near future, with both areas positively feeding each
other in terms of research questions and tasks, and
also solutions. A strong common mathematical back-
ground also unites researchers in the two fields, mak-
ing it easy to exchange research questions, ideas, and
results. We also see several high-potential research di-
rections at the crossroads of ML and DR: using dense
maps to explore and improve classifiers and regres-
sors, effectively mapping the whole high-dimensional
space to an image; using ML to create highly cus-
tomized, high-quality projections for both static and
dynamic data; and developing inverse projections to
meet all the standards that current direct projection
techniques have. Such developments, jointly enabled
by DR and ML researchers, will have impact far be-
yond these two fields.
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Beyond the Third Dimension: How Multidimensional Projections and Machine Learning Can Help Each Other