have similar threats, traditional secu-
rity solutions are insufficient for HPC systems. This
work aims to understand threats that have occurred
to HPC systems and shed some light on why tradi-
tional enterprise-grade security solutions are insuffi-
cient for HPC systems. The NIST 800-30r1: Guide
to Conducting Risk Assessments is used to conduct
a qualitative assessment of six publicly documented
attacks. Risk assessments are used to recognize sig-
nificant trends, solutions, and decide where effort
should be applied to eliminate or reduce threat ca-
pabilities (Blank and Gallagher, 2012). The Guide
to Conducting Risk Assessments is a framework for
federal agencies, and HPCs are typically funded and
governed by the National Science Foundation, an in-
dependent federal agency. To our knowledge, no pub-
licly available risk assessment has been performed on
HPCs using NIST 800-30r1. We then use this in-
formation to generate a threat profile for HPC sys-
tems (Blank and Gallagher, 2012). A threat profile is a
characterization of threat sources and adversarial out-
siders. The profile is used to identify enterprise-grade
security defenses capable of mitigating threats. How-
ever, these security defenses may counter the perfor-
mance of the HPC system, which renders them insuf-
ficient. This paper is not intended to be a comprehen-
sive survey of HPC attacks as the number of publicly
documented attacks is limited. Although these cases
may not provide the full picture of attacks on HPC,
this may be the first risk assessment on such attacks
of its kind.
Leal, E., Wright-Hamor, C., Manzano, J., Multari, N., Barker, K., Manz, D. and Ming, J.
Assessing Risk in High Performance Computing Attacks.
DOI: 10.5220/0011900500003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 793-803
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
High Performance Clusters have exotic architectures
that require high-performance networks, filesystems
for production I/O, high floating-point performance,
large bandwidth, and large storage. These require-
ments are needed to create high fidelity simulations
of the physics of astronomical objects (Peres, 2003),
variable resolutions of analysis of molecular inter-
actions in both classical and quantum levels (Vale-
ria Barra et al., 2020), simulation of future energy
technologies, such as fusion reactors (Madduri et al.,
2011), disease spreading (Minutoli et al., 2020), un-
derstanding how climate evolves (Bougeault, 2008),
planning for resource allocation at the nationwide
level (Huang and Nieplocha, 2008), among oth-
ers. All these applications have massive computa-
tional requirements and / or intensive Input / Out-
put exchanges with expected “reasonable” execution
. Examples of HPC architectural designs are
represented by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s
Summit (Melesse Vergara et al., 2019) and Fron-
tier (Oakridge Leadership Computing Facility, ) Su-
percomputers, the RIKEN’s Fugaku system (Fujitsu,
), the National Energy Research Scientific Comput-
ing Center’s (NERSC) Perlmutter computer (Gerber,
2019), the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility’s
Aurora supercomputer (Argonne Leadership Com-
puting Facility, ), the Livermore Computing Cen-
ter’s Sierra computer (Livermore Computing Center,
), among others. Supercomputers are represented by
arrays of powerful computational components com-
posed of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) devices
(e.g., CPUs, such as Intel, AMD, or PowerPC nodes,
and GPUs, such as Nvidia A100 or V100 cards)
with efficient network-on-chips fabrics (e.g., PCI ex-
press (Wilen et al., 2003)), NVLink (Foley and Dan-
skin, 2017), QPI (Corp, 2009), etc.) and node inter-
connects (such as Cray’s Slingshot (Hewlett Packard
Enterprise, 2020) or Mellanox InfiniBand (Shanley,
2002)) that create high bandwidth capacities and low
latency. Inside these components, one of the most
important aspects of efficient computation is mem-
ory. Several memory types (Stocksdale et al., 2017;
Pelley et al., 2014; Pandey, 2019; Wan et al., 2019)
and low latency locality based storage (i.e., computer
caches) might coexist inside these nodes to provide
high-performance and low latency access to the data.
