Adapting Is Difficult! Introducing a Generic Adaptive Learning
Framework for Learner Modeling and Task Recommendation Based
on Dynamic Bayesian Networks
Florian Gnadlinger
1,2 a
, André Selmanagić
, Katharina Simbeck
and Simone Kriglstein
Faculty of Computer Science, Communication, and Economics, University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Germany
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Keywords: Adaptive Learning, Educational Technology, Virtual Learning Environments, Dynamic Bayesian Network,
Evidence-Centered Design.
Abstract: The process of learning is a personal experience, strongly influenced by the learning environment. Virtual
learning environments (VLEs) provide the potential for adaptive learning, which aims to individualize learn-
ing experiences in order to improve learning outcomes. Adaptive learning environments achieve individuali-
zation by analyzing the learners and altering the instruction according to their specific needs and goals. De-
spite ongoing research in adaptive learning, the effort to design, develop and implement such environments
remains high. Therefore, we introduce a novel, generalized adaptive learning framework based on the meth-
odological Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) framework. Our framework focuses on the analysis of learners’
competencies and the subsequent recommendation of tasks with an appropriate difficulty level. With this
paper and the open-source adaptive learning framework, we contribute to the ongoing discussion about gen-
eralized adaptive learning technology.
During the past decades, the rise of educational tech-
nology, including e-learning and virtual learning en-
vironments (VLEs), had a tremendous impact on the
educational sector (Bond et al., 2019). Part of this de-
velopment progress is the personalization of learning
to the individual needs and goals of the learner, also
known as adaptive learning (Shemshack & Spector,
2020). In contrast to the instructional model of the
age-graded system commonly present in formal edu-
cation, which is based on the assumption of “same-
ness with exceptions”, a personalization-based peda-
gogy starts with the assumption that each learner is
different (Dockterman, 2018). Using adaptive learn-
ing, the way instructional content is presented to
learners, is dynamically adjusted based on their pref-
erences or responses (Lowendahl et al., 2016). As
such, adaptive learning “can increase motivation, en-
gagement, and understanding, maximizing learner
satisfaction, learning efficiency, and learning effec-
tiveness” (Shemshack & Spector, 2020). But combin-
ing technology and educational theories to personal-
ize learning remains an interdisciplinary challenge
(Rosen et al., 2018).
In this position paper, we present our vision of an
open-source adaptive learning technology called ad-
lete-framework, which incorporates the conceptional
methodology of the Evidence-Centered Design
(ECD) framework in order to act as an intermediate
between the different disciplines participating in the
creation process of adaptive VLEs. We illustrate the
creation of an adaptive VLE using a simplified learn-
ing scenario for basic arithmetical operations. Our in-
tention though is to use the adlete-framework in the
future to create adaptive VLEs for more complex top-
ics such as sustainability and digital transformation in
Gnadlinger, F., Selmanagi
c, A., Simbeck, K. and Kriglstein, S.
Adapting Is Difficult! Introducing a Generic Adaptive Learning Framework for Learner Modeling and Task Recommendation Based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0011964700003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 272-280
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the domain of electrical engineering, the Naïve Bayes
Classifier in the domain of AI, or playing the piano.
We further suggest the creation of software reposito-
ries of modular adaptive learning technology compo-
nents (“engine building blocks”) for the assembly of
custom adaptive learning technologies.
2.1 Adaptive Learning
Adaptive learning is a “learning process in which the
content taught, or the way such content is presented,
changes or ‘adapts’ based on individual student re-
sponses” and which “dynamically adjusts the level or
types of instruction based on individual student abili-
ties or preferences” (Oxman & Wong, 2014).
VLEs that support adaptive learning need to ana-
lyze the learner and/or learner behavior as well as
generate recommendations for instructional and con-
tent adaptations (Shute & Zapata-Rivera, 2007). The
component providing this functionality is called
adaptive engine (Rosen et al., 2018) or adaptive learn-
ing engine (Carmichael et al., 2019). In general, adap-
tive engines require the design of four conceptual
models in order to make VLEs adaptive: the content,
learner, assessment, and instructional model (Essa,
2016; Vandewaetere et al., 2011). The content model
“houses domain-related bits of knowledge and skill,
as well as their associated structure or interdependen-
cies” (Shute & Towle, 2003). The learner model is
used for capturing what a person knows and does, the
learner characteristics, e.g. knowledge, goals, or de-
mographics. The assessment model describes how to
infer what the learner knows (Essa, 2016), his / her
level of competence. Learner model, content model
and assessment model are inherently interconnected,
as the competencies a learner is supposed to develop,
which are also the target of the assessment, do always
belong to some subset of the domain (Essa, 2016; Pe-
lánek, 2022). The instructional model can be seen as
the didactical component that encompasses the in-
structional strategy (Vandewaetere et al., 2011).
