Defence Workforce Transition Simulation and Analysis
Katie Mortimer, Cameron Pike and Vivian Nguyen
Defence Science and Technology Group, 506 Lorimer St, Fishermans Bend, VIC, 3207, Australia
Simulation and Modelling, Workforce Planning, Workforce Transition, Defence.
Simulation plays a key role in the workforce planning of defence workforces, with their strictly hierachical
nature, and complex interactions and interdependencies. In this paper, the Athena tool suite, containing Athena
Lite and Athena Pro, is introduced. The Athena tool suite is the official workforce planning tool of the
Australian Defence Force (ADF), and uses Discrete Event Simulation and hybrid Agent-Based Discrete Event
Simulation to simulate the highly complex ADF workforce. These are web-based, scalable tools that have been
specifically designed to be used by Defence workforce planners. Their use in the analysis of the Australian
Army Aviation’s planned transition from the Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter to the Apache helicopter
demonstrates their capability in identifying workforce shortfalls and risks, bottlenecks, and potential solutions
through optimisation.
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) workforce is a
large, highly complex system with many constraints,
interdependencies and complex interactions among
people, resources, schools and units. The system
is closed and strictly hierachical, meaning external
personnel cannot be easily brought into the work-
force and the system relies on personnel progressing
through their career and achieving particular profi-
ciencies and skills in order to fill critical roles. Train-
ing and career progression of Defence personnel can
take many years, be very expensive and require large
amounts of resources (both platforms and people). On
top of this, changes in governance, capability require-
ments and operational platforms also regularly occur.
Robust workforce planning is therefore required to
ensure that the right amount of people at the right time
with the right skills are trained and ready to provide
ADF capability.
To assist in this planning Athena was created.
Athena consists of two simulation tools, Athena Lite
and Athena Pro. These are scalable, web-based
decision-support tools that provide the ADF with the
ability to simulate, analyse and forecast workforce
surplus or shortage against workforce requirements,
and determine recruitment, training and promotion re-
quirements to meet future demands.
None of the values and charts used in this paper are
representative of ADF capability, and have been created in
order to demonstrate the use of Athena.
Athena Lite and Athena Pro are complementary
tools that simulate the ADF workforce to different fi-
delities. Athena Lite is a discrete event simulation
(DES) engine, that is less data intensive, computation-
ally faster, and has specific optimisation algorithms
capable of optimising inflow and promotion numbers
for the workforce. Athena Pro, an Agent-Based Dis-
crete Event Simulation (AB-DES) engine, provides
a more detailed analysis on the complex structure of
the ADF workforce, and how requirements for train-
ing and career courses, and specific prerequisites and
proficiencies effect the workforce. Athena Lite and
Athena Pro are available on the Australian Defence
network, and are in active use by ADF workforce
planners from the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), the
Australian Army, and the Royal Australian Air Force
The Australian Army Aviation (AAvn) are a crit-
ical capability in the Australian Army, and the wider
ADF. This capability contains three separate heli-
copters - the Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter
(ARH), the MRH90 helicopter, and the Chinook
CH47F helicopter - that provide specific roles. Each
of these helicopters requires many different highly
trained personnel in specialist areas, including engi-
neers, technicians, pilots, and aircrew. Training these
personnel can be an expensive, time-consuming pro-
cess that requires many resources. Competing needs
between services and between different helicopter
types within AAvn, as well as unforeseen circum-
stances such as particularly high and variable train-
Mortimer, K., Pike, C. and Nguyen, V.
Defence Workforce Transition Simulation and Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0011920400003396
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2023), pages 249-258
ISBN: 978-989-758-627-9; ISSN: 2184-4372
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ing failure rates, workforce separation or low recruit-
ment numbers, means it is necessary for pilot work-
force scheduling to be resilient enough to withstand
these variations. Added stress occurs when AAvn
undergo complex workforce strains as they transi-
tion their ARH capability from the Tiger ARH to the
Apache Guardian helicopters. This transition is oc-
curring over the period of several years from 2025
and requires retraining of the current Tiger-trained
personnel to the new Apache helicopter while, at the
same time, requiring Australia’s ARH capability to be
maintained. To ensure that the workforce transition
occurs in this time-frame, with as little disruption to
the capability as possible, a robust workforce transi-
tion plan is necessary.
