Future Directions for MBSE with SysML v2
Sanford Friedenthal
SAF Consulting, LLC, U.S.A.
Keywords: OMG Systems Modeling Language, Systems Modeling Language, SysML v2, Model-Based Systems
Engineering, MBSE.
Abstract: Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) has evolved over the last several years in response to the need to
deal with growing system complexity and increased enterprise agility. MBSE is an approach to systems
engineering where information about the system is captured in a system model. This approach can provide a
more complete, consistent, and traceable system design than a more traditional document-based approach
where information about the system is captured in a variety of documents, informal diagrams, and
SysML v1 was adopted in 2006 and has been a key enabler of MBSE. Since that time, much has been learned
about applying MBSE with SysML. The next generation of SysML (v2) is being developed by the SysML v2
Submission Team (SST) to provide capabilities that address the limitations of SysML v1 and enable the
evolving practice of MBSE. This presentation summarizes the future directions for MBSE and how SysML
v2 can support these needs.
Systems engineering aims to ensure the pieces of the
system work together to achieve the objectives of the
whole system. As an example, a car must be designed
such that its powertrain, braking, steering, chassis,
body, interior, electrical system, and infotainment
work together to achieve the objectives of the car.
The car’s objective is to transport people and things
safely and reliably while satisfying many other
stakeholder expectations for performance, comfort,
aesthetics, and cost. Systems engineering involves
architecting solutions that balance competing
requirements while managing the technical, cost, and
schedule risk associated with development of
complex systems.
Systems engineering practice began maturing as a
discipline in the mid-twentieth century to address the
growing challenges of the aerospace, defense, and
telecommunications industries. Systems engineering
has traditionally been defined as a top-down problem-
solving methodology. The practice includes problem
identification by eliciting and analyzing needs of the
system stakeholders. In aerospace and defense
industries, it is common to define one or more
missions that the system is intended to support and to
specify measures of effectiveness (moe’s) that
represent mission and stakeholder value.
The practice of systems engineering then
systematically derives the system, subsystem, and
component requirements to achieve the mission. This
often involves determining how a system must
interact with its external systems, users, and the
natural environment to accomplish the mission, and
then deriving the requirements for how the parts of
the system must interact to satisfy the system
requirements. The requirements are then used by
design engineers to perform more detailed design and
implementation. Systems engineering then verify
that the parts satisfy their requirements. This practice
of flowing requirements down from mission to
component level, performing the detailed design and
implementation, integrating the parts into the next
higher level of assembly, and verifying each level of
assembly satisfies its requirements is often referred to
as a ‘vee’ process.
Systems engineering must specify requirements
based on considerations from across the system
lifecycle. This includes requirements on the system
and its enabling systems to effectively manufacture,
deploy, maintain, and dispose the system. For
example, maintenance requirements may be imposed
to ensure that critical parts of a car are monitored,
accessed, and replaced in the event of a failure.
Friedenthal, S.
Future Directions for MBSE with SysML v2.
DOI: 10.5220/0011946300003402
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD 2023), pages 5-9
ISBN: 978-989-758-633-0; ISSN: 2184-4348
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Systems engineering must determine a preferred
solution that satisfies the stakeholder needs. This can
involve extensive trade-off analysis and design
optimization to evaluate alternatives and select a
preferred solution. The preferred solution is the one
that maximizes mission and stakeholder value within
the constraints of the project.
The system development process rarely follows a
strictly top-down process. Detailed design activities
are often happening concurrent with the requirements
flow down process. As a result, further iteration is
needed to reconcile the requirements and detailed
design solutions.
Systems engineering is an integrating discipline
that must interact with other engineering disciplines,
program management, and the customer and treat
each of them as stakeholders of the systems
development process. The customer is the acquirer of
the system and often represents the users of the
system. Program management is responsible for
program success and the overall budget and schedule.
The other engineering disciplines are responsible for
the detailed design. As system stakeholders, systems
engineering must address each of their concerns
throughout the development process.
Systems engineering traditionally captures system,
subsystem, and component requirements, design,
analysis, and verification information in a variety of
different artifacts including text documents, informal
diagrams, and spreadsheets. The documents are
authored by different members of the systems
engineering team, and as the system design evolves,
this documentation must be updated to reflect the
changes. The effort required to create and maintain
this documentation is substantial. In addition, it is a
significant challenge to ensure consistency of the
information contained within each document and
from one document to another. An additional
challenge is that the information is captured
informally in text and diagrams and is subject to
different interpretations.
