“How to Make Them Stay?”: Diverse Counterfactual Explanations of
Employee Attrition
e Artelt
1,2 a
and Andreas Gregoriades
3 b
Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Department of Management, Entrepreneurship and Digital Business, Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus
Employee Attrition Prediction, Counterfactual Explanations, Explainable Machine Learning.
Employee attrition is an important and complex problem that can directly affect an organisation’s competitive-
ness and performance. Explaining the reasons why employees leave an organisation is a key human resource
management challenge due to the high costs and time required to attract and keep talented employees. Busi-
nesses therefore aim to increase employee retention rates to minimise their costs and maximise their perfor-
mance. Machine learning (ML) has been applied in various aspects of human resource management including
attrition prediction to provide businesses with insights on proactive measures on how to prevent talented em-
ployees from quitting. Among these ML methods, the best performance has been reported by ensemble or
deep neural networks, which by nature constitute black box techniques and thus cannot be easily interpreted.
To enable the understanding of these models’ reasoning several explainability frameworks have been proposed
to either explain individual cases using local interpretation approaches or provide global explanations describ-
ing the overall logic of the predictive model. Counterfactual explanation methods have attracted considerable
attention in recent years since they can be used to explain and recommend actions to be performed to obtain
the desired outcome. However current counterfactual explanations methods focus on optimising the changes
to be made on individual cases to achieve the desired outcome. In the attrition problem it is important to be
able to foresee what would be the effect of an organisation’s action to a group of employees where the goal is
to prevent them from leaving the company. Therefore, in this paper we propose the use of counterfactual ex-
planations focusing on multiple attrition cases from historical data, to identify the optimum interventions that
an organisation needs to make to its practices/policies to prevent or minimise attrition probability for these
cases. The proposed technique is applied on an employee attrition dataset, used to train binary classifiers.
Counterfactual explanations are generated based on multiple attrition cases, thus, providing recommendations
to the human resource department on how to prevent attrition.
Employees constitute one of the most valuable assets
in any organization. Therefore, the optimum way to
manage this resource significantly improves organi-
sational performance and competitiveness while also
assists in obtaining organisation’s objectives. Hu-
man Resource (HR) management departments there-
fore engage in activities that aim to unleash employ-
ees’ full potential and maximise their productivity.
Typical HR activities include the process of selec-
tion and recruitment, performance management, em-
ployee well being and satisfaction, training and de-
velopment. Due to the excessive cost associated with
the selection, recruitment and training of employees
before they become productive, HR management is
constantly striving to keep their employees satisfied
since the retention of talented employees is crucial to
any company’s success. Retention involves the sys-
tematic effort of creating a working environment that
satisfies employees’ needs by implementing appropri-
ate policies and practices. Identifying optimum poli-
cies is a key problem in HR management and is the fo-
cus of this work. To address this issue, it is essential
to understand what causes employees’ attrition that
refers to the situation when an employee leaves the
business either voluntarily or involuntarily. In the for-
mer case an employee makes a personal decision to
Artelt, A. and Gregoriades, A.
“How to Make Them Stay?”: Diverse Counterfactual Explanations of Employee Attrition.
DOI: 10.5220/0011961300003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 532-538
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
leave the company and in the latter an employee is
forced to resign due to low performance or not de-
sired skills. Voluntary turnover (attrition) tends to
relate with more skilled and talented employees and
thus the loss for an organisation is significant in such
cases due to loss of expertise which in certain cases
might create operational issues. Therefore, voluntary
turnover can have direct and indirect effects to an or-
ganisation through increased hiring and training costs,
reduced productivity, profits and employee morale.
