The Concept of Derivatives Through Eye-Tracker Analysis
Christian Casalvieri
, Alessandro Gambini
, Camilla Spagnolo
and Giada Viola
Department of Mathematics, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Rome, Italy
Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen, Viale Ratisbona 16, Bozen, Italy
Department of Mathematics, University of Ferrara, Italy
Keywords: Eye-Tracker, Derivative, Tangent Line, Semiotic Registers, Maths Education.
Abstract: In this paper we present a qualitative study on data collected by an eye-tracker tool regarding a Calculus task.
One purpose of this research is to highlight the differences and similarities between visual observation of
expert and non-expert groups. Analysis of the way of reading a text can provide a lot of information about
cognitive processes carried out to solve the task. Moreover, the aim of this study is to analyse, through the
eye-tracker tool, the difficulties of students concerning the concept of derivatives and to understand what may
trigger a wrong answer to the task.
In recent years, there has been an increase in the use
of eye-tracking rools for research in the field of
Mathematics education. This technique, used also in
other fields such as Psychology, Neuroscience or
Linguistics (Ferrari, 2004) as well as about cognitive
process creativity (Schindler & Lilienthal, 2020),
provides information about the way a person looks at
a visual stimulus. Thanks to the eye-tracker tool, it is
possible to study eye movements while an individual
is observing a stimulus. In particular, it is interesting
to analyse the eye movements of a person while
performing a mathematical task. The way to read a
text offers a lot of information about the problem-
solving process. Some studies are done in
mathematics in high school (Spagnolo et al., 2021)
with the eye-tracker tool, while little research is
carried out at university level.
In this research study, we focused attention on the
problem-solving process of a calculus task involving
the concept of derivatives. The task chosen was part
of the international survey TIMSS Advanced of 2008.
The choice of this task was based on the results of
standardised assessment tests (Gambini et al, 2020).
In fact, the results show that students have difficulties
with the concept of derivatives and the concept of
slope of a function. They have difficulties
understanding these concepts and explaining the
meanings of their cognitive process in a mathematical
task (Ferrari, 2017). Therefore, one of the purposes of
this research is to understand, using the eye-tracker
instrument, students’ difficulties regarding these
mathematical objects (Almfjord & Hallberg, 2020).
In addition, the aim of this analysis is to highlight the
difference between the gaze of experts in
mathematics (high school teachers, PhD students,
academics) and that of non-experts (Andrà et al.,
2009; Inglis & Alcock, 2012). The non-expert group
is composed of students of scientific faculties who
attended a calculus course in the first academic year.
Moreover, we wish to observe what has changed
since taking the calculus course. Therefore, in this
study we wish to make a comparison between
standardised assessment results and the responses of
the candidates of our sample. Thanks to data collected
by the eye-tracker tool and answers to interviews, it
is possible to analyse the process carried out by
individuals when solving the task. In this way, we can
study which elements led candidates to a solution and
understand how they did so.
Casalvieri, C., Gambini, A., Spagnolo, C. and Viola, G.
The Concept of Derivatives Through Eye-Tracker Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0011941100003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 378-385
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Eye-tracking allows us to track what a person
observes while performing a task. Recently,
researchers have used an eye-tracker tool to analyse
cognitive processes (Schindler & Lilienthal, 2019). In
particular, this tool has been used in research into
areas of Mathematics such as Geometry (Schindler &
Lilienthal, 2017, Simon et al., 2021), Algebra
(Obersteiner & Tumpek, 2016) and interpretation of
motion graphs (Ferrara F. & Nemirovsky R., 2005).
Moreover, some research studies have been carried
out on use of the eye-tracker in high school (Spagnolo
et al., 2021). The hypothesis, known as the Eye-Mind
Hypothesis, claims that eye movements are linked to
cognitive and learning processes. What is observed
by the subject offers important information about
what is processed by him or her (Just & Carpenter,
1980). Thanks to data collected by eye-tracker
instruments, it is possible to analyse the cognitive
processes carried out by individuals.
