Clouds Coalition Detection for Business Processes Outsourcing
Amina Ahmed Nacer, Mohammed Riyadh Abdmeziem and Claude Godart
University of Lorraine, Nancy France
Cloud Computing, Decoy Process, Privacy Preserving, Coalition, Know-How Exposure.
Companies outsourcing their BP (Business Processes) to the cloud must be sure that sensitive information
included in their BP are protected. While there are several existing methods that include splitting the model
into a collection of BP fragments before a multi-cloud deployment minimizing therefore the likelihood of a
coalition, a risk still remains. We propose in this paper an approach for detecting malicious cloud providers
that initiate or participate to a coalition. To do that, we rely on decoy processes having the same structure and
number of data as a real process, but with decision strategy making as well as data sets that are completely
different (fake) from the real one. Our objective is to detect unexpected exchanges of messages between
malicious clouds, that may signify an attempt to initiate or participate to a coalition. The level of reputation of
each cloud initiating or joining the coalition will be modified accordingly.
The fast development of technologies forces compa-
nies to be innovative in order to stay competitive.
They must ensure a high degree of efficiency with re-
spect to delivery deadlines. The introduction of cloud
computing seems to be the ideal solution as it avoids
upfront infrastructure cost, and helps organizations to
focus on their core business activities, instead of their
system infrastructure.
In this context, companies are willing to outsource
their BP (Business Processes) to the cloud. However,
as the cloud introduces new security risks related to
its shared environment (Network and Agency, 2009;
Abdmeziem, 2016; Abdmeziem and Charoy, 2018),
they are still reluctant to do so, especially because of
the know-how included in BP models which is con-
sidered as particularly sensitive.
In our previous work (Goettelmann et al., 2015),
we suggested a method for splitting a BP model into
BP fragments, so that when these BP fragments are
externalized in a multi-cloud setting, a cloud provider
cannot understand a crucial part of company know-
Although the simple splitting of a process makes
such a conspiracy more challenging, this work pri-
marily offers active support against a single malicious
cloud at a time and does not explicitly address the risk
of a conspiracy involving multiple malicious cloud
providers, which could pool their local knowledge of
the process model to discover larger critical know-
In (Ahmed Nacer et al., 2016) we went one step
further in reducing this risk of conspiracy by intro-
ducing fake fragments at strategic points in the BP.
However, even if this solution reduces considerably
the possibility of conspiracy, a risk still remains. In
this context, we propose in this paper a solution for
detecting clouds initiating or participating to coali-
tions through the transmission of unexpected mes-
sages. Reputation of these clouds will be reduced ac-
cording to if they initiate or participate to the coali-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 introduces our motivations and the context of
our work. Next section presents our cloud coalition
detection approach. Section 4 applies our approach to
our motivating example. Section 5 discusses the state
of the art and finally section 6 concludes and intro-
duces some future works.
This section starts with the description of a motivating
example, then it introduces the notion of obfuscation
based on sensitive fragments separation, and presents
a threat scenario on which our approach is based. Fi-
nally, it presents two attacker models which illustrate
Ahmed Nacer, A., Abdmeziem, M. and Godart, C.
Clouds Coalition Detection for Business Processes Outsourcing.
DOI: 10.5220/0011963400003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 530-537
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Compagny’s Recruitment
Request (GRR)
Selected for an
Interview (SI)
Reevaluation of
Accept for a
Trial Period
Validation (HV)
Decision (TD)
Decision (FD)
Figure 1: Recruitment process.
Get Recruitment
Request (GRR)
Chek Candidate
Selected for an
Interview (SI)
Reevaluation of
Application (RA)
Validation (HV)
Cloud 1
Decision (TD)
Decision (FD)
Cloud 3
Candidacy (RC)
Accept for a
Trial Period
Figure 2: The recruitment process as a collaboration of BP fragments.
how the power of an attacker can be exploited, to ex-
tract important BP-know how.
2.1 Motivating Example
Figure 1 depicts
a selection process of a company
that wants to recruit staff. The objective of this pro-
cess is to accept or reject a candidacy. Depending on
candidate record (professional experience, technical
knowledge, police record, . . . ) the recruitment pro-
cess is treated in different ways. The candidate can be
selected for an interview, accepted for a trial period or
directly refused for the job. At any point in the pro-
cess, the hierarchy can directly intervene. The final
decision is taken on the basis of the decision notifica-
tion combined with hierarchy decision.