Therefore, employees’ intention to leave an organi-
sation is a widely studied topic, with many studies
investigating different factors that positively or neg-
atively influence it. Such studies utilise question-
naires completed either by active employees to mea-
sure their turnover intention, or data from employees
that provided their resignation notice explaining their
motivations behind the decision to leave. Utilisation
of turnover intention data however is considered the
most feasible approach in attrition prediction since
detailed resignation data is often unavailable due to
privacy policies. Such studies test different hypothe-
ses or provide new knowledge regarding the way dif-
ferent personal and organisational factors affect reten-
tion/attrition, mainly through statistical significance
tests via regression and analysis of variance. How-
ever, such studies provide limited insights or recom-
mendations on what organisations need to do to pre-
vent attrition under different circumstances since their
insights focus on how each factor affects attrition and
not on what state these factors should be in collec-
tively to prevent attrition. Such optimum states of
attrition factors can be identified through interpreta-
tions of machine learning models trained on historical
data and interrogated through explanation methods
that provide a recommendation what to do in order
to increase retention. Machine learning has been ap-
plied extensively in different prediction tasks includ-
ing attrition (Zhao et al., 2018) due to its improved
prediction performance compared to traditional tech-
niques. However, black box techniques tend to out-
perform the accuracy of interpretable methods such as
decision trees. Thus, different explainability methods
have been proposed to shade light into the logic of en-
semble or deep neural network models, by identifying
patterns in their reasoning (Molnar, 2020; Guidotti
et al., 2018; Linardatos et al., 2020). Counterfactual
explanations (Wachter et al., 2017) (CE) are a popu-
lar technique for interpreting black box models that
enable the identification of the optimum changes to
be made to a model’s feature values to obtain the de-
sired outcome. The approach presented in this paper
aims to identify the minimum consistent feature-value
changes that reverse attrition prediction for a group of
employees rather than individual cases and thus pro-
vide valuable recommendations to management on
what to focus on maximising retention. The identifi-
cation of recommendations based on a group of cases
(employee attrition) is what differentiates the method
proposed in this paper from other studies that apply
counterfactual explanations to the employee attrition
problem. The data that we utilise to demonstrate the
proposed approach is the IBM dataset (IBM, 2020)
that is publicly available.
Employee attrition prediction using ML has gained
significant attention in recent years, with scholars
utilising a wide range of ML techniques on work-
related factors to predict employee turnover inten-
tion (Zhao et al., 2018). Indicatively the follow-
ing ML techniques have been applied to the em-
ployee attrition prediction problem: Support vector
machines, Decision trees, Random Forest, XGBoost,
Logistic Regression, N
aıve Bayes, Adaptive Boost-
ing, K-nearest neighbors, Artificial neural network,
and Light Gradient Boosting. To the best of our
knowledge the best performance is reported with the
SVM and LGB. Prevalent features used to train such
models relate to individual and organisational factors
such as number of promotions, salary, last evaluation,
time spent in company, working conditions, work-
ing hours, employee-related factors such as age, gen-
der, job satisfaction, work life balance, emotional ex-
haustion, growth potential, and marital status. These
factors have been identified in previous works (Kang
et al., 2021; Le et al., 2022) that examined how indi-
vidual and organisational factors affect employee at-
trition. The effect of the combination of these factors
varies. For instance, factors such as time in service
showed that employees who have worked for longer
at a given organization are less likely to leave. While
longer time before employees obtain organizational
tenure positively mitigates to employees’ intentions
to leave. Sex and education have also been identi-
fied as influencing factors however there is no con-
sensus on how each factor affects attrition. Organiza-
tional factors on the other hand are factors controlled
by the organisation and thus could be altered to im-
prove retention. Such factors are job satisfaction that
is strongly and significantly related to employees’ in-
tentions to leave, with employees who feel higher per-
sonal accomplishment in their job being less likely
to leave their organization. Overloading on the other
hand results in emotional, physical, and mental ex-
haustion and thus increases employees’ intentions to
“How to Make Them Stay?”: Diverse Counterfactual Explanations of Employee Attrition
leave. Employees who think of their work as mean-
ingful are less likely to leave. Finally, employees who
understand the relationship of their job to an organiza-
tions’ goals are also less likely to leave their organiza-
tion. Since they consider themselves as part of a team
with a common objective. Several organisational poli-
cies have been reported to improve retention such as
salary, family-friendly policies, training, skill devel-
opment, and diversity management. Specifically, re-
wards such as salary, increase employees’ motivation
and satisfaction which makes them less likely to leave
their organizations in contrast to employees that are
not satisfied with their salary. In addition, employees
who are not rewarded for their good performance are
more likely to leave the organization. On the other
hand, balancing work and family responsibilities re-
duce employees’ turnover. While training and devel-
opment opportunities are found to mitigate turnover
but can also increase turnover since employees be-
come more attractive by competitors. Working envi-
ronment on the other hand, such as good relationships
with co-workers and fairness in organisational proce-
dures reduce intention to leave, while organizations
that support creativity and innovation are significantly
related to lower turnover intentions due to the asso-
ciated sense of meaning and pleasure from the work
done. While, employees who feel supported by their
organization are less likely to leave the organization
since they consider that the organisation takes care of
them. Finally, a meta-analytic review of voluntary at-
trition (Haldorai et al., 2019) found that the strongest
predictors of employee turnover are, age, pay, and
job satisfaction. Other studies highlight that “anti-
social” working hours, work life conflict, emotional
exhaustion, work overload, working environment, ca-
reer progression and community fit strongly influenc-
ing turnover intention.
