day of assigned work plus any additional time spent
taking part in committees, labour organizations, or
other voluntary activities. Sailor workload is similar,
in that sailors are responsible for their primary and
secondary duties, but there are several complicating
factors that present themselves when the workplace is
a vessel. This is especially true when the vessel is at
First, many sailors stand watches. Depending on
the nature of the watch, it may or may not be possible
for a sailor to work on other tasks while standing
watch. In the USN, hours spent standing watch are
included in the productive time within the NAF with
the acknowledgement that additional productive
work will have to take place outside of the hours spent
standing watch (Chief of Naval Operations, 2021).
This builds in the assumption that none of the non-
productive items (training or service diversion), and
by analogy many secondary duties, can be completed
on watch. For the simulation model, it was decided to
consider all watch hours as primary duty hours and
require that secondary duties be completed when
sailors are off watch. Since some sailors can complete
secondary duties during a watch, this assumption will
result in the model results being the upper bound of
sailor workload.
A further complication in analysing the workload
of sailors is that the length of the workday, which
tasks are to be completed, and how long many tasks
take to complete depend on what the ship or unit is
doing. In the broadest sense, sailor workload depends
heavily on whether they are currently ashore or at sea.
At a more detailed level, each individual primary and
secondary duty will likely change depending on
whether it is being performed on shore or at sea, with
further considerations often being necessary to
include the types of shore duty and sails.
The USN addresses the disparity in sailor
workload based on unit state by generating multiple
NAFs: afloat, ashore (peacetime), and mobilization
(Chief of Naval Operations, 2021). Ashore is further
divided into whether the unit is stationed in the
continental US or internationally. A similar approach
was taken in this study after reviewing the secondary
duties to be considered.
In the simulation model, the state of a unit or ship
is divided into four categories: alongside home port,
alongside foreign port, at sea on routine sail, and at
sea on operation. These states were selected based on
the impact they are expected to have on secondary
duties. For example, a unit alongside a home port will
have extensive shore facilities to make use of,
reducing the need for many secondary duties that aim
to recreate these services at sea. A unit alongside a
foreign port will have some shore-based facilities to
make use of, but not as many as one alongside a
domestic port. Time at sea is divided into routine and
operational sails to take into account the difference in
crew composition and operational tempo in the two
states. The four states, and short labels used to refer
to them, are provided in Table 1.
Table 1: The four ship/unit states considered in the model.
Name Code
At sea on routine sail SR
At sea on operation SO
Alongside home port AH
Alongside foreign port AF
Combining all these considerations, a sailor’s
workload is described in the model as the time they
require to complete their primary and secondary
duties in each of the four unit states described above.
Watch standing, and therefore all associated tertiary
duties, are counted as primary duty workload in the
2.2 Time Estimation
Due to a lack of historical logs or other means of
accurately tracking how sailors spend their time, the
workload modelling described here will rely on time
estimation done by sailors based on their experience.
Given the number of billeted positions, secondary
duties, and unit states to be considered for a typical
ship, many individual time estimates are required and
a quick means of expressing them is necessary. A
single-point estimate, such as the mean time spent on
a secondary duty each month, is simple but does not
describe the variance of the value or the uncertainty
in the estimate. The uncertainty in such estimates may
be large, especially if sailors are generating them
from memory. Two-point estimates, such as a
minimum and maximum, may describe the variance
and uncertainty of a time value but do not include an
estimate of the most-likely value. In this study, a
three-point estimation is used: all time estimates are
expressed as the minimum value, the most-likely
value, and the maximum value. These three values are
often used in studies that aim to predict how much
time a combination of tasks will take (Clark, 1962).
They are more intuitive than abstract values such as
the mean, variance, or standard deviation.
Multiple distributions can be built from three-
point estimation. Further knowledge of the
distribution of time values will be necessary to inform
a decision around the most suitable distribution for
this application. As of writing, the triangular