When Is an Automated Driving System Safe Enough for
Deployment on the Public Road? Quantifying Safety
Risk Using Real-World Scenarios
Olaf Op den Camp
, Erwin de Gelder
and Jeroen Broos
Department of Integrated Vehicle Safety, TNO, Automotive Campus 30, Helmond, The Netherlands
Keywords: Safety Assessment, Risk Quantification, Scenarios, Virtual Simulation.
Abstract: To ensure the safe and responsible deployment of vehicles equipped with Automated Driving Systems (ADSs)
onto the public road, a safety assessment of such vehicles should be passed successfully. The assessment
results should be unambiguous, easily understood by experts in the field, and explainable to authorities and
the general public. An important metric in such a framework is the residual safety risk. The concept of risk is
widely understood, and basing the safety assessment on that concept helps to come to a fair and acceptable
assessment process. In this paper, we propose a method how to determine estimates for the residual safety
risk, and how this safety risk estimate relates to the requirements posed by the UNECE that an activated ADS
shall not cause any collisions that are reasonably foreseeable and preventable.
The development of automated driving technology
that supports the human driver or even completely
takes over the driving task for parts of a trip, is a large
challenge. However, the development of the safety
assessment methods that are required to ensure that
the risk associated with the deployment of such inno-
vative and complex technologies onto the public
roads is acceptable to consumers, authorities and sys-
tem developers (vehicle manufacturers and suppli-
ers), appears to be an even bigger challenge.
In this challenge, the following aspects need to
be considered:
The (residual) safety risk associated with the de-
ployment of automated driving technologies is
the result of many different factors, in- and out-
side of the Automated Vehicle (AV). These fac-
tors range from the technical state of the vehicle
(the performance of the vehicle except for the au-
tomation), functional safety aspects, the vehi-
cle’s vulnerability to cybersecurity threats, the
perception capabilities of the vehicle’s sensor
system, the driving skills of the Automated Driv-
ing System (ADS) in response to the sensor in-
puts, the interaction with the operator, and the ca-
pabilities of the human driver of the vehicle (de-
pending on the level of automation).
AV functions and systems become increasingly
smart and complex, are more and more integrated
and become increasingly dependent on machine
learning technology. There is no complete over-
view of failure modes and the appropriate safety
assessment and risk estimation methods are dif-
ficult to define appropriately.
There is no complete overview of situations and
circumstances in which the systems will be used
during its lifetime, which makes it even more dif-
ficult to identify the potential failure modes and
safety risks.
To put a legal framework to the deployment of au-
tomated vehicle systems onto the public road, regula-
tions are being implemented by the UNECE, e.g., for
Automated Lane Keeping Systems or ALKS (UNECE,
2021) (UNECE, 2022) and the EC, i.e., for ADS in four
use cases (European Commission, 2022). UN Regula-
tion No. 157 (UNECE, 2022) uses the following for-
mulation for the safety requirements to ALKS:
Op den Camp, O., de Gelder, E. and Broos, J.
When Is an Automated Driving System Safe Enough for Deployment on the Public Road? Quantifying Safety Risk Using Real-World Scenarios.
DOI: 10.5220/0011958000003479
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2023), pages 297-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-652-1; ISSN: 2184-495X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The activated system shall perform the Dynamic
Driving Task (DDT), shall manage all situations
including failures, and shall be free of unreason-
able risks for the vehicle occupants or any other
road users.
The activated system shall not cause any colli-
sions that are reasonably foreseeable and pre-
ventable. If a collision can be safely avoided
without causing another one, it shall be avoided.
Following the formulation of the ALKS regula-
tion, an AV should be free of reasonably foreseeable
and preventable safety risks. The challenge is how to
quantify what is considered to be “reasonably fore-
seeable” and “reasonably preventable”, and to con-
sider all the realistically possible situations. For au-
thorities and the industry, this leads to similar but
slightly different challenges:
For authorities, the challenge is how to assess
whether the AV meets the legal requirement that
it is free of reasonably foreseeable and preventa-
ble safety risks.
For AV developers, the challenge is to provide
evidence that a newly developed AV is safe to be
deployed on the road.
Though ADS are complex and the assessment
procedure might be complicated, the assessment re-
sults should be unambiguous, easily understood by
experts in the field, and explainable to authorities and
the general public. An important metric in such a
framework is the residual safety risk when a vehicle
is allowed onto the road (SAKURA, SIP-adus and
HEADSTART projects, 2021). The residual safety
risk is for example expressed as the probability of a
fatality or serious injury per hour of driving. The con-
cept of risk is widely understood, and basing the
safety assessment on that concept helps to come to a
fair and acceptable assessment process.
