which is the amount observed as the safest maximum
for management by an intermediate configuration in-
stance. In addition, it was evidenced that the Orama
framework in its distributed architecture is capable of
visualizing the same behavior as the FaaS provider
when subjected to a concentrated and distributed ap-
proach of bursts of requests, as well as eventual dif-
In the experiments, it was also evident that the
AFC FaaS delivers greater consistency in terms of av-
erage execution time and occurrence of failures, fol-
lowed by AWS Lambda and CGF, which registered
close results, and finally the AZF results with high
average execution times and cold start.
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into the Orama framework, such as IBM and Ora-
cle, in order to expand the coverage of the analy-
ses presented in this work. Furthermore, even higher
levels of concurrency can be evaluated by design-
ing experiments that include a larger number of dis-
tributed workers. Furthermore, evolutions in the
Orama framework will allow the analysis of bench-
mark results using percentiles.
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FaaS Benchmarking over Orama Framework’s Distributed Architecture