The company is prepared to externalize the exe-
cution of its business processes to the cloud, but it
wants to maintain its method for accepting or reject-
ing a candidate. In order to achieve this goal, the com-
panie’s IT services provider chooses to separate the
BP model’s logic into a collection of BP fragments.
We use the BPMN (Business Process Modeling Nota-
tion ( for modeling our BP models.
In addition, these process models are supposed to be well
structured (Polyvyanyy et al., 2012)
Figure 2 describes such a collaboration of BP frag-
ments obtained by the splitting algorithm described
in (Goettelmann et al., 2015); each fragment being
assigned to a different cloud, and the fragments being
connected with send and receive messages.
2.2 BP Obfuscation by Splitting Its
Logic Using Sensitive Tasks
The main concept of BP obfuscation is to split a BP
model into BP fragments, with each of them being
deployed on different clouds. As a result, each cloud
provider has just a partial view of the BP model.
While splitting a BP model in several BP frag-
ments is effective for obfuscating a BP model, differ-
ent splittings are possible and the problem is to choose
the best one regarding different QoS parameters. For
supporting this objective, one principle is to separate
the more sensitive information in different BP frag-
While this principle remained at the level of best
practice in previous work, we have proposed in (Goet-
telmann et al., 2015) a formalization of the notion of a
sensitive activity, and an algorithm for automatically
Clouds Coalition Detection for Business Processes Outsourcing
identifying the most sensitive tasks
(containing the
more BP know-how) and assigning them to different
Our assumption is that the most sensitive infor-
mation is located in some specific fragments where
important decisions and syntheses are made.
More precisely, we locate decisions in the BP
fragments preceding (x) or-split gateways triggering
alternatives fragments. In addition, we consider that
a decision is complemented in the fragment follow-
ing the (x) or-join gateway closing the opening (x)or-
split succeeding the decision fragment. In our moti-
vating example (figure 1), Check Candidate Informa-
tion (CCI) is a decision task and Technical Decision
(TD) its complement. Both are sensitive tasks.
Respectively, we locate syntheses in the fragments
succeeding and-join gateways synchronizing several
flows executing in parallel. Also, syntheses are often
prepared in the fragment preceding the opening and-
split gateway corresponding to the closing and-join
gateway: we consider that these fragments are also
sensitive ones. In our motivating example, Final De-
cision (FD) is a synthesis task and Get Recruitment
Request (GRR) its complement. Both are also sensi-
tive tasks.
After identifying those sensitive fragments, the al-
gorithm returns a set of constraints for splitting the
centralized process in a business process collabora-
tion deploying sensitive tasks in different clouds. The
principle is to separate, as much as possible, a sensi-
tive task and its complement in two different BP frag-
ments assigned to two different clouds (other aspects
regarding sensitive tasks are considered in this algo-
rithm but are of no interest for this paper) .
Back to our motivating example, the centralized
resident selection BP can be split into the BP fragment
collaboration depicted in figure 2 which follows the
above principles.
2.3 BP Fragments Collaboration
As introduced in the previous section, applying the
principle of sensitive complementing activities sepa-
ration leads to the definition of interacting BP frag-
ments. However the number of BP fragments can de-
pend on other parameters, including other security ar-
tifacts and QoS properties. Then these BP fragments
are assigned to clouds for execution, but different as-
signments leading to different cloud configurations
are also possible at this step.
In other words, several cloud configurations are
possible for deploying a BP and there is a need for se-
We use the traditional notion of a task in BP modeling,
encompassing atomic and composite process activities.
lecting the most secure configuration that reduces the
risk of a malicious cloud provider initiates a coalition
or accepts to be part of it.
Note that regarding the splitting of a BP model
into BP fragments and the weaving of these BP frag-
ments, we rely on previous work (Khalaf et al., 2007),
including ours (Yildiz and Godart, 2007). This is
briefly illustrated in figure 3 where a simple process
is split down into three BP fragments connected with
send and receive operations for sending and receiving
orchestration messages.
2.4 Threat Scenario
Even if the decomposition of a BP process into
BP fragments offers active defense against malicious
cloud assaults, a risk still remains. Indeed, the above
solution provides active support against one malicious
cloud at a time, but does not explicitly address the risk
of conspiracy of several malicious cloud providers.