The United Nations Economic Commission for
Europe (UNECE) WP.29 Working Party on Auto-
mated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
(GRVA) has developed the New Assessment/Test
Methods (NATM) Master Document (UNECE,
2021), where a multi-pillar approach is envisaged, as
shown in Figure 1. The Master Document shows the
process to be followed for safety assessment; it does
not state how to quantify the results of safety assess-
ment. In this paper, we propose how to determine es-
timates for the residual safety risk, how this safety
risk estimate relates to the terms “reasonably foresee-
able” and “reasonably preventable”, and how this is
in agreement with and a further fulfilment of the
UNECE multi-pillar approach.
Figure 1: The multi-pillar approach. Figure is adapted from
(Donà, et al., 2022).
In this section, we will reference the different levels
of automation that are related to the role of the driver
in the vehicle. The reason is that safety assessment
considers the safety of the complete vehicle which
obviously includes the driver, whether this is a human
driver, a robot driver, or a combination of both.
The SAE J3016 (SAE On-Road Automated Driv-
ing (ORAD) committee, 2018) is a commonly used
scheme to present the change of the role and respon-
sibility of the human driver for different levels of au-
tomation. Driver support functions (Level 0, 1, or 2)
support the human driver when certain conditions are
met during a drive. In these cases, the human driver
must be continuously in the loop to monitor the vehi-
cle systems and the environment, and that human
driver is responsible for correct intervention when
needed. For a Level 3 system, the human driver must
be ready to take over control from the automation sys-
tem if the Level 3 system requests to do so. For Level
4 (and Level 5) systems, the human driver will not be
required to take over control, and consequently, the
robot driver needs to respond appropriately in all sit-
uation the vehicle encounters, without the fallback
option of a human driver.
To assess whether a Level 3 or 4 ADS can safely
handle and appropriately respond to all situations and
all conditions that it potentially encounters on the
road during its lifetime, requires a structured ap-
proach in testing the ADS for all these situations.
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Stakeholders (AV developers, type approval authori-
ties, regulatory bodies, and automotive research insti-
tutes and academia) in Europe, Japan and Singapore,
share the vision, that this approach can only be suc-
cessful by using a (data-driven) scenario-based ap-
proach (SAKURA, SIP-adus and HEADSTART
projects, 2021) (de Gelder, Op den Camp, & de Boer,
Scenario categories for the assessment of automated
vehicles, 2020). Object level sensor data from hun-
dreds of thousands of (naturalistic) driving kilometres
on public roads are used to build a scenario database
that shows what scenarios occur on the road and
which variations are seen in the scenarios and the con-
ditions (e.g., weather and light). The scenarios are pa-
rameterized, and data collection campaigns are orga-
nized in such a way, that the probability density func-
tions (PDFs) for the scenario parameters can be deter-
mined, e.g., for statistical analyses of the scenarios.
In a second step, the ODD of the ADS is de-
scribed, and tests are generated from the scenario da-
tabase by sampling from those scenarios that fall
within the ODD of the ADS under test.
Safety assessment is about determining whether the
safety risk of deploying an AV onto the public road is
acceptable or not. Safety assessment procedures aim
at quantifying the safety risk by determining the prob-
ability that the AV ends up in a collision and address-
ing the severity of the consequences of such a colli-
sion. The safety risk needs to consider each situation
that the AV may encounter on the road during its life-
This formulation shows that safety risk depends
on a multitude of factors, such as (the list may be in-
1. AV system design: is the design of the system
such that it is capable to respond appropriately to
all scenarios?
2. The scenarios that the AV actually encounters on
the road, including the (potentially irresponsible)
behaviour of other traffic participants, the layout
of the infrastructure, and the (weather and light-
ing) conditions. The variation in each of these
factors is large, and the number of variations
grows further with all the possible combinations
that might occur.
3. The impact on the behaviour of the AV due to a
possible failure of one of its components or sub-
systems. This can be an internal failure, such as
an overheated control unit or a malfunction of a
sensor. This is a Functional Safety topic (ISO
26262, 2018). It is also possible that a component
fails to work correctly (or show the intended
functionality) due to causes outside of the AV.
An example thereof is the failure of a camera due
to, e.g., fog, glare, or a frosted lens in wintertime.
