GesTEApp: A Pilot Study on an Expert Web-Based System that
Integrates Gestural Analytics and a Hybrid Recommendation System to
Support the Early Detection of ASD in Children
Maria Gabriela Mej
, Faiber Orlando Camelo-Romero
Helio Henry Ram
and Miguel Alfonso Feij
Program of Systems Engineering, Universidad El Bosque, Bogot
a, Colombia
Healthcare Information Systems, Recommendation Systems, Gestural Analysis, Machine Learning.
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological condition that affects 1 in 160 children worldwide. To date, this
disorder does not yet have a standardized cure, and not being treated early can affect the child’s quality of
life and their relatives. There are currently different traditional tools for detecting Autism Spectrum Disor-
der, such as questionnaires and checklists— standardized methods worldwide, such as using M-CHAT-R/F
and Q-CHAT. We present GesTEApp as a web-based expert system that integrates gestural analytics and sup-
ports Healthcare Professionals in their medical decision-making process on the early detection of this disorder
in children. GesTEApp implements a Hybrid Recommendation System with Face Recognition models and
Linear Kernel, which capture and analyze children’s facial expressions, seeking to support Healthcare Profes-
sionals in detecting Autism Spectrum Disorder. We evaluated this tool following a pilot study and reported
the findings and results considering Healthcare Professionals’ perceptions, basing our analysis on (1-5) Lik-
ert Scales and their feedback regarding their experience interacting with GesTEApp. Preliminary, the tool
reduced detection times by 36% compared to traditional tools. Also, our preliminary results suggest that
GesTEApp is a user-centered web-based application that satisfactorily supports Healthcare Professionals in
detecting Autism Spectrum Disorder in children.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelop-
mental disorder characterized by causing persistent
deficiencies in communication and social interaction
in various contexts (Lord et al., 2020). It manifests
in socio-emotional reciprocity from an abnormal so-
cial approach, shared affections, and social interac-
tion. Moreover, impairments in nonverbal commu-
nicative behaviors, abnormalities in eye contact and
body language, as in comprehension and use of par-
ticular gestures, are also manifested (Spitzer et al.,
According to the DSM-V (i.e., Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), the symp-
toms must be present in the first phases of the person’s
developmental period but may fully manifest until the
social demand exceeds the limited capacities (Edition
et al., 2013). Although there is no standardized cure
for ASD to date, different studies have shown that
early detection of the disorder and initiation of treat-
ment in time to maximize the individual’s functional
independence can improve the quality of life of the
person and their relatives (Lai et al., 2014).
Numerous screening tools such as question-
naires and checklists have been implemented world-
wide regarding ASD screening tools such as Q-
CHAT (Roman-Urrestarazu et al., 2021), M-CHAT
(Dumont-Mathieu and Fein, 2005), M-CHAT R/F
(Coelho-Medeiros et al., 2019), among others. These
tools have helped to diagnose ASD before two years
of age, presumingly. Despite this, the criteria for mak-
ing this diagnosis in children have yet to be well-
established (Goin-Kochel et al., 2006). Generically,
the tools commonly used to detect ASD are based on
questionnaires made to parents and Healthcare Pro-
fessionals (HcP). Unfortunately, this shows the lack
of resources of technological tools to support the de-
tection of ASD and related disorders.
Mejía-Trujillo, M., Camelo-Romero, F., Ramírez-Arévalo, H. and Feijóo-García, M.
GesTEApp: A Pilot Study on an Expert Web-Based System that Integrates Gestural Analytics and a Hybrid Recommendation System to Support the Early Detection of ASD in Children.
DOI: 10.5220/0011957500003476
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2023), pages 170-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-645-3; ISSN: 2184-4984
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: Conceptual design of GesTEApp.
It is estimated that approximately 16% of South
America’s population under 15 years of age suffer
from some developmental disorder. However, the
prevalence of this disorder has not yet been estab-
lished to date (of Health, 2015).
We present GesTEApp as a web-based expert sys-
tem based on a recommendation system that supports
the detection and analysis of behavioral patterns of
patients (i.e., children) and finds matches with the
most representative of ASD, stipulated by medical lit-
erature. Hybrid Recommendation Systems combine
different recommendation systems to produce outputs
to complement their features and make better conjoint
recommendations (Seth and Sharaff, 2022). There-
fore, GesTEApp recommends to the user (i.e., HcP) a
customizable report to support their medical decision-
making processes on carrying out specialized or deep-
ened tests, as to consider the referral to specialists to
obtain an official diagnosis regarding ASD more ef-
fective, efficient, and objectively — through the inte-
gration and implementation of a hybrid recommenda-
tion system.
We intend GesTEApp to be implemented in the
first stage of the medical process— in the manda-
tory pediatric controls. Hence, we look forward to
GesTEApp supporting the detection of the first signs
of the disorder from the first medical approach and
avoiding long waiting times given by the traditional
screening tools for the first screening evaluation— the
waiting times depend on the region or country where
the ASD test is held (Lord et al., 2020).
Our work contributes to Healthcare Information
Systems and Artificial Intelligence literature— the so-
lution implicates the relation between a hybrid recom-
mendation system and gestural analysis through arti-
ficial vision. As a result, GesTEApp intends to re-
duce ASD detection times compared to the ordinary.
Additionally, we look forward to the web-based ap-
plication being accurate with its results concerning
the recommendation made following the evaluation
standards of Machine Learning models (i.e., accuracy
>= 75%), implying a low error rate and fewer false
positive cases. Also, with this healthcare-based so-
lution, we intended to increase the end user’s satis-
faction (i.e., HcP) regarding the support to ASD de-
tection or related medical decision-making processes.
Thus, we ask the following questions: How can the
medical procedure of detection of ASD be quantified
and supported by artificial vision? How can a techno-
logical tool, through an expert system based on a rec-
ommendation system that implements gestural analy-
sis, support HcPs in the early detection of ASD, re-
duces procedural times, and increase detection accu-
We evaluated this tool following a pilot study and
reported the preliminary findings and results consid-
ering HcPs’ perceptions, basing our analysis on (1-5)
Likert Scales (Joshi et al., 2015) regarding their ex-
perience interacting with GesTEApp. This approach
uses e-health-based (Eysenbach et al., 2001), artificial
intelligence, emotional intelligence (Prentice et al.,
2020),seeking to support medical decision-making
processes for HcP with the early detection of ASD.
GesTEApp: A Pilot Study on an Expert Web-Based System that Integrates Gestural Analytics and a Hybrid Recommendation System to
Support the Early Detection of ASD in Children
We present GesTEApp as a web-based approach that
integrates a hybrid recommendation system that, with
constant automated learning, supports the detection
process and analysis of behavioral patterns of patients
(i.e., children aged 2 to 5 years), and finds matches
with the most representative features of ASD deter-
mined and analyzed to date (Talero-Guti
errez et al.,
2012). Similarly, with the hybrid recommendation
system (C¸ ano and Morisio, 2017), the application rec-
ommends to the end-user (i.e., HcP) if it is considered
necessary to carry out specialized tests and referral to
specialists to obtain an official and structured diagno-
sis or to support a related diagnostic process— a gen-
eral conceptual design of GesTEApp is represented in
Figure 1.
We intended to implement GesTEApp in the first
stage of the medical process— in the mandatory pedi-
atric controls. This is because we preliminary looked
forward to detecting the first signs of the disorder
(i.e., ASD) from the first medical approach and avoid
encountering long waiting times for a first detection
The detection through behaviors of spectrums,
such as ASD, lets us reflect on technological tools
supported by visual (i.e., the recognition of what is
perceived) and less methodical procedures, providing
a less traditional and subjective observation by treat-
ing physicians towards movements and actions of the
patient. Artificial vision (i.e., computer vision) mod-
els have proven to be effective and helpful in identi-
fying attention and focus behavior patterns and cap-
turing reactions in people with ASD when faced with
visual stimuli.
With GesTEApp, we intended to present the re-
sults obtained in ASD tests through real-time images
and screenshots of the patient’s reaction when the
web-based tool captured the emotion in time intervals.
We meant to visually communicate to the HcP the pa-
tient’s response and allow medical contrasts concern-
ing the expected emotion in a particular time interval.
Also, given the automated and customized recom-
mendation of possible detection of ASD in children,
GesTEApp permits the recommendation’s validation
and supports particular medical decision-making pro-
cesses. Therefore, the evaluation of the proposed
technological solution depended principally on: (1)
time to reduce the ASD detection times compared to
the ordinary medical detection process, and (2) the
accuracy of the hybrid recommendation model.
We focused GesTEApp on HcP, which allows
them to apply standardized ASD tests on the web-
based platform and support their medical analysis on
children (i.e., patients). The solution consists of five
modules. (1) Test creation module: Allows the cre-
ation of a new test for a patient. (2) Patient creation
module: Allows the creation of new patients in the
system. (3) Patient consultation module: Allows the
consultation and modification of a patient’s informa-
tion previously created in the system. (4) Test detail
module: Allows observing the evaluated test results,
the patient’s information, and the information by time
interval. Also, it lets the HcP perform the test qual-
ification. (5) Test rating module: The HcP can enter
a rating for a test performed through numerical and
open-ended feedback (see Figure 2).
The hybrid recommendation system consisted of
the conjunction of (1) a Content-based Recommenda-
tion System and (2) a Collaborative Filtering Recom-
mendation System. The Content-based Recommender
used a syntactic analysis of the information in the
database related to the test and the user, such as the
results of dominant emotion, response rate range, and
patient age and gender. On the other hand, the Collab-
orative Filtering Recommender considered the rating
given to the tests, fed by the sentiment— extracted
from a sentiment analysis (Zunic et al., 2020) applied
to the observations generated by the HcP. We evalu-
ated the sentiment analysis on three levels of analysis:
(1) Negative, (2) Neutral, and (3) Positive. The re-
sulting hybrid recommendation system is constantly
consulted through web services (See Figure 3).
The participants who contributed to the experimenta-
tion had roles of HcP and children aged 2 to 5 years.
Each HcP performed specific tasks in the web-based
solution in this pilot study. Six (N=6) HcPs partic-
ipated in the experimentation phase interacting with
the tool and requesting feedback. In addition, four
(N=4) clinically healthy children between 2 and 5
years participated in the data acquisition and observed
behavior against GesTEApp.
The HcPs completed a questionnaire regarding the
web-based application and how much they recom-
mended GesTEApp. We evaluated this approach fol-
lowing pre-post experimentation. We sought to an-
swer how the platform supported and complemented
early detection of ASD in children through gestural
analysis and customization through a hybrid recom-
mendation system. Hence, we designed a question-
naire to obtain results on the Perception of Usability,
User Experience (UX), and feedback before and when
interacting with the system. We based the question-
naire on the SUMI-type questionnaires (i.e., Software
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 2: Features/Functionalities of GesTEApp ( customization features).
Figure 3: Features/Functionalities of GesTEApp (preliminary customization features).
GesTEApp: A Pilot Study on an Expert Web-Based System that Integrates Gestural Analytics and a Hybrid Recommendation System to
Support the Early Detection of ASD in Children
Usability Measurement Inventory), which allow the
evaluation of a set of software from the point of view
of the end user (Mansor et al., 2012). The question-
naire considered Open-Ended, Y/N, and (0-5) Likert-
scale (Joshi et al., 2015) responses (See Table 1).
We implemented GesTEApp in a real-world setting,
and to understand the sociocultural transition that oc-
curred in a particular context, we examined the (1)
Habits, (2) Beliefs, (3) Artifacts, and (4) Means of
the actors involved (i.e., HcP and Patients). These
components for analysis are part of the Biopsychoso-
cial and Cultural Systemic Model (BPSCM) intro-
duced by Universidad El Bosque, Colombia (Cruz
and Buitrago, 2017). This model helped us compre-
hend the situation, and we looked forward to enhanc-
ing complexity in this field. Furthermore, this model
could describe how its components may systemically
change if the participants engage with the web-based
Therefore, we evaluated GesTEApp carrying out a
pilot study on five patients (N=5) and six HcP (N=6).
We assessed the interaction of the web-based tool
with a sample of 5 individuals from the target pop-
ulation (i.e., children between 2 and 5 years old). We
looked forward to observing and evaluating its appli-
cability, reception, and behavior against the solution.
Following the Technology Transfer Cycle (TTC)
(Gorschek et al., 2006), we followed a case study
strategy. HcP principally validated GesTEApp to ob-
tain feedback on the web-based tool. In addition,
this strategy made it possible to validate both qual-
itative and quantitative variables, allowing the sys-
tem to be observed from a broader vision, evaluat-
ing and understanding the performance of GesTEApp
from the variables “time” and “accuracy of detection”
-quantitative- and “support to the health” -qualitative.
We designed and asked HcPs to respond to a ques-
tionnaire after interacting with GesTEApp to obtain
their feedback and perception of usability, user expe-
rience, and times involved. Moreover, we applied the
observation method (Ciesielska et al., 2018), which
contributed us to evaluate the perception of the in-
teraction of the actors (i.e., HcP and patients) with
GesTEApp without intervention or external help, al-
lowing us to support the validation of the user expe-
rience, usability, preliminary detection times and its
applicability in particular contexts.
We validated the questionnaire using an inter-
agreement measure (Jolivald et al., 2022). We consid-
ered the calculation of the Intra-class Correlation Co-
efficient (ICC) with three (N=3) raters for the 14-item
questionnaire (see Table 1). We followed the stan-
dardized process for the calculation: (1) Each rater
evaluated all the questions following a 5-point Likert-
scale (Joshi et al., 2015); (2) calculated the between-
group sum of squares across all raters; (3) calculate
the within-group sum of squares across all items and
item-based ratings; and (4) considered the formula for
ICC(2,3) to calculate the ICC. We obtained an ICC
of 0.83 (i.e., 83% of variance), which means that the
questions posed in the questionnaire were considered
consistent and reliable— an ICC of 0.75 or higher in-
dicates good to excellent agreement.
Likewise, we proposed the following general vali-
dation steps: (1) Find the environment where the case
study would be carried out (e.g., foundation, clinic,
among others), (2) Establish interviews with expert
and non-expert HcP in the area, who evaluate the op-
eration and coherence of the technological tool from
their medical perspective through a questionnaire. In
addition, make an observation method towards the
use of the tool by the HcP, allowing us to evaluate
the HcP’s perception of usability and user experience
(UX) of the web-based tool, and (3) Execution of a
Test Plan for the validation phase of GesTEApp.
The ability of GesTEApp to be understood, used,
learned, and visibly attractive to the HcP was eval-
uated. As a result, 100% of the HcP agreed with the
ease of use of the tool. On the other hand, 60% of HcP
positively considered the probability of rapid learning
to use the tool by HcP.
Regarding the user experience validation towards
the HcP’s perception of GesTEApp, we obtained that
80% of the HcP considered that the solution provided
easy navigation. Also, 80% believed the informa-
tion on the test result provided by the tool was suffi-
cient. Moreover, 80% would be willing to implement
this tool frequently, and 50% of HcPs considered its
graphic interface very pleasant.
We could obtain the following preliminary ob-
servations from the validation with the child popu-
lation. First, some children responded more expres-
sively than others to the video. We could observe
that this depended on their age and the environment
in which the test was applied. This suggests the need
to locate the child (i.e., patient) in controlled envi-
ronments— for example, the camera should focus di-
rectly on the child’s face instead of the complete body.
Also, it is necessary to eliminate any distractions that
could interfere with the application of the test. More-
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 1: Questionnaire regarding the pre-post experience of HcPs interacting with GesTEApp.
Question Type of Question:
, OE
, LS
or YN
Moment of
or A
Q1: Provide your age range. MC B
Q2: Which is your current job title? OE B
Q3: Which is your professional specialty in health? OE B
Q4: Indicate if you have worked on patients with ASD. YN B
Q5: The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of GesTEApp is easy to
Q6: Indicate how you consider the invested time of the ASD test
to be.
Q7: GesTEApp could be implemented within the periodic
checkups for pediatric development control.
Q8: HcPs would quickly learn to use GesTEApp. LS A
Q9: How easily do you consider navigation through the different
components of GesTEApp?
Q10: Indicate how you consider to be the supplied information
of the test result of GesTEApp.
Q11: How visually pleasing is the graphical interface of
Q12: How willing would you feel to use this tool frequently? LS A
Q13: How useful do you consider GesTEApp in supporting the
early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder in children from 2
to 5 years of age?
Q14: General feedback on the tool (Aspects to
MC: Multiple Choice,
OE: Open-Ended Question,
LS: [0-5] Likert Scale,
: YN:Y/N Questions,
B: Before using GesTEApp,
A: After using GesTEApp
over, we also observed that most children showed in-
terest in the emotion-inducing video, which is consid-
ered a significant achievement for this pilot study—
the emotion-inducing video was included in the case-
based experimentation approach.
On the other hand, we can also assert that there is
no instance of overfitting (Ying, 2019) or underfitting
(Sehra et al., 2021) if we acquire an F1-Score of be-
tween 70% and 85% (i.e., we achieved 71%). Also,
the specificity resulted in 100%— the specificity is
understood as the negative cases that the algorithm
correctly classified.
Regarding the time it takes to carry out the en-
tire flow of the process with GesTEApp by the HcP,
from the beginning of the session until the result is ob-
tained (i.e., recommendation), we conducted ten test
scenarios (N=10) to evaluate the duration of the whole
test process. As a result, GesTEApp reached an av-
erage time of 8.4 minutes, including taking the test
and generating the result, with a standard deviation of
1.57, demonstrating a low dispersion of the data and
stability concerning the execution times of the test—
representing a 36% reduction compared to traditional
Although the symptoms and behavior of ASD
are naturally varied and heterogeneous, which leads
to considering it a spectrum (Masi et al., 2017), it
is possible to take into account some patterns that
can be used to support detection procedures through
automated recommendations. This is evidenced in
GesTEApp, where patterns of facial expressions were
considered to generate personalized recommenda-
tions regarding ASD in children.
Moreover, from the feedback and perceptions
of the HcPs, the recommendations that GesTEApp
provides support medical decision-making processes,
and promote a deepened medical analysis in their pro-
cedures to achieve early detection of ASD in chil-
dren, as intended with the solution proposed and ana-
lyzed in this paper. Also, we found that it is possible
to support an early detection medical procedure on
ASD from its first manifestations and by implement-
ing technological tools such as GesTEApp.
From the preliminary results of this pilot study, we
can claim that GesTEApp could positively generate
GesTEApp: A Pilot Study on an Expert Web-Based System that Integrates Gestural Analytics and a Hybrid Recommendation System to
Support the Early Detection of ASD in Children
a probability of suffering from ASD in children—
quantitative support. This helps the HcP in decision-
making, capturing and analyzing primary manifesta-
tions of ASD based on difficulties or ability to express
emotions, giving them extra support for much more
objective medical decision-making processes. There-
fore, GesTEApp is an expert system with case-based
reasoning because it proposes a possible probability
of the suffering of ASD in children from the compar-
ison with similar tests extracted from a case base.
According to the literature, children with ASD
tend to have difficulty processing the basic emotions
of disgust, anger, and surprise (Smith et al., 2010).
On the other hand, children with ASD have some dif-
ficulties in recognizing and expressing the emotion of
surprise due to two main factors: First, since the ex-
pression of surprise involves the decoding of the ex-
pression of the eyes and mouth, unlike the emotion of
“happiness” and “sadness” that can be decoded sim-
ply through the mouth. The second reason is justified
by how complex the emotion of “surprise” can be-
come because this expression can usually mix more
than one emotion, thus making it difficult for children
with ASD to understand and replicate it.
Therefore, we opted to calculate and analyze a
percentage probability of suffering from ASD within
a detection traffic light (Omachi and Omachi, 2009).
We considered green between 0% to 33% probability
of detection of ASD, yellow (+) between 34% to 50%,
yellow (-) between 51% to 66%, and red between 67%
to 100%.
GesTEApp successfully offers a friendly and user-
centered web-based solution to support HcPs in the
early detection of ASD in children, according to the
preliminary results and comments obtained of this pi-
lot study. Additionally, we discovered that the par-
ticipants’ feedback on their web-based platform ex-
perience was favorable and very helpful to what we
intended with the solution, which let us use their sug-
gestions to improve the tool for subsequent iterations.
The expert system integrated two main compo-
nents: (1) an inference engine and (2) a case base.
The case base contained information on the previ-
ously resolved problems— it included the tests that
have already been carried out, analyzed, and evalu-
ated by the system with feedback from the HcP. On
the other hand, the inference engine (Naykhanova and
Naykhanova, 2018) compared the inserted problem
(i.e., the test to be evaluated) with the problems stored
and solved in the case base to obtain a result that
meets the highest degree of similarity.
All HcP (i.e., participants of the pilot study) who
interacted with GesTEApp agreed regarding the tool’s
ease of use. Furthermore, 60% of them positively
consider the possibility of rapid curve learning using
the tool.
Additionally, regarding user experience validation
of the web-based tool, we evaluated the HcP’s per-
ception and response to GesTEApp. In the first place,
80% of HcPs considered navigation through the ap-
plication modules easy and the information from the
test result provided by the tool sufficient and would be
willing to implement this tool frequently in their med-
ical procedures. According to the Harris Poll con-
ducted in collaboration with Stanford University, 55%
of HcP are willing to experiment with and adopt new
technologies provided by other HcPs, who have previ-
ously utilized and approved them (Wuerdeman et al.,
2005). Therefore, 80% of the participants considered
the tool’s graphical interface (GUI) friendly, despite
20% of the participants who considered it not very
pleasant. Moreover, compared to GesTEApp, tradi-
tional tools take an average of 15 minutes to apply a
detection test, in addition to the duration of evaluation
of the responses and analysis by the HcP to obtain a
final result.
Moreover, we can also claim that it is possible to
support HcPs in detecting ASD (i.e., Autism Spec-
trum Disorder) through an expert system based on a
hybrid recommendation system that implements ges-
tural analytics models that manage to capture and ana-
lyze the facial expressions of children. This tool con-
tributes to understanding behaviors and emotions in
the diverse diagnoses used by HcP to detect this spec-
trum disorder. Therefore, we can preliminary state
with this pilot study that a tool such as GesTEApp
supports this idea. Nevertheless, further research on
the web-based tool proposed to support HcPs for early
detection processes of ASD in children will be carried
out to substantiate and fulfill all assertions discussed
in this document.
The authors very specially thank Santiago Andr
ıguez for his contribution, high perfor-
mance, and dedication in this pilot study, which was
essential to obtaining the data, findings, and out-
comes described in this report. Likewise, the au-
thors thank all participants who voluntarily and ac-
tively contributed to validating GesTEApp.
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GesTEApp: A Pilot Study on an Expert Web-Based System that Integrates Gestural Analytics and a Hybrid Recommendation System to
Support the Early Detection of ASD in Children