Based on the characteristics captured in the learner
model (the source of adaptation), the adaptive engine
adapts the content and instruction (targets of adapta-
tion) to the learner (Vandewaetere et al., 2011).
The creation of these conceptual models and their
digital representations is an interdisciplinary process.
To portray this, the following sections draw a line
from the findings in the educational sciences to our
proposed technological solution.
2.2 Competency-Based Learning,
Evidence-Centered Design and
Bayesian Networks
Competency-based learning is a “pedagogical ap-
proach that focuses on the mastery of measurable stu-
dent outcomes” (Henri et al., 2017), which encour-
ages tailoring learning experiences to the learner and
using evidence to improve and adapt learning (Duna-
gan & Larson, 2021). The IEEE standard for reusable
competency definitions uses a broad definition of the
word competency, which includesany aspect of
competence, such as knowledge, skill, attitude, abil-
ity, or learning objective” (IEEE Computer Society,
Assessments provide evidence for learning in
competency-based learning environments (Dunagan
& Larson, 2021). Because assessments feed the learn-
ing model and in consequence drive the adaptive in-
terventions, they must be valid and reliable and thus
should follow a principled assessment design ap-
proach like Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) (Shute
& Towle, 2003). ECD is “an approach to constructing
educational assessments in terms of evidentiary argu-
ments” (Almond et al., 2015). A short description of
ECD requires definitions of various terms. A task is
“a goal-directed human activity to be pursued in a
specified manner, context, or circumstance” (Mislevy
et al., 1998). Almond et. al. (2015) explain that when
tasks are processed by learners, these learners inad-
vertently create work products captures of some as-
pect(s) of the learner’s performance (e.g. the written
solution to a math problem).Work products thus con-
tain evidence about a learner’s competencies (e.g. the
number of mistakes in that written solution), which
can be extracted in the form of observable variables
as part of the evidence identification process. The cur-
rent beliefs the system has about a learner’s compe-
tencies are captured in the learner model (sometimes
proficiency/student model). The evidence accumula-
tion process is responsible for updating these beliefs
across multiple tasks by incorporating the infor-
mation of the work products’ observables into the
learner model. For their specific domain, assessment
designers describe the details of this process in a con-
ceptual assessment framework, which serves as the
blueprint for the creation of assessments. The concep-
tual assessment framework links the task model (de-
scribing task features and potential work products)
via the evidence model (containing the evidence rules
for extracting observables from work products) to the
learner model (containing the beliefs about compe-
tencies) (Almond et al., 2015).
Adapting Is Difficult! Introducing a Generic Adaptive Learning Framework for Learner Modeling and Task Recommendation Based on
Dynamic Bayesian Networks
Even though ECD is agnostic to the statistical
methods used, Bayesian networks (BNs) are often uti-
lized for the learner model (Almond et al., 2015;
Shute et al., 2021). BNs are directed acyclic graphs
that describe relationships between random variables
(Uglanova, 2021). Using BNs it is possible to proba-
bilistically infer latent variables (e.g. knowledge
level) from measurable variables (e.g. test results)
(Uglanova, 2021). The relationships between varia-
bles are expressed using conditional probability ta-
bles (Uglanova, 2021). In ECD, BNs are designed
within an interdisciplinary team, including domain
experts, and describe the relationships between com-
petencies, sub-competencies, and observable varia-
bles (Almond et al., 2015). Therefore Bayesian net-
works can be used for knowledge tracing, accumulat-
ing the evidence of multiple tasks in order to describe
the current beliefs about the competencies of a learner
(Almond et al., 2015). Figure 1 shows the simplified
structure of a BN for the domain of arithmetic.
Figure 1: Simple BN structure for arithmetic with observa-
ble nodes (yellow).