In a mathematical text there are elements
belonging to different registers of representation
(Duval, 2006). Therefore, when people read a
mathematical text, they have to be able to switch from
one register of semiotic representation to another
Giberti et al., 2023). Some studies show that the
ability to solve a task is related to the ability to read
different semiotic representations. Thanks to eye
movement analysis, it is possible to study the ability
to switch between different representations of
mathematical objects (Andrà et al., 2009; Andrà et al.,
2015). Moreover, thanks to the eye-tracker tool, it is
possible to identify which part of the text attracts
more fixations. It enables scholars to study which
objects catch students’ attention and to obtain more
information about their learning process. In recent
research by Andrà et al. (2009), a comparative
analysis was carried out concerning the approach of
experts and non-experts to mathematical
representations. Through the eye-tracker tool, they set
out to study the pattern of eye movements of the two
groups. Following on from this study of experts and
non-experts, we wish to carry out a qualitative survey
on an analytical concept that seems to present
significant difficulties for students. They, in fact, had
many problems with the concept of derivatives and
slope of a function in a 2008 TIMSS Advanced
survey and in an INVALSI task. INVALSI is the
institution that provides periodic and systematic
testing of Italian students' knowledge and skills; in
particular, it manages the National Assessment
System (SNV).
The annual tests involve all Italian students of
grades 2, 5, 8, 10 and 13. In recent research, the
authors have analysed why students encounter
difficulties in some tasks. They argue that in cases
where students have to apply only one procedure,
they are able to give the correct answer more easily.
When they have to interpret the meaning of the
concept, they are in great difficulty (Gambini et al.
2020). To improve understanding of a concept, Tall
(Tall, 2003) suggests working on its meaning in the
graph. In particular, Tall talks about three
mathematical worlds in which the mathematical
concept takes shape: the embodied world, symbolic
world and axiomatic world. In the embodied world,
in fact, an individual learns through perception. In
this case, it is useful to work on the graph to show the
meaning of the derivative, and then to delve into
symbolic and axiomatic meaning. The INVALSI’
results, in fact, show that in tasks where the concept
of the derivative was linked to the concept of velocity,
students were able to answer more correctly than in
the task presented in this paper (Gambini et al., 2020).
The aim of this research study is to investigate the
problem-solving process as performed by experts and
non-experts, and to analyse their eye movements.
Thanks to the responses to the interviews, it was
possible to understand candidate awareness about
what they looked at while performing the task. In
addition, it is possible to examine which elements
caught the attention of the candidates and what
changed after attending the Analysis I course.
The research questions are:
Is there a difference between which elements
caught the attention of experts and non-
How do these elements influence the problem-
solving process of the candidates?
Is there a difference between the results of
standardised assessment and the solution
proposed by the non-expert sample?
We predict that the observational approach of the
experts and non-experts is different. We think the
experts' viewpoint focused most on the angular
coefficient of the line equation. Instead, we believe
that non-experts looked mostly at the area of the
graph where lines meet the curve and the ordinate of
the tangency point.
This paper presents a qualitative analysis based on
data obtained using the eye-tracker instrument. The
The Concept of Derivatives Through Eye-Tracker Analysis
subjects of this research were students of scientific
courses, for example Chemistry, Engineering,
Physics or first year of Mathematics, and
Mathematics graduates, PhD students or high school
teachers of Mathematics. The group composed of
scientific faculty students who took Calculus in the
first year is called the “non-experts” group, while the
term “experts” is used to refer to the group composed
of PhD students, high school teachers or Mathematics
graduates. The two types of candidates were
compared in order to investigate tracked cognitive
processes and highlight similarities and differences
between the two groups.
In this study a screen-based eye-tracker
instrument was used, which can collect gaze data at
60 Hz. This tool is designed for fixation-based
analysis, and it consisted of a binocular camera with
a precision of 0.10° RMS and an accuracy of 0.3°
under optimal conditions. These values of precision
and accuracy were necessary to obtain the heat map
as in the following figures (for example, see Figure
3).The method is based on a collection of images of
both eyes by camera; in this way, it is possible to have
a better position of the gaze in the space and the
diameter of the pupil. The eye-tracker tool was linked
to a computer to analyse data collected with software.