Athena Lite and Athena Pro were used in a com-
plementary way in the analysis of the AAvn work-
force, and the ARH to Apache workforce transition.
The career pipelines of the AAvn operators were mod-
elled in both Athena Lite and Athena Pro. These
pipelines were simulated over 20 years, analysing the
health of the workforce, including personnel short-
ages, bottlenecks, and high-risk positions, with and
without the platform transition.
Athena Lite and Athena Pro are specifically designed
for simulating Defence workforces. Defence work-
forces are closed systems with a hierachical structure.
They are reliant on personnel progressing through
their career, meeting particular milestones before be-
ing able to fill certain positions.
Previously Markov chain models have been used
to model Defence workforces, as in
Skulj et al. (2008)
and Filinkov et al. (2011). However, an important
feature in Defence workforce planning is the ability
to run ‘what-if’ scenarios, testing different workforce
and training policies, recruitment, wastage and pro-
motion changes, and capability transitions. Markov
chain approaches are not easily adapted for these
System Dynamics (SD) modelling has been used
for this purpose, where the workforce is represented
as a set of stocks and flows. In Thomas et al. (1997) a
SD model is built to analyse the effect of policy deci-
sions on personnel strength in the United States Army.
An SD model was also used to model the pilot occu-
pation in the Royal Canadian Air Force, and deter-
mine the impact of increased production and reduced
budget on the occupation (S
eguin, 2015).
DES models a system as a sequence of discrete
events in time. DES models are very flexible, and
can model a high level of detail. As such, discrete
event simulations have been previously used to model
Marine training (Davenport et al., 2007), the Royal
Canadian Navy (Henderson and Bryce, 2019), and in
various industries, such as in healthcare (Gunal and
Pidd, 2010), and call centres (Mathew and Nambiar,
Heath et al. (2011) compares different simulation
paradigms, including SD and DES. They argue that
while SD models have much fewer data requirements,
they do not provide the flexibility and detail of a
DES. Heath et al. (2011) also compares combinations
of simulation paradigms, such as SD-DES, AB-DES,
and SD-AB, and argues that AB-DES is a good choice
when resources perform activities and human inter-
actions where individual behaviours effect how these
activities proceed. As such, AB-DES has been used
to assist in disaster planning and evacuation (Na and
Banerjee, 2014) and in modelling emergency medical
services (Anagnostou et al., 2013), as they are capa-
ble of incorporating the complex interactions between
agents. In the Defence context, AB-DES has previ-
ously been used by the authors (Nguyen et al., 2017)
to model the ADF aircrew supply problem.
Athena Lite and Athena Pro both employ DES.
However, to properly simulate the complexity in-
cluded in the higher fidelity Athena Pro, an AB-DES
engine was used. This is necessary in Athena Pro,
as it models the inter-dependencies in the workforce,
where positions and training can be shared across lev-
els and careers, and to model complex personnel ca-
reers, where many possible paths may be available. A
key difference between Athena Lite and Pro and other
simulation tools available is that they are web-based
tools, specifically designed to allow Defence work-
force planners with little experience in modelling and
simulation to make use of them. They are scalable,
and capable of simulating the entire ADF. They have
intuitive user interfaces, and detailed results analy-
sis, allowing users to create, use and validate their
own workforce simulations, while still maintaining
the complexity of modelling and simulation required
for the Defence context.
Athena Lite and Athena Pro are two separate sim-
ulation engines that were used in the AAvn work-
force transition analysis. Both simulation engines
are capable of completing detailed modelling of De-
fence workforces, analysing individuals’ progression
throughout their career and detailing unit, posting,
and rank readiness. These simulation engines were
WAPAT 2023 - Special Session on Workforce Analytics - Practical Application and Theory
employed in a complementary manner to provide ex-
tensive what-if analysis of the workforce transition,
and to provide detailed modelling of the effects of
the complex training and prerequisite requirements
present the highly trained AAvn workforce.
In this section, the logic behind these engines will
be explained, as well as the web-based user inter-
face that allows Defence workforce planners with lit-
tle modelling experience to interact with these simu-
lation engines.
