When message interval is kept within the capabil-
ity bracket of the FIWARE platform it will cause only
a marginal overhead. With 10ms messaging interval
26.5ms latency was measured. If loaded beyond the
processing capacity, overhead very quickly increases
to a significant amount. Scaling up cloud computing
capability is necessary if the capacity of the FIWARE
system becomes a bottleneck.
As network latency is dominating factor in normal
use case some strategies to mitigate it is needed. Cop-
ing with network latency in this use case can be done
in one of four ways:
• Increase safety zone to take into account the la-
• Decrease working speed of robots
• Move computation into Edge to mitigate network
• Use low latency networks such as 5G
In a practical use case scenario safety perimeter and
working speed may be the easiest ways of coping with
latency, but adding the edge capabilities or faster net-
work would have less impact on actual work perfor-
Understanding the distribution of latency in IoT data
collection systems helps to pinpoint bottlenecks in the
data collection system. Suitability to different use
cases and their real-time requirements requires an un-
derstanding of system behavior.
The performance of the FIWARE system is de-
pendent on underlying computing resources and the
messaging load of the system. When going over the
threshold, the latency increases from 17ms to over
4800ms. Determining the system load in terms of
context updates per second is important to keep the
latency within an acceptable limit. The underlying
computing platform processing capability needs to be
sized according.
Based on the findings here capability of the IoT
platform can be determined with a test involving data
subscriber and publisher. In the FIWARE system ma-
jority of the latency is coming from the IoT agent and
Orion. Optimizing cloud service performance param-
eters for those two components provide the best re-
sults for overall performance gains. Additional la-
tency is introduced with actual analysis as well as
communicating messages back to the robot.
Based on the findings here it can be argued that it
is feasible to use FIWARE in the simulated use cases
where the number of simultaneously operating robots
is limited. The latency caused by the IoT platform is
reasonable. If the platform is serving several farms or
fields simultaneously computing resources may need
to be allocated consecutively to keep QoS acceptable.
This research was conducted by VTT and LUKE as
part of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement No
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IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security