This challenge is illustrated when there is a
change to a system requirement. The requirement
must be assessed to identify what parts of the system
may be impacted, and then various analysis must be
performed to determine the potential impact. Once
the impact is determined, proposed changes to the
design and derived requirements are made to satisfy
the system requirement by iterating through the ‘vee’
process. This is often a very manual and time-
consuming process where some information is often
not well documented, thus making it difficult to
coordinate changes to all the impacted documents.
MBSE is a way to perform systems engineering
where information about the system is captured in a
system model. The model is a primary source of the
information that is managed throughout the system
lifecycle as part of the technical baseline. This
contrasts with the more traditional document-based
approach where the information is captured in a
variety of documents, informal diagrams, and
spreadsheets as described previously. MBSE is
intended to provide a more complete, consistent, and
traceable system design.
The roots of MBSE trace back many years, but
this practice is becoming increasingly important to
address the growing system complexity associated
with increasing amounts of software, data, and
interconnectivity. MBSE evolved with changes in
computing technology and programming standards
starting with the introduction of modeling and
simulation as an engineering practice in the 1960’s.
Computer aided software engineering (CASE) and
computer aided design (CAD) methods and tools
were introduced in the 1980’s. Computer aided
systems engineering and early systems behavior
modeling tools were introduced in the early 1990’s.
UML modeling tools were introduced in the late
1990’s. SysML v1 tools were introduced in mid
2000’s. SysML v1 provided a robust systems
modeling capability to specify system behavior,
structure, requirements, and parametrics.
According to the INCOSE Systems Engineering
Vision 2035 (2023), the future of systems
engineering is model-based’. A model of the system
is essential to manage the growing system complexity
and to achieve the agility required to adapt to on-
going changes in requirements, design, and
technology. This direction is part of a broader trend
towards digital engineering that is being enabled by
MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
advances in computing technology and standards.
Digital engineering emphasizes the need to capture
engineering information in models and other
structured data that can be semantically integrated
and interpreted by computers.
When complemented with agile practices, MBSE
provides a capability to provide more rapid response
to changes in requirements and design. Agile
practices for systems engineering include the use of
automated workflows and configuration management
of the digital thread, where the digital thread is the
interconnected set of artifacts that constitute the
evolving technical baseline.
The benefits for MBSE will continue to increase
as the practice matures. This includes leveraging
modeling patterns, reference architectures, and reuse
libraries to more effectively support product-family
engineering approaches and system design evolution.
It is also anticipated that system models will enable
more effective reasoning about the system to answer
fundamental questions such as ‘what is the impact of
a change to a particular requirement’. The models
should facilitate improved automation for system
quality checks and status reporting. More generally,
the models should enable shared understanding
across the broad set of system stakeholders and
improved overall capability to manage complexity
and risk.
A primary goal for MBSE is to use the models to
verify the system satisfies its requirements and
surface issues early in the system lifecycle before
building and testing the system. This significantly
reduces the adverse impact on program cost,
schedule, and risk of discovering these issues later in
the system lifecycle.
To fully benefit from the application of MBSE, it
must be applied across the system lifecycle from
conceptual design through development, production,
and support of the system, and at all levels of system
design including system-of-systems, systems,
subsystems, and components. Scaling to this
increased scope of MBSE will require significant
improvement in modeling capabilities in terms of the
language, methods, tools, and the associated
modeling skills.
SysML v1 was adopted in 2007. Much has been
learned from the application of MBSE with SysML.
SysML v2 is the next generation systems modeling
language to addresses many of the limitations that
were identified with SysML v1. SysML v2 (2023) is
intended to provide much broader adoption and
improve the effectiveness of MBSE to help realize the
benefits highlighted in the previous section. The
objectives for SysML v2 are to make significant
improvements relative to SysML v1 in the following
Precision and expressiveness of the language
Consistency and integration among language
Interoperability with other engineering models
and tools
Usability by model developers and consumers
Extensibility to support domain specific
Migration path for SysML v1 users and
Some of the key elements of SysML v2 include:
A new metamodel that is focused on system
modeling. The metamodel is not constrained by
UML but preserves most of UML modeling
capabilities and is grounded in formal semantics.
More robust visualizations based on a flexible
view and viewpoint specification. The language
includes both graphical and textual notations and
supports tabular renderings of the model content.
A standardized API to access the model from
other applications
The SysML v2 language design is part of a multi-
layered language architecture. The Kernel Modeling
Language (KerML) includes the lower three layers to
provide the foundation constructs and core semantics.
SysML v2 extends the KerML to include the systems
modeling concepts such as parts, actions, states,
requirements, analysis case, verification case, and
others. The language syntax and semantics can be
further extended using model libraries without the
need to extend the metamodel, which minimizes the
need for additional tooling.