3.1 Simulation
Athena Lite and Pro are designed to be detailed
enough to accurately model the complexities of
careers in a Defence workforce, however generic
enough to be able to model many different operator
types to any required fidelity. Both simulation en-
gines employ Monte-Carlo methods to simulate the
randomness is workforce wastage, promotions, and
allocations. Athena Lite is a DES, that simulates indi-
viduals as they progress through their career and com-
plete postings. Personnel attributes, such as current
posting, platform endorsement, level and current time
in posting and level, are used to determine personnel
eligibility to be promoted to the next level or fill a
particular posting. In this case platform endorsement
refers to any platform specific training or proficien-
cies that a posting may require. Athena Lite is used to
answer workforce questions such as:
can the workforce requirement be met?
what is the risk of not meeting workforce require-
what are the optimal recruitment and promotion
targets in order to meet demand?
Athena Pro uses an AB-DES engine to simulate
the Defence workforce. Athena Pro is capable of sim-
ulating the workforce at a much higher fidelity than
Athena Lite, modelling training and career courses,
complex prerequisite structures in the workforce, and
more detailed modelling of the workforce’s skills pro-
gression. This allows the user to understand not just
where the personnel shortages are, but exactly which
skills are missing from the workforce and trace it back
to particular bottlenecks. Athena Pro is used to an-
swer questions such as:
which skills and proficiencies are missing from
the workforce?
what are the bottlenecks slowing progression of
personnel through the workforce?
what is the effect of dependencies and interactions
between different ranks and careers on the work-
how do course timings, session sizes and pass
rates effect the progression of personnel?
3.1.1 Athena Lite
Athena Lite creates a workforce structure, using
generic concepts: careers, levels, and units. In a
Defence workforce levels generally represent ranks,
while careers represent operator types. Units are de-
fined as groupings of positions and may include op-
erational squadrons, regiments, training schools or
headquarters positions. Positions are grouped as post-
ings, which are defined as a particular combination of
career, level and unit. Postings have a requirement or
target value, as well as a priority value which defines
the order in which the postings are filled.
Individuals will attend postings or be promoted
based on their eligibility. To determine their eligi-
bility, the simulator records and updates a number of
personnel attributes, including current posting, time
in posting, platform endorsement, current level, and
time in level. Personnel may be promoted to a higher
level if they have reached the minimum time in rank
constraint and there is an available posting at the
next level. Wastage is applied stochastically based
on a particular career’s survival profile, where per-
sonnel have a certain probability of leaving the work-
force based on their length of service, as described
by Bartholomew (1971). To fill some postings, per-
sonnel must have the required platform endorsement.
Personnel will either join the workforce as trained in-
flow with a particular platform endorsement or must
attend a transition course to gain a new endorsement.
3.1.2 Athena Pro
Athena Pro is an AB-DES. Personnel are modelled
as individual person agents. They progress through
career pipelines, made up of building blocks: in-
take points, buffers, courses, milestones, and position
groups. These blocks are connected to form levels,
which in Defence workforce modelling generally rep-
resent ranks. A typical career pipeline can be seen in
Figure 1.
A key part of these pipelines is the buffer agent.
Each level in a career pipeline will have one buffer,
that allocates personnel based on position vacancies
and priorities, career progression requirements, and
course vacancies. Upon completion of a course, po-
sition group, or milestone, personnel will return to
the buffer to be re-allocated. Attendance at position
groups, courses, and milestones may give personnel
‘proficiencies’. These proficiencies can be used in de-
termining whether personnel are eligible to fill vacan-
cies in blocks, using prerequisites. All blocks may
Defence Workforce Transition Simulation and Analysis
Figure 1: An example of a typical career pipeline in Athena Pro. In this pipeline, personnel enter the system as new recruits,
before attending courses in a training level. They then flow through the pipeline, filling positions and completing courses.
have prerequisites, which will restrict the flow of per-
sonnel from the buffer. These prerequisites include:
Time-based prerequisites: These prerequisites
take the form of ‘time since X’, or ‘time spent in
Entity and proficiency prerequisites: These pre-
requisites can be mandatory completion of one or
more particular entities or proficiencies, a mini-
mum number of particular entities or proficien-
cies, or one or more particular entities or profi-
ciencies having not been completed.