2.3 Similar Adaptive Learning Engines
The ALOSI (Adaptive Learning Open Source Initia-
tive) framework consists of an adaptive engine and a
bridge component that handles the communication
between an engine, a learning management system
and a content source (Rosen et al., 2018). The ALOSI
adaptive engine has two main parts. First, the
knowledge tracing component updates profiles of
learners using Bayesian knowledge tracing. Second,
the recommendation component generates item rec-
ommendations using a weighted sum of four scoring
functions: remediation, continuity, appropriate diffi-
culty and readiness of prerequisites (Rosen et al.,
On the other hand, ALIGN (Adaptive Learning In
Games through Noninvasion) is an adaptive learning
engine for educational games, where adaptations are
only chosen if they do not compromise game narrative
and character consistency (Peirce et al., 2008). The en-
gine is agnostic to the underlying game, by using a two-
step loop, where the inference step translates game
specificities to abstract educational concepts and the
realization step translates abstract adaptations to game
world modifications (Peirce et al., 2008).
Despite these adaptive learning engines showing
promising developments from a technological point
of view, we are missing a stronger connection to the
findings from the educational sciences. Therefore, we
propose the adlete-framework an adaptive engine
that closely follows the methodology of the ECD in
order to encourage the interdisciplinary creation of
adaptive learning environments.
As stated in the introduction, our contribution is two-
fold. First, the adlete-framework, is an open-source
adaptive engine, designed to be a generalized and
user-friendly though opinionated framework for
easy integration of adaptivity in VLEs. In its current
state, the framework focuses on competency-based
learning, with learner models being designed by ex-
perts in the form of BNs (as suggested by ECD).
Based on the traced competencies, the framework
recommends task types with appropriate difficulty
levels. Second, the adlete-framework is assembled
from engine-building-blocks – a repository of pieces
(interfaces, classes and functions) that can be used
for creating custom adaptive engines. Additional
components of our system include the adlete-service
(a web service that provides an interface to the adlete-
framework), client-plugins (provide client-side inter-
faces for communicating with the adlete-service) and
the visualizer (an extendable desktop / web-applica-
tion for building learner models and visualizing
learner histories). The relationships between these
components are illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Relationship between the software components.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The architecture of the software components fol-
lows several conceptual principles. First, the adlete-
framework as a drop-in adaptivity solution should be
configurable and be abstracted / generic enough to be
used in various VLEs (decouple content & environ-
ment similar to the ALIGN engine). Therefore, the
VLE is responsible for a) translating work products
of the learner into abstract observables to be passed
to the engine for evidence interpretation and for b) re-
alizing the abstract recommendations given by the en-
gine by transforming them into executable tasks and
presenting them to the learner. Second, since the ad-
lete-framework follows a vision of a user-friendly
adaptive engine that can be easily integrated into
VLEs, it should provide an understandable program-
ming interface (API) and partially abstract away the
complexity of the underlying concepts of learner
analysis and recommendation. Third, the engine
building blocks strive to be an ever-growing collec-
tion of reusable components and as such must be
modular and easily extendable, starting with blocks
inspired by ECD. The repository of blocks should en-
courage rapid experimentation in adaptive engine de-
sign and allow the re-use and re-combination of mul-
tiple conceptional methodologies. Fourth, because
these blocks are used for assembling custom adaptive
engines, they must be generic in general, but config-
urable to the specific needs of the VLE.
3.1 Engine Building Blocks
The engine building blocks contain various compo-
nents concerning the two main parts of an adaptive
engine: the interpretation of evidence to accurately
model an individual learner and the generation of new
3.1.1 Blocks for Interpretation of Evidence
Within the ECD framework, evidence is identified
from a learners work products in terms of observa-
bles (evidence identification) and then accumulated
across tasks in the learner model (evidence accumu-
lation), which provides the beliefs about a learner’s
competencies (Almond et al., 2015). In an adaptive
learning environment, this evidence interpretation
process happens frequently, updating the learner
model continuously based on incoming information.
Therefore, our design of this evidence interpretation
process is based on three important assumptions: (1)
evidence accumulation is a temporal process, where
beliefs are updated continuously with incoming
pieces of evidence; (2) the incoming evidence may
contain uncertainty (probabilistic evidence, also
known as soft or virtual evidence [Jacobs, 2019]); and
(3) a single piece of evidence extracted from a
learner’s work product should only have a limited ef-
fect on the beliefs, where the strength of the effect de-
pends on the complexity of the task. On the one hand,
limiting the effect of evidence makes the model less
volatile by reducing the consequences of accidental
slipping or guessing. On the other hand, we assume
that more complex tasks (potentially with many sub-
tasks) provide stronger evidence for beliefs than short
tasks (e.g. a single multiple-choice arithmetic task)
and thus should have a stronger effect on the model.
