transactions (i.e., business events) in a database. In
the military personnel domain, transactional data
includes hires, terminations, transfers, contract
changes, postings, rank changes, occupational
transfers, deployments, and leave. New transactions
are added to the system with the following data:
personal identifier, transaction type, effective date,
and any additional supporting information.
Transactions can affect people but also affect other
organizational elements, such as positions and
In addition to transactional data, systems of record
also store master data, such as personal details,
locations, position details, and other organizational
structures (e.g., military units). Master data is
typically persistent and some can be effectively dated
to preserve historical state (e.g., person’s marital
status). Special master data (commonly referred to as
reference data) provides additional context to the
main data in the system (such as decodes for the
various codes captured in transactional data).
In contrast to OLTP, the Online Analytical
Processing (OLAP) approach relies on a multi-
dimensional data model and a set of special
operations to efficiently analyse large data volumes.
Data warehouses and data marts
are relational
where the data is structured for data
analysis over specific business processes. OLAP over
data warehouses and data marts provides analysts
with the right structured data and the right
technologies for OR and Analytics functions.
Data warehousing design classically follows two
modelling approaches: Inmon (Inmon, 2005) or
Kimball (Kimball & Ross, 2013). Breslin (Breslin,
2004) provides a detailed comparison between the
two models. The Personnel Data Mart design
presented in this paper follows the Kimball
dimensional modelling approach, as described in
Section 3.1. The Kimball approach is better suited for
smaller data sets (e.g., single business process such as
personnel) vs. enterprise-wide solutions. It also
requires lower start-up costs and faster time to
delivery (Breslin, 2004).
2.2 Personnel Process
Human Resources (HR) analytics is widely used in
the business world to analyse and optimize HR
processes. In the context of a defence establishment,
Data marts are typically a subset of a data warehouse built
for a specific division or business process.
In a relational database, the data is organized in tables and
rows called records. Multiple tables can be linked via
personnel (or workforce) analytics is a crucial
capability within defence OR. As the 2017 Canada’s
Defence Policy (Department of National Defence,
2017) states: “People are at the core of everything the
Canadian Armed Forces does to deliver on its
The main personnel business functions that are of
interest in defence are: workforce planning,
recruitment, training, retention, career/talent
management, health services, and compensation and
benefits. The data mart design presented in this paper
is based on three of these business functions:
workforce planning, recruitment, and retention.
Workforce planning is a broad business function
to analyse and plan the future workforce in order to
meet the organizational goals. Within the context of
the data management system, we concentrate on the
data analysis component of workforce planning. The
recruitment and retention functions represent the
flows in and out (and also within) the organization.
2.3 Previous Systems
Prior to the Director Research Workforce Analytics
(DRWA) Data Mart, workforce analytics at the
Canadian Department of National Defence relied on
a combination of a legacy analytics data management
system in Microsoft Access, additional data sets, and
manual data manipulation through Microsoft Access
and Excel.
The legacy system was composed of annual
population snapshots from a personnel reporting
system, annual release table (capturing retention
data), and various decode tables for slicing. This
system was adequate for some tasks but had several
drawbacks: it was slow, it had data quality issues
(mostly stemming from the source data system), and
had static historical data (i.e., retroactive changes to
the system of record were not captured).
The recruitment business function was not
represented in the legacy system. Workarounds to
calculate the recruitment data from the system were
being used to approximate the data; however, for
detailed analyses, the workforce analysts had to
manually request for additional data from the system
of record. Additional data requests were often limited
in scope with a turn-around time of weeks.
The analysts at DRWA were often faced with
tight-deadline personnel data analysis requests for
entities called keys forming relationships between the
records in the tables. Data in relational databases is
managed via Structured Query Language (SQL).