Position groups, courses, and milestones may
be in multiple levels, or careers, so that the com-
plex inter-dependencies in Defence workforces can be
3.2 Optimisation
The Athena Lite optimiser is designed to determine
recruitment and promotion plans that help minimise
shortfalls and excesses of personnel within different
careers and levels over time. These shortfalls and ex-
cesses are costed (and can be costed differently for
different workgroups and ranks) in generic units by
the workforce planner, and the optimiser attempts to
minimise the total cost over time.
The optimiser uses a customised heuristic which
involves backpropagating personnel demand from
combinations of level and time, and then using a
Dijkstra-like pathfinding algorithm (Dijkstra, 1959)
to find level-progression pathways for personnel
(whether already in the system or recruited through
inflows) to fill that demand whilst minimising the to-
tal cost. The pathfinding must consider several con-
straints such as time in rank limits and recruitment
year-on-year change limits. Wastage is handled de-
terministically, where a person’s supply is a deci-
mal value between one and zero, and application of
wastage reduces this value.
This algorithm has shown favourable solution
quality and speed, when compared with a Linear Pro-
gramming implementation. Further description and
evaluation of the optimisation algorithm will be in-
cluded in future work.
3.3 Web-Based User Interface
Athena Lite and Pro are web-based simulation tools,
designed with intuitive user interfaces. These user in-
terfaces are key components in ongoing Athena use,
as they allow Defence workforce planners with little
modelling and simulation experience to create, use,
and validate the workforce models.
Athena Lite and Pro are currently in active use by
ADF workforce planners, with feedback incorporated
into new releases.
3.3.1 Building Workforce Models
As it is a requirement that users build their own mod-
els, effort has been put in to make this process as
simple as possible. Data is entered via Microsoft Ex-
cel, or via the UI, to facilitate data transfer between
personnel management databases and Athena. Ca-
reer pipelines are built in Athena Pro using ‘drag-and-
drop’, where users drag entities into the pipeline and
drag connections between them based on the flow of
personnel in the workforce. Extensive data validation
with clear and understandable error messages is also
WAPAT 2023 - Special Session on Workforce Analytics - Practical Application and Theory
3.3.2 Visualising Simulation Results
Athena Lite and Pro provide a variety of results vi-
sualisations. These visualisations are specifically cre-
ated to highlight personnel shortages, workforce bot-
tlenecks, and capability risks.
In both Athena Lite and Pro, charts can be created
that show various statistics about the workforce, per-
sonnel and position fill. Some examples include:
supply vs. demand statistics,
frequency of observed undersupply,
wastage and promotion statistics,
personnel progressions statistics, such as time in
level, time in posting, and time in service,
course graduations, session sizes, and input queue
Some charts created using Athena Lite and Pro can be
seen in Section 4.3.
The Sankey diagram in Athena Pro shows the flow
of personnel through the career pipeline, at each sim-
ulation timestep. Each node and arc in the career
pipeline, is represented in the Sankey diagram. The
size of each arc represents the amount of personnel
flowing through that arc, while the colour displays
whether the secondary node is above, below, or at ca-
pacity. The bar above each node represents the fill
level of that node, while the colour of the node rep-
resents the type of node. A timeline panel is dis-
played along the bottom of the Sankey diagram. This
panel contains a vertical bar that represents the cur-
rent timestep that the Sankey diagram is displayed
at. This bar can be dragged along the timeline to
set the timestep. The user can also use the ‘play’
button to automatically step through the simulation
timesteps, with the Sankey diagram changing at each
timestep, or the ‘forward’ and ‘backward’ buttons to
click through the simulation timesteps.
3.3.3 What-if Scenarios
‘What-if’ scenarios can be quickly and easily run and
analysed. A scenario in Athena is defined as a par-
ticular representation of a Defence workforce. This
scenario has specific input parameters, careers, and
events, resulting in specific simulated results. Sce-
narios are grouped in a study. From some ‘baseline’
scenario, child scenarios can be created, where all the
contents of the ‘baseline’ scenario are copied into a
new scenario. This child scenario can then be mod-
ified and compared to the baseline scenario to de-
termine the effect of the modification on the work-
force, thereby answering ‘what-if questions, related
to workforce and training policy changes, recruit-
ment, wastage and promotion changes, and capabil-
ity transitions. An example of the scenario tree used
in the analysis of the AAvn workforce transition is
shown in Figure 3.
