Anisotropic Metasurface for Ultrafast Polarization Control via
All-Optical Modulation
Giulia Crotti
, Mert Akturk
, Andrea Schirato
,Vincent Vinel
, Remo Proietti Zaccaria
2,4 a
Margherita Maiuri
, Anton A. Trifonov
, Ivan C. Buchvarov
, Dragomir N. Neshev
9 b
Giuseppe Leo
, Giulio Cerullo
1,5 c
and Giuseppe Della Valle
1,5,6 d
Department of Physics, Politecnico di Milano, 20133 Milano, Italy
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, 16163, Genova, Italy
Laboratoire Mat
eriaux et Ph
enes Quantiques, MPQ UMR 7162, Universit
e de Paris, CNRS, 75013, Paris, France
Cixi Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201, China
IFN, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, 20133, Milano, Italy
INFN, Sezione di Milano, I-20133 Milano, Italy
John Atanasoff Center for Bio and Nano Photonics (JAC BNP), 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
Faculty of Physics, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, 5 James Bourchier Boulevard, 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems (TMOS), Research School of Physics,
Australian National University, Acton, ACT 2601, Australia
Ultrafast Photonics, All-Optical Polarization Control, Reconfigurable Metasurfaces.
The ability to manipulate light polarization at an ultrafast speed is a challenging goal in the field of Photonics:
sub-picosecond control of polarization is a fundamental functionality for a variety of applications, includ-
ing the developement of free-space optical links for robust information encoding. To this aim, an important
paradigm consists in employing metasurfaces as platforms which can be reconfigurable by all-optical means,
i.e. upon illumination by an energetic femtosecond laser pulse. Here, we present giant all-optical modulations
of dichroism in an anisotropic AlGaAs metasurface. An optimized design allows to exploit a sharp extended
resonance of the nanostructure in the desired spectral range, where the pump-induced band-filling effect is the
dominant process presiding over the ultrafast change of permittivity.
Polarization is one of the fundamental degrees of free-
dom of light. Ultrafast, active control of it is a cru-
cial functionality for a plethora of applications in vari-
ous fields, ranging from classic and quantum informa-
tion manipulation and encoding (Stanciu et al., 2007;
Flamini et al., 2018) to modulation of material pro-
cesses, such as molecular orientation (Fleischer et al.,
2011) and lattice excitation (F
orst et al., 2011), to
probing polarization-sensitive chemical and biologi-
cal systems (e.g. chiral molecules).
In order to develop reconfigurable devices, oper-
ating in the THz speed regime, the most promising
approach consists in adopting all-optical schemes. In
these, an energetic femtosecond laser pulse is em-
ployed to trigger a third-order optical nonlinearity,
which provides modification of the material permit-
tivity of the system, thus modulating the optical re-
sponse on a sub-picosecond timescale.
Within this framework, some possible platforms
have been identified for efficient polarization con-
trol. Polarization switching with an extinction rate of
91 and a switch-on time of 800 fs has been demon-
strated in a perfect absorber consisting of an In-doped
cadmium-oxide film with a gold capping (Yang et al.,
2017); synthesis and switching of light polarization
with up to 60
rotation of the polarization ellipse have
been achieved in a nonlinear metamaterial based on
Crotti, G., Akturk, M., Schirato, A., Vinel, V., Proietti Zaccaria, R., Maiuri, M., Trifonov, A., Buchvarov, I., Neshev, D., Leo, G., Cerullo, G. and Della Valle, G.
Anisotropic Metasurface for Ultrafast Polarization Control via All-Optical Modulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011926600003408
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2023), pages 107-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-632-3; ISSN: 2184-4364
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
a gold nanorod array embedded in a Al
(Nicholls et al., 2017). Another possibility is repre-
sented by epsilon-near-zero materials-based devices,
such as in (Wang et al., 2021), where indium titanium
oxide is coupled to gold nanoantennas.
