FAIR Data by Design: A Case of the DiVA Portal
Phub Namgay
and Joshua C. Nwokeji
Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Sweden
Computer and Information Science Department, Gannon University, U.S.A.
Keywords: FAIR Data Principles, FAIR Data, FAIR Data Repositories, DiVA Portal.
Abstract: FAIR Data Principles is a guideline for making data and other digital objects findable, accessible,
interoperable, and reusable. Thus far, the traction and uptake of the principle are primarily in the domain of
bio and natural sciences. The knowledge gap is the application of the FAIR Data Principles in designing data
repositories for FAIR data in the academic data ecosystem. This paper provides a critical insight into how the
principle can be utilised as a paradigm to design data that embodies the tenets of FAIR Data Principles. We
conducted a case study of the DiVA portal, an information repository and finding tool in Sweden, to explicate
FAIR data by design. The portal scored high in a qualitative assessment against the 15 facets of FAIR Data
Principles, as illustrated by the high density of green cells in the traffic light rating matrix (see Table 1). It
indicates the robustness of data in the portal that is easy to share, find, and reuse. This study suggests
practitioners operationalise FAIR Data Principles in their data repositories by design through systems and
policies underpinned by the principle. It would enrich data governance and management for the back office
and data experiences for end users. The study also advances the knowledge base on data management through
a granular exposition of FAIR data by design.
The heart of a data repository is that end users can
effortlessly share, find, and reuse data. The pervasive
datafication (Lycett, 2013) of society further
intensifies a need for robust data repositories to share
and consume data. For example, in academia,
students and professors create and share data in
information portals and data repositories for reuse by
others. In the current study, ‘data’ refers to digital
objects such as publications, theses, data sets, and
metadata. Data is also increasingly ‘born digital’ in
the academic data ecosystem. However, the lack of
coherent policies on data infrastructure to govern and
manage data impedes the processes and practices
around data. A paradigm that underpins data
repositories and data therein ‘by design’—that is, ‘by
plan’—is crucial for producing and consuming
findable and reusable data in a data ecosystem.
FAIR Data Principles is a guideline for managing
and stewarding data and other digital objects
(Wilkinson et al., 2016). It has witnessed rapid
traction in research and practice (van Reisen et al.,
2020). Nevertheless, the knowledge gap is an account
of the application of FAIR Data Principles in the
context of everyday academic data repositories to
illustrate the practicality of the principle. A study that
examines data repositories by anchoring on FAIR
Data Principles is essential, which entails scrutinising
digital objects for FAIRness (Jacobsen et al., 2020;
Wilkinson et al., 2019). DiVA portal, an information
repository and finding tool in Sweden (The DiVA
Consortium, 2022), was sampled for a case study to
pursue the research question— Why should data
repositories be FAIR by design to facilitate findable
and reusable data?
The exponential growth of data and increased
demand for data have informed us that simply sharing
data on the data repositories is insufficient today.
Reinforcing data infrastructures with data paradigms
is essential for sharing and reusing data. DiVA portal
was assessed against FAIR Data Principles
(Wilkinson et al., 2016). The portal scored high in
overall FAIRness, as substantiated by many green
cells in a colour-coded matrix using a traffic light
Namgay, P. and Nwokeji, J.
FAIR Data by Design: A Case of the DiVA Portal.
DOI: 10.5220/0011964300003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 160-167
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
rating (Dunning et al., 2017). This study posits that
data repositories, such as those used daily in the
academic data ecosystem, must consider and
operationalise FAIR Data by design to facilitate data
governance and management for the back office and
a seamless data experience for end users.
In the following sections, first, we provide an
overview of FAIR Data Principles. Then, an account
of the study design and method is presented to set the
tone, followed by the analysis and findings of the
study. Next, we discuss the interpretation of the
findings, contribution to knowledge and practice, and
study limitations. The paper finally ends with a
conclusion of the study.
FAIR Data Principles is a guideline for making data
and other digital objects findable, accessible,
interoperable, and reusable (Wilkinson et al., 2016),
as in Figure 1. The principle emphasises data reuse
(David et al., 2020) and offers a middle ground for
sharing and reusing data on the spectrum of ‘close
data’ and ‘open data’ (Boeckhout et al., 2018).