Seven careers were modelled to provide a complete
analysis of the AAvn capability. These careers in-
cluded engineers, technicians, ground and air support,
pilots, and aircrew. Models were built in Athena Lite
and Athena Pro. In this section, only the pilot model
will be discussed. Three main scenarios were investi-
gated. These were:
Scenario 1: analysis of the ‘as-is’ workforce
to find whole-of system health, workforce bot-
tlenecks, and high-risk positions, assuming no
changes to AAvn workforce capability and re-
Scenario 2: Analysis of the workforce during and
post Tiger to Apache platform transition to exam-
ine the impact of the transition on the workforce
and the ability of AAvn to meet milestone capabil-
ity dates. Various transition plans were modelled
and analysed in Athena Lite, as in Figure 3. Those
of particular interest to AAvn workforce planners
were then modelled to a higher fidelity in Athena
Scenario 3: Optimisation of recruitment and pro-
motion numbers in order to meet AAvn work-
force requirements, while undergoing the Tiger to
Apache platform transition. This involved using
the Athena Lite optimiser to optimise inflow and
promotion numbers, and using these results as in-
put to Athena Pro, in order to inform training re-
Athena Lite and Athena Pro were used together
in a complementary manner to complete these anal-
yses. The simulations were run over 10 years, with
30 Monte-Carlo trials per scenario. The number of
Monte-Carlo trials can be chosen by users, and in
choosing this the size of the workforce being mod-
elled (and the corresponding simulation size), and the
amount of available computation time should be con-
sidered. In this case 30 trials were chosen as this pro-
vides a reasonable error, while still facilitating com-
putations. All models, and results discussed in this
section are only to demonstrate the use of Athena, and
Defence Workforce Transition Simulation and Analysis
Figure 2: The Sankey visualisation in Athena Pro. This visualisation shows the flow of personnel at the timestep May 2026.
The fill level of particular nodes can be seen by the bar on top, while the capacity size of flow, and capacity at the succeeding
node are represented by the size and colour of the arcs. The colour of each node represents the type of node.
Figure 3: The scenario tree in the AAvn workforce transi-
tion analysis. A number of different transition plans, and
inflows are investigated.
not representative of ADF capability. Chart sizes are
4.1 Simulating AAvn in Athena Lite
In all three scenarios, the career and level struc-
ture remained the same. Pilots in ranks Lieutenant
(LT), Captain (CAPT), Major, (MAJ) and Lieutenant
Colonel (LTCOL) were modelled and move through
the workforce as in Figure 4. Pilots were pro-
moted through the ranks when they reached spe-
cific minimum time in rank requirements, and there
was an unfilled position they were eligible for at the
higher level. As Athena Lite does not model train-
ing courses, the training phase of a pilot pipeline was
modelled as a training (TRN) level. Wastage was
modelled using survival curves based on historical
Figure 4: Progression of pilots throughout their career, with
the application of inflow and wastage shown.
All AAvn positions were modelled, including
those in AAvn operational units, 1 AVN REGT, 5
AVN REGT, and 6 AVN REGT, and those in generic
school or headquarters units. Personnel entered the
system as inflow with a singular platform endorse-
ment, that will define which units they can fill posi-
tions in.
The model had initial states, based on current per-
sonnel data, and position requirements that changed
over time, based on planned establishment changes.
In scenarios 2 and 3, when the platform transition oc-
curred, 1 AVN REGT was modelled as two separate
units, with different platform endorsement require-
ments. This changing requirement was modelled as
in Figure 5, where the requirement for Tiger trained
personnel was reduced, as personnel were sent to con-
version training. However to ensure no loss of capa-
bility, the requirement for Apache trained personnel
increased at the same rate.
WAPAT 2023 - Special Session on Workforce Analytics - Practical Application and Theory
Figure 5: The changing requirement at 1 AVN REGT dur-
ing the transition period. The requirement for ARH trained
personnel reduced, while personnel were sent to conversion
training. At the same time, the personnel requirement for
Apache trained personnel increased.
