they must be sure that their decision strategy included
in their BP is preserved.
Even if the splitting of the process reduces the risk
of know how exposure, malicious cloud providers can
mine important information by combining their local
As a contribution to this topic, we proposed in
this paper an approach for detecting clouds initiating
or participating to a coalition by using a decoy pro-
cess. Each cloud participating or initiating a coalition
will have its reputation level reduced. The final set of
clouds will be used to deploy our initial BP process.
Important cost may be incurred by introducing de-
coy processes. But on the one hand, this may be the
price to pay for know how protection, and on the other
this can be minimized by our suggestions, which man-
aged strategically BP deployment.
Regarding future works, we aim to apply our ap-
proach to a real case where we aim to use real Cloud
resources while analyzing log files, to detect the un-
expected messages.
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