In predictive modelling it is important to have good
accuracy of what is predicted but also high inter-
pretability. The former is essential to be able to make
actionable decisions while the latter increases the con-
fidence & trust in the predictions and understanding
of the model’s logic. However, most models that
produce high predictive accuracy are also less inter-
pretable and vice versa. Several (explanation) meth-
ods have been developed to increase the interpretabil-
ity of black box models (Molnar, 2020), however, no
practical technology has yet emerged for explainable
AI (Guidotti et al., 2018; Linardatos et al., 2020).
This is due to the complexity of the matter with ex-
planations having to be both statistically sound and
comprehensible by stakeholders. Many approaches to
the explainability problem focus on the global logic of
a black box model through an associated interpretable
classifier such as decision tree that mimics the behav-
ior of the black box model. These methods are model
dependent. A different branch of work on model-
independent (agnostic) techniques for understanding
black box models’ behaviour is by using the classi-
fiers’ predictions to generate explanations. These are
referred as post hoc since the technique is applied af-
ter model training. Such model agnostic techniques
are further categorised into local and global expla-
nation methods. The local focusing on specific in-
stances and global on the whole set of instances. A
few recent methods that are model-agnostic, such as
LIME (Ribeiro et al., 2016) obtain a local explanation
for a decision outcome by learning an interpretable
model from querying randomly perturbed versions of
a given instance on a black box model. Such post-
hoc methods for extracting local explanations from
each model prediction have been attracting much at-
tention. Counterfactual explanation (Wachter et al.,
2017; Verma et al., 2020) is a post-hoc local expla-
nation method that show why the undesirable predic-
tions emerged and what needs to be changed in the in-
put to obtain the desired results. Thus a counterfactual
explanation describes a causal situation in the form: If
X had occurred, Y would have occurred. Counterfac-
tual explanations can be used to explain predictions
of individual instances and determine required input
to obtain opposite results.
To generate counterfactuals researchers use
optimization-based approaches. Therefore, once you
have a trained classifier the goal of the optimiser is
to find a counterfactual with the shortest distance to
a case with the desired output (non attrition). Such
counterfactual can be obtained by solving an opti-
mization problem.
Various local explanation methods however have
been criticized for not being robust (Artelt et al.,
2021; Hancox-Li, 2020; Mishra et al., 2021) or that
they might fail to explain the global behavior of com-
plex models (Slack et al., 2021). Thus, such meth-
ods have limited applications in problems such as em-
ployee attrition that require the identification of the
optimum changes to be made by the HR department
to prevent attrition. For such a problem, multiple in-
stances of employees that quit their jobs need to be
considered. To address the above issue, several meth-
ods for tackling the multiple local explanations prob-
lem have been proposed. For instance, AReS (Rawal
and Lakkaraju, 2020),which is a global summary of
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
actions expressed in rules and MAME (Rama-murthy
et al., 2020) and GIME (Gao et al., 2021) that are
global summaries of general local explanation meth-
ods (e.g., LIME (Ribeiro et al., 2016)). Recently,
another approach (Kanamori et al., 2022) for simul-
taneously computing counterfactual explanations for
different groups of individuals was proposed that is
similar to the approach presented in this paper.