In scenario 2, a number of ‘what-if scenarios re-
lating to transition timing, and personnel inflow were
completed. These ‘what-if scenarios are fast, and
simple to run using Athena Lite due to its relatively
low fidelity compared to Athena Pro. As such, the
majority of these scenarios were investigated using
Athena Lite. Scenarios of particular interest to AAvn
workforce planners were then modelled in more detail
in Athena Pro. In scenario 3, optimisation for inflow
and promotion was completed.
4.2 Simulating AAvn in Athena Pro
Career pipelines of the AAvn workforce were built,
based on career category management requirements
and Defence workforce planner expertise. In this
pipeline, personnel entered the career and become
ARMY-PILOT-TRN, representing the training level.
During this level they complete a number of flying
courses. The flow of personnel to these courses was
restricted by prerequisites.
Flow of personnel is also restricted by the number
of positions in each position group, and the session
sizes and timings in each course. Extra personnel are
stored as overflow in the buffer. Positions in position
groups had start and end dates to represent changing
requirement. This changing requirement for scenar-
ios 2 and 3 was as in Figure 5. Similarly session tim-
ings and sizes changed over time, as school schedul-
ing changes were made, and platform transitions oc-
curred. These sessions also had pass rates based on
historical data. These pass rates were particularly rel-
evant for courses in the ARMY-PILOT-TRN’ level,
as upon failure of these courses pilots do not continue
through the career pipeline.
Inflow is controlled by the intake points and was
set by the users. Upon inflow into the ARMY-PILOT-
TRN’ level personnel may become overflow in the
buffer, if the planned sessions were not frequent or
large enough. This occurs similarly for promotion be-
tween levels. This is displayed as a bottleneck in the
Sankey diagram, as well as in the chart statistics.
Detailed initial personnel, position, and profi-
ciency history was used as input to the simulations.
This data was collected using personnel management
systems, cleaned and converted to the required for-
4.3 Discussion and Comparison of
These models were validated by AAvn personnel, and
the results were used to inform the workforce transi-
tion plan throughout the acquisition process. Due to
the high fidelity modelling in both Athena Lite and
Pro, there was a large number of interesting results
that came from this investigation. Some key observa-
tions found were:
Multiple transition plans were tested and analysed
in Athena Lite. The variables altered in these
‘what-if scenarios were the transition course
length, transition course numbers and transition
course delay. A comparison of the supply vs. de-
mand at 1 AVN REGT, throughout these transition
plans can be seen in Figure 6. It can be seen that
the plan that leads to the lowest risk of undersup-
ply in 1 AVN REGT is transition plan 2.
As Athena Lite simulates all positions in AAvn,
the impact of the transition on the entire work-
force could be seen, and not just the direct im-
pact on the unit where the transition is occurring.
For example, as an increased number of ARH pi-
lots are required to fill ARH positions in 1 AVN
REGT, attend transition training to Apache, and
fill Apache position in 1 AVN REGT, less are
available to fill school and headquarters positions.
This leads to a shortage in these units in compari-
son to when no transition occurs.
Using the results from scenario 2 in Athena Lite,
transition plan 2 was modelled in Athena Pro. A
comparison of the results between Athena Lite
and Athena Pro highlighted a number of things.
First, while the overall number of personnel in the
workforce was approximately the same in both
tools, there were differences in the number of
personnel per rank. This is because, in Athena
Defence Workforce Transition Simulation and Analysis
Pro promotion eligibility is more restricted than
in Athena Lite, with the additional prerequisites
of proficiencies and courses. Figure 7 shows
the number of personnel waiting to attend the
CAPT Careers Course, a prerequisite to being
promoted from ARMY-PILOT-LT’ to ARMY-
PILOT-CAPT’. It can be seen that this course is
unable to meet the student demand, leading to less
people being eligible for promotion to the follow-
ing rank.
The cost-based optimiser is also used to optimise
the inflow and promotion numbers for this sce-
nario. The resulting supply vs demand results in
Athena Lite can be seen in Figure 8. In this ex-
ample, it can be seen that even with optimal re-
sults there is still some undersupply and oversup-
ply, especially in the first few years. This is be-
cause progression of personnel through the ranks
is restricted by a minimum time in rank constraint,
and as the ranks start undersupplied, in order to
meet the requirements at higher levels, the LT and
CAPT ranks need to be oversupplied and under-
supplied, respectively.
