Complementary training courses do not replace
the need for formal courses, but tend to explorer
deeper into topics that are seen more superficially in
the academy, offering more opportunities for practice
and increasing students’ opportunities to enter the job
market. Industry professionals who have taken these
courses consider that the impact of additional training
courses have been extremely beneficial for their pro-
fessional careers, and IT leaders recognize that the ad-
dition of mechanisms by the academy tends to reduce
the gaps in professional training in IT novices.
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with the participation of teachers of formal education
(e.g., undergraduate courses), professors of comple-
mentary training courses and members of the indus-
try in search of the preparation of a model that can be
used by both in the reduction of gaps in professional
training between academia and industry.
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education