We propose a counterfactual explanation methodol-
ogy for computing a recommendation (i.e. explana-
tion) of what the HR department should do to in-
crease retention of employees. Essentially the goal
is to find the changes the HR departments must do
to their policy such that many (if not all) of the em-
ployees that initially intended to leave the company
change their minds. For this purpose we assume that
we have a set of employees where an attrition clas-
sifier h : R
{−1, 1} predicts that they quit their
jobs. We denote this set of employees as D and as-
sume that each employee is represented by some real-
valued feature vectorx
4.1 A Single Explanation
We are looking for the changes the HR department
must make
which, if applied to the employ-
ees x
, change the prediction of the attrition classifier
h(·) from attrition to retention. We call such a
a counterfactual explanation of attrition. We phrase
this as the following optimization problem – since we
are looking for a “simple” (i.e. cost sensitive) rec-
ommendation of changes
, we aim to minimize the
number and magnitude of changes in
by using the
+C ·
where (·) denotes a suitable loss function penaliz-
ing attrition predictions (i.e. penalty if the change
does not flip the output of the model for an employee).
Suitable loss functions might be mean-squared er-
ror or cross-entropy loss. The regularization strength
C > 0 allows us to balance between the two objectives
of having a “simple” recommendation of actions and
a recommendation that works for as many employees
as possible.
The 1-norm treats all features as equally important and
costly this can be changed by using a weighted 1-norm
While our formalization Eq. (1) is completely
model-agnostic i.e. it can be applied to any attri-
tion classifier h(·), it might not be the most efficient
formalization for every situation. In particular if we
have knowledge about h(·) that could be exploited for
a more efficient (e.g. faster) computation of the rec-
, this can used. In the following,
we investigate the special case of linear classifiers:
In case of a linear classifier h(x) = sign
x + b
such as linear-SVM, logistic regression, etc., we can
rewrite Eq. (1) as the following linear program (LP):
+C ·
s.t. y
+ b
0 ξ x
ξ 0 i
where C > 0 is again a hyperparemeter that allows us
to balance between the two objectives. In practice it
might be necessary to try different values for C in or-
der to find a practically satisfying/useful recommen-
. Note that linear programs (LP) are special
instances of convex optimization problems that can be
solved very efficiently (Boyd et al., 2004).
4.2 A Set of Diverse Explanations
As already noted by (Kanamori et al., 2022), there
often might not exist a single change
that is ap-
plicable to all employees in D. Furthermore, there
might also exist several different changes
work equally well (and maybe also work for differ-
ent subgroups of employees), we therefore propose an
extension to our formalization from Section 4.1 that
computes not a single recommendation of changes
but a set of different & diverse changes
so that the
decision makers are provided with a list of possible
actions on how to increase retention rate. Therefore,
the HR manager can choose the action that is more
suitable to his/her case.
We propose an iterative method that computes a
set of highly diverse changes
. We defined diver-
sity by means of the number of overlapping features.
For instance, highly diverse explanations should use
& change completely different features. For this pur-
pose, we need a mechanism for excluding already
used features from future changes
. We can mod-
ify our previous optimization problems not to use any
black-listed features F i.e. features already used
by previous recommendations of changes by intro-
ducing a diagonal matrix M R
and replacing all
occurrences of
“How to Make Them Stay?”: Diverse Counterfactual Explanations of Employee Attrition
The diagonal matrix M is then defined as follows:
0 if i F
1 otherwise
The effect of Eq. (3) is that it sets all changes in black-
listed features F to zero i.e. it basically removes
forbidden changes and the solver is required to find
other changes
that yield a feasible solution. Note
that Eq. (3) does not change the computational com-
plexity of the original optimization problems Eq. (1)
and Eq. (2). However, it can happen that for a set of
black-listed features F no feasible solution exists
i.e. no allowed changes will change the attrition pre-
We introduce the following notation: CF
(D,F )
computes the solution to one of the previous optimiza-
tion problems (i.e. depending on h(·) either Eq. (1)
or Eq. (2)) under the additional constraint that no
black-listed features F must be used in the final solu-
tion. The complete procedure is described in pseudo-
code in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1: Computation of Diverse Counterfactual Ex-
planations of Attrition.
