recommendation of patterns suitable for cloud archi-
tectures. SecPat provides a DSL and reasoning prin-
ciples to automate the recommendation of patterns.
SecPat only considers one condition to recommend
patterns, namely the cybersecurity property satisfied
by the pattern. SECLOUD extends SecPat’s DSL to
include further pattern’s attributes, namely the threat
mitigated by the pattern, and the attack surface that
the pattern may be deployed. SECLOUD follows the
STRIDE methodology to map threats to cybersecurity
properties. This extension enables a more precise rec-
ommendation of patterns through reasoning principle
rules. Another extension is the specification and evalu-
ation of constraints to reduce the number of solutions
with patterns. This extension deals with scalability
issues and improves the usability of SECLOUD.
is a commercial tool for threat analysis.
ThreatGet identifies threat scenarios and attack paths
in an automated fashion. To deal with such security
artifacts, ThreatGet provides a list of potential security
measures to be selected by the user. ThreatGet does not
instantiate the selected security measures in the system
architecture. As a result, it might be unclear for the
user to identify which components are relevant to the
selected security measures. SECLOUD instantiates the
recommended security measures by making explicit
which components are part of the security measure
(e.g., mTLS for components A and B).
Another commercial tool for STRIDE analysis
of cloud architectures is Microsoft’s Threat Analysis
. While SECLOUD is also based on STRIDE, it
is able to automatically compute architecture options.
Its flexible definition using ASP allows the extension
to more fine-grained threat scenario models.
SECLOUD outputs requirements alongside the rec-
ommended security measures. Other tools, such as
Ansible (Spanaki and Sklavos, 2018), may be used
to harden cloud infrastructures by implementing such
requirements. Ansible provides the means of, e.g.,
installing SSL certificates, installing and configuring
monitoring tools, and configuring user accounts.
This article proposed SECLOUD, a tool to assist secu-
rity engineers with the selection of security measures
for cloud architectures. We validated SECLOUD in a
case study that provides cloud services for unmanned
air vehicles (UAVs). We are currently investigating
several future directions, including (i) specification
of security measures to address threat scenarios that
violate the availability of assets, and (ii) integration of
SECLOUD in a model-based system engineering tool
that will serve as a frontend to improve its usability.
We thank the German Ministry for Economic Affairs
and Climate Action of Germany for funding this work
through the LuFo V-3 project RTAPHM.
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SeCloud: Computer-Aided Support for Selecting Security Measures for Cloud Architectures