Besides the components described above, a super-
computer facility might have a set of dedicated lo-
gin/authentication nodes (for accepting users, prepar-
Some of these applications deal with very complex
problems that might take years to run if not correctly op-
timized and parallelized
ing program and data, etc.), scheduling facilities, Data
Transfer Nodes and/or Storage components. A typi-
cal user logs into the external facing nodes and then
schedules their jobs into the computational compo-
nents of the supercomputer (see (Argonne Lead-
ership Computing Facility, ; Livermore Computing
Center, ) for examples of this procedure). More-
over, as the computation evolves, produced data (this
being simulation results, profiling/visualization infor-
mation and others) can be saved to more permanent
locations residing in the storage components or the
data transfer nodes. The grouping of software com-
ponents used to support the application in a given
hardware architecture is called a software toolchain.
This set is composed of compilers (tools to trans-
late from higher languages to machine code and ap-
ply optimizations along the way, such as GCC (Stall-
man et al., 2009) and LLVM (Lattner and Adve,
2004)), interpreters (used to run high level code di-
rectly into the hardware, such as the Python inter-
preter (Rossum, 1995)), runtime systems (dedicated
to organizing the computational flow in the hard-
ware, such as OpenMP runtime(Dagum and Menon,
1998)), specialized libraries (designed to provide ef-
ficient solutions to domain problems such as the In-
tel GraphBuilder library (Intel Corp, ) or NVIDIA
cuDNN (Chetlur et al., 2014)) and other tools to un-
derstand the behavior of the workload (such as de-
buggers and profilers, such as Intel VTune (Tsym-
bal and Kurylev, 2021)). Vendor supplied software
tool chain, such as compilers and libraries, are re-
purposed and used to create scientific workflows. Ex-
perimental libraries (e.g., (The Trilinos Project Team,
; Dongarra et al., 2015)) and highly optimized
time systems (e.g., (Hammond et al., 2019; Kaiser
et al., 2014; Khronos OpenCL Working Group, 2011;
Vasilache et al., 2014; Hayashi et al., 2017)) are used
to accelerate the application workloads even further
via specialized scheduling algorithms, more powerful
concurrency constructs, data marshalling techniques,
among other techniques (such as the ones presented
in (Blumofe et al., 1995). The various components
coexist together to provide a fertile ground to effi-
ciently implement applications. For example, taking
advantage of the near memory storages (like meth-
ods introduced in (Patwardhan and Upadrasta, 2019)
for accelerator’s caches) and fully utilizing the avail-
able concurrency (by fully parallelizing the workload
among nodes, cores, and hardware threads, as pre-
Optimization here refers to specialized data structures
with optimized memory aware layout and access patterns,
and methods that use architectural specific features to ac-
celerate the computation that trades portability for perfor-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: Overview of a typical HPC Architecture Design.
sented in (Sergeev and Del Balso, 2018) for machine
learning workloads) is of utmost important to take ad-
vantage of the substrate. However this is not an easy
task and, as a result of these complexities and the size
of the HPC market, some of these optimizations are
absent in commercial IT software environments. This
leaves some of these workflows fully dependant on
academic software that might be in an experimental
state or not well supported (e.g., Combustion applica-
tion S3D implemented in the novel Legion Program-
ming Model (Chen, 2017) and its dependencies).
The need for HPC security-focused research has been
acknowledged by experts (Hamlet and Keliiaa, 2010;
Peisert, 2017; Blankenship, 2019). A workshop was
created by NIST that gathered stakeholders from in-
dustry, academia, and the government to identify gaps
in HPC-Security (NIST, 2018; NIST, 2016). As
HPCs have specific purposes some traditional secu-
rity measures could not be adapted for HPC. As such,
those specific purposes could be leveraged for secu-
rity (Peisert, 2017). Researchers have attempted to
create a threat model for a wide range of clusters,
including High-Performance Computing (Pourzandi
et al., 2005). Integrating several security solutions
due to a heterogeneous nature was nontrivial. There-
fore, suggested security controls focused on dis-
tributed authentication, access control, monitoring,
and secure communications.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology
is a part of the U.S. department of Commerce. NIST
Special Publication 800-30r1 is an American federal
tool for measuring risk within information systems.