This software provides tools of analysis like creation
of heatmaps, gaze plots and video recording of eye
movements. In this way it was possible to perform a
comparative analysis between the data of candidates.
The heatmap is a graph in which the most interesting
areas are represented with a warm colour. These areas
were observed for many times or for a long time;
therefore, these areas captured most attention from
the candidates. The gaze plot provides information
about the trajectory of the eye movements on the
screen. Fixation durations are used to represent time
spent watching the visual stimulus. The eye-tracker
instrument was calibrated for each subject. In fact,
before being shown the stimulus, the candidate had to
follow with his/her eyes the cursor to calibrate the
tool; the test started after this phase.
Candidates were given a Calculus task on the
concept of derivatives with no time limit to solve it.
Candidates read the text of the task on a monitor
where an eye-tracker camera was placed. The eyes of
the candidates in this research, while performing the
task, were monitored by the eye-tracker instrument.
Therefore, candidates knew that they had to keep their
eyes on the screen throughout the test. The eye-
tracker detected and recorded eye movements while
the subjects were performing the task. After
candidates had solved the task, a blank screen was
shown to them, so that the recording of eye movement
data was stopped, while keeping the candidates’ eyes
on the screen at all times. Afterward, candidates were
subjected to an interview to understand the problem-
solving process chosen. In addition, during the
interview of the subjects, the task was shown to them
again to detect and record their eye movements
during this phase. Data collected by an eye-tracker is
useful to understand the cognitive processes of
candidates and motivation of the problem-solving
strategy chosen. During the interview, the following
questions were asked:
What did you look at the most - the graph or the
text of the task?
Which elements in the text most caught your
Which elements in the graph most caught your
Which element did you start from when looking
for the solution?
What element enabled you to find the solution?
Did you first read the text of the task and then
look at the graph, or vice versa? Why did you do
Candidates were vocally recorded for later analysis of
their answers to the interview questions. In this way,
the data collected by the eye-tracker were
reconnected to subjects’ answers, making it possible
to analyse the cognitive process triggered by
This task was included in the TIMSS Advanced
survey of 2008. Moreover, a similar version of it was
used in the pre-test of grade 13 in the INVALSI
In this experimentation, thanks to data collected
by the eye-tracker tool, it is possible to carry out a
qualitative analysis organised in levels.
The text of the task is as follows:
“The line of equation 𝑦=
𝑥−2 is tangent at
point P with abscissa equal to 2 to the graph f in the
image. What is the value of f ‘ (2)?”
In the first macro-level of analysis, it is possible
to divide candidates into three categories:
in the first category, there are candidates
who prefer to focus their attention on the
text of the question. They almost
completely ignored the graph of the task.
We call this category “type T”;
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Graph of the task.
in the second category, there are
candidates who read the text quickly and
after spending more time on the graph,
try to solve the task through the graph
information. We call this category “type
in the third category, there are candidates
who favour neither the graph or the text.
Eye movements of individuals move
between text and graph with quick
saccades. We call this category “type
In the micro-level of analysis of these categories,
we tried to highlight the distribution of expert and
non-expert students. It is possible to observe that the
expert candidates belong to the first category (we call
these candidates T-E). In contrast, non-expert
candidates are subdivided into category type T (T-
NE), category type TG (TG-NE) and there is one
individual who belongs to the category type G (G-
Apart from the clear division in these categories
between expert and non-expert candidates, it is
important to point out that the task is an open-ended
question, and, moreover, the answer is in the
stimulus. Analysis of the graph is not crucial to find
the correct solution to the problem. In fact, to solve
the task correctly, it is necessary to connect the
concept of derivative in a point, expressed by f ‘(2) in
the text, with the angular coefficient of the tangent
line, expressed by the equation 𝑦=
The first concept, belonging to a purely analytical
representation, is linked to the second one (belonging
to a purely geometric representation) through the
concept of angular coefficient (algebraic/analytical
representation) of the tangent line (geometric
representation), thus expressed through a "mixed"
representation, according to the following scheme
(Figure 2):
Figure 2: Scheme of representations involved.
