within this paper. The target of this work is to identify
if the third (skewness) and fourth (kurtosis)
centralized moment of the inter-arrival time
distribution have an effect on customer´s waiting
times – and if so, which effect could this be. Reason
for this is that approximations in continuous time can
be calculated rather easily, however exact
calculations with discrete-time modelling is more
complex and cannot be done as easily.
In the following, we use Kendall´s Notation A/B/m
where A indicates the inter-arrival time distribution,
B the service time distribution and m the number of
servers, as depicted e.g. in (Schleyer, 2007). G
indicates that the distribution is a general one, i.e. the
Markovian property is not given, the underlying
distribution is not an exponential one.
We consider G/G/1-queues where inter-arrival
and service times are uid. For these, amongst others
(Marchal, 1976) has derived an approximation
formula (1) to calculate the customer´s waiting times
in the queuing system. It can be denoted as:
) = expected waiting time
= variability of service process
𝜌 = utilization of service station
= variance of inter-arrival time
= variance of service time
𝜆 = arrival rate of customers at service
Besides, several other approximations have been
developed, e.g. by (Krämer-Langenbach-Belz, 1977)
or (Buzacott and Shantikumar, 1993). All these
follow the same basic principle as they are based on
the description of stochastic processes by the first two
moments only. Everything else is neglected. Thus,
they are more or less precise, any size of relative
relative errors can occur (Furmans, 1999). But each
of these approximations will always lead to the same
result even for totally different distributions as long
as their mean and variance are the same. (Schleyer
and Furmans, 2007), (Huber, 2011) and (Matzka,
2011) confirm the above-mentioned findings as well.
In contrast to this, (Grassmann and Jain, 1989)
have shown an exact approach (at least within an ε-
neighbourhood) for determining waiting times by
considering a discrete-time G/G/1-queue. However,
this algorithm is more complex in application. We use
these approximations as well as the algorithm for
comparison as the starting point for further analysis.
Table (acc. Schleyer, 2007) shows the according
results: An arbitrary inter-arrival time distribution (a)
and five different service time distributions (b
), all of
these having the same mean value and variance, have
been taken. With these, the expected waiting times for
customers arriving at the queueing system are
calculated in time-continuous domain, always
following the three above mentioned approximations.
As expected, each approximation leads to the same
waiting times for all five cases while each
approximation leads to different expected values. The
relative difference between the smallest and the
biggest result is 13.17 % taking the lowest result as
basis. Afterwards, the exact algorithm proposed by
Grassmann and Jain applying discrete-time
modelling has been implemented to calculate the
exact expected waiting times for all five cases (b
Here the results differ due to the different service time
distributions. They have a difference of nearly 9 %
taking the lowest result as basis again. Finally, the
maximum absolute and relative deviations between
each approximation and the exact algorithm result
have been calculated. The difference in this case is
between 7.73 % and 10.90 %, always based on the
result calculated according to (Grassmann and Jain,
1989). Those numbers show that there is a significant
difference that may not be neglected. Consequently,
the question on the effect of further central moments
of the distributions arises. Thus, we investigate on the
effect of the skewness (third central moment) and the
kurtosis (fourth central moment) in our work.
To investigate these effects further, we first derive
additional discrete distributions that all have the same
mean and variance. This means, the following
conditions have to be fulfilled where α and β are
values that can be arbitrarily chosen: