SOFA values higher than two as compared to SOFA
values less than or equal to two. SOFA values do not
have a linear proportionality in terms of severity of
the patients. This finding is in accordance with the
findings of Yeh et al. who found out that patients who
has qSOFA values greater than 2 has a length of stay
significantly longer than patients who has qSOFA
values less than or equal to 2 (Yeh, 2019)
Results show that our approach could be applied
to multi variate short time series problems. It can be
considered as a kind of feature engineering. Number
of squares in an image and the intensity of the hue in
the squares can be adjusted after taking into account
the domain information.
After each iteration of generating algorithm, the
images are reconsidered by humans for a better
performing image generation process. Therefore, it
has a subjective aspect. This subjective aspect would
result in both short falls and better performances in
This study has been supported by the Istanbul
Technical University Research Coordination and
Support Office under grant ID MAB-2021-42828.
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