Figure 3: CIFAR10 test accuracy VS Global epoch.
Figure 4: FashionMNIST average train loss VS Global
Figure 5: FashionMNIST average test loss VS Global
Figure 6: FashionMNIST test accuracy VS Global epoch.
method in the same FL system. In heterogeneous
data, experimental results show that our proposed al-
gorithm performs better than FedAvg and FedProx in
terms of average train loss, average test loss and test
accuracy. For CIFAR10, to acheive 55% of test accu-
racy, FedAvg, FedProx and our proposed method take
95, 84 and 57 number of global epochs respectively.
For FashionMNIST, to acheive 75% of test accuracy,
FedAvg, FedProx and our proposed method take 25,
25 and 12 number of global epochs respectively. We
observed that for FashionMNIST Non-IID data, Fed-
prox performs similar to FedAvg.
In federated learning, data heterogeneity across all the
participating clients is one of the critical challenge.
Data heterogeneity causes client drift which results
in degradation of the performance of FL model in
terms of higher loss (both train and test) and lower
test accuracy. To mitigate this problem, we proposed
a GMM based approach where we handle data hetero-
geneity by generating new local samples from glob-
ally trained GMMs. Our experimental results show
that our proposed method handles data heterogene-
ity in FL system better than exiting FedAvg and Fed-
Prox algorithm. We show that the performance of FL
model is improved in terms of train loss, test loss and
test accuracy by our proposed method.
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IMPROVE 2023 - 3rd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering