A Serious Game with Which to Introduce Users to the World of
Rubén Grande
and Aurora Vizcaíno
Department of Computer Languages and Systems, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: DevOps, Serious Game, Gamification, Education, Learning.
Abstract: If today’s software development organisations are to remain competitive in the software industry, then they
need new ways of working or methodologies that will enable them to meet their customers’ needs as quickly
as possible. Agile methodologies that help organisations to achieve this have been used and developed for
several years, but they emphasise only software development teams. However, many teams, such as the IT
operations team, are involved in software projects but are not dealt with by agile methodologies, and this is
how DevOps came into being. DevOps is a concept that encompasses a new philosophy that seeks to promote
the collaboration between the software development team and the IT operations team. However, since it is
one of the latest trends in the software industry, there is a lack of training on it, despite the increasing demand
for skilled personnel with DevOps knowledge. The goal of this paper is, therefore, to present Journey to the
Core of DevOps, a serious game whose objective is to introduce Software Engineering students and
inexperienced engineers to the concept of DevOps by providing a virtual environment in which key aspects
of DevOps are emphasised, thus allowing players to have a first contact with it.
DevOps has, in the last few years, emerged as an
important methodology that has been widely adopted
in the software industry (Yarlagadda, 2021).
Literature provides many definitions and
interpretations of DevOps, some of which consider it
to be a new methodology for developing software that
focuses on automation and changes in the
organisational culture (Jabbari, bin Ali, Petersen, &
Tanveer, 2016) while others believe it to be the
extension of the Agile manifesto to IT operations
teams (Lwakatare, Kuvaja, & Oivo, 2016). However,
most authors agree that DevOps concerns not only
changes in the technologies used, but also changes in
culture and methodologies. The benefits that DevOps
is able to bring to organisations has been widely
studied, and include the shorter delivery time of new
software versions, a reduction in costs, less friction
between development and operations teams and a
better understanding of the software product or
service on both sides (Ghantous & Gill, 2017;
Jabbari, bin Ali, Petersen, & Tanveer, 2018).
Software organisations are aware of these benefits
and are consequently demanding more skilled
software engineers who know what DevOps is. They
are, therefore, seeking people with both the hard skills
required in order to carry out development and
operations activities and the knowledge required in
order to work in a DevOps environment, thus
facilitating its adoption by the business (Hussain,
Clear, & MacDonell, 2017). However, higher
education organisations are not introducing DevOps
into their syllabus, thus leading to a situation in which
software companies have difficulty in finding skilled
personnel for DevOps. There are several reasons for
this lack of education in DevOps: it is difficult to
teach it in academic environments, it was not possible
to include it in software engineering curricula owing
to its innovative nature, time constrains make it
unfeasible to teach development and operations skills,
and current courses focus solely on theoretical
concepts, among others (Bobrov et al., 2020; Pang,
Hindle, & Barbosa, 2020).
Educational organisations should, therefore,
explore other teaching methods that could be helpful
Grande, R. and Vizcaíno, A.
A Serious Game with Which to Introduce Users to the World of DevOps.
DOI: 10.5220/0011956400003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 386-393
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
as regards introducing DevOps into their curricula as
soon as possible. One of these methods could be the
usage of serious games as a tool that would allow
students to learn one or more topics while having the
freedom to fail (García, Pacheco, León, & Calvo-
Manzano, 2020). This method could also benefit
software companies as it would allow them to train
their employees in DevOps, since they are not usually
included in real projects in which failures could mean
potential loses to the business.
Despite the promising benefits that serious games
could bring to DevOps education, there is, to the best
of our knowledge, no serious game with which to
learn about DevOps. Our proposal, therefore, consists
of a first version of a serious game that helps users to
understand some of the concepts identified as being
core aspects when learning about DevOps. We are,
therefore, of the opinion that this serious game could
be useful as regards teaching DevOps to students on
software engineering courses and software engineers
with no previous knowledge of DevOps.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows. Previous work is described in Section 2,
while the main ideas behind the design of the serious
game are presented in Section 3, along with the in-
game content. A preliminary validation of the
capability of the game to teach the concepts identified
is detailed in Section 4, and finally, our conclusions
and future work regarding this serious game are
addressed in Section 5.
This section first examines the serious games related
to software engineering and then focuses on the
means currently employed to provide education in
2.1 Serious Games
The term serious game was first defined as a tool
whose objective is to educate with an academic
purpose while simultaneously entertaining the player
of such a game (Abt, 1987). In order to narrow down
the scope of serious games to those that are of interest
herein, those developed for various software
engineering areas will be described. Note that serious
games are not mandatory computer-based, such as the
described in (Baker, Navarro, & van der Hoek, 2005).
VENTURE (Monasor et al., 2014) is a serious
game focused on teaching Global Software
Development (GSD). This game enables the player to
interact in a virtual development team in which
people with different backgrounds and cultures are
simulated, thereby enhancing skills such as teamwork
or conflict resolution.
GSD-Aware (Vizcaíno, García, Guzmán, &
Moraga, 2019) is also focused on GSD, but in this
case its objective is to show the player different
challenges that an engineer may confront in this type
of project, principally as regards communication,
coordination and control.
Requenguin (García et al., 2020) was made to
support the teaching of the ISO/IEC/IEEE
29148:2011, an international standard that details the
processes that needs to be implement by requirements
engineering for systems, software products and
software services throughout the lifecycle. The game
simulates a library where players are asked to apply
requirements engineering processes to change the
current management system into a software system.
The authors concluded, based on the experiment they
carried out, that the game not only could potentially
improve the acquisition of knowledge of such
standard, but also to improve the motivation of the
students that played the game.
The objective of Back to Penelope (Marín, Vera,
& Giachetti, 2019) is to help to understand effort
estimation based on the COSMIC Full Function Point
measuring method. In order to achieve this, the player
must correctly estimate the development effort
required for the vital systems of a spaceship whose
astronaut has had an accident and must return to the
mothership, which is called Penelope. The game was
developed principally in C# by using the game engine
Unity. The authors validated that the game allowed
70% of the students to learn how to estimate using the
COMISC method.
Riskio (Hart, Margheri, Paci, & Sassone, 2020) is
an example of serious game that is not software
based. The goal of this tabletop game is to develop
cybersecurity awareness in people who work in
organisations and do not have a technical background
in this subject. The players must, therefore, play the
role of both the attacker and the defender of critical
assets in a fictitious organisation. The game is based
on cards, and the players learn various threats and
countermeasures such as spoofing attacks or security
training. The authors carried out a study with both
employees and students, and analysed the overall
perception of the game, perceived ease of use,
usefulness and intention to use. The results of this
study showed that employees were more confident
than were the students that the game could increase
their awareness of cybersecurity, but that some
changes should be made to the game in order to
improve some aspects of it.
A Serious Game with Which to Introduce Users to the World of DevOps
2.2 Providing an Education in DevOps
Various teaching tools, challenges and
recommendations for the teaching of DevOps can be
found in literature. The authors of (Pang et al., 2020)
used Grounded Theory to study DevOps education,
using different data sources that addressed DevOps
education such as academic education, job
requirements, certifications, training programmes and
DevOps communities, conferences and organisations.
In general, the authors concluded that it is difficult to
teach DevOps in academic environments owing to the
technical knowledge required, along with the
difficulty involved in recreating a common
environment for development and operations teams.
Moreover, the study also highlighted that current
courses focus only on the tools used in order to
implement DevOps practices.
The work of (Fernandes et al., 2022) analysed the
existing field of DevOps education through an
interview with 14 DevOps educators. As a result, the
authors identified 83 challenges and 185
recommendations, plus relationships among some of
them. Around 60% of the challenges identified were
specific to the teaching of DevOps itself. Some of
these were insufficient time on the course in which to
teach DevOps or the large number of DevOps tools.
However, some of the recommendations included
building scenarios that students could run on their
own computers and using alternative learning tools to
ease the teaching of DevOps.
A high-level course structure with which to teach
DevOps that combines DevOps, Scrum and
Challenge Based Learning is proposed in (Cardoso,
Chanin, Santos, & Sales, 2022) . The structure
proposed has the objective of assisting with the
development of both technical and soft skills. Of the
soft skills that could be boosted, teamwork,
communication and problem solving are highlighted.
The authors stated that, in order to assess the
effectiveness of the course structure, questionnaires
should be applied at the beginning and at the end of
the course.
This section provides a description of the principles
of Journey to the Core of DevOps, which are based
on previous games in the software engineering fields,
since there is no other serious game for DevOps.
3.1 Core Ideas
It is first necessary to bear in mind that the game
audience comprises novice engineers or computer
engineering students with poor or no previous
knowledge of DevOps. We have, therefore, focused
on helping players to learn about some of the topics
and practices that were identified as being critical for
Some previous literature reviews that have been
carried out (Ghantous & Gill, 2017; Jabbari et al.,
2016; Leite, Rocha, Kon, Milojicic, & Meirelles,
2019) were used as the basis on which to identify the
DevOps concepts that the game should teach: CI/CD
pipeline, CI, CD, automation, collaboration and
The principles of the serious game that should
guide its development were then defined: a 3D
graphics game in which the player will play the role
of a developer or an IT operator and will achieve
objectives that will make it possible to advance in the
game. How these objectives are completed depends
on the role chosen, since some roles must actively
communicate or collaborate with the other team. As
these objectives are achieved, a wall that divides the
two teams from each other gradually breaks up, thus
making it easier for the teams to visit each other and
consequently easing communication and
collaboration. Once an objective is achieved, it will
affect indicators displayed on the user interface,
which is based on the CA(L)MS framework (Kim,
Debois, Willis, Humble, & Allspaw, 2016), that will
be used to assess the player’s performance in the
game once it has finished. The acronym of this
framework stands for Culture, Automation, Lean,
Measurement and Sharing. It is usually used either to
assess a company’s ability to adopt DevOps processes
or as a means to measure success during the adoption
of DevOps. There are, therefore, some actions that the
player can perform that will increase or decrease the
value of one or more of these indicators. In addition,
each time players achieve an objective, they are an
increase in points is shown on these indicators, which
inform them that they are performing correctly.
3.2 Metaphors Used in the Game
In order to support the learning of DevOps, the design
of the game has been based on various metaphors,
each of which is mapped onto a concept:
The players first choose the role they wish to play
in the game (developer or IT operator) by passing
through a door that leads them to the side of the
team chosen. These sides are separated by a high
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
wall representing the traditional separation
between development and operations teams (see
Figure 3).
The players then have to interact with various
balls that are simplified representations of various
work artefacts (usually pieces of code,
documentation, databases, statistics, etc.). These
interactions consist of creating the artefact,
sharing them with the other team or taking them
to a given building (see Figure 5).
CI/CD pipeline. This is considered to be one of
the most important technical aspects of DevOps.
The metaphor employed to teach this concept
consists of a set of buildings that represent the
common phases of this pipeline (code repository,
integrating the changes, testing, construction, pre-
production environment tests and deployment to
production). These buildings are identified by
means of user-friendly and meaningful icons and
tool logos (see Figure 3). If the players choose the
developer role, one of their tasks will be to take
code balls to the repository, which can be
recognised thanks to the GitHub logo. Once this
has been done, the pipeline works automatically,
and the user can watch the code going through the
different phases.
Automation. An automatic conveyor belt
moves the balls through the different phases of the
CI/CD pipeline with the objective of allowing the
player to understand that no intervention is needed
to trigger the tests or to build the software.
The testing phase is simulated by a scanner that
inspects the balls for some seconds. If everything
is correct, a green light goes on and the scanner
lets the balls advance to the next step.
The next phase is the build phase, in which all the
small balls are transformed into one large ball in
order to represent the construction of the software.
A scanner like that in the testing phase inspects
the construction ball in the pre-production
environment building, which is on the operations
The construction ball then advances to an elevator
that simulates the deployment of the software
construction to the production environment,
which is represented using various clouds and the
AWS logo, indicating that it is a cloud
environment (see Figure 7).
During the game, communication is simulated by
promoting interaction with various NPCs (Non
playable characters) that are part of either the
development team or the operations teams (see
Figure 8). These interactions are sometimes
necessary in order to achieve objectives. When the
player performs an interaction of this nature, a
simulated dialogue is represented, and the player
is also rewarded with increases in the values on
the CALMS indicators.
Collaboration is simulated when the player is
required to visit the opposite side in order to share
some balls or discuss work with the NPCs.
On the IT operations side, there is a customer
assistance building that deals with any problems
reported by end-users. The IT operations team is,
therefore, given this responsibility, and some of
the objectives require them to interact with an
NPC representing an end-user who has a
particular problem.
The players who play the IT operator role will
bring their generated balls to the elevator, in order
to represent its direct intervention in the
production environment.
The objective of these metaphors is to allow the
player to understand the core ideas described
previously by representing code with balls that will
require specific actions. Moreover, we hope that the
icons and logos used may further help the user to
understand the meaning of each building in the world
of the game. The idea is to abstract the users from
technical aspects and focus on the features of
Figure 1: Step explaining one of the mechanics of the game.
Figure 2: The player must choose a team for the rest of the
A Serious Game with Which to Introduce Users to the World of DevOps
Figure 3: Map of game, in which there are different buildings, metaphors and the CI/CD pipeline.
3.3 Playing the Game
This subsection provides a description of a
playthrough of the game. Once the users have chosen
the level of difficulty of the game, they will be asked
to either watch or skip a tutorial concerning the game.
This tutorial instructs the user on what the UI
elements mean, the goal of the game and the different
game mechanics. Figure 1 shows one of the steps of
the tutorial. The world of the game is presented in
Figure 3, in which all the relevant buildings can be
The player (the grey avatar in Figure 2) then must
choose between being part of the development team
or the IT operations team by going through the
appropriate gate (see Figure 2).
Once the player has made this decision, the game
will start, and each objective will be shown in the
upper left-hand corner of the UI. A large red arrow
will also appear in order to indicate where the user
should go in order to complete the current objective.
(see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Arrow pointing the development team office.
The player will have to achieve a series of
objectives until the blue bar located in the upper right-
hand corner (see Figure 4) is filled. This bar gradually
fills up every time the player achieves an objective
The sequence of objectives requires the user to play
the different mechanics of the game: interacting with
computers in order to generate balls (see Figure 5),
using the CI/CD pipeline (see Figure 6), or
communicating with NPCs (see Figure 7), among
Figure 5: Working with a computer to generate a ball.
others. The player should not delay the completion of
each objective, since every few seconds the values of
the indicators decrease, thus affecting the final
evaluation of the player’s performance. Once the
game ends, statistics are shown regarding how well
the player has performed in the game (the final values
of the CALMS indicators in percentages), along with
tips on how to perform better in subsequent games.
This information is saved in order to allow the user to
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
compare the results obtained in the previous game
with those in the latest one.
Once the first version of the serious game had been
fully developed, we wished to perform a preliminary
evaluation of the game with the objective of
determining whether it fulfilled the proposed
requirements. We also wished to identify the strong
and weak points of the version developed in order to
Figure 6: Software build ball being deployed in the elevator
to the clouds representing the production environment.
improve it in future versions. These goals were
achieved by employing the questionnaire with which
to evaluate serious games proposed in (Savi,
Wangenheim, & Borgatto, 2011), to which we added
some questions related to DevOps concepts. These
questions were prepared by following the
recommendations of (Kitchenham & Pfleeger, 2002a,
2002b). The questionnaire, therefore, consisted of a
form containing 21 questions.