The idea behind the Guide for Conducting Risk As-
sessments is to begin establishing a context of risk
to to address the needs of an organization so that a
broader risk management process begins. What we
found is that HPCs face the same risks other systems
face. However, due to the nature of HPC using tradi-
tional security solutions may not be enough.
4.1 Risk Assessment Methodology
The NIST Risk Assessment includes four steps: pre-
pare for assessment, conduct assessment, communi-
cate results, and maintain assessment. The scope
of this assessment is limited to steps 1 through 3.
Preparing for the assessment is necessary to estab-
lish a context. The objectives are to identify the pur-
pose, scope, assumptions, and constraints of the as-
sessment, sources of threat, vulnerability, and impact
information to be used, and define the risk model,
assessment approach, and analysis approach. While
conducting a risk assessment, organizations will iden-
tify threat sources, threat events, vulnerabilities, pre-
disposing conditions, the likelihood that threat events
will result in adverse impacts, the likelihood of threat
event occurrence, the level of adverse impact, and fi-
nally risk. Risk is a measure of the extent to which
an entity is threatened by a potential circumstance or
event, and is typically a function of: (i) the adverse
impacts that would arise if the circumstance or event
occurs; and (ii) the likelihood of occurrence. Finally,
we chose to communicate results by documenting and
sharing our risk assessment results by the way of this
4.1.1 Prepare for Assessment
The risk assessment guide states that historical data
on successful cyberattacks such as our cases can be
used to perform a risk assessment. The purpose of
performing the risk assessment is to identify common
vulnerabilities and threat events that have occurred in
Assessing Risk in High Performance Computing Attacks
Table 1: Summary of Likelihood, Impact, and Risk for HPC
Case Likelihood Impact Risk
1 High High High
2 High High High
3 High Moderate Moderate
4 High High High
5 Very High Very High Very High
6 High Very High High
past HPC attacks while also establishing a baseline of
risk due to the harm resulting from the consequences
of unauthorized access. Then we can apply that in-
formation to build a general threat profile for HPC.
The threat profile will identify how risks of this type
could be mitigated using traditional security solutions
that exist. Finally, we can then discuss how these
solutions fail HPC. The scope of this assessment in-
cludes publicly documented attacks that occurred in
government-funded HPC systems. The information
sources used in this assessment are a combination of
reports, articles, keynotes, and legal documents (Na-
tional Vulnerability Database, 2019; U.S. Department
of Justice, 2013; Nixon, 2006; Barr et al., 2002; U.S.
Department of Justice, 2009; Mclaughlin et al., 2015;
Stoll, 1988). The assumptions and constraints are
first, that all threat events that are mentioned were
documented in our provided citations. Table E-2 from
the NIST guide 800-30r1 was used to help identify
threat events within the documentation, and actually,
there were no different threat events in the case stud-
ies than what was stated on Table E-2. Our assump-
tion is also that the vulnerabilities and predisposing
conditions are the only vulnerabilities and predispos-
ing conditions based on the case studies provided in
our citations. Vulnerabilities and Predisposing Con-
ditions are placed on a severity scale and a pervasive-
ness scale provided by the NIST guide. The process
to conduct likelihood determinations is based on the
assessment scales from the NIST guide. A likelihood
score is given based on available evidence and judge-
ment (Blank and Gallagher, 2012) assuming the in-
formation of the evidence is accurate. Impact deter-
mination is based on the evidence or actual events that
transpired after the attack occurred. Risk tolerance
is determined individually based on each attack and,
again, will be based upon actual events. Uncertainty
(Blank and Gallagher, 2012), unfortunately, will al-
ways exist and is a part of the risk assessment as it is
inherent. Predictions on the future can only be made
based upon the analysis of past attacks and cataloging
of the similarities found. However, there is no guaran-
tee that future similar attacks will have the same out-
come or impacts. The publicly documented attacks
will provide the sources of threat, vulnerabilities, and
impact. The risk model used to define key risk factors
was the risk model provided by the risk assessment
which we were easily able to implement for HPC at-
tacks. A qualitative approach is used to assess the
attacks and analyze the attacks using a threat-oriented
approach. The threat-oriented approach focuses on
identifying the threat sources and threat events and
the development of threat scenarios. Vulnerabilities
are identified in the context of the threats, and impacts
are identified based on malicious intent.
4.1.2 Conduct Assessment
Identify Threat Source. Threat Sources for the cases
assessed are considered to be Adversarial Outsiders.
The characteristics of Threat Sources as defined by
the risk assessment are Capability, Intent, and Target-
ing. The Capability of an adversarial outsider, in all
cases, was rated moderate to very high. According to
the NIST guide, an adversary would have at least a
moderate amount of resources, opportunities, and ex-
pertise to conduct multiple successful attacks. In the
cases where capabilities were rated as moderate the
adversary supported multiple attacks with a moderate
amount of resources. When giving a high score we
concluded that the attacker had more sophistication in
attacking due to multiple successful coordinated at-
tacks, where multiple locations were invaded simul-
taneously. Finally, for a very high capability score,
the adversary had a sophisticated level of expertise
to support multiple, continuous, and coordinated at-
tacks. All but one case are rated high to very high
in Intent. Case 3 was rated moderate as there were
no real clear intentions. However, the adversarial out-
siders entered the system and continued in the system
without detection for 6 months. They gained access
to accounts through corrupted SSH shells and then fo-
cused selectively on higher accounts (OakRidge Na-
tional Laboratory, 2019). A high intent score was
given to an adversary who impeded systems while set-
ting up ways to maintain a presence with minimal de-
tection, as seen in cases 1, 2, and 6. In cases 1, 2,
and 6, information was also disclosed on the inter-
net with the Intent to sell (U.S. Department of Justice,
2013), espionage (Archer Support, 2020), and sensi-
tive data scans (Stoll, 1988). A very high intent, as
seen in case 5, was rated as the attacker only pursued
confidential information and hacked over 97 comput-
ers in 13 months searching for it, as well as disrupted
the United States Army’s Military District of Wash-
ington network by deleting files (Department of Jus-
tice, 2002). In Targeting, half of the cases were rated
as high. Case 1, case 4, and case 6. A high score
was given as the attacker used information obtained
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 2: Summary of Threat Events.
Threat Event 1 2 3 4 5 6
Deliver modified malware to internal organizational information systems x x x x x x
Conduct brute force login attempts/password guessing attacks x x x x
Deliver malware for control of internal systems and exfiltration of data x x
Obfuscate adversary actions x x x
Coordinated campaign propagates attack across organizational systems x x x x x x
Adapt cyber attacks based on details surveillance x x
Perform network sniffing x x
Collect publicly accessible information on organization x x
Data Integrity loss on publicly accessible information systems x
Table 3: Summary of Threat Sources.
Case Capability Intent Targeting
1 High High High
2 Moderate High Moderate
3 Moderate Moderate Moderate
4 High High High
5 Very High Very High Very High
6 Moderate High High
via reconnaissance to continue targeting an organi-
zation while also focusing on high-value profiles or
information. The critical difference between moder-
ate and high is that in moderate, an attacker will only
use publicly available information to target an orga-
nization, like in case 2, while in a high score, the at-
tacker uses information obtained via reconnaissance.
Finally, a very high score is extreme targeting. A very
high score describes the attack as obtaining informa-
tion through reconnaissance and then using that infor-
mation to only target high-value positions within the
organization as in case 5.
Identify Threat Events. Two threat events appeared
in all cases. Table 2, s summary of all events per case,
displays the two most common threat events. In all
cases the common threat events were, the delivery of
modified malware to internal organizational informa-
tion systems and a coordinated campaign that prop-
agates across organizational systems. This is most
likely due to the fact that high-performance comput-
ers have a wide global network of users. The sec-
ond most prevalent threat event was brute force login
attempts. Then the third most prevalent events were
obfuscating the actions of the adversary, performing
network sniffing, collecting publicly accessibly infor-
mation, delivering malware to extract data, and adapt-
ing the attack based on surveillance.
Identify Vulnerabilities and Predisposing Condi-
tions. Vulnerabilities found in the HPC system cases
were rated from at least moderate to very high. In the
cases of vulnerability severity, moderate meant that
some security control was implemented but not prac-
tical. A High vulnerability score implies that security
control may have existed but was not implemented.
A very high score purported that no security control
existed at all. In all cases, the Impact of what hap-
pened due to the vulnerability reflects in the sever-
ity score. Predisposing Conditions affect the likeli-
hood that threat events will result in adverse impacts.
The type of predisposing condition found in all attack
cases was Technical Architectural as systems were
made vulnerable due to the predisposing condition of
having various architectures and software which is a
common practice in HPC. In cases where the attack
spread to other users and systems, cases 2, 4, and
6 were given the predisposing condition Technical
Function Networked Multi-User. It is made clear by
our assessment that due to the HPC’s distinctiveness
of being technical, functional networked multi-user,
results in the increased likelihood that an attack will
occur. These two predisposing conditions occur in all
attacks is no accident. As all High-Performance Com-
puting Systems have multiple users and various hard-
ware and software, these specific predisposing condi-
tions make HPCs susceptible to attack, as proven by
our study. Other predisposing conditions that HPCs
may have based on predisposing conditions repre-
sented by our cases, is Information related and Tech-
nical Architectural OS. The predisposing conditions
were then rated with Pervasiveness, as in who in the
organization was affected by the attack. A moderate
score is suggested that many users were affected, a
high score is suggested that most were affected, and
very high score in pervasiveness meant all users were
Determine Likelihood of Occurrence. The likeli-
hood that a threat can be initiated is a combination of
the adversary’s capability, intent, and targeting. Ac-
cording to the guide and the cases, an adversary would
need at least a moderate amount of capability, intent,
or targeting in order to have a moderate amount of
likelihood the adversary would be able to initiate a
threat. A moderately skilled attacker would then be
Assessing Risk in High Performance Computing Attacks
able to initiate a threat on HPC. It is then at least
highly likely those threats would have adverse im-
pacts as seen in Table IV. In all cases, the HPC sys-
tems had to be completely shut down and some never
recovered. The overall likelihood that a threat would
be initiated by an attacker and then have an adverse
impact is at least high. A moderate threat initiation is
considered to have a high adverse impact.
Determine Magnitude of Impact. The Impacts
shown in Table 4, were Harm to Operations, Harm to
Assets, Harm to Other Organizations, and Harm to the
Nation. In all cases, there were adverse impacts to op-
erations. The systems were taken down and not func-
tional, as seen in all cases. In all cases, another preva-
lent adverse impact was harm to assets, where there
was damage to informational assets, the network, and
loss of intellectual property. Another prevalent type
of Impact was Harm to Other Organizations, where
the attack spread past the affected system into other
institutions. Finally, one case had a direct Harm to
the Nation which was case 5, which directly affected
the United States of America. After identifying the
type of Impact a Threat Event could affect, the over-
all impact of Threat Events on HPC systems ranged
from moderate to very high as seen in Table 1. The
cases were rated based on the evidence and what hap-
pened afterward. Case 1 Impact was rated as high
not only due to the attack at hand but also because
there exists an entirely new system (Archer Support,
2021). In case 2, the Impact was rated as high. Ac-
cording to (U.S. Department of Justice, 2013), the
attacker impaired the integrity of his victim’s network
as well as damaged it. In response, NERSC began
using an intrusion detection system named Bro that
analyzes user command activity. In case 3, Impact
was rated as moderate due to the system being taken
offline and rebuilt to the impact of events, but nothing
more was documented. In case 4, it was rated Im-
pact as high. The Impact of case 4, resulted in global
cooperation, damage to system integrity, damage of at
least 5,000 dollars, and even the loss of a person (U.S.
