publication (Ravidas et al., 2019), the authors classi-
fied access control models into six categories includ-
ing: Discretionary Access Control (DAC), Mandatory
Access Control (MAC), Role-based Access Control
(RBAC), Organization-Based Access Control (Or-
BAC), Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC), and
Usage Control (UCON). For a comprehensive and re-
cent literature review, we refer the interested readers
to (Ravidas et al., 2019) and the references therein.
Such research efforts focused on developing access
control models for IoT. However, there has been little
attention on how to manage the scalable IoT infras-
Recently, the authors in (Shafeeq et al., 2019) in-
troduced a new decentralized access control system
based on the Tangle. The system empowers the users
to dictate the access to their resource. The proposed
decentralized access control model allows the poli-
cies and access rights to be published on the Tan-
gle. Therefore, it guarantees distributed auditability
and prevents the user from fraudulently denying the
granted access rights. The proposed system is scal-
able, introduces low delays, and has zero transaction
fees. However, resource constraints of IoT devices
such as power consumption is not taken into consid-
In (Nakanishi et al., 2020), a novel access control
framework based on IOTA and the Ciphertext Policy
Attribute-based Encryption (CP-ABE) CP-ABE tech-
nology is proposed. The framework works accord-
ing to three phases including: token structure, access
right authorization, and access right verification. In
token structure, a token contains a unique ID, the is-
suer, the address it is linked with on the Tangle, the
policy that must be satisfied to decrypt the token, and
a list of access rights. In the authorization phase, the
object owner first decides the policy embedded into
the token and the corresponding access rights to spec-
ify which group of subjects can perform what actions
to the object. Finally, the access right verification Af-
ter successfully decrypting the token, a subject can
send the object owner an access request. The request
is also encrypted using CP-ABE and there is no need
to establish a secure communication channel between
the subject and the object owner. The proposed sys-
tem is scalable and has zero transaction fees. How-
ever, the system does not take into consideration the
limited energy consumption and computation of IoT
Similarly, an access control mechanism called,
Decentralized Capability-Based Access Control
framework (DCACI) is introduced in (Pinjala and
Sivalingam, 2019). The DCACI framework enables
complete privacy and integrity of the capability to-
kens using IOTA’s Masked Authenticated Messaging
(MAM) protocol. It enables device owners and
users to Grant, Update, Delegate and Revoke the
capability tokens. The proposed DCACI framework
is scalable, requires less delay, provides fine-grained
access control mechanism for IoT networks and
has zero transaction fees. However, the framework
does not take into consideration the limited energy
consumption and computation of IoT devices.
Different from the above is the work proposed
in (Maesa et al., 2017) in which a new approach based
on blockchain technology to publish the policies ex-
pressing the right to access a resource and to allow the
distributed transfer of such right among users. The
proposed system uses the policies and the rights ex-
changes, which are publicly visible on the blockchain.
The proposed solution allows distributed auditabil-
ity, preventing a party from fraudulently denying the
rights granted by an enforceable policy. However,
the system lacks scalability and is not specifically de-
signed for constrained IoT devices.
In (Andersen et al., 2017) the authors propose
WAVE an authorization scheme based on Ethereum
Smart Contracts. Wave uses Delegations of Trust
(DoTs) and Identity-Based Encryption (IBE). The
DoTs together form a global permission graph which
spans different trust domains. A proof of authoriza-
tion is a chain of DoTs. WAVE enables the relevant
parties to look up such proofs of delegation efficiently.
The IBE allows a party to encrypt a message using
a global public key and the identity of the receiver
instead of that receiver’s public key. In order to de-
crypt, the receiver must be granted a secret key for
his identity by a global trusted entity. The Wave ap-
proach provides a powerful means of federating net-
works of embedded networks and supporting the life
cycles of devices, services, smart environments, in-
frastructures, and individuals. However, it lacks sup-
port for resource constrained IoT devices.
Fig. 3 presents an abstract view of the system archi-
tecture of the proposed Scalable Decentralized and
Lightweight Access Control Framework (SDAC). It
shows all relevant components including IoT devices,
transaction data flow, Node JS with MAM, Gateway,
and PoW computation offloading server. The IoT de-
vices are mainly responsible for transmitting trans-
action data using MAM client and sends transaction
data to a receiver, which is the gateway. The gate-
way is connected to the internet and transmits transac-
tions data to a server, which runs the Node JS Masked
A Scalable Decentralized and Lightweight Access Control Framework Using IOTA Tangle for the Internet of Things