Towards Agile IT/Business Alignment at BizDevOps
Guillermo Fuentes-Quijada
, Francisco Ruiz-González
and Angélica Caro
Institute of Technology and Information Systems, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
Computer Science and Information Technologies Department, University of Bío-Bío, Chillán, Chile
Keywords: BizDevOps, Agility, IT-Business Alignment, Enterprise Architecture, Software Development.
Abstract: BizDevOps extends DevOps with an additional business cycle that incorporates non-IT stakeholders. This
additional cycle focuses on IT/Business alignment to better respond to the needs of organizations, but, so far,
does not consider the challenge of agility. This can lead to a bottleneck in the software lifecycle, causing
agility to be lost in the overall software lifecycle, even though the development and operations cycles, typical
of DevOps, are agile. This position paper sets out a discussion of the problem and its relevance, the associated
difficulties and possible approaches to a solution proposal. The difficulties identified correspond to four
dimensions: stakeholders, processes, information, and resources. Among the most promising proposals to
address the problem is Enterprise Architecture, but including agile practices, as included in the recent version
10 of the industry standard TOGAF.
New software development approaches have been
proposed in order to respond to the ever-changing
needs of organizations (Gokarna & Singh, 2021).
Some of these incorporate features to promote
communication and collaboration between IT and
business teams. BizDevOps is one of them and
considers three continuous and integrated cycles
(business, development and operations) to carry out
the implementation of the organization’s software
requirements (Gruhn & Schäfer, 2015). BizDevOps
has its origins in DevOps, which places special
emphasis on aligning software development and
operations teams with the goal of streamlining
software production and delivery (Al-Zahrani &
Fakieh, 2020; Hart & Burke, 2020; IEEE, 2021;
Wiedemann, Wiesche, Gewald, & Krcmar, 2020).
BizDevOps extends DevOps with a third cycle, which
incorporates the business perspective into software
development (Drews, Schirmer, Horlach, & Tekaat,
2017). This approach, with its business cycle, aims to
strengthen the involvement of business areas in IT
processes, as this provides better aligned responses to
the changing needs of organizations (Sanjurjo,
Pedreira, Garcia, & Piattini, 2020). This IT/Business
alignment is one of the most challenging activities in
IT management and governance for technology
leaders, according to Kappelman, Johnson, Torres,
Maurer, and McLean (2019).
One of the tools to facilitate and support
IT/Business alignment is the Enterprise Architecture
(EA) descriptions (Lankhorst, 2017). According to
Lankhorst, an EA description is a coherent set of
principles, methods and models that are used in the
design and realization of an enterprise's
organizational structure, business processes,
information systems and infrastructure, which
provide a holistic view of the organization.
Moreover, the integration between development
and operations has already been favorably addressed
with DevOps and agility (Almeida, Simões, & Lopes,
2022; Hemon, Lyonnet, Rowe, & Fitzgerald, 2020;
Raj & Sinha, 2020; Snyder & Curtis, 2018). This is
advantageous because there is an early detection of
faults, improved team communication, less resource
consumption (time, money) and improved software
quality (Raj & Sinha, 2020).
Consequently, in the BizDevOps approach it
could also be advantageous to incorporate agility in
Fuentes-Quijada, G., Ruiz-González, F. and Caro, A.
Towards Agile IT/Business Alignment at BizDevOps.
DOI: 10.5220/0011965400003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 608-614
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the third cycle, thereby facilitating the inclusion of
business-associated continuous engineering activities
such as ‘Continuous Planning’ and ‘Continuous
Budgeting’ (Fitzgerald & Stol, 2017). This would
allow consideration of continuous IT/Business
alignment proposals (Hinkelmann et al., 2016) in
BizDevOps. However, being a more recent approach,
it is still an open challenge.
With the above in mind, our motivation is to
explore ways in which organizations can achieve
IT/Business alignment while ensuring agility when
using the BizDevOps approach. This would entail
identifying or devising proposals to ensure that
IT/Business alignment is achieved by following agile
practices, and in turn is consistent with agile DevOps
practices. This position paper aims to discuss the
challenge, its difficulties and possible ways to address
The structure of this paper is as follows: Section
2 details the background to this work. Section 3
discusses the problem and possible ways to address it.