The idea is that for discovering a sensitive infor-
mation, an attacker has:
to possess both a sensitive task and the corre-
sponding complementing one: in the context of
a BP fragments collaboration, we formalize this
risk as the ability for a cloud executing a sensitive
task to discover a path between such a sensitive
task and its complementing one, following for-
ward the send operation(s), and/or backward the
receive operation(s) of this fragment.
to collude with clouds on the paths between such
sensitive complementing tasks.
2.5 Attacker Model
We consider in this paper the following attacker
Constructed Coalitions from Paths. In this case,
we assume that a malicious cloud provider deploy-
ing a sensitive task initiates a coalition and tries to
convince all clouds on the path linking it to the one
deploying the complementing task. All paths linking
clouds are built from send and receive synchroniza-
tion messages.
For example, figure 3 represents a collaboration of
three fragments assigned to three clouds (C
, C
, C
and C
own two complementing sensitive tasks (A
and A’), but, as there is no direct exchange messages
between C
and C
, none of them is aware of the other.
However, following the exchange messages (send and
receive operations), they can build the path(s) linking
them. If C
follows the send01 message and collude
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Cloud 2 Cloud 1Cloud 3
Figure 3: BP fragments with send and receive operations.
Cloud 2 Cloud 1Cloud 3
Cloud 4
Figure 4: Pre-established coalition.
with C
, it will be able to see all exchange messages
of C
(send and receive). Therefore, from C
and fol-
lowing its send02, C
will be aware of C
while using
the path C
(built from the exchange mes-
sages). Respectively, using its receive02 in a first step,
and colluding with C
, C
will be able to reconstruct
the path linking it to C
, C
, C
Pre-Established Coalitions. In this case, a coali-
tion may have already been initiated in a previous
execution, thus allowing a direct exchange between
two clouds (without convincing all clouds in the path
separating them to be part of the coalition), even if
no synchronization messages connect them directly
or indirectly. As seen in figure 4, Cloud 1 and 4 de-
ploying sensitive tasks are separated by other clouds
participating to the collaboration. However, a direct
link is connecting them resulting from a previous es-
tablished coalition.
We present in this section an approach for detecting
malicious cloud providers that initiate or participate
to a coalition. To do that, we rely on decoy processes
having the same structure and number of data as a
real process, but with a decision strategy making and
values of data that are completely different from the
real ones.
Before diving into more details about the ap-
proach, we need to consider the following questions
when to consider deploying decoy processes ??
how to construct a decoy process?
how to deploy them in a multi-cloud context?
how to detect possible coalitions?
how to reevaluate reputation level of malicious
3.1 When to Consider Deploying Decoy
More precisely, the question is: do we deploy this de-
coy process with the initial BP process ? Or do we
consider it before deploying the real process?
Our choice is to consider the decoy process be-
fore deploying the real BP process. Indeed, our ob-
jective is to detect clouds that initiate or participate to
the coalitions, to decrease their level of reputation
More precisely, we consider that a cloud initiating a
coalition is less reputable than a cloud that participate
to it, which itself is less reputable than a cloud that
neither initiates nor participates to the coalition.
After detecting those clouds and reducing their
level of reputation, the initial BP process will be
deployed following the constraints introduced in
(Ahmed Nacer et al., 2016).
3.2 How to Construct a Decoy Process?
More precisely the question is: do we keep the same
specifications as the initial process in term of number
of activities, data and gateways ?
Our choice is to respect the initial specifications
while using fake activities (black box activities) with
the same number of input/output data randomly gen-
erated for each task on the on hand. On the other
hand, we recommend to keep the same number and
type of gateways (see figure 5). This choice is moti-
vated by the following reasons:
Reputations are valued between [0,1]: 0 for a cloud not
being trusted, 1 for the most trusted one.
Clouds Coalition Detection for Business Processes Outsourcing
We consider that modifying the number of activ-
ities and data can raise suspicions about the pos-
sibility of use of a decoy process. Therefore, it is
important to keep the same number with a content
modification (using black box activity with ran-
dom generated data).
Modifying the number and type of gateways
clearly change the general structure of the pro-
Extract specifications
and type
of data
and type
of gateways
Construt a decoy process
using these specifications
Real process
Decoy process
Figure 5: Decoy process construction.