An alternative route is represented by meta-
surfaces, which are planar arrangements of tightly
packed nanoresonators, and, as such, are both ultra-
compact and highly tunable. Consequently, they con-
stitute the ideal candidate for the development of inte-
grated photonic devices. A relevant example of polar-
ization control is illustrated in a paper by some of the
present authors (Schirato et al., 2020), where a siz-
able dichroic response is induced in an isotropic plas-
monic metasurface via photo-induced excitation of
out-of-equilibrium carriers with a non-uniform spa-
tial pattern. In this sense, a complementary approach
consists in employing an anisotropic metasurface in
which pumping could induce a transient modulation
of static dichroism and birefringence (Della Valle
et al., 2017).
Here, following this last strategy, we present an
anisotropic AlGaAs metasurface, very efficiently re-
configurable by all-optical means, and showing gi-
ant modulations of its dichroic properties on an ul-
trafast timescale. We combine experiments with the-
oretical simulations, by performing ultrafast pump-
probe spectroscopy and multisteps modelling to ratio-
nalize the dynamics of the retrieved transient optical
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 the
design of the metasurface is described, and the results
of measurements are shown; an account of modelling,
as well as the discussion on experimental results, can
be found in section 3. Finally, in section 4, some con-
clusions are drawn about the presented picture, and
considerations about ongoing and future work are pre-
The fabricated sample consists of two replicas of a
4 × 7 matrix of 70 µm × 70 µm AlGaAs nanowire
metasurfaces, each implementing different values of
the periodicity P and wires width W . The left panel
of figure 1 shows a sketch of one such metasurface,
as well as a pictorial depiction of the concept of ul-
trafast pump-probe spectroscopy. The left inset il-
lustrates the unit-cell vertical cross-section, while the
SEM image on the bottom right shows the top-view
of the horizontal xyplane.
We report here measurements and results rela-
tive to the metasurface parameters P = 450 nm, W =
180 nm: this specific combination of parameters al-
lows to tune an extended resonance of the unper-
turbed structure in a spectral range comprised be-
tween 750 nm and 800 nm; such a range is of partic-
ular interest due to band-filling, which is the mecha-
nism presiding over the third-order optical nonlinear-
ity in semiconductors at the bandgap edge. Indeed,
in such region, the photoinduced permittivity modu-
lation following pump absorption is pronounced and
dominated by its real part; thus, nonlinear losses are
negliglible (Pogna et al., 2021). For the present case
of Al
As, the bandgap sits at around 745 nm.
The right panel of figure 1 shows the measured re-
flection spectrum of the unperturbed sample for light
polarized parallel (TE) or perpendicular (TM) with re-
spect to the nanowires (see inset), impinging at an an-
gle of approximately 10
. The diameter of the spot-
size (FWHM) of the laser beam employed for probing
is approximately 250 µm, to be compared with the
diagonal of the metasurface ( 100 µm). Thus, the
sample is almost uniformly illuminated.
Note that the strong anisotropy of the metasurface
directly translates into a markedly dichroic static re-
sponse. A resonance in the TE polarization is located
at around 775 nm, whereas no resonant features are
observed upon illumination with TM polarized light.
It is also to be remarked that, due to probe spot-size
dimensions, the dominant contribution to the spec-
tra comes from light reflected by the substrate. In-
deed, we also measured the substrate optical response,
which, since an AlOx buffer is present, is configured
as the typical Fabry-Perot etalon response. In any
case, due to symmetry of quasi-normal incidence, the
substrate reflection spectra are almost degenerate in
the two different polarizations, and don’t show any
narrow resonant feature.
With the aim of characterizing the photo-induced
modulation of the dichroic properties of the meta-
surface, we performed ultrafast pump-probe spec-
troscopy measurements. These consist in illuminat-
ing the sample with a high intensity pump pulse and
then interrogating it with a second (lower intensity)
probe pulse, to record the relative variation of the
sample reflection, R/R =
, where R
ad R are
the reflection of the perturbed and unperturbed sam-
ple, respectively. This quantity is a function of both
the probe wavelength and the time delay between the
two pulses.
The experimental apparatus is constructed as fol-
lows: a Ti:sapphire laser that emits 100-fs pulses at
800 nm wavelength, with a repetition rate of 1kHz,
pumps a 1 mm Beta-Barium-Borate (BBO) crystal to
generate second harmonic pulses, centered at 400 nm.