Section 4 presents related work. Finally, Section 5
outlines the conclusions and future work.
Some of the main concepts related to this work are
outlined next.
2.1 BizDevOps
The concept of BizDevOps represents the active and
joint participation of business, development and
operations teams for the purpose of developing
software (Gruhn & Schäfer, 2015).
Figure 1: BizDevOps cycles.
This approach emerges as an extension of
DevOps, and seeks to integrate business stakeholders
(Lohrasbinasab, Acharya, & Colomo-Palacios,
2020). DevOps is defined as a set of principles and
practices that enable better communication and
collaboration among relevant stakeholders in order to
specify, develop and operate software and systems
products and services, and continuous improvements
in all aspects of the lifecycle (IEEE, 2021).
In Gruhn and Schäfer (2015) BizDevOps is
defined from three perspectives, each associated with
one of the cycles (see Figure 1) to which the concept
is linked. This definition indicates that:
A BizDevOps approach allows people in the
business departments to express and review
requirements in a hands-on manner and thus
reduces the necessary knowledge transfer from
business to IT and provides fastest possible
feedback cycles (the ‘Biz’ in BizDevOps).
A BizDevOps approach allows IT departments
to govern the whole application development
process to ensure high quality of the software
artifacts (the ‘Dev’ in BizDevOps).
A BizDevOps approach provides an integrated
and automated tool chain integration to allow as
much automation and thus development pace
(the ‘Ops’ in BizDevOps).
According to (Gruhn & Schäfer, 2015),
BizDevOps ‘reinforces the collaboration between
business, development, and operation stakeholders in
the organization in order to enhance the software
lifecycle’. One characteristic of BizDevOps is that of
proposing that the stakeholders in the business areas
play an active role in SW creation efforts and the fact
that this approach seeks to quickly reflect changes in
requirements in the SW products, with the objective
of improving Time-to-Market (Gruhn & Schäfer,
2015). Strengthening the involvement of the business
areas provides faster and better aligned responses to
organizations’ changing needs, but the
implementation of BizDevOps in an organization
must take into account IT services and infrastructures,
along with tasks, processes and roles (Sanjurjo et al.,
2.2 Enterprise Architecture
EA allows us to protect the core of the organization
while simultaneously having great flexibility and
adaptability (Lankhorst, 2017). A good EA practice
could help to achieve success in the organization
(Lankhorst, 2017). The useful aspects of EA for
software developers and researchers have been
summarized in (Pérez-Castillo, Ruiz, Piattini, &
Ebert, 2019). For example, it can be used as a tool to
monitor technical resources and thus avoid
Towards Agile IT/Business Alignment at BizDevOps
redundancies; it can also be used to control and share
knowledge in a modular manner.
One of the main notations for Enterprise
Architecture modeling is ArchiMate (Rouhani,
Mahrin, Nikpay, Ahmad, & Nikfard, 2015). The
ArchiMate notation, which is now in its version 3.2
(The Open Group, 2022a), is service-oriented and has
6 layers for modelling. Of these layers, three are of
clear interest for BizDevOps initiatives. These are the
business, application and technology layers.
2.2.1 TOGAF and Agility
One of the main de-facto standards employed for the
EA practice is TOGAF (The Open Group
Architecture Framework) (Kornyshova & Barrios,
2021; Simon, Fischbach, & Schoder, 2013; The Open
Group, 2022c). TOGAF states that the purpose of EA
‘is to optimize across the enterprise the often-
fragmented legacy of processes (both manual and
automated) into an integrated environment that is
responsive to change and supportive of the delivery
of the business strategy’. Some of its main benefits
are the following (The Open Group, 2022c): more
effective and efficient business operations; more
effective and efficient Digital Transformation and IT
operations; better return on existing investment,
reduced risk for future investment, and, faster,
simpler and cheaper procurement.
TOGAF incorporates guidelines and methods to
help those in charge of enterprise architectures to
understand and integrate agile practices in the
establishment of the first architecture of the
organization and in its evolution. This framework
leverages agile practices such as sprints with short
iterations, which are useful for obtaining early
stakeholder feedback and results. This enables
enterprise architects to deliver value earlier and
iteratively, either in a planned or emergent manner
(The Open Group, 2022c).