3.3 How to Deploy Them in a
Multi-Cloud Context?
More precisely, the question is to to which clouds the
fragments of the decoy process are assigned?
We argue that clouds deploying sensitive frag-
ments are the most likely to initiate, or participate to
a coalition. As our objective is to detect those clouds,
we recommend to :
Separate fragments that represents sensitive activ-
ities according to the structure of the process as
follows (Ahmed Nacer et al., 2016)
assign the fragment preceding an opening
X(OR)-split gateway and the fragment follow-
ing the corresponding closing X(OR)-join gate-
way to two different clouds.
assign fragment preceding an opening AND-
split gateway and the fragment following the
corresponding closing AND-join gateway to
two different clouds.
assign fragments arising from alternative flows
following an OR-split gateway to different
he alternative flows following an or-split
In the ideal case (no other functional and nonfunc-
tional constraints), to assign the remaining frag-
ments to different clouds, in order to detect as
many malicious clouds as possible.
3.4 How to Detect Possible Coalitions?
After deploying the decoy process, we analyze the ex-
change messages between the different clouds of the
collaboration. We consider that there is a potential
attempt to initiate or participate to a coalition if:
There are messages exchanges between two
clouds deploying sensitive fragments without hav-
ing a direct synchronization messages (send or
receive) linking them in a normal scenario of the
process execution.
There a is a synchronization message send from
a cloud C
to a cloud C
which should have been
destined to another cloud C
in a normal process
There a is a synchronization message receive to
a cloud C
which should have been received by a
cloud C
We consider that if one of these scenarios occurs,
there is a possibility of a coalition attempt. Therefore,
the clouds considered as initiating and/or participat-
ing to the coalition are considered as malicious ones.
Before deploying the initial BP process, we need to
reevaluate their level of reputation before applying
our separations constraints introduced in section 2.2.
3.5 How to Reevaluate Reputation
Level of Clouds?
As introduced below, we consider that a cloud initiat-
ing a coalition is more malicious than a cloud partic-
ipating to it. Therefore, to reevaluate the reputations’
levels, we use the following criteria
Attack Type: if it is a cloud initiating or partici-
pating to a coalition.
The Number of Exchanged Messages in Each
Attack: we take into consideration the number
of exchange messages in an attack scenario. We
consider that the more a malicious cloud exchange
unexpected messages, the more it is considered as
a malicious one, reducing therefore even more its
cloud reputation.
Table 1 depicts our cloud reputation reevaluation ap-
proach for both criteria.
As seen, each cloud initiating or participating to a
coalition will be penalized on the fact of having initi-
ated/participated to the coalition. Moreover, the num-
ber of unexpected exchanged messages will be taken
into consideration. Indeed, we consider that the more
it exchange messages (send messages), the less it is
reputable, reducing therefore even more its level of
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 1: Clouds reputation reevaluation.
Type of attack Reevaluation based on type reevaluation based on nb
Initiation Rep = Rep 1/2 Rep = Rep (nb 0.2)
Participation Rep = Rep 3/4 Rep = Rep (nb 0.1)
It must be noted that we consider that if a reputa-
tion level of a cloud falls below a minimum threshold,
it will be excluded from the list of candidate clouds
for the deployment of the initial BP process.
To illustrate the utility and the applicability of our ap-
proach, we apply it to our motivating example (sec-
tion 2.1) to detect the different clouds participating to
the coalition.
The first step is to extract initial BP specifications
in terms of
number of activities: we keep the same number
with black box activities.
number of data : we keep the same number of
data while generating them randomly for the de-
coy process.
number and type of gateways: we keep the ex-
act number and type of gateway (one opening and
closing X(OR) gateway and one opening and clos-
ing (AND) gateway).
Using these specifications, the resulted decoy pro-
cess is depicted in figure 6.
The next step is to deploy the decoy process us-
ing the set of clouds of table 2 according to the rules
introduced in section 3.3 as follows
The resulting deployment that follows the rules in-
troduced in section 3.3 is depicted in figure 7.
As introduced in section 3.4, many scenarios can
refer to an attempt to create or participate to a coali-
tion. In this case, we can see that there is unexpected
exchange of messages between cloud 1 and cloud 5.
These two clouds are deploying sensitive fragments
without having a direct message exchange in a nor-
mal scenario. However, as seen in figure 7, cloud 5
Table 2: Cloud’s reputation.