4.1 T-E Candidates
The heatmap in Figure 3 (below) shows that the
fixations of the expert candidates focused on those
parts of the text connected with the angular
coefficient. In fact, these parts are sufficient to solve
the task.
Figure 3: Heatmap of the T-E candidates.
These fixations are linked to the cognitive process
of the expert candidate, who does not perform a
mental calculation. This result is confirmed by the
subsequent interviews. More than one expert
candidate states: “the elements I looked at the most
(in the text, NdA) are: angular coefficient and the
question of the task”. The occasional gazes at the
graph are connected to the ease of the task. In fact,
this represents a disorienting element for experts, so
they check more closely the request of the task and
make control evaluations. These could be due to the
subject’s anxiety, which is inversely proportional to
the perceived difficulty of the task. In fact, an expert
candidate says: “I saw that the task was very easy and
that is why I thought that there was a trap [] I
checked that the abscissa of P was 2”.
The candidate's heatmap, recorded during the
interview (Figure 4), is the one drawn while the
subject is solving the task. However, there is a
fixation (the only noteworthy example) of the
candidate on the point of tangency. The rest of the
graph was almost ignored.
The Concept of Derivatives Through Eye-Tracker Analysis
Figure 4: Heatmap of the T-E candidates during the
This action can be justified because the expert
candidate gives the local value of the derivative of the
function at a point. It is possible to say that expert
candidates see the task’s graphic register as a
confirmational element. In fact, they are able to
highlight essential elements of algebraic or analytical
nature useful in providing an answer based on simple
definitions, decreasing the phase of calculation or
graphic/geometrical analysis. This process of
reduction of useful information is clear by the textual
part at point P with abscissa equal to 2 was
observed less by the candidates, because this
information belonged to f ‘ (2)”.
4.2 T-NE Candidates
Non-expert candidates who looked mostly at the
textual area of the task have a heatmap which varies
little from that of T-E candidates. However, their
conclusions are different; this means that the use in
the cognitive process of the visual elements, obtained
by eye exploration phase, is different, interpreting
incorrectly acquired information.
Figure 5: Heatmap of the T-NE candidates.
Although the candidate’s attention is focused on
the same textual elements, it is possible to observe
that it is more uniformly distributed across the text
(Figure 5). This marks a lower ability to select the
elements useful in solving the task. Confirming this
weakness, non-expert saccades are shorter than those
of expert candidates and their fixations have a shorter
duration (as can be seen from the gaze plot, which we
have not reported here due to limited space).
Although the abscissa of the tangency point was
ignored, it is the only part of the graph which may be
considered essential. In contrast with the expert
candidates, observation of the graph belongs to the
exploratory phase, and it was soon abandoned,
because no useful elements were identified to solve
the task. This is evidenced by the saccades between
the textual part and graphical part, which were almost
absent. This indicates the absence of any cognitive
process of providing links between textual and
graphical data.
By analysing the textual register, it is possible to
observe many saccades between the line equation and
the demand of the task. This can be justified by the
way the T-NE candidates perform the problem: they
compute the line’s derivative and determine the
solution by equating the function’s derivative at line’s
derivative in the same point. Therefore, the candidate
knows the link between derivative and tangent line,
but not between derivative and angular coefficient.
Therefore, he needs to carry out explicit calculations
to solve the task, indicating a need for formal
justification to determine the solution of a
mathematical problem. This is also confirmed by a
discomfort, expressed in the following interviews,
about inexplicit knowledge of the function f(x). One
candidate states: “I could not explicitly compute the
derivative of the function in 2, I calculated the
derivative of the tangent line in 2 and I thought the
two values were equal”. Therefore, candidates T-NE
prefer an analytical/algebraic method of solving the
problem and this leads them to do analytical
calculations to determine solution. The graph is an
irrelevant element for them.
