X-AMINOR: A Mobile Multi-Sensor Platform for Lifecycle-Monitoring
of Transformers
Ferdinand Fuhrmann
, Konrad Diwold
, Jakub Waikat
, Jakob Gaugl
, Fredi Belavic
and Franz Graf
Pro2Future, Graz, Austria
Siemens Energy Austria, Wien, Austria
Siemens Energy Austria, Weiz, Austria
Austrian Power Grid, Wien, Austria
Transformer, Lifecycle-Monitoring, Transmission System.
The current developments in the energy system especially the increased integration of renewable and the
introduction of dynamic loads lead to a decoupling of consumption and production. Digitalization is one of
the major tools for grid operators to tackle these challenges, as it allows them to implement flexible and
advanced operation and planning strategies, which reduce costs while increasing service security. In the
context of operation, transformers represent one of the most important assets in the transmission grid. Their
optimal utilization is of utmost importance to ensure the optimal operation for dependable feed-in. The article
presents the project X-AMINOR, which aims for the development of novel minimal invasive transformer
monitoring solutions designed to complement existing monitoring strategies to enable continuous monitoring
over a transformer’s entire life cycle to improve its operation.
The increased integration of renewables and the in-
troduction of dynamic loads into the energy systems
creates new challenges for grid operators, as they lead
to a decoupling of consumption and production (Sin-
sel et al., 2020). Digitalization can be seen as one
of the major tools for grid operators to tackle these
challenges, as it allows to implement flexible and ad-
vanced operation and planning strategies, reducing
costs while increasing service security. In the con-
text of medium and low voltage distribution grid op-
eration this led to a number of smart grid technolo-
gies (Tuballa and Abundo, 2016), allowing the oper-
ator to proactively control grids and provide ancillary
services. These transformations also impact the trans-
mission level, where the integration of renewables can
lead to instabilities (e.g., voltage fluctuations), over-
loading of transformers and injection of harmonics
(Shafiullah, 2016).
Transformers constitute core infrastructure com-
ponents in energy grids on all voltage levels. Their
availability and longevity can thus be seen as integral
variables in the context of security of supply. Con-
tinuous monitoring and predictive maintenance are
therefore an important factor to increase the longevity
of these infrastructure elements and reduce unplanned
outages. Transmission systems utilize monitoring so-
lutions (Pudlo et al., 2002)(Al-Ali et al., 2004), tai-
lored towards specific power transformers, and moni-
tor transformers’ KPIs based on its operation param-
eters (Pudlo et al., 2002). These monitoring solutions
are integrated into a monitoring scheme via Super-
visory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) sys-
tems. The amount of information available from a
transformer during operation depends on the trans-
former itself. While new transformers provide a
multitude of information (winding hotspot sensors,
dissolved gas analyzers, etc.), operation parameters
available from legacy transformers are often limited.
Usually, the condition of a transformer is regu-
larly inspected by a human expert to guarantee fault-
free operation. Here, abnormal noise could indicate
the malfunctioning