The optimisation results in Athena Lite show the
required number of inflow and promotion num-
bers, however does not detail the course require-
ments to meet these numbers. To calculate the
required number of graduations per year in pilot
training courses and in pilot promotion courses to
meet this optimal inflow and promotion, Athena
Pro was used. Intake points in the pilot pipeline
were set to match the optimal inflow, and all
courses were set to ‘on-demand’. This means that
the set sessions for these courses were ignored,
and they were instead allowed to run when the
minimum session size was met. An example of
the results from this are seen in Figure 9 where
the required number of graduates from the ‘Ro-
tary Wing Training’ course at particular times to
meet the required optimal inflow is shown. These
results inform the scheduling of courses in order
to meet the personnel requirement.
Athena Lite and Pro represent large improvements in
the ability of Defence workforce planners to accu-
rately represent and simulate the ADF workforce. To-
gether they provide a capability that is able to forecast
personnel shortages, identify bottlenecks in the sys-
tem, and optimise recruitment and promotion targets.
Figure 6: The supply vs demand of pilots at 1 AVN REGT
with Apache platform endorsements, under different transi-
tion plans.
Figure 7: The input queue at the CAPT Careers Course,
a prerequisite for promotion from ARMY-PILOT-LT to
ARMY-PILOT-CAPT. These are the number of students
waiting to complete this course. The increase in this queue
indicates not enough sessions are being held to meet the de-
Figure 8: The supply vs demand for each pilot rank, af-
ter using the Athena Lite optimiser. Each graph shows the
number of personnel in a particular rank throughout the sim-
ulation time. The requirement line can also be seen. It can
be seen that in order to meet requirement at higher levels,
MAJ and LTCOL, the LT and CAPT ranks must be over-
supplied and undersupplied, respectively.
The relatively lower fidelity simulation tool,
Athena Lite, allows Defence workforce planners to
quickly explore their workforce risks, while still
WAPAT 2023 - Special Session on Workforce Analytics - Practical Application and Theory
Figure 9: The number of pilot graduations from ‘Rotary
Wing Training’ in order to meet the optimal inflow, as found
using the Athena Lite optimiser.
maintaining enough detail to effectively analyse the
readiness level down to the rank, unit, and career.
Athena Pro is able to simulate the workforce to
a higher fidelity, analysing the flow of personnel
through the system as they complete courses, post-
ings, and gain proficiencies.
These capabilities have been demonstrated in the
analysis of the ARH to Apache workforce transition
in the AAvn. In this analysis, various transition plans
were investigated in Athena Lite, before those plans
of particular interest to AAvn planners were modelled
in more detail in Athena Pro. In Athena Pro, the effect
of training courses, complex prerequisite structures,
and more restricted flow through the career pipelines
could be seen. The Athena Lite optimiser was then
used to find the optimal recruitment and promotion
strategies throughout this time, in order to meet re-
quirement. Athena Pro was then used to inform the re-
quired training course schedules to meet this demand.
Besides AAvn, Athena Lite and Pro have also both
been used to simulate the entirety of the RAN, includ-
ing over 20,000 personnel, 100 vessels, and 66 ca-
reers. The Athena suite, including both Athena Lite
and Pro, has been accepted as the official workforce
planning tool for the entire Australian Defence Force.
Athena Lite and Pro are both still in active de-
velopment, as ADF users use and request new fea-
tures and changes. The future focus of the Athena
tool suite is on automated diagnosis and reporting.
This involves using machine learning, and data ana-
lytics techniques to analyse the workforce and under-
stand the risks and vulnerabilities. Natural Language
Generation is also being investigated as part of this
process, to produce usable reports of interesting re-
sults, and provide an interface between the tool and
the user. This will improve the interactions that users
have with the Athena tool suite, and the insights that
can be gained.
We thank Professor Terrence Caelli (Deakin Univer-
sity) for his editing advice and Australian Army Avi-
ation for their ongoing support. We also acknowledge
the Defence Research and Development Canada for
the ongoing collaboration on Athena development.
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WAPAT 2023 - Special Session on Workforce Analytics - Practical Application and Theory