Our focus is to study how to achieve IT/Business
alignment while ensuring agility, in organizations
using the BizDevOps approach in the context of
software development. In this section, we discuss the
various difficulties associated with this challenge and
the solutions that have been presented in the
literature; we then discuss possible ways to address
this challenge.
3.1 Difficulties and Specific Solutions
Part of this study focused on understanding what the
main difficulties of the Biz cycle are (see Figure 1)
and how they affect organizations. So far, we have
identified some difficulties in 4 dimensions, by means
of a systematic mapping of the literature:
Stakeholders: in the BizDevOps domain we
can clearly identify two groups of stakeholders:
business stakeholders and IT stakeholders
(development and operations teams)
(Lohrasbinasab et al., 2020). These stakeholders
have a different culture, a different way of
seeing and doing things. More importantly, they
communicate differently (models, diagrams,
etc.). In addition, business stakeholders are not
familiar with many of the stages of the software
development lifecycle. This creates barriers
between teams when collaborating and
Processes: In the development and operations
cycles, the processes adopted by teams follow
continuous engineering trends, which results in
streamlining the software development lifecycle
(Fitzgerald & Stol, 2017). On the other hand, in
the business cycle, despite not being alien to
agile practices (Oprins, Frijns, & Stettina,
2019), they are still far from being the de facto
way to operate. It is common to use hierarchical
and bureaucratic organizational structures and
processes or worse, guided by poor and
misapplied agility (Denning, 2020). On the
other hand, there is a constant need to improve
the time-to-market of organizations (Díaz,
Almaraz, Pérez, & Garbajosa, 2018; Fitzgerald
& Stol, 2017; Gruhn & Schäfer, 2015). But
often the lack of alignment of the teams prevents
them from achieving rapid responses to the
demands of the organizations (Díaz et al., 2018).
Information: in this dimension, works such as
that of Hart and Burke (2020) have shown that
one of the weaknesses of organizations is not
having indicators that allow them to evaluate the
performance of IT/Business alignment.
Resources: in BizDevOps cycles,
organizational needs must be met as quickly as
possible. For this reason, software and
infrastructure resources that facilitate and
automate tasks have already been identified as
critical to DevOps success (Azad, 2022). In the
third cycle of BizDevOps, identifying tools that
help or support IT/Business alignment tasks is
an open challenge.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In the literature reviewed, different types of
proposals describe ways to address these difficulties.
Some of these proposals are presented below.
In terms of processes, the work of
Samarawickrama and Perera (2017) proposes the use
of SCRUM practices to standardize agile processes in
DevOps. SCRUM (Sutherland, 2020) is a framework
that helps solving complex problems in an agile way
and its domain is not only related to software
development. It should be remembered that we could
use this framework to build a bridge or help business
stakeholders to introduce agile practices into their
processes. In addition, works such as Fitzgerald and
Stol (2017) propose continuous engineering practices
to improve time-to-market. In the field of
development and operations, the practices of
‘Continuous Integration’ and ‘Continuous
Deployment are proposed, while ‘Continuous
Planning’ is proposed for the business field.
Regarding the stakeholders, BizDevOps
describes values and principles for bridging gaps
between IT and business teams. The work of
Lohrasbinasab et al. (2020) describes the adoption of
the values of the CAMS model (Culture, Automation,
Measurement and Sharing) and principles such as
‘Value stream and process mapping’ among others,
with the aim of establishing multidisciplinary teams
sharing the same culture.
In the information dimension, particularly in
terms of metrics and indicators, we have not
identified proposals associated with BizDevOps.
However, there are proposals associated with DevOps
to measure the performance of ongoing tasks
(Forsgren & Kersten, 2018; Sallin, Kropp, Anslow,
Quilty, & Meier, 2021). Implementing an approach
such as BizDevOps in an organization is risky in the
absence of information such as indicators and/or
metrics to assess its contribution.
In terms of resources, for Biz cycle we have not
identified proposals, which is not the case for Dev and
Ops cycles. The work of Kersten (2018) describes
many tools that support the ongoing tasks associated
with the development and operations cycles to
facilitate the integration of these two teams.
3.2 Proposals for Agile Alignment of IT
and Business
As already mentioned, the literature presents some
ways of resolving the difficulties associated with the
problem that motivates this work. However, tackling
them individually does not solve the problem
described. That is why it makes sense to seek holistic
approaches to the problem.
In order to address the challenge presented and its
difficulties, we believe that there are different ways
of proceeding that allow us to generate proposals for
solutions. One of these ways is to consider the use of
enterprise architectures, as this was designed to
facilitate the alignment of the ITs with the business
since it considers business, systems and technology
aspects in a holistic manner (Lankhorst, 2017).
Besides, recent proposals such as TOGAF version 10
(The Open Group, 2022b) can be used to address this
alignment with agility. This framework describes the
use of SCRUM practices to adopt agility while
exercising enterprise architecture practices. These
agile practices could allow multidisciplinary teams
(such as those established in BizDevOps with
business, development and operations profiles) to
achieve alignment without hindering the software
development lifecycle. In addition to all this, in the
practice of enterprise architecture, there are notations
such as ArchiMate (The Open Group, 2022a), which
allows us to communicate, analyze, share and agree
on ideas, requirements and concerns in
multidisciplinary teams. The idea is to take advantage
of the fact that this visual language can be handled
and understood by all the stakeholder profiles
involved. The proposal is reinforced if we consider
that, in the practice of enterprise architecture,
communication, values and principles are part of its
central axis (Lankhorst, 2017). This is similar to
BizDevOps, where some of its pillars are the
communication, values and principles it promotes
(Lohrasbinasab et al., 2020).
In turn, the proposed solution can consider the use
of artefacts such as reference architectures to specify
how to implement this alignment in an agile way. A
reference architecture is a kind of generic
architectural template that provides guidelines and
options for decision making in the development of
more specific architectures and implementation of
solutions (The Open Group, 2022c). In the context of
BizDevOps, it could be the means to consider the key
aspects of the approach and support to resolve
IT/Business alignment in an agile way, while
implementing solutions. Another useful artefact in
this context could be the viewpoints (ISO/IEC/IEEE,
2011), which allow us to analyze and share the
concerns and interests of each type of stakeholder,
thereby supporting IT/Business alignment and
establishing a standard form of communication in
BizDevOps teams.
Despite this, it is easy to think (in the agile/IT
context) that the concept of ‘enterprise architecture’
is synonymous with excessive documentation
generation and rigid practices. This is at odds with
Towards Agile IT/Business Alignment at BizDevOps
what BizDevOps and agile practices promote. We are
aware of this concern and know that proposed
solutions to this challenge must be an enabler of the
process and not a new bottleneck. For this reason, the
design of any solution will be designed with the
objective of making the alignment process more
flexible and agile.
It is also interesting to complement the toolkit
inherited by BizDevOps to consider the tasks
associated with alignment since in DevOps there are
many tools that support the continuous tasks
associated with this approach (Kersten, 2018).
Nevertheless, it is necessary to have tools that
facilitate the tasks associated with the third cycle of
BizDevOps. Therefore, it makes sense to establish a
toolkit that complements what already exists for
DevOps and considers the Biz cycle.
Additionally, the inclusion of indicators and/or
metrics associated with the agile alignment of
IT/Business should be considered for BizDevOps.
These should allow to feed back into the Biz cycle
and make decisions about the process. This can be
done by adapting proposals beyond the context of this
approach, for example as proposed by Imgharene,
Doumi, and Baina (2020), or by specifying new
indicators and/or metrics that could include aspects
associated with agile EA practice and allow us to
evaluate and analyze whether alignment is taking
As already stated, there are several ways of
proceeding and generating proposals to address the
problem and its difficulties. The challenge of
achieving agile IT/Business alignment in the context
of BizDevOps is interesting considering that the use
and the list of benefits of DevOps has increased over
the last two decades (Faustino, Adriano, Amaro,
Pereira, & da Silva, 2022).
We are not aware of proposals that address
BizDevOps in conjunction with agile and EA
practices. We have however identified proposals that
address part of the challenge or consider partially
useful solutions.
Considering the use of EA in the context of
DevOps, Hadar and Hadar (2016) describe a
reference architecture, with the authors concluding
that the use of EAs 'cultivates knowledge reuse,
harvests information, reduces misinterpretation and
contributes to professional community cohesion'.
Austel et al. (2015) propose an enterprise architecture
that specifies a holistic view of solutions enabling the
integration of development at the operations level. In
Shahin, Rezaei Nasab, and Ali Babar (2021),
descriptions of conceptual enterprise architectures are
presented to guide how software is developed with
DevOps. This type of SW development approach is
not unrelated to the use of enterprise architectures and
is a useful way to address certain issues such as
communication and transmission of knowledge and
concerns. It is worth mentioning that these proposals
do not address IT/Business alignment.
Among the proposals that include software
development and the use of EA practice is the one by
Alzoubi and Gill (2020). In this proposal, the authors
suggest that agile enterprise architecture has positive
effects on active communication, on-budget
completion, functionality and quality of software
development. Hanschke, Ernsting, and Kuchen
(2015) present a proposal for creating enterprise
architecture deliverables when implementing an agile
software project, using SCRUM and Serum
(Software Engineering Risk: Understanding and
Management). They also describe how enterprise
architects can collaborate with agile software
development teams. These proposals that consider the
use of EA are not alien to agile practices. However,
they do not consider BizDevOps and IT/Business
In the context of IT/Business alignment and
BizDevOps, there are two interesting proposals.
Gruhn and Schäfer (2015) describe a proposal to
enable end-users to participate in the creation of
applications and even to have at their disposal the
necessary tools that allow them to create their own
applications. The authors indicate that this helps to
bridge the gap between the business and the IT
department. However, we believe that this scenario is
not the most frequent in organizations because end
users are often not involved in software development.
Our target scenario is where experts from each
domain (business, development and operations)
collaborate to realize the organization’s software
In Forbrig (2018) a way to represent knowledge
using a formal BPM-based notation, called S-BPM, is
proposed for use in BizDevOps environments. This
knowledge representation allows domain experts to
express their ideas, make them understandable and
visible, in a cross-cutting way, to all actors in the
organization. This proposal aims to contribute to the
alignment and, in particular, to the transversal
communication of knowledge. Yet, formal notations
require specific training, which means that not all
business profiles can benefit from this proposal.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The study by Kappelman et al. (2019) shows that
IT/Business alignment is in the top 10 of IT leaders'
concerns. In addition, the same study details that
among the top 10 practices associated with
information technology in which organizations
should invest more, is the practice of enterprise
architecture. Considering these two facts, it is
interesting to study agile enterprise architecture
practices to address IT/Business alignment in
software development projects using the BizDevOps
Furthermore, the literature associated with
BizDevOps has only presented ideas on how to
address IT/Business alignment, but no concrete
proposals have been specified to perform this task and
certainly not on how to ensure agility. Therefore, it
makes sense to think that, by presenting concrete
solutions to the described problem, BizDevOps could
be consolidated as a very beneficial replacement of
DevOps for organizations.
Our paper has presented the discussion of the
described problem, addressing four dimensions of
difficulties encountered (stakeholders, processes,
information and resources) and discussing some
proposals addressing them. Then, we have discussed
different ways to generate proposals for solutions that
address the problem or part of it, being the use of
enterprise architectures one of the most complete
proposals for this purpose. This is so since it describes
interesting characteristics, such as helping to address
IT/Business alignment, providing a holistic
description of the organization and, in addition, the
ability to perform an agile practice of it. We believe
these characteristics are suitable for solving the
potential business cycle bottleneck and addressing
alignment activities in BizDevOps.
As future work we intend to further explore this
challenge, as well as specify and validate the solution
proposals to assist in the IT/business alignment task
of the third cycle of BizDevOps.
This work has been supported by OASSIS project
(PID2021-122554OB-C31, funded by MCIN / AEI /
10.13039/501100011033 / FEDER, EU). Grant
PRE2019-087303 funded by MCIN/AEI/
10.13039/501100011033 and, by “ESF Investing in
your future”.
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