These are directly employed as the optical pump in
NanoPlasMeta 2023 - Workshop on Nanophotonics, Plasmonics and Metamaterials
     
Figure 1: (Left). A depiction of one of the fabricated metasurfaces, together with the illustration of the concept of pump-probe
spectroscopy. Left inset shows a vertical cross-section of the unit cell of the structure, with the AlGaAs nanowire on top of
a 900 µm thick AlOx buffer and GaAs substrate. Bottom right inset is a SEM image showing the corresponding top-view
(horizontal plane). (Right). Reflection spectra of the unperturbed sample for light polarized parallel (TE) or perpendicular
(TM) with respect to the nanowires orientation, impinging at a small angle (θ 10
the experiment. A non-collinear optical parametric
amplifier is used to generate pulses at 1240 nm, to
pump in turn a YAG crystal in order to obtain the
probe pulse. An optical delay line is inserted along
the pump path and the pump is modulated at 500 Hz
by a mechanical chopper, so that it is possible to ob-
tain the differential reflection R/R as a function of
the pump-probe delay time.
By properly adding polarizers and waveplates
to this configuration, one can record polarization-
resolved two-dimensional maps of R/R
, R/R
Measurements are shown in figure 2. The transient
optical response is strongly dichroic, showing huge
modulations (up to 40%) of the reflected power for
the TE polarization at a spectral position which corre-
sponds to the neighbourhood of the unperturbed reso-
nant wavelength, whereas in TM the differential sig-
nal, though sizable, is much lower. These results are
remarkable considering the incident pump fluence of
70 µJ/cm
, which can be esteemed a low - moderate
level of excitation with respect to the ones reported in
literature (Pogna et al., 2021; Mazzanti et al., 2021),
and is two orders of magnitude below the damaging
threshold of the sample.
The same measurements have been also per-
formed by illuminating the substrate only, i.e. in a
region with an AlOx thick film on top of GaAs sub-
strate: in this case, the transient reflectivity response
is degenerate in polarization and amounts to less than
2%. Hence, the differential signal, and thus the mod-
ulation of dichroism shown in figure 2 is dominated
by the AlGaAs metasurface response.
In order to better visualize the complex spectral
features of the transient optical response, cross sec-
tions of the polarization-resolved 2D maps at fixed
time delays of 3 ps, 6 ps and 12 ps can be inspected
in figure 3, with TE/TM polarizations color coded
as in previous figures. Concerning TE polarization,
one can observe that the peak of the differential re-
flectance signal is clearly located at 770 nm, in
close correspondence with the static resonance; how-
ever, other extremely narrow features are present in
the transient map, which cannot be directly related to
the shape of the unperturbed spectrum. This could
be due to the experimental conditions in which the
static reflectivity measurements have been performed:
as it has already been remarked upon, the dimension
of probe spot-size diameter entails that the reflected
power shown in figure 1 is dominated by the substrate
contribution. Therefore, narrow spectral features be-
longing to the metasurface optical response are com-
pensated for or completely covered by substrate re-
flection; instead, they are revealed in the transient
measurements, where high reflectivity of the back-
ground is almost fully rejected.
It is to be noted that the effect is in practice extin-
guished within 12 ps from pump arrival.
In order to rationalize the efficient reconfiguration
of the metasurface following photoexcitation, we de-
cided to adopt a simplified version of a multistep
model which describes the physical processes tak-
ing place following photoexcitation (Mazzanti et al.,
2021). We will now briefly summarize such mech-
anisms and how they are taken into account in the
model, as schematically depicted in figure 4.
AlGaAs is a direct bandgap semiconductor with
Anisotropic Metasurface for Ultrafast Polarization Control via All-Optical Modulation
Figure 2: Measured 2D maps of differential reflection, retrieved as a function of probe wavelength and pump-probe time
delay, for the TM (left) and TE polarization (right).
Figure 3: Cross-sections of the 2D maps of figure 2 at a time delay of 3 ps (left), 6 ps (centre) and 12 ps (right). Red (blue)
curve corresponds to TE (TM) polarization.
gap energy E
1.65 eV. Absorption of the pump
pulse, which is centered at λ = 400 nm with an en-
ergy of 3.2 eV, generates a population of electron-
hole pairs in the conduction and valence band respec-
tively, via interband transitions.