Department of Justice, 2009). In case 5, the Impact
was rated as very high. The attacker shut down the
United States Army District of Washington Network
and deleted highly sensitive files. The attacker is sus-
pected of crashing networks at the Naval Air Station
where he was accused of deleting weapon logs as well
as six counts of damage to The United States Army,
The United States Navy, NASA, The United States
Department of Defense, and the United States Air
Force aggregating more than 5000 dollars (U.S. De-
partment of Justice, 2009). In case 6, Impact of this
attack was rated as very high for its’ time. The attack
caused damages of up to 100,000 dollars, risked the
life of a person due to access violation of a real-time
system, accessed confidential information, modified
systems, read thru emails, and on-top of this, all sys-
tems had to be rebuilt (Stoll, 1988).
Determine Risk. Risk which is a combination of
Likelihood and Impact, for all cases, were at least
high as the effects in all cases were considered severe.
The results from this work provide evidence that HPC
systems are high risk and have similar threats as en-
terprises systems. Instinctively, one would deploy
enterprise-grade security solutions to mitigate HPC
system threats. However, these security solutions
may impede collaboration and reduce the usability of
HPC systems. Threat profiles provide organizations
with a characterization of common threat sources and
known adversarial outsiders to guide decision-making
for choosing cyber security solutions that minimize
risk. Detailed below is a generalized threat profile
created from the risk assessment results. The threat
profile was used to identify enterprise-grade security
solutions that could mitigate threats. In addition, a
brief discussion for each security solution was iden-
tified to examine why these solutions may be insuffi-
cient for HPC systems. The general threat profile for
HPC systems is an adversarial outsider with a high
impact given a moderate to a high level of capability,
intent, and targeting. All publicly documented attacks
compromised the login nodes and SSH keys. In an
enterprise system, the network and all devices within
the network are managed by one organization. How-
ever, in an HPC system, the level of security is diffi-
cult to manage as there are multiple entities individ-
ually managing security. For example, the user of an
HPC system could be a student from a university. In
this scenario, the user is responsible for managing the
security of the device they are using to connect to the
HPC system. The university is responsible for manag-
ing the network’s security the user is leveraging to ac-
cess the HPC system remotely, and the HPC center is
responsible for managing the security of their system.
Unfortunately, each entity involved (the user, univer-
sity, and HPC center) rarely coordinate to ensure a
minimum level of security is met. The lack of a shared
level of protection makes it difficult to provide secure
authentication. In addition, many of these systems
must be available 24/7 to accommodate international
users, making it difficult to take offline to install up-
dates. Thus, the systems tend to lack the latest updates
and patches. These situations can invite malicious ac-
tors with moderate capability to compromise the clus-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 4: Summary of Adverse Impacts.
Case Harm to Operations Assets Other Orgs Nation
1 x x x
2 x x x
3 x x
4 x x x
5 x x x x
6 x x x
ter. These actors’ attacks can range from espionage,
scientific sabotage, financial gain, or disruption. Once
attackers pass the user authentication processes, the
computational nodes and File I/O can be exploited.
Thus, updates, fixes, and patches on the login nodes,
DTN’s software stack, and hardware must take prior-
ity. Yet, this might not be entirely realistic in an HPC
setting. The threat actor has a moderately high capa-
bility to attack an HPC system. This capability level
implies that the threat actor is experienced, has a mod-
erate amount of resources available, and has various
opportunities to complete coordinated attacks. These
coordinated attacks are exploited using a combination
of zero-day attacks and known vulnerabilities. There
are two reoccurring threat events, i)delivery of mal-
ware and ii)spread of attack to other organizations.
When forming solutions to protect HPCs against these
two threat events, one must be able to detect the mali-
cious programs being delivered and enforce stronger
boundaries between organizations. In an enterprise
system, known vulnerabilities may be mitigated for
example by strategically deploying firewalls. How-
ever, it is known that common defensive mechanisms
such as firewalls are not practical as they cannot main-
tain the throughput required for high-speed data trans-
fers, which is needed for HPCs to share data between
compute nodes. Alternatively, the threat actor may
disrupt mission-critical business functions by main-
taining a presence in infrastructure. Given the ad-
vanced capabilities of the threat actor, they will con-
ceal their presence to minimize attack disclosure. Re-
connaissance is performed to gain information about
the target organization and this information is used
to target mission-critical business functions. Publicly
available information about the organization might be
used to target employees that support those mission-
critical business functions. Unfortunately, it is chal-
lenging to discern attacker behavior from a legitimate
user because HPC systems are designed for experi-
mental purposes. As a result, all software running on
the system is provisional and could be mistaken as
malicious software. To further complicate the situa-
tion, the experimental software may not be designed
using a secure development methodology. Most of
this software is fragile, misused, and lacks the hard-
ening necessary to increase its resilience and secu-
rity. Moreover, the software is usually optimized for
a specific HPC architecture, making maintenance dif-
ficult. Efforts are underway to update experimental
software (e.g., high-performance libraries developed
by research groups such as OpenMPI, Kokkos, Trili-
nos, and OpenBLAS). However, it might require a
few years to update the large amount of legacy code
spanning several decades of research. As shown in
Table 2, the threat actor will perform actions that co-
ordinate campaigns across multiple organizations to
perform reconnaissance for a specific attack. The
threat actor will use a sophisticated mechanism to dis-
tribute malware to internal systems. Threat actors es-
tablish a foothold via vulnerable software, OS, and
networks. The threat actor will cause a high adverse
impact. Expect a severe degradation of organizational
operations, unavailability of assets, and business con-
tinuity disruption. A severe degradation may cause
this in one or more mission-critical functions for a
prolonged duration. The degradation could result in
significant damage to organizational assets or finan-
cial loss. The same vulnerabilities that exist in the
average enterprise system also exist in HPC. These
vulnerabilities can at least moderately impact an HPC
system and the validity of the data. For acceptance
by the HPC community, a security defense employed
in an HPC system must decrease risk while main-
taining an acceptable level of performance. Tradi-
tional security tools search for known vulnerabilities
and are designed to traverse networks similar to enter-
prise systems. HPC systems have exotic architectures
and vulnerabilities may not always be easily identifi-
able. Additionally, HPCs host experimental software,
thus the process of searching for CVEs will not iden-
tify threats because the software has not been released
to the general public. Therefore, many security tools
may not capture the critical threats to HPC systems.
The experimental software is not always production
ready and may contain unintended functionality that
could be used to jeopardize the data integrity and con-
fidentiality or disrupt the availability of the HPC sys-
Assessing Risk in High Performance Computing Attacks
5.1 Moving Toward HPC Specific
In recent years, researchers have become increasingly
interested in cybersecurity solutions for open science
HPC systems. In 2013 researchers at Los Alamos
described the challenges of continuous monitoring
(Malin and Van Heule, 2013) in HPC and explored
the development of such a tool. Then in a techni-
cal report from 2016, researchers at Lawrence Liv-
ermore National Lab deployed a continuous moni-
toring tool (Garcia-Lomeli et al., 2015) for system
configuration information and security patch levels.
At the National Center for Supercomputing Appli-
cations at the University of Illinois, due to an inci-
dent that resulted in the compromise of the cluster
iforge, an automated tool that identified and excluded
hosts that were experiencing an SSH brute force at-
tack was created. CAUDIT (Cao et al., 2019) was the
first of its kind that could handle large-scale networks
and workloads without the interference of security ex-
perts and did not hamper the performance of the net-
work. Due to the incorporation of this tool, they de-
creased their attacks from 30 security incidents a year
to about 2. Another example of a low-latency and
high-throughput tool is research from MIT Lincoln
Laboratory Supercomputing Center (Andrew Prout
et al., 2012) in 2012 and 2019 (Prout et al., 2019).
In (Andrew Prout et al., 2012), the researchers cre-
ated and implemented a cryptographic library used
for user authentication on HPCs. Though this direc-
tion did not solve the escalation of privileges or offer
protection from the compromise of a cluster or node,
it did protect against the export of the cryptographic
keys for malicious intent. In (Prout et al., 2019),
MIT researchers continued their efforts in HPC au-
thentication by incorporating federated authentication
and scaling it to their HPC system. The Texas Ad-
vanced Computing Center (Proctor et al., 2017) de-
scribed their experience switching their system over
to MFA. In (Al-Mamun et al., 2019) (Al-Mamun
et al., 2018), and most recently, (Al-Mamun and
Zhao, 2020), and (Al-Mamun and Zhao, 2020), re-
searchers explore trustworthy data provenance by en-
abling blockchain as a service as well as implement-
ing the ledger of a blockchain into the HPC archi-
tecture to ensure trustworthy scientific data. Then
in (Scheerman et al., 2021), suggest their novel plat-
form that is not proprietary, as a service for protect-
ing sensitive data, At MIT Lincoln Library, research
surfaced for a system-level application that also had
a low overhead to the network speed (Prout et al.,
2016) that recognized user processes. In (Lee et al.,
2021), researchers applied ACL filtering to existing
firewalls of HPC systems in order to reduce CPU
loads. In, (Pourzandi et al., 2005) created an ex-
ample threat model for a wide range of clusters, in-
cluding High-Performance Computing. The authors’
mentioned that a challenge for cluster security was in-
tegrating several security solutions due to their het-
erogeneous nature. The authors suggested distributed
authentication, distributed, distributed access control,
distributed monitoring, and distributed secure com-
munications. In (Peisert, 2017), HPC’s have distinc-
tive purposes and those purposes could be leveraged
for security. It was explained how some traditional
security measures could not be adapted for HPC. Fin-
gerprinting workloads for classifying standard com-
putations were also explored, an example of how se-
curity could move forward with machine learning.
In Open science environments (e.g., universities and
national laboratories) there has been increased sup-
port for domestic and international research groups.
Due to the collaborative nature of HPC systems, ac-
cess to large quantities of data, computational power,
and internet connectivity, these systems are prime tar-
gets for malicious activity. High Performance Com-
puters need their own cybersecurity standards and
methods in order to continue evolving with the ever
changing cybersecurity landscape. We have taken
some of the first steps in identifying risk in High Per-
formance Computing. Though not exhaustive, it aids
in HPC specific security. The NIST Special Publi-
cation 800-30r1: Guide to Conducting Risk assess-
ment was used to evaluate successful attacks on HPC
systems. Assessing these real world cases in our re-
search can provide information to the community that
may not have been available before. A threat pro-
file based on the risk assessment provides researchers
with cybersecurity context-specific to HPC systems
and sheds light on the types of threats HPCs en-
counter. Then we explained why usual solutions cant
work and gave examples of HPC specific solutions
and research. The results from the risk assessment in-
dicate that HPC systems attacks are coordinated cam-
paigns across various organizations and have malware
delivered that spreads to multiple parts. The threat
profile indicated that a threat actor might target crit-
ical mission and business functions and information
systems. The general threat profile for HPC systems
is an adversarial outsider with a high impact given a
moderate to a high level of capability, intent, and tar-
geting. The threat profile provides a detailed record of
the threat actor and can be used as the basis for future
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