Cloud Reputation
cloud0 0,6
cloud1 0,5
cloud2 0,4
cloud3 0,6
cloud4 0,5
cloud5 0,7
cloud6 0,1
cloud7 0,4
cloud8 0,2
sends two messages to cloud 1 which responds with a
send message. Therefore, we can conclude that cloud
5 initiated a coalition with cloud 1 which accepted to
be part of it.
Moreover, we notice that cloud 4 is sending an un-
expected message to cloud 2 thus meaning an attempt
to initiate a coalition
By applying our approach of clouds reputation
reevaluation, the new reputations of cloud 1, cloud 5
and cloud 4 is computed as follows:
Rep(cloud1) = (Rep(cloud1) 3/4)0.05 = 0.4
Rep(cloud5) = (Rep(cloud5) 1/2)(2 0.1) =
Rep(cloud4) = (Rep(cloud4) 1/2)(1 0.1) =
As we consider that a reputation level of 0.3 is a
threshold minimum for accepting a cloud to be part
of clouds candidate for BP deployment, the new list
of clouds candidate with new reputation levels is de-
picted in table 3.
Table 3: Clouds candidate after applying our approach.
Cloud Reputation
cloud1 0,4
cloud2 0,4
cloud3 0,6
cloud6 0,8
cloud7 0,4
cloud8 0,4
Clouds Coalition Detection for Business Processes Outsourcing
Decoy Process
Figure 6: The resulted decoy process.
Normal synchronisation messages
Unexepcted messages send and
Cloud 1
Cloud 2
Cloud 3
Cloud 4
Cloud 5Cloud 5
Figure 7: Decoy process deployment.
This work is related to Business Process Outsourc-
ing (BPO) which is gaining more and more impor-
tance and where many approaches have already been
proposed (Ge et al., 2021)(Suresh and Ravichandran,
2022). In this context, Arnold and al. (Arnold, 2000)
proposed a model for BP outsourcing based on four
elements : (1) the subject making the decision of out-
sourcing, (2) the objects to be outsourced, (3) the part-
ners which are all possible suppliers for the consid-
ered objects, (4) and the design which represents the
strategy of outsourcing. In the same vein, Yang and
al. (Yang et al., 2007) proposed a methodology for de-
cision outsourcing based on the perspective, the envi-
ronment and the risk of outsourcing. However, none
of them take into account the cloud computing con-
More related to the cloud context, Rekik and al.
(Rekik et al., 2015) proposed a model for selecting the
tasks to be outsourced to the cloud based on their level
of performance degradation and on the cost of deploy-
ment. Bentousni and al. (Bentounsi et al., 2012) pro-
poses an anonymization-based approach for preserv-
ing the client business activity privacy while sharing
process fragments between organizations in the cloud.
Zemni and al. (Zemni et al., 2011) propose a frame-
work for Privacy-Preserving Business Process Frag-
mentation by avoiding sensitive association. How-
ever, none of these works consider the risk of know-
how disclosure by a collusion of several clouds.
The idea of a decoy process is directly inspired
from useless code for obfuscating a software (Beau-
camps and Filiol, 2007), but we are, to our knowl-
edge, the first using it for supporting the privacy of a
BP collaboration in a multi cloud context, while tak-
ing into consideration the possibility of coalition.
Companies nowadays are ready to use cloud comput-
ing technology to enjoy of its many benefices. How-
ever, because of the new security risks introduced,
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
they must be sure that their decision strategy included
in their BP is preserved.
Even if the splitting of the process reduces the risk
of know how exposure, malicious cloud providers can
mine important information by combining their local
As a contribution to this topic, we proposed in
this paper an approach for detecting clouds initiating
or participating to a coalition by using a decoy pro-
cess. Each cloud participating or initiating a coalition
will have its reputation level reduced. The final set of
clouds will be used to deploy our initial BP process.
Important cost may be incurred by introducing de-
coy processes. But on the one hand, this may be the
price to pay for know how protection, and on the other
this can be minimized by our suggestions, which man-
aged strategically BP deployment.
Regarding future works, we aim to apply our ap-
proach to a real case where we aim to use real Cloud
resources while analyzing log files, to detect the un-
expected messages.
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Clouds Coalition Detection for Business Processes Outsourcing