The structure of work products and the rules for
extracting observables from them are very specific to
the VLE and are thus not part of the adlete-framework
or the engine-building-blocks (principle 1 above).
Observables (extracted evidence about competencies)
and beliefs on the other hand are central units in the
system. We designed multiple representations of ob-
servables and beliefs. There is a probabilistic repre-
sentation, in which an observable / belief is a discrete
probability distribution, where the values are consec-
utive in its nature (beliefs from low to high). Using
probabilistic learner models allows us to capture the
uncertainty of the assessment process and use it as in-
formation in the recommendation process. We also
designed a scalar representation that we believe is
easier to work with. Instead of discrete values, it con-
sists of two continuous variables: a value (between 0-
1) indicating the level of belief and a certainty (be-
tween 0-1) describing the confidence about the value.
A similar concept is presented in (Morales-Gamboa
& Sucar, 2020, unpublished manuscript).
The engine building blocks also contain evidence
interpreters (probabilistic or scalar) components,
which update the learner model (e.g. a BN) using in-
coming observables and which can be queried for the
updated beliefs.
3.1.2 Blocks for Recommendation
The engine building blocks contain generic function-
alities for creating utility-based systems. These are
systems that allow scoring possible actions and
choosing actions based on these scores (“utilities”)
(Graham, 2019). Custom utility functions can be
combined using so-called qualifiers, in order to create
a single score for a solution based on multiple criteria.
Based on these functionalities, the adlete-framework
implements a utility-based system for recommending
a specific task type and a corresponding difficult level
(see 3.2).
Adapting Is Difficult! Introducing a Generic Adaptive Learning Framework for Learner Modeling and Task Recommendation Based on
Dynamic Bayesian Networks
3.2 adlete-framework
The adlete-framework implements a single interface,
that provides the functionality for interpreting observ-
ables to update the learner model and recommending
a task type with appropriate difficulty.
To trace the competencies of the learner, the
framework uses the scalar evidence interpreter, which
updates a learner model (Bayesian network) accord-
ing to incoming scalar evidence. The structure of this
BN (competencies, their relationships and conditional
probability tables) and the initial beliefs are precon-
figured by the engine user. The process works like
this: (1) the VLE triggers the update process of the
learner model. For this, it has to transform its work
products (e.g. the solution of a math exercise) into
(abstract) task observables, containing information
about the task type (an identifier for similar tasks, e.g.
multiplication with whole numbers), how correct a
task was solved by the learner (correctness between
0-1) and the difficulty that task was tagged with (also
0-1). Because task observable is still an abstract
measure, the adlete-framework can be used in a vari-
ety of VLEs that focus on distinct competencies. (2)
As the engine is configured with the existing task
types and their relationships to the competencies of
the learner model, the task observables are then split
(e.g. the observable of a complex task including both
multiplication and addition is split into one observa-
ble per competency) and converted to scalar observa-
bles (evidence). (3) The scalar observables are passed
on to the scalar evidence interpreter for updating the
beliefs about the competencies in the learner model.
The automatic recommendation process is split
into two steps: choosing a task type and generating an
appropriate difficulty level, both representing the
rules of the instructional model. Task types may be as
broad as topics, e.g. “multiplication”, or as specific as
learning objects, e.g. “multiplication-learning-object-
5”. The task-choosing-step uses the aforementioned
qualifiers to create a weighted sum of multiple utility
functions in order to generate a compound utility
(“usefulness”) for a task type. Using the competency
information and statistics from the learner model, it
calculates the utilities of all task types and chooses
the one with the highest utility. The current utility
functions are: competency weakness (higher score for
task types targeting weaker competencies), repetition
and correctness ratio (higher score for task types often
solved incorrectly). The weights of these functions
are configurable. The difficulty generator calculates
an appropriate difficulty based on the chosen task
type calculated in the previous step, the beliefs about
the competencies associated with that task type and
the tendencies of those beliefs (based on a linear re-
gression of past beliefs). It adds a small “flow factor”
to the difficulty for slightly oscillating between chal-
lenging (arousing) and undemanding (relaxing) tasks.
The realization of this abstract information (task type
and difficulty) is again up to the VLE.
4.1 JavaScript Ecosystem
The prototype was implemented in TypeScript, a
strongly typed superset of JavaScript (Microsoft,
2022). The JavaScript ecosystem supports multiple
environments. This makes it possible to host the adap-
tive engine in a web service on a server, with which
applications like LMS or native apps can communi-
cate, but also use the engine directly, e.g. in a web-
based learning game or a hybrid mobile app. Cross-
(browser) compatibility issues, performance and sin-
gle-threaded execution are challenges within the Ja-
vaScript ecosystem though, while shareability, inter-
activity and on-device-computation are opportunities
in browser-based environments (Smilkov et al.,
4.2 Evidence Accumulation
The evidence accumulation process of the evidence
interpreters described above requires the BN, that is
used in the adlete-framework, to change over time.
Such temporal Bayesian networks are called dynamic
Figure 3: Loop of an adaptive learning environment created using the adlete-framework.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Bayesian networks (Reichenberg, 2018). In our case
this means that the posterior belief in a competency is
based on the prior belief in that competency and the
new evidence. A similar method was used in (Mo-
rales-Gamboa & Sucar, 2020, unpublished manu-
script). When evidence is virtual (probabilistic),
Pearl’s method can be used for propagating the evi-
dence by adding an auxiliary node to the BN (Jacobs,
Due to the limitations of the BN library used
(bayesjs [Nascimento et al., 2021]), we process the
accumulation step in a single mathematical operation
that combines the temporal update, the limitation of
the evidence effect and the usage of virtual evidence
without adding an auxiliary node.
This operation is based on the idea of probabilistic
opinion pooling, which is a method of aggregating
probabilities, for example probabilities given as opin-
ions by experts (Franz Dietrich & Christian List,
2017). Specifically, weighted linear pooling is used to
combine the prior belief about a competency stored in
the BN with the new probabilistic evidence. This type
of pooling basically works like a weighted average of
probabilities. To limit the effect of the new evidence,
most of the weight is given to the prior belief.
The posterior belief is saved in the BN directly
(observable competency variables). Thus, this update
mechanism only works for leaf nodes (see also Figure
1). After setting the beliefs, inference of the con-
nected latent variables is executed using bayesjs’ up-
date mechanism (junction tree).
To exemplify the creation of an adaptive VLE using
the adlete-framework, we return to the use case of a
very simple arithmetic practicing environment, im-
plemented in the form of a command-line application.
The adaptive learning environment presents basic
arithmetical operation tasks to the learner. Figure 3
shows how this practicing environment is based on a
loop. The VLE is responsible for extracting abstract
evidence (task observables) from the learner’s re-
sponses, which the adaptive engine (here: the adlete-
framework) uses to update its internal learner model
and generate an abstract recommendation for a task
type and difficulty. The VLE in turn uses this infor-
mation to create a specific task to be presented to the
learner. An exemplary sequence of generated tasks
and the according abstract recommendation infor-
mation is shown in Figure 4.
Both the VLE and the configuration of the adaptive
engine require the creation of the four conceptual
models (learner -, content -, assessment- and instruc-
tional model) within the interdisciplinary team. The
content model created by the domain experts de-
scribes the domain of arithmetic (e.g. all knowledge
about the four basic operations and their interrelations
like the relationship between multiplication and addi-
tion). The assessment and instructional designers de-
rive the learner model (competency model) from the
content model. It describes the main competencies,
which in this scenario are simply the ability to apply
the four arithmetic operations and the levels of profi-
ciency within these competencies (e.g. on a scale
from 0 to 1). The assessment and instructional design-
ers also create the instructional model, containing
clear descriptions of the types of tasks that should be
practiced in the VLE (here: basic tasks in the four
arithmetic operations) as well as the rules for gener-
ating the personalized sequence of tasks and their dif-
ficulty. The assessment model created by the assess-
ment designers bridges the gap between the task types
from the instructional model and the learner model. It
Figure 4: Simple VLE for arithmetic (left; console application with first 4 tasks, user inputs in blue), adlete-framework log
(middle) and belief graph for the competence “addition” (right; probabilities in bluish, scalar value in orange).
Adapting Is Difficult! Introducing a Generic Adaptive Learning Framework for Learner Modeling and Task Recommendation Based on
Dynamic Bayesian Networks
describes the mathematical procedures for extracting
evidence for the competencies from the tasks’ work
products and updating the learner model, e.g. formu-
lating how a minor mistake in a multiplication task
should affect the beliefs about the learner’s multipli-
cation competency.
The software developers are responsible for cre-
ating the VLE (here the command-line application)
and configuring the adlete-framework. They trans-
form the conceptual learner model into the layout
configuration of a Bayesian network (see Figure 1),
which serves as the machine-interpretable learner
model for tracking the competencies. They configure
the recommendation part of framework by defining
the names of recommendable task types and trans-
forming the sequencing and difficulty rules into
weights of the utility functions (see 3.2). Internally,
the adlete-framework uses the beliefs in the learner
model and the utility system to recommend the next
task type and difficulty in an abstract format. The
software developers are thus responsible for creating
the algorithm that generates specific tasks based on
this abstract information. Using the conceptual as-
sessment model, they also implement the algorithm
for converting the learner’s work products into ab-
stract task observables (evidence extraction), which
the framework uses for updating the learner model.
Positive and negative educational impacts of the pro-
posed technology strongly depend on the VLE that
the adlete-framework is integrated into and the con-
figuration of it. Ideally, positive effects include the
main opportunities of adaptive learning: motivation,
engagement, learner satisfaction, learning efficiency
and learning effectiveness. But if the design of the
VLE, learning objects and learner model (BNs) does
not consider the requirements and needs of all of its
users, the learner analysis and / or recommendation
generation may fail. Instead of the desired opportuni-
ties of adaptive learning, the exact opposite effects
may occur. Misuse of the adaptive learning environ-
ment, e.g. by random guessing or cheating will, pro-
voke similar negative effects.
While the adlete-framework is generally agnostic
to the way the BNs were designed, this paper pre-
sented an expert-driven approach using the ECD
framework. It is strongly advised to evaluate such the-
oretical models using empirical and/or simulated data
– a process known as model criticism (Uglanova,
2021). Especially the lay perception of probability of-
ten held by non-statisticians can be subject to heuris-
tic biases and presents a major challenge when basing
probabilities on domain expert opinion (Almond et
al., 2015). Using multiple domain experts may help
in this regard and in eliminating wrong assumptions
of individual experts (Shute et al., 2021).
The adlete-framework is very opinionated at the
moment, as it focuses solely on competency-based
learning. It also only supports a single learner model
in the form of a Bayesian network. Initially, the
framework was developed for practicing physical
skills, which could be trained in any order as long as
the difficulty was appropriate. Thus, the recommen-
dation process currently does not utilize prerequisite
information about knowledge topics, which would be
required for recommending learning paths along
these topics, e.g. using methodologies like Compe-
tency-based Knowledge Space Theory (Korossy,
The adlete-framework, engine-building-blocks
and the other presented software components are in
use and are being extended in multiple research pro-
jects at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin and
the Masaryk University. Currently we examine the
practicality of the adlete-framework in suitable use-
case studies (e.g. hearing rehabilitation). In the future
we would also like to evaluate the effect of the adlete-
framework on the interdisciplinary creation of adap-
tive VLEs.
Adaptive learning engines enable VLEs to provide
learners with learning tasks at appropriate levels of
difficulty. In this position paper we summarized our
findings in the field of adaptive VLEs and demon-
strated how these were integrated into a reusable
adaptive learning engine. The main aim of the adlete-
framework is to reduce the effort to design and de-
velop adaptive learning environments. Our frame-
work incorporates ideas of the Evidence Centered De-
sign Framework, which is a sound methodology for
creating the assessments necessary for adaptive learn-
ing. As such it relies on a competency model designed
by experts in the form of a dynamic Bayesian net-
work, which holds the beliefs about a learner’s com-
petencies (learner model). When a learner completes
a task, the model is updated based on the evidence for
specific competencies from the task’s results. With
the updated learner model, the adlete-framework can
subsequently recommend new tasks with appropriate
difficulty levels. We believe that the inherent struc-
ture of Bayesian Networks and the methodological
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
process can notably support the interdisciplinary de-
sign of digital learner models and assessments. There-
fore, we release the adlete-framework as an open-
generalized solution for integrating adaptivity
into VLEs and encourage other researchers and de-
velopers to build upon it.
We would like to thank the German Federal Institute
for Vocational Education and Training and the Ger-
man Federal Ministry of Education and Research for
supporting this research as part of the funding pro-
gram “Innovationswettbewerb INVITE”.
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