The textual notation is new to SysML v2. The
graphical and textual notation provide
complementary renderings of the same underlying
model. Tool support for both notations will enable a
change that is made in the textual notation to be
rendered in the graphical notation and vice versa. The
combination of both graphical and textual
representations provides significant modeling
The SysML v2 language capabilities enable the
precise representation of many aspects of a system
Future Directions for MBSE with SysML v2
including its structure, behavior, requirements,
analysis cases, and verification cases. It also includes
the ability to specify user defined views and
SysML v2 employs a regular pattern of definition
and usage across virtually all language constructs.
This regularity and associated consistent terminology
should facilitate learning and use of the language and
facilitate automation such as model checking.
A significant improvement over SysML v1 is
referred to informally as ‘usage focused modeling’.
This enables one to define a system design
configuration with parts that may or may not have
explicit definitions. For example, a system
decomposition in SysML v1 requires that blocks be
decomposed into part properties, and that the part
properties be typed by blocks which are further
decomposed into the next level of decomposition of
part properties. In SysML v2, a system
decomposition can be represented as a parts
decomposition directly. The zigzag decomposition
pattern in SysML v1 (i.e., block to part to block to
part) is replaced by part-to-part decomposition in
SysML v2. This usage focused approach applies to
all usage elements including actions, states,
requirements, and others, and results in a significant
simplification in how the language is used.
The usage focused modeling also provides the
ability to readily adapt the usage to its context. For
example, a vehicle may require different values for
the tire pressure on its front and rear tires. The
frontTire and the rearTire can be modeled as parts
that are defined by their part definition Tire, which
contains an attribute pressure. The frontTire and
rearTire can redefine their pressure to have different
default values. A part inherits features from its
definition and can redefine or subset the inherited
features or add new features, enabling the part to be
adapted to its context. Similarly, a part can subset
another part which is analogous to class inheritance.
This enables the part to inherit features from the part
it subsets and then redefine or subset the inherited
features or add new features.
There are many other aspects of the language that
illustrate its expressiveness, precision, and regularity,
but discussion of this is beyond the scope of this
The Systems Modeling Application Program
Interface (API) and Services or SysML v2 API for
short provides a standard way to access the SysML v2
model and perform various operations on the model.
This is intended to greatly enhance the
interoperability of the system model with other
applications and tools. This capability has already
been demonstrated by external applications that have
interacted through the API. This includes model
management applications that manage model
versions and branching, visualization applications
that render the model content in a graph, analysis
applications that provide solvers to solve the
equations specified by the analysis in the SysML v2
model, and an open- source CAD viewer application
that renders the geometric information contained in
the SysML v2 model.
The SysML v2 specification is being submitted to
the OMG for approval as a beta specification in the
first quarter of 2023. If approved, the specification
enters its finalization phase which provides an
opportunity for tool vendors that are implementing
the specification to provide feedback and propose
resolutions regarding their implementation issues. It
is anticipated that the final adopted specification will
be available in 2024.
Model-based systems engineering builds on a history
dating back to the 1960’s with the advent of computer
simulation as an engineering practice and further
advancements in computer aided software and
hardware design methods and tools. MBSE tools
were introduced in the early 1990’s. SysML v1 is
based on UML and was adopted in 2007. Since that
time, much has been learned about applying MBSE
with SysML.
The future of systems engineering is model-based
to deal with the increasing system complexity and the
need to effectively respond to on-going changes in
requirements, design, and technology. The model-
based systems engineering approach is part of the
digital transformation that leverages advances in
computing technology and standards.
SysML v2 is the next generation systems
modeling language that is intended to significantly
improve MBSE adoption and effectiveness over
SysML v1. In particular, it is intended to improve the
precision, expressiveness, usability, interoperability,
and extensibility of the language while retaining a
transition path for SysML v1 users and tool
implementors. SysML v2 includes a new metamodel
that has been designed to address the needs for
systems modeling from the onset, while retaining
much of the legacy UML capabilities. It provides a
textual syntax in addition to the graphical syntax and
a robust visualization capability. SysML v2 also
includes a standard API that will greatly enhance
MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
SysML v2 is anticipated to be adopted as a beta
specification in early 2023 and become a formally
adopted specification by the Object Management
Group in 2024.
(January 2022) INCOSE Systems Engineering Vision
2035, last accessed on January 03, 2023 at
SysML v2 Submission Team, (December 2022) OMG
Systems Modeling Language
(SysML®) Version
2.0, last accessed on January 03, 2023 at
ase, This draft specification has not been submitted to
the OMG
Future Directions for MBSE with SysML v2