4.3 G-NE Candidates
Non-expert candidates, who focus their attention
mainly on the graphical part of the task, have an
opposite approach from T-E candidates. The analysed
data show some saccades between the line equation
in the textual part (with particular attention to angular
coefficient) and tangency point in the graph part.
Candidates almost completely ignored the rest of the
text, including the request of the task. The candidates
know the importance of the angular coefficient of the
tangent as a solving element, but they are not able to
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
determine a direct link between the coefficient and
the derivative of the function f. Therefore, they are
unable to transfer the information obtained about the
tangent line from an analytical point of view to the
graph of the function represented. They try to use the
knowledge of the angular coefficient obtained in the
textual part to find a connection with the graphical
element in order to enact a cognitive process to solve
the problem.
Figure 6: Heatmap of the G-NE candidates.
The heatmap (Figure 6) shows that fixations of G-
NE candidates are focused on graphical properties of
the point of tangency, which is observed through eye
movements along the tangent line and the behaviour
of the function. This is the only category in which
candidates try to determine graphically the analytical
behaviour of the function, looking for distinctive
visual elements, such as intersection with abscissas
axis or transition at points near the tangency point
(helped also by the presence of the numbers in the
graph). The heatmap highlights many fixations and
saccades in a large (global) area that follow the
behaviour of the green curve. One candidate states: “I
tried to understand what the parabola equation was
…”. From this perspective, we can point out that,
sometimes, a non-expert candidate associates
increasing nonlinear behaviour with a parabola graph.
This probably occurs because a parabola is the most
familiar nonlinear behaviour for high school students.
Therefore, the cognitive process of a candidate G-NE
follows an opposite process to that of T candidates:
they behave as if the graphical register were essential
to obtain all the information needed to solve the task,
and afterwards to translate it into the analytical
4.4 TG-NE Candidates
Candidates of this category display many saccades
between the text of the task and the graph. Their
approach to the execution of the problem is based on
a continuous comparison between the textual part,
with fixations focused on the angular coefficient of
tangency line and question of the task f ‘(2) (similarly
to candidates of category T), and the graphical part,
with fixations focused in particular on the point of
tangency, but with considerable saccades and short
fixations following the behaviour of the function up
to the axis origin (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Heatmap of the TG-NE candidates.
A comparative approach of this type requires a
continuous change of the semiotic register, from
algebraic to graphical. This transition occurs through
a mental process that requires the transformation of
two registers using analytical knowledge that one
should acquire after a Calculus course, which makes
this approach the most complicated. In fact, from this
method it is possible to posit a typology of analytical
mistakes presented by TG-NE candidates, connected
to some misconceptions:
1. confusion between the value of the function at the
point and the value of the correspondent
derivative in the same point: the TG-NE
candidates check the ordinate of the tangency
point and often answer the task question with that
value. One of them states: “I checked that
tangency point was at 2 and as tangent line and
function have the same value in that point, that
value is the solution…”;
2. a wrong attribution of globality to the local
problem: visual attention (and cognitive) to the
behaviour of the function even at the points far
from the tangency point, are a feature. A TG-NE
candidate states: “…I tried to observe only the
tangency point, but not knowing the behaviour of
the function, I was not able to understand the
3. (linked to previous point) the lack of distinction
between the value of the derivative of the function
in one point
The Concept of Derivatives Through Eye-Tracker Analysis
f ‘(x
) and derivative of function f ‘(x). This is
highlighted also in the language used: one
candidate states that the first derivative of the
function at that point is a tangent line to the
function at that point, identifying a number
(derivative in one point) with a curve (tangent
line). From this perspective the behaviour of the
supposed parabolic (mentioned earlier) and the
supposed analytic quadratic behaviour for the
function, can explain why the derivative is a line
(tangent line). This excludes the fact that if a
behaviour was exponential or logarithmic, the
tangent curve could not be a straight line.”