Input: Set of employees D where attrition is pre-
dicted; k 1: number of diverse counterfactual ex-
planations of attrition; attrition classifier h(·)
Output: Set of diverse counterfactuals R = {x
1: F = {} Initialize set of black-listed features
2: R = {} Initialize set of diverse counterfactuals
3: for i = 1, .. ., k do Compute k diverse
= CF
(D,F ) Compute next
recommendation of changes
5: R = R {
6: F = F { j | (
̸= 0} Update set of
black-listed features
7: end for
4.3 Related Work
The authors of (Kanamori et al., 2022) deal with a
very similar problem, which they call “group-wise
counterfactual explanations”. However, the authors
do not try to find a single explanation applicable to
as many as possible employees like we do in Sec-
tion 4.1, but instead propose an algorithm/heuristic
called “counterfactual explanation tree” for partition-
ing the employees into groups for which a single ap-
plicable explanation (i.e. recommendation of changes
) is computed. However, their proposed method
is computationally expensive and the algorithm for
building the counterfactual explanation tree is just a
heuristic that comes without any formal guarantees.
Furthermore, their algorithm can not be easily ex-
tended or customized e.g. adding constraints to the
explanations or computing multiple explanations
whereas our optimization as illustrated in Section 4.1
can be extended and reused in many different ways as
we do in Section 4.2 for computing a set of diverse
To illustrate the application of the proposed multi in-
stance counterfactual method in the employee attri-
tion problem the following data-set is utilised.
5.1 Dataset
The IBM human resource dataset (IBM, 2020) con-
tains 35 features for 1467 unique employees. The
dataset contains human resources properties such as
age, education, gender, promotion, education and
rate. The question we want to answer using this data
is “what does the HR department need to do to pre-
vent employees from leaving the organisation”. To
address this question all the attrition cases need to
be considered and the optimum solution that will sat-
isfy all these cases is identifying using the proposed
method. The method utilise only features that can be
changed such as salary, years before promotion, busi-
ness travel, environmental conditions, etc. Addition-
ally, for this example we utilise only numerical fea-
tures since they are easier to manipulate and thus pro-
vide proof of concept. However categorical features
can also be utilised after undergoing one-hot encoding
or when converted to ordinal variables (e.g. education
can be expressed as an ordinal variable with high val-
ues indicating education of PhD level). Features that
can not be changed such as age, gender etc are not
utilised. However these features can be utilised when
hiring employees, so as to target employees that are
more likely to stay at the organisation. The method
can also be used with features that are generated from
combinations of existing features, for example a new
feature “job hopper” that refers to people that change
jobs regularly to increase their salary and thus may
have a higher probability of leaving the company can
also be generated and utilised in the analysis. This can
be estimated from the number of companies the em-
ployees worked before divided by the total working
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
5.2 Setup
We implement logistic regression, random forest
and XGBoost as attrition classifiers using the IBM
dataset. To account for the differences in job roles
and departments the analysis can be performed by
focusing on cases refering to different departments
such as ”Research and development” or ”Sales”. This
could give more specific recommendations that can
relate better to the department in question.For this
case study we focused in the Research and Develop-
ment department and the features that are utilized are:
EnvironmentSatisfaction, JobInvolvement, JobSatis-
faction, MonthlyIncome, PercentSalaryHike, YearsIn-
CurrentRole, YearsSinceLastPromotion, YearsWith-
CurrManager. These features have been known to
affect attrition based on the literature, thus we aimed
to identify how the HR department can alter the inten-
tion of employees by changing individual or combi-
nations of these factors. The contribution is the inten-
sity of the change and the combination of the features
to achieve the desired outcome. All classifiers have
been optimised using hyper-parameter tuning. Data
is split into train and test set for finding the optimal
hyper parameters. Furthermore, data is standardized
and random under-sampling of the majority class is
performed in order to avoid any biases in the classi-
fier due to class imbalance.
5.3 Results
We observe that our method (Section 4) computes
several reasonable recommendations (of different
complexity) on how to reduce employee attrition
and provided valuable insights on employee turnover
which is consistent with the literature. Specifically,
the following recommendations refer to turnover in-
stances and indicate the features that must be manip-
ulated and by how much to prevent employees from
leaving the company:
1. If employees would have had an increase in Per-
cent Salary Hike of approx. 40%, attrition would
be unlikely.
2. If employees would have had approx. 5 years less
since their last promotion, attrition would be un-
3. If employees would have had an increase in Per-
centage Salary Hike of approx. 20%, AND had in
an increase in job satisfaction by approx. 50% ,
attrition would be unlikely.
These recommendations highlight the importance
of salary, job satisfaction and promotion as key fac-
tors for preventing employee turnover, which abide
with the theory or retention. Specifically, the results
from the example case study show that to achieve
this goal the company needs to increase the salary
of selected employees or change its promotion pol-
icy so as to motivate employees by promoting them
earlier. However, given that the recommended salary
increase is large, companies could apply the recom-
mendation on talented employees that can not af-
ford to loose. Similar actions are recommended by
(Kanamori et al., 2022), thus highlighting the impor-
tance of salary (monthly income) as key factors for re-
tention, while also provides confidence in our prelim-
inary results. In addition, as highlighted in the litera-
ture the method also identifies that job satisfaction is a
key property for preventing attrition if combined with
salary increase. Increase in job satisfaction can be re-
alised through improved working conditions such as
renovation of the working environment, bonding ac-
tivities, organised events, complimentary food etc.
In contrast to other emplainable ML methods such
as SHAP (Lundberg and Lee, 2017) that provide
global explanations and specify the factors that in-
fluence the class variable (attrition), the proposed
method can go one step further by providing specific
recommendations of business policy changes to re-
vert attrition of specific employees. These provide
actionable business recommendations that in contrast
to SHAP provide specific policy changes that are op-
timised on multiple instances (for instance employees
in specific department that is key to the competitive-
ness of the company and their skills cannot easily be
replenished) and explain what the management needs
to do to prevent attrition of these employees.
The method proposed in this work utilise counterfac-
tual explanations but in contrast to other similar stud-
ies utilise multiple instances to generate recommen-
dations that are actionable by businesses. This is im-
portant in problems such as employee attrition where
specific HR actions on what needs to be done to pre-
vent talented employee attrition should be based on
multiple instances rather than individual employees
that left the company. In the case of a single em-
ployee attrition prevention, the company needs only
to consider the properties of an individual to derive
actions on how to prevent him/her from quitting, how-
ever, in reality the company needs a general policy to
reduce attrition for all turnover cases due to the neg-
ative effect that attrition has on business performance
and competitiveness. The method is applied on the
IBM attrition dataset showing policy changes that are
“How to Make Them Stay?”: Diverse Counterfactual Explanations of Employee Attrition
valid since they abide with the literature. Future work
will focus on providing weights to the features that
are manipulated so as for the method to provide rec-
ommendations ranked based on how easy these can be
implemented. For instance salary increase by 30 per-
cent might be more difficult to realise than increase in
company’s environmental conditions. In addition the
method will be extended to eliminate automatically
infeasible solutions by enabling the user to provide
range of feasible feature values. Future work will also
focus on comparing the results of our method with
similar work under different scenarios.
We gratefully acknowledge funding from the VW-
Foundation for the project IMPACT funded in the
frame of the funding line AI and its Implications for
Future Society.
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