The photoexcited population of electron-holes
then recombines through different channels: trap-
assisted nonradiative recombination, bimolecular and
Auger processes, the first one being the dominating
due to the large surface-to-volume ratio of nanostruc-
tures (Shcherbakov et al., 2017). Nonradiative recom-
bination entails the emissions of phonons, and thus a
slow increase of the lattice temperature in the wires.
The aforementioned degrees of freedom of the
photoexcited system namely, the density of e-h pairs
and the lattice temperature and their evolution in
time can be described with the simple rate equation
system depicted in figure 4. This is the so-called Two
Temperature Model (TTM).
Electron-holes pairs can be conceived as a plasma,
contributing to an ultrafast change of AlGaAs permit-
tivity through two distinct mechanisms. One is the
typical Drude process, for intraband transitions, en-
tailing a modification ∆ε
. The second effect is
the so called band-filling (hence the permittivity vari-
ation ∆ε
), which accounts for a saturation of the ab-
sorption channels: since the bottom of the conduction
band has been filled with electrons promoted follow-
ing photoexcitation, Pauli exclusion principle forbids
interband transitions upon arrival of the probe beam.
This entails a modification of the imaginary part of the
material permittivity for probe wavelengths with en-
ergy above the bandgap; hence, modulation of the real
part of permittivity is determined through Kramers-
onig relations. Crucially, the probe beam having
an energy below the bandgap (i.e. in the present case
NanoPlasMeta 2023 - Workshop on Nanophotonics, Plasmonics and Metamaterials
at wavelengths longer than 745 nm) experiences a
permittivity modulation due to band filling which is
purely real. Therefore, in such spectral regions near
the bandgap, where band filling dominates, losses are
minimized. Finally, another contribution to permittiv-
ity modulation comes from the lattice heating through
thermo-optics effect, ∆ε
. We refer the reader
to (Mazzanti et al., 2021) for the exact expression of
each contribution to the transient permittivity change
as a function of the electron-hole couple density and
lattice temperature.
Therefore, by resolving the TTM and directly sub-
stituting the solution into the described semiclassical
formulas, it is possible to model the ultrafast permit-
tivity variation as a function of time delay and probe
wavelength. Transient optical response of the sam-
ple can then be retrieved by performing full vectorial
electromagnetic simulations.
Figure 4: Schematics of physical processes taking place
following photoexcitation, together with the steps of the
model: TTM to describe electron-hole pairs density and
lattice temperature as they evolve in time, semiclassical for-
mulas to compute permittivity variations due to Drude, band
filling and thermo-optics mechanisms.
This approach, though accurate, is also computa-
tionally demanding. We decided to start with a simple
estimate of the permittivity variation at the time delay
corresponding to the signal peak (3 ps) with respect
to the spectral region near the bandgap. The selected
timescale allows us to neglect the thermo-optics per-
mittivity variation, since the lattice heating is a slower
process. Instead, the most relevant mechanism is rep-
resented by band filling, which also dominates over
Drude effect (Mazzanti et al., 2021). As a further
simplification, we also decided to set a fixed (real val-
ued) permittivity change for all the interesting wave-
length range (700–800 nm), in order to highlight the
key features of the considered phenomenon. There-
fore, we solved the TTM using the same material pa-
rameters for AlGaAs as in (Mazzanti et al., 2021) and
considering a pump fluence of 35 µJ/cm
half the
experimental value to correct the model’s permit-
tivity variation overestimation for a factor of two, as
explained in the same paper. Then, we chose the com-
puted value at λ = 745 nm, t = 3 ps as the uniform
permittivity variation, ∆ε = 0.08.