Definitely, in the approach used by TG-NE
candidates, it is possible to highlight a marked
distance between information acquired from
observation of the text and information obtained by
visual analysis about behaviour of the function.
Therefore, we can say that the graphical register is a
distracting element for these candidates.
This work is part of a more general project, which sets
out to analyse (by means of the eye-tracker tool) the
data obtained from the administration of questions
based on concepts learned in a standard Calculus
course. Two kinds of candidates were involved: the
experts, including university professors, high school
professors, doctoral students and master's students,
and the non-experts, i.e., students enrolled in the first
years of an undergraduate degree course of a
scientific faculty. The basic idea is that, by comparing
the data obtained, it is possible to "reconstruct" the
different approach and cognitive path used to tackle a
mathematical problem. The purpose is twofold: on
the one hand, it is possible to take a "snapshot" of the
delicate transition that a student faces in moving from
secondary school to university; on the other hand, it
is possible to try to derive useful indications to
improve the teaching of mathematics in a first-year
university course. In this paper, a qualitative analysis
was presented of a question based on a quantitative
analysis about an INVALSI task. It concerns the link
between the concept of the derivative, the angular
coefficient of the tangent line and the slope of the
graph of a "smooth" function at a point. The results of
the Italian INVALSI assessment referring to the same
task were as follows: Correct 13%, Incorrect 57%,
Missing 30%. As we mentioned above, the purpose
of the eye-tracking analysis is to figure out the student
The use and interpretation of the different
theoretical concepts used in the test allowed us to
hypothesise the cognitive processes implemented by
the different types of participants. The nature of the
representations involved in the scheme in Figure 2 are
represented by the two different and distinct areas of
interest distributed over the question: the textual part
expressed in analytical/algebraic register and the
figurative part expressed in geometric register. What
was possible to observe is a very clear
characterisation of the four expert candidates (T-E
candidates), who preferred a purely analytical
approach. For them, therefore, the main visual (and
cognitive) area of interest was textual, with particular
attention paid to the question request (f’(2)) and the
angular coefficient of the tangent line, while the
figure assumed only the role of confirmation or
control. For such candidates, the previous scheme is
strongly shifted to the left and the answer to the
question was unanimous and correct. The division of
the nine non-expert candidates was more complex.
Three of these candidates (T-NE candidates) also
followed a purely analytical approach, but the link
between the first derivative and the angular
coefficient of the tangent line was less decisive: they
preferred to calculate the derivative of the equation of
the tangent line and to identify the concept of the
derivative of the function with that of the tangent line.
These candidates answered the question correctly and
the figural register was essentially irrelevant. Four of
them chose an "intermediate" approach (TG-NE
candidates), with areas of interest evenly distributed
between text and graphics. For these candidates, the
diagram was the main focus: they tried to relate the
equation of the tangent line to its graph, losing sight
of the (local) concept of the first derivative at a point
and the (global) graph of the tangent line. Two of
them answered incorrectly, confusing the slope of the
graph of a function with the value of the function at
that point. Finally, one non-expert candidate (G-NE
candidate) approached the question from the opposite
side to that of the experts. His area of interest
containing the figure was clearly predominant: he
tried to determine the slope of the graph from the
slope of the tangent line, calculated using the grid
(although his answer was not correct). The graph
takes priority in his approach and his diagram is
strongly shifted to the right. It was not possible to
deduce from this purely qualitative analysis that there
are statistically significant correlations between the
different methods of approaching the question, the
candidates' prior knowledge and the outcome of the
question itself. To this end, we intend to acquire a
large amount of data in the coming months so that we
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
will be able to carry out a more quantitative analysis.
However, the information acquired about the
cognitive processes were important to underline the
observation of a mathematical problem articulated in
different registers, such as the one we experimented,
and the theoretical information that should be
acquired as the primary objective of a basic course in
Calculus, in order to gain useful information on the
best teaching methods that can be used and possible
technologies suited to support such methods.
We think this can also be helpful from a teacher
professional development perspective (Spagnolo et
al., 2022).
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The Concept of Derivatives Through Eye-Tracker Analysis