FAIR Data Principles have gained traction and
uptake in the research, government, and practice
(Jacobsen et al., 2020; van Reisen et al., 2020;
Wilkinson et al., 2019). The H2020 Program
Guideline underlines FAIR Data Principles by
highlighting that data should be “as open as possible,
as closed as necessary” (Celina, 2017; Landi et al.,
2020). The inequality in implementing FAIR Data
Principles across different world geographies is a
concern as high uptake is reported in the Western and
Northern hemispheres (van Reisen et al., 2020),
predominantly in the domain of bio and natural
sciences (Dunning et al., 2017; van Reisen et al.,
The facets of FAIR Data Principles are concise
and thus susceptible to diverse interpretations (David
et al., 2020; Jacobsen et al., 2020). However, the
interpretations should still be within the spirit of the
original facets or established behavioural guidelines
of the principle (Mons et al., 2017), even if the
requirements for FAIR data vary across disciplines
(Dunning et al., 2017). The unqualified application of
FAIR Data Principles also risks creating additional
issues for data stewardship (Boeckhout et al., 2018).
FAIR Data Principles has not been seriously used
in everyday data repositories or digital artefacts, such
as those used daily in academia. The discourse and
literature in this area are scant. Thus, it is in order to
explore how data repositories in the academic data
ecosystem operationalise FAIR Data Principles and
explicate FAIR data by design to ease the production
and consumption of data.
Figure 1: FAIR Data Principles and its facets (Wilkinson et
al., 2016).
3.1 Study Context
DiVA portal is an institutional information repository
or publishing database established for research,
digital materials, and thesis publications by the 50
member universities, colleges, institutes, and
museums of the DiVA consortium in Sweden (The
DiVA Consortium, 2022). It is a common tool for
finding and reusing academic resources, non-
academic materials, and data sets. DiVA portal
currently stores about 20 different types of
publications, including data sets. It also provides a
service for the long-term archiving of scholarly
output. The portal promotes Open Science, and digital
objects therein are globally accessible.
3.2 Study Method
A case study was conducted to examine a data
repository against the four foundational principles
and 15 facets of FAIR Data Principles, as in Figure 1.
DiVA portal was sampled as a case to answer the
FAIR Data by Design: A Case of the DiVA Portal
research question. The portal is a widely used
information system in Sweden. Furthermore, with the
hope of disseminating research, findings, and
knowledge, the portal is a dynamic system with
continual new data every day. It is also apparent from
using the portal that it would be compelling to explore
how the portal embodies the facets of FAIR Data
Principles. We also gathered data about the portal,
through email correspondence, from a university
library and the data office of one of the universities in
the DiVA consortium. Their experiential insights and
perspectives on FAIR data were crucial for the in-
depth analysis of the portal.
The following subsections illustrate the manual
assessment of the DiVA portal against the 15 facets
of FAIR Data Principles (see Dunning et al., 2017).
In the interest of space, we layered the figures as the
text behind the inset is not central in the current study.
4.1 Findable Data
The first task in locating data of interest is to find it in
a data repository. Metadata, defined as ‘data about
data’, should facilitate finding data, and machine-
actionable metadata is desired for the automatic data
F1. (Meta)data are assigned a globally unique
and persistent identifier—DiVA portal uses unique
persistent identifier (PID), such as Uniform Resource
Name (URN), Open Archive Initiative OAI, DiVA id,
and Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to identify data on
the portal uniquely. The portal automatically mints a
URN: NBN (Uniform Resource Name for National
Bibliography Number) while registering any digital
objects on the portal, as shown in Figure 2.
F2. Data are described with rich metadata— All
the digital objects on the DiVA portal are described
with rich metadata for meaningful reuse, as shown in
Figure 2. Most of the information in metadata is
captured while registering data on the portal.
F3. Metadata clearly and explicitly include the
identifier of the data it describe—The PID of data,
that is, URN, is captured in the metadata, as shown in
Figure 3. Metadata is viewable through the portal’s
‘Export’ feature, which exports metadata in 13
different formats. For example, the Electronic Theses
and Dissertations-Metadata Standard (ETD-MS) is a
metadata standard for electronic theses and
dissertations based on Dublin Core.
F4. (Meta)data are registered or indexed in a
searchable resource—Data and its associated
metadata are registered in a searchable Web-based
resource, as shown in Figure 3 (see Figure 2 for PID).
It is also consistent with linking data and metadata
(Jacobsen et al., 2020).
Figure 2: Facet F1 and F2 of FAIR Data Principles.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Facet F3 and F4 of FAIR Data Principles.
Figure 4: Facet A1, A1.1, A 1.2 (inset), and A2 of FAIR Data Principles.
4.2 Accessible Data
Once the data is found, a user needs to know how it
can be accessed using authentication and
authorisation mechanisms (Landi et al., 2020), such
as gatekeeper, open-access, or a mix of both. This
information is necessary to ensure data can be located
and reused, not simply found and viewed on a data
repository, through well-defined data ‘access’
FAIR Data by Design: A Case of the DiVA Portal
A1. (Meta)data are retrievable by their identifier
using a standardised communications protocol
DiVA portal uses HTTPS communication protocol to
deliver data on the Web, as in Figure 4. The
associated metadata is also retrievable from the Web.
It is worth noting that data can be found yet not
A1.1 The protocol is open, free, and universally
implementable—DiVA portal is open and accessible
through an HTTPS connection, as in Figure 4.
A1.2 The protocol allows for an authentication
and authorisation procedure, where necessary—A
user must log in using the university or institute login
credential or Single sign-on to share any data on the
DiVA portal, as in Figure 4. It resonates with the
controlled access model (Landi et al., 2020) for a
regulatory and ethical check. Any data to be shared
on the portal must be bibliographically approved.
A2. Metadata are accessible, even when the data
are no longer available— Metadata of data on the
DiVA portal is accessible even if data ceases to exist.
Personnel from the Scholarly Communication
Division of one of the universities in the DiVA
consortium noted: “Yes, metadata, i.e. the description
of the data, will still be available in DiVA even if the
data no longer exists. Once registered in DiVA, the
record with the metadata will receive a permanent
identifier and link. The only way the metadata can
disappear from DiVA is if someone hides or deletes
the record itself.”
4.3 Interoperable Data
Data is often interoperated or integrated with other
data, workflows, and applications. It can also be an
input to workflow systems.
I1. (Meta)data use a formal, accessible, shared,
and broadly applicable language for knowledge
representation— Different metadata schemas are
used for organising knowledge. DiVA portal uses the
Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS), a
bibliographic element set schema, as shown in Figure
5. The information captured in the portal for
registering data is based on the DataCite metadata
schema. The portal also provides the feature to
retrieve digital e-archive files in Metadata Encoding
and Transmission Standard (METS) format.
I2. (Meta)data use vocabularies that follow FAIR
principles— This facet was challenging to assess.
Dunning et al. (2017) reported a similar experience.
However, personnel from the data office of one of the
universities in the DiVA consortium shared: “DiVA
developers are doing some other FAIR-related work
in DiVA, like making it possible to register licences in
the form.”
I3. (Meta)data include qualified references to
other (meta)data—‘Qualified references’ refers to
informational links that would help disambiguate the
terms used (Dunning et al., 2017). Data shared on the
DiVA portal has a qualified reference to the
publication, as in Figure 5. The PID of the research
publication is linked to its data set through ‘The data
set is referenced by’ and ‘The publication has
references to’ features in the DiVA Portal.
4.4 Reusable Data
The goal of sharing data on various data repositories
is to reuse it in order to create an innovative solution
or solve problems.
R1. Meta(data) are richly described with a
plurality of accurate and relevant attributes—Data
on the DiVA portal is described with rich metadata.
For example, in the context of a data set, the ETD-MS
includes essentials such as PID, authors, and
provenance, as shown in Figure 6. The metadata for
publications includes richer information on the
business, technical, and operational aspects, such as
identifiers, conferences, journals, and publishers, as
in Figure 5 (see inset).
R1.1. (Meta)data are released with a clear and
accessible data usage license—DiVA portal
mentions the publishing conditions. The portal clearly
states that the copyright of any data belongs to the
author, as shown in Figure 6. Data on the portal is
open access. Likewise, the portal recommends
authors share their work with a licence such as
Creative Commons.
R1.2. (Meta)data are associated with detailed
provenance—Metadata captures information on the
provenance of the data. For example, information
such as author, publisher, and identifier is captured
across different metadata schemas, as shown in
Figure 6.
R1.3. (Meta)data meet domain-relevant
community standards—Unlike other facets, which
are observable by brief investigations such as facet
‘F1’, some facets require detailed subject knowledge,
such as assessing whether data and its associated
metadata meet community or discipline-specific
standards. Examining whether the data shared on the
DiVA portal explicitly meets domain-specific
metadata and data standards is difficult. Dunning et
al. (2017) found some facets challenging to assess and
gave the lowest rating—‘unclear’ in traffic light
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Facet I1, I2, and I3 of FAIR Data Principles.
Figure 6: Facet R1, R1.1, R1.2, and R1.3 of FAIR Data Principles.
FAIR Data by Design: A Case of the DiVA Portal
The following subsections discuss the interpretation
of the findings, contributions to knowledge, and
limitations of the study.
5.1 FAIR Data by Design
A fundamental quality of data repositories is the ease
of searching, finding, and reusing data. It is evident
from the findings that data repositories underpinned
by FAIR Data Principles would enrich the processes
and practices of sharing and consuming data via
coherent PIDs, standards, metadata, and provenance.
Thus far, the principle has not been explicitly applied
to study data repositories used daily in academia (see
van Reisen et al., 2020). We posit that everyday data,
such as data in data repositories or information portals
of the academic data ecosystem, should be FAIR by
design to ease finding and reusing data for end users.
The operationalisation of FAIR Data Principles
would enrich the governance and management of
data. Data repositories could mandate data to be FAIR
explicitly through policies and frameworks or
implicitly by implementing facets of FAIR Data
Principles in information systems by design—that is,
data repositories implement FAIRification features
(Jacobsen et al., 2020). It will encourage those who
want to share and reuse data to consider FAIR Data
Principles, and eventually, the principle will become
second nature in routine data practices.
FAIR Data by design necessitates addressing
some challenges. Some vague facets of FAIR Data
Principles are difficult to assess in practice, even with
adequate knowledge (see Dunning et al. 2017). How
does one define ‘rich’ metadata for digital objects? A
situation might demand specificity and granularity in
the metadata of data. In contrast, it is not an issue with
facets that only require a brief examination of visible
attributes in data, such as PIDs or indexed in a
searchable resource. In sum, data practitioners should
operationalise FAIR Data Principles according to
one’s requirements in data.
5.2 FAIR Data Repositories
A data repository that simply gathers, integrates, and
stores data is insufficient in today’s complex
sociotechnical systems. It is essential to have data
repositories that bear the hallmark of FAIR Data
Principles for dealing with a wide assortment of data.
Furthermore, as FAIR Data Principles gains traction
and uptake in various areas (van Reisen et al., 2020),
it will likely inform the paradigm to share and reuse
data. Hence, know-how and skills to operationalise
FAIR Data Principles, especially by manual means,
are crucial for all stakeholders (David et al., 2020).
Moreover, a proactive approach to FAIRify data
repositories will pay dividends through seamless data
governance and management in a data ecosystem.
Table 1 illustrates the traffic-light rating matrix
(Dunning et al., 2017) for a quick summary of the
FAIRness score of the DiVA portal. One could strive
to maximise the score; nonetheless, it should not be a
goal in and of itself. The score does not have an
intrinsic value. Rather, the score should be used
meaningfully to gain insights and knowledge about a
data repository to facilitate a smooth data experience
for the back office and end users. The assessment of
a data repository for FAIRness is not a binary test of
‘Pass/FAIR’ or ‘FAIL/Not FAIR’. If a data repository
scores low in FAIRness, it provides an avenue to
improve a data repository. The manifestation of the
characteristics of FAIR in a particular context is open
to subjective interpretation (Mons et al., 2017).
Sometimes a repository may perform poorly in the
FAIRness due to various factors, such as data being
accessible on the Web or other mediums, but
insufficiently described (van Reisen et al., 2020) or
only using basic README files. It is imperative to
consider the context of what needs to be a FAIR data
Table 1: Traffic Light Rating Matrix of the FAIRness score
of the DiVA portal.
15 Facets of FAIR Data Principles
Green [G]: compliant, orange [O]: just
about/maybe not, red [R]: not
compliant, and blue [ B]: unclear
Findable F1
Accessible A1
Interoperable I1
Reusable R1
5.3 Contribution to Knowledge and
Limitations of the Study
This study advances the knowledge base of enterprise
data management from a fresh perspective, namely
the granular exposition of FAIR data by design
through a case study. In addition, the study
contributes to the literature on FAIR Data Principles
by expanding its application in other fields (van
Reisen et al., 2020). This study suggests practitioners
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
implement FAIR Data Principles in their data
repositories through data policies underpinned by the
principle and embed facets of the principle in the
system by design. It would enrich data governance
and management for the back office and create
seamless data experiences for end users.
Dunning et al. (2017) highlighted the concise
nature of the facets of FAIR Data Principles. The
possibility of various interpretations is inevitable.
Hence, the reproducibility of this study should yield
results within an acceptable level of variation of the
frame of the principle. This study is qualitative, and
we suggest quantitative or mixed methods studies to
further develop the concept of FAIR data by design.
A case study of the DiVA portal in Sweden was
conducted to explicate FAIR data by design. This
study advances the knowledge base of data
management through an in-depth exposition of
operationalising FAIR Data Principles in designing
information repositories for FAIR data. This study
suggests practitioners consider implementing FAIR
Data Principles as a data paradigm that underpins
their data repositories through policies that
underscore the principle and implement facets of the
principle in the system by design. Data sources that
implement the principle facilitate the production and
consumption of findable and reusable data for the end
users. In addition, this study acquaints practitioners
with a manual assessment of data repositories of
interest against FAIR Data Principles and the
challenges of realising the principle in practice. In
sum, FAIR data by design is a way forward to govern
and manage data in a dynamic data ecosystem.
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FAIR Data by Design: A Case of the DiVA Portal