The questionnaire was responded to by 5 students
who were at the end of the final year of their software
engineering degree. On the one hand, the weak points
detected on the basis of the results were:
The game was not sufficiently immersive.
There were insufficient game mechanics.
On the other hand, the strong points identified were
the following:
The game helped the users to understand the
key aspects of DevOps.
The game was not monotonous.
The content of the game was interesting.
The menus and UI of the game were user-
Figure 7: Interacting with an NPC on the development
This initial evaluation has helped us to focus on
improving the degree of immersion of the game, along
with recognising the usefulness of the game as regards
learning DevOps. However, a more comprehensive and
rigorous study is required in order to evaluate whether
the metaphors will be understood by a larger number of
players. This could also help us to validate the
knowledge gain attained by players who know little
about DevOps.
The following subsections outline how the different
threats to the validity of this study have been dealt
5.1 Construct Validity
In order to mitigate this threat, the test employed to
evaluate the game was conducted and reviewed by
both authors in an attempt to attain different points of
view and ask different questions. Moreover, the
questions whose objective was to assess the students’
learning were as objective as possible, thus
A Serious Game with Which to Introduce Users to the World of DevOps
preventing the authors’ interpretation from
influencing the results.
5.2 Internal Validity
From the perspective of internal validity, two factors
were initially considered in the design of this
evaluation: the differences between subjects, and
participant motivation.
All the participants initially had similar
knowledge of DevOps and similar motivation.
5.3 Conclusion Validity
The main threat to the conclusions drawn after
validating the serious game described herein could be
the relatively low number of students who took the
tests. A possible improvement to this evaluation,
which is proposed as future work, would be to
conduct the study with a larger sample.
5.4 External Validity
It is difficult to generalise the results owing to the
small number of participants. However, these
findings are preliminary information that will help us
to improve the serious game and attain an idea of
students’ reactions to it.
The sooner that DevOps is included in the curricula
of software engineering and computer engineering
courses, the better. However, it is difficult to replicate
scenarios in which students have the sense of freedom
to fail while they learn the main concepts and
practices that form part of DevOps. In addition,
changes are made to these study plans on a yearly
basis, thus making it more difficult to include
technologies and topics that are emerging in industry.
There is consequently a need to explore alternative
ways in which to address these inconveniences and
introduce the learning of DevOps.
This paper describes the first version of a serious
game whose objective is to help students to
understand the core concepts of DevOps. The
mechanics of the game were developed with the goal
of not allowing the player’s attention to wander, along
with it not being difficult to understand. The ideas
that the game should help to understand would not,
therefore, be overshadowed by these mechanics. The
strong point of the game is the metaphors employed,
since the mechanics are the drivers that allow the
players to discover these metaphors.
After presenting the design of the game, we have
described a preliminary evaluation that was carried
out with 5 students on the last year of their computer
engineering degree. The results obtained initially
show that the game helped the participants to
understand the concepts described in this paper. This
study helped us to identify the strengths of the game,
along with the weak points that need to be improved.
Although these results are promising, a more
formal study will be carried with a larger number of
participants to corroborate that the game could be
useful as regards assisting in the learning of DevOps.
Participants from different countries will be involved
in this study in order to provide us with a sufficiently
large number of volunteers, in addition to identifying
possible cultural factors that may affect the learning
outcomes of the game. This evaluation will be carried
with a new version of the game in which the weak
points identified in the preliminary evaluation will be
This work has been supported by OASSIS project
(PID2021-122554OB-C31, funded by MCIN/ AEI /
10.13039/501100011033 / FEDER, EU)
This work is part of the EMMA project
"Evaluation and Improvement of the Environmental
Sustainability of Applications",
(SBPLY/21/180501/000115), funded by the
Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes de la
Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha, and
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A Serious Game with Which to Introduce Users to the World of DevOps