This is a rather coarse approximation, disregard-
ing both the imaginary part and spectral dependence
of ∆ε. However, the imaginary part of permittivity
change is nonzero only for wavelengths shorter than
745 nm, since band-filling effect dominates; more-
over, our model reveals that in this same spectral re-
gion the real permittivity variation is more dispersed,
whereas it is flatter in the region between 745 nm and
800 nm. Thus, we should expect an acceptable quali-
tative accuracy in the interesting spectral range where
most important modifications of the optical response
We then performed full-vectorial electromagnetic
simulations employing commercial software COM-
SOL Multiphysics 6, to compute both the static op-
tical response of the metasurface (∆ε = 0) and the
perturbed one (∆ε = 0.08). We set the following
parameters for the structure geometry: periodicity
P = 435 nm, wires width W = 185 nm and wires
height H = 415 nm (nominal fabrication parameter
was H = 400 nm). These values are optimized to fit
the static optical response to the experimental spectra,
in order to take into account fabrication defects and
boundary effects which cannot be included in simula-
tions with periodic boundary conditions.
Results are shown in right panel of figure 5. On
the left, for comparison, the experimental differen-
tial reflection curves at 3 ps are plotted with the same
vertical axis. For TM polarization (blue curves) the
agreement is remarkably good, with a slight quanti-
tative overestimation of the transient effects at short
wavelengths and between 780–800 nm. This can be
ascribed to the choice of fixing the permittivity to the
value corresponding to λ = 745 nm and neglecting
losses in the range 700–745 nm. Something similar
happens also for TE polarization; notice however the
accurate estimation of the peak differential reflectiv-
ity at 769 nm (760 nm in the simulation). Difference
in narrow features in the range 760 – 780 nm (specifi-
cally, the pronounced dip at 765 nm in the simulation)
has instead to be attributed to an imperfect fit of the
geometrical parameters, which was performed to ac-
curately mimic the experimental sample response.
Nevertheless, notwithstanding the approxima-
tions, our model is capable of highlighting the origin
of such efficient modulation of the sample dichroic
response, attributing it to the combination of two fac-
tors: (a) the dominant contribution of band filling to
permittivity modulation, which is purely real in the
spectral range of interest, thus allowing to minimize
losses, and (b) the presence of sharp resonances of
the metasurface in this precise spectral region near the
Anisotropic Metasurface for Ultrafast Polarization Control via All-Optical Modulation
Experiment, 3 ps
Δε = -0.08
Figure 5: (Left). Experimental differential reflection at 3 ps. Red (blue) curve corresponds to a TE (TM) polarized probe.
(Right). Simulated differential reflection obtained for a uniform permittivity modulation ∆ε = 0.08, corresponding to the
value obtained by our model at t = 3 ps, λ = 745 nm. Color coding corresponds to the one of left panel. Vertical axis is shared
among the two panels.
We have presented an anisotropic metasurface based
on AlGaAs nanowires on top of a composite AlOx-
GaAs substrate, to be used as a platform for dichroism
modulation through all-optical schemes, to the aim of
obtaining ultrafast control of light polarization. We
experimentally demonstrated very high efficiency in
reshaping the optical response (with a differential re-
flection peak of almost 40%) in the 700 800 nm
spectral range, with a moderate excitation fluence of
70 µJ/cm
Our preliminary, simplified version of the multi-
physics modelling laid out in section 3 is capable of
capturing the key physical phenomena taking place
after photoexcitation and regulating the transient op-
tical response: specifically, high modulation is ob-
tained by exploiting a sharp resonance of the structure
in the spectral region near to the bandgap, and the
measured effect is to be attributed to band-filling as
the dominant mechanism presiding over the ultrafast
permittivity change. Since this contribution is purely
real for the interesting range of operation, losses are
extremely reduced. From the designer perspective,
this conclusion can suggest a suitable direction to fol-
low, with the goal of tailoring the static optical re-
sponse of devices by tuning narrow spectral features
near the bandgap region of the constituent metasur-
face semiconductor.
As for modelling, further steps (and work in
progress) include the employment of the full model to
elucidate the temporal dynamics of the transient opti-
cal signal. In addition, an interesting future perspec-
tive is represented by the possibility of studying the
reconfiguration of the birefringent properties of such
metasurfaces, possibly tailoring them to the ambitious
goal of implementing ultrafast waveplate functionali-
This publication is part of the METAFAST project
that received funding from the European Union Hori-
zon 2020 Research and Innovation program under
grant agreement no. 899673. This work reflects only
authors’ view and the European Commission is not
responsible for any use that may be made of the infor-
mation it contains.
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Anisotropic Metasurface for Ultrafast Polarization Control via All-Optical Modulation