own homes. The platform also allows retailers to
join forces to offer more competitive prices and in-
corporates pickup points to support local economies.
In addition to the economic benefits of the pro-
posal, we have also highlighted its potential to sup-
port eco-friendly solutions by reducing the need for
long-distance shipping and packaging waste. Overall,
the VR platform offers a comprehensive solution for
promoting the growth of small businesses and local
economies in a sustainable, digitally-advanced future.
The working lines on which we will strive include
the precise scanning and integration of real products,
including accessibility options to interact in the vir-
tual space, modeling of user profiles through interac-
tions with products or the dynamic generation of vir-
tual exhibitors.
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the Research Project: Design and development of
a platform based on VR-Shopping and AI for the
digitalization and strengthening of local businesses
and economies, TED2021-131082B-I00.
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Supporting Small Businesses and Local Economies Through Virtual Reality Shopping and Artificial Intelligence: A Position Paper