This is the topic of Safety of the Intended Func-
tionality (ISO 21448, 2021).
4. The capabilities of a possible fallback system
that takes over control of the system in case the
ADS feature is no longer capable to deal with the
situation itself. For lower levels of automation,
this is usually the human driver. For higher levels
of automation, other approaches are required as-
suming that the human driver can no longer act
as fallback option.
5. Measures taken in and on the AV to mitigate the
consequences of a collision such as passive and
active safety measures, such as seat belts, air-
bags, and AEB systems which might be re-
quired in addition to the AV’s decision and con-
trol logic.
There are two comments that need to be addressed
at this stage:
It is a common misconception that safety of an
AV can be fully covered when following the
main safety standards: ISO 26262 on Functional
Safety and ISO 21448 on Safety of the Intended
Functionality. These standards certainly need to
be followed to cover the third bullet out of the list
above, but conforming to the norms provided by
these standards will not guarantee a safe response
of the AV for all situations and under all condi-
tions. Additional activities are needed to address
the full operational safety of AVs.
Another common misconception is that for a
proper safety assessment of an AV, only those
situations that are considered critical on the road
have to be evaluated. This assumption is rather
popular as it would drastically reduce the number
of tests that are required for a proper safety as-
sessment. Unfortunately, it is not possible to fo-
cus on critical situations only, as such situations
can easily result from poor performance of the
AV in any particular situation, whether such sit-
uation is initially considered a ‘nominal case’ or
a ‘non-critical case’. What appears to be a nomi-
nal case for one system, might turn out to become
a critical case for another system due to differ-
ences in system design and performance.
Many criticality metrics exist, such as for instance
Time To Collision (TTC). The general idea is that the
smaller the TTC, the higher the risk. Westhofen et al.
When Is an Automated Driving System Safe Enough for Deployment on the Public Road? Quantifying Safety Risk Using Real-World
Figure 2: Overview of the risk quantification method as pre-
sented by (de Gelder, et al., 2021).
(Westhofen, et al., 2023) review a wide variety of
criticality metrics. These are considered surrogate
metrics for criticality and are particularly useful in
AV development and implementation. However, no
statistical analysis is possible that provides a quanti-
fication of the residual safety risk of the deployment
of an AV based on surrogate criticality metrics.
Figure 2 (de Gelder, et al., 2021) provides a method
to estimate the risk of an ADS in a quantitative man-
ner. A data-driven approach considering real-world
driving scenarios is used to rely less on subjective
judgements of safety experts. The output of the
method is for instance the expected number of fatal
and/or severe injuries in a potential crash. The method
is quantitative, the result is easily interpretable, and
the result can be compared with road (crash) statistics.
Hence, risk quantification is a valuable input to the
safety assessment audit as part of the multi-pillar ap-
proach (Figure 1).
4.1 Scenarios
The first step of the proposed method is to identify the
scenarios that the ADS encounters or may encounter
in real life. The term scenario is used to provide a
quantitative description of the relevant characteristics
and activities and/or goals of the ego vehicle, the
static environment, the dynamic environment, and all
events that are relevant to the ego vehicle (de Gelder,
et al., 2022). More informally, a scenario describes
any situation on the road including the intent of the
subject vehicle, the behaviour of road users, the road
layout, and conditions. A drive on the road is consid-
ered a continuous sequence of scenarios – which
might overlap.
In addition to the identification of scenarios and
their variations that occur in the real world, this step
also considers the selection of those scenarios that are
part of the Operational Design Domain (ODD) of the
ADS and the ego vehicle. Once deployed, the ADS
needs to deal with many scenarios and the ODD in
which the ADS is operating determines the variety of
these scenarios. Currently, in the StreetWise scenario
database governed by TNO (Op den Camp, de
Gelder, Kalisvaart, & Goossens, 2023), scenario cat-
egories are used to describe most situations that occur
on highways.
To describe an exemplary cut-in scenario in which
a vehicle (marked T in Figure 3) changes lane into the
lane and in front of an ego vehicle (marked H), sev-
eral parameters can be used to describe this typical
highway scenario:
initial longitudinal velocity of the ego vehi-
cle [m/s]
initial relative longitudinal velocity of the
target vehicle with respect to the ego [m/s]
average lateral velocity over the duration of
the lane change of the target vehicle in front
of the ego vehicle [m/s]
time headway at the start of the lane change
by the target vehicle [s] ∆x
distance between the target vehicle (rear
side) and the ego vehicle (front side) when
the target starts crossing the lane marking.
Figure 3: Schematic view of a target vehicle (T) cutting in
on an ego vehicle (H).
These parameters, identified for 6.316 realiza-
tions of a cut-in in a dataset covering more than
110.000 km of highway driving in Europe, provide
valuable statistical information (Paardekooper, et al.,
2019) on variations of cut-in scenarios in Europe.
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 4: Probability density functions for two of the pa-
rameters describing concrete cut-in scenarios collected in
approximately 35.000 km in the Netherlands (orange curves
based on 2.195 identified cut-ins) and 2.500 km in Germany
(black curves, 161 cut-ins).
This is illustrated in graphs of the parameter dis-
tributions, or more precisely of the probability density
functions (PDF). A PDF indicates the probability that
a parameter falls within a particular range, given by
the area under the density function and between the
upper and lower value of that range. The PDFs, com-
bined with information about how often each specific
scenario category is encountered on the road, enables
us to calculate the exposure on the road for all the
possible scenario variations of the scenarios. This is
important for the second step in risk quantification:
determining the exposure (Figure 2).
The graphs in Figure 4 indicate [top] the distance
of the target vehicle with respect to the ego vehicle at
the start of the lane change by the target vehicle ex-
pressed as a THW and [lower] the average lateral
speed of the target vehicle while changing lane. Since
the curves for Germany are based on 2.500 km of
driving in which 161 cut-ins were detected, the con-
fidence in the shape of the PDFs is limited, which
makes it difficult to draw conclusions on the differ-
ences found between Germany and the Netherlands.
The peak in the curves for the THW is in the Nether-
lands at 0.65 s and in Germany at 0.85 s. Further anal-
ysis shows that lower THW is associated with a lower
average lateral speed of the cutting-in vehicle. More-
over, for a THW lower than 1.0 s, the distribution of
the relative longitudinal speed of the target vehicle
with respect to the ego vehicle is shifted into a more
positive direction. This observation is in agreement
with the expectation that for a smaller THW, the lane
change is performed somewhat more carefully
(slower), and the gap closing speed between both ve-
hicles is smaller.
The example shows that a scenario database is an
important tool to get insight into:
How scenarios typically evolve on the road, what
ranges of the parameters can be expected, and
what the relation between parameters is;
How frequently certain parameter values occur
on the road (nominal values versus more rare oc-
currences) or what the probability is of the occur-
rence of a certain combination of parameter val-
ues (cross-correlation);
Differences in parameter distributions for scenar-
ios that are collected in different regions.
4.2 Virtual Simulation of a Scenario
Step 3 of risk quantification is in the virtual simula-
tion how an ADS or even an AV behaves in each of
the scenarios that is relevant for its ODD. To enable
the simulation, a simulation framework is required,
which is represented by five blocks (Figure 5):
Figure 5: Scheme of the simulation framework.
World: represents the relevant information about
the environment in which the ADS operates. This
includes the vehicles (and their manoeuvres) in
the direct vicinity of the ego vehicle.
When Is an Automated Driving System Safe Enough for Deployment on the Public Road? Quantifying Safety Risk Using Real-World
Sensors: map the information that is perceived by
the ego vehicle regarding the environment (both
static and dynamic) to the information that can be
used by the ADS.
ADS: the control and decision logic in the vehi-
cle that is used to perform an automated function.
The ADS uses the data provided by the sensors
to provide control signals to the actuators and to
interact with the human driver, e.g., through an
Driver: the actual human driver that is behind the
steering wheel or that operates the vehicle re-
Vehicle: the system with ADS, actuators, and
driver interaction that translates the inputs into
vehicle motion, manoeuvring through the world.
The outcome of a simulation is used to determine
whether a scenario ends up in a crash or not. In case
of a crash, the simulation can also be used to deter-
mine the extent of harm that is caused by the crash.
This is strongly related to steps 4 and 5 in Figure 5.
4.3 Calculate Risk
With the identification and selection of relevant sce-
narios in the ODD, the calculation of the exposure to
each of these scenarios and the calculation of the pos-
sible harm caused by the scenarios, all information is
available to calculate the total risk posed by the sys-
tem onto the road (Figure 5). As explained in (de
Gelder, et al., 2021), the risk associated with a sce-
nario category 𝐶
is the combination of the probabil-
ity of occurrence of that scenario and the expected ex-
tent of harm given the scenario. De Gelder (de Gelder,
et al., 2021) also shows how to determine an upper
bound of the total risk, based on the combination of
the risks for the individual scenario categories that
potentially are encountered:
Risk 𝐶
 Risk
where the equality applies if none of the scenario cat-
egories 𝐶
show an overlap. Note that the collection
of scenario categories 𝐶
should cover the complete
ODD of the ADS. Those situations in which the ADS
unintentionally leaves its ODD need also to be con-
sidered in risk quantification.
In (de Gelder & Op den Camp, How certain are
we that our automated driving system is safe?, 2023),
it is shown how to additionally quantify the uncertain-
ties that are associated with safety risk estimation.
These uncertainties result from the fact that the data-
base is not complete leading to uncertainty of the ex-
posure and uncertainty in the scenario parameter dis-
tributions, and from the fact that only a limited num-
ber of simulations can be performed. Using a proba-
bilistic framework, all results are combined to esti-
mate the residual risk as well as the uncertainty of this
A structured approach in testing an AV for all possi-
ble situations that the AV may encounter on the road
during its lifetime, is provided by scenario-based
safety assessment. Application of the scenario-based
approach is a pre-requisite to calculate the safety risk
associated with the deployment of a particular AV
onto the public road. The concept of safety risk (the
probability that the AV ends up in a collision, consid-
ering the severity of the injury resulting from the col-
lision) is widely understood, and basing the safety as-
sessment on that concept helps to come to a fair and
acceptable assessment process that is fully in agree-
ment with the multi-pillar approach as proposed by
the UNECE (Donà, et al., 2022).
Scenarios and scenario statistics are essential in
safety assessment of AVs. Scenarios are typically
stored in a database. The use of scenarios for devel-
opment and testing puts requirements to scenario da-
tabases that need to be established. A scenario data-
base should provide a (complete) view on scenarios
(and their variations, also depending on region, traffic
rules, and driving culture) that a vehicle can encoun-
ter on the road during its lifetime. This includes how
scenarios evolve over time with the changes in the
mobility system. Scenarios should cover nominal
everyday driving and more rare and extreme (chal-
lenging) cases. Most important is the possibility to de-
termine scenario statistics, with metrics such as:
Exposure: what is the probability of encountering
a scenario within certain parameter ranges or
given characteristics, e.g., expressed in the num-
ber per 100.000 km of driving;
Completeness: a quantitative metric that deter-
mines how well the scenarios (and their varia-
tions) included in the scenario database cover the
occurrence of scenarios in the real world. De
Gelder (de Gelder, Paardekooper, Op den Camp,
& De Schutter, 2019) shows how to determine
completeness using the PDFs of the scenario pa-
Currently available scenario databases, similar to
TNO’s StreetWise, are far from complete. In other
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
words, the known scenarios do not cover all possible
scenarios in the real world. Not only is it difficult to
provide a reliable description of the ODD of a func-
tion when the scenario database is not sufficiently
complete, also the relevance of the selection of test
cases is limited in that case. In other words, the func-
tion might encounter a scenario on the road for which
the function has not been tested, if tests are based on
an incomplete scenario database only.
It is for this reason that industrial stakeholders,
such as OEMs, TIER1 suppliers and AV developers
are building collaborations in scenario mining on
public roads (SUNRISE, 2023). It needs to be collab-
orative efforts, as it is (almost) infeasible for a single
party to collect information from all public roads at
which a vehicle is potentially deployed.
Also, authorities have an interest to strive for
completeness of a scenario database. Although au-
thorities in general do not have the resources or the
means for scenario collection at a large scale, testing
AVs based on real-world scenarios that cover the
complete operational domain of such vehicles is im-
portant. For authorities to allow an automated vehicle
onto the road (European Commission, 2022), there
needs to be sufficient evidence and confidence re-
garding the safety of the vehicle under all reasonably
foreseeable conditions. What is reasonably foreseea-
ble can be linked to the exposure value for a scenario,
given that the scenario database is sufficiently com-
The term ‘reasonably preventable’ (UNECE,
2022) is often related to the performance of a well-
trained, capable and attentive human driver that is put
in the same situation. If such a driver is able to pre-
vent a collision, then the ‘collision’ is called ‘reason-
ably preventable’, and an AV should perform at least
as good as such a human driver in each of the scenar-
In addition to being able to prevent reasonably
foreseeable and preventable collisions, AVs also need
to show driving behaviour fitting for the situation and
in agreement what other traffic participants might ex-
pect and find acceptable. In (Tejada, Manders,
Snijders, Paardekooper, & de Hair-Buijssen, 2020) it
is explained how to quantify and characterize of what
is called ‘safe and social driving’. To be issued a driv-
ing license, a human driver needs to behave correctly
in traffic according to the locally applicable traffic
rules and regulations, and to show safe and acceptable
behaviour in the interaction with other road users. It
is difficult to quantify what is acceptable or not. One
aspect that at least needs to be considered is the ability
of a driver to anticipate on behaviour of others and to
deploy behaviour that is within the range of expecta-
tion of the other traffic participants.
Similar to human drivers, automated systems
should not only show safe, but also predictable social
behaviour, which is considered good roadmanship. It
is for this reason that current research not only focus-
ses on making a scenario database complete, but also
on the development of methods to characterize and
quantify ‘roadmanshipfor human drivers, in order to
determine criteria for good ‘roadmanship’ of auto-
mated vehicles and appropriate references in the sce-
narios provided by the databases.
For the safety assessment of AVs, it is recommended
to apply the following combination of approaches:
1. A multi-pillar approach: combining different as-
sessment approaches ranging from testing on a
test track and in public road trials, the evaluation
of virtual simulation results, and the auditing of
processes followed by the AV developer;
2. A milestone-based approach: breaking up the
large challenge of performing one single safety
assessment process to provide a type approval for
an AV to be deployed on the public road into
smaller more feasible challenges with increasing
complexity. The use of milestones leads to the
reduction of safety risks in performing the re-
quired tests per milestone and reduces the time
pressure for the authorities, as the development
and implementation of the safety assessment
framework can be executed in parallel with the
developments of AV solutions by the industry;
3. A scenario-based approach: scenarios are used to
describe the situations and conditions that an AV
may encounter during operation in the real world,
in a structured way. To come to realistic and rel-
evant tests for the safety assessment of the AV,
the parameters describing these scenarios are
sampled from distributions that are based on real-
world data.
Continuous research aims at harmonizing the dif-
ferent scenario-based approaches in Europe, in order
to come to a sufficient level of completeness by shar-
ing information from different scenario databases
covering different regions. Harmonization includes
for instance terminology, scenario definition and par-
ametrization, meta information to be stored along a
scenario to enable statistical analysis, and the meth-
When Is an Automated Driving System Safe Enough for Deployment on the Public Road? Quantifying Safety Risk Using Real-World
ods for test case generation out of the relevant scenar-
ios. All these topics are covered in the Horizon Eu-
rope project SUNRISE (SUNRISE, 2023).
Research in TNO also addresses methods for es-
timating a confidence interval for the results of risk
quantification (de Gelder & Op den Camp, How cer-
tain are we that our automated driving system is safe?,
2023). The level of confidence of a safety risk esti-
mate is important information for road authorities to
determine whether or not an ADS can be allowed
safely onto the road.
de Gelder, E., & Op den Camp, O. (2023). How certain are
we that our automated driving system is safe? accepted
for Traffic Injury Prevention, Special issue for the ESV
2023 conference, Yokohama.
de Gelder, E., Elrofai, H., Saberi, A. K., Op den Camp, O.,
Paardekooper, J.-P., & de Schutter, B. (2021). Risk
Quantification for Automated Driving Systems in Real-
World Driving Scenarios. IEEE Access, 9, 168953 -
168970. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136585
de Gelder, E., Op den Camp, O., & de Boer, N. (2020).
Scenario categories for the assessment of automated
vehicles. Retrieved from http://www.cetran.sg/
de Gelder, E., Paardekooper, J.-P., Khabbaz, A., Elrofai, H.,
Op den Camp, O., Kraines, S., . . . de Schutter, B.
(2022). Towards an Ontology for Scenario Definition
for the Assessment of Automated Vehicles: An Object-
Oriented Framework. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Vehicles, 1-1. doi:10.1109/TIV.2022.3144803
de Gelder, E., Paardekooper, J.-P., Op den Camp, O., & De
Schutter, B. (2019). Safety assessment of automated
vehicles: how to determine whether we have collected
enough field data? Traffic Injury Prevention, 20, S162-
Donà, R., Ciuffo, B., Tsakalidis, A., Di Cesare, L., Sollima,
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Advancements in Automated Vehicle Certification:
How the Experience from the Nuclear Sector
Contributed to Making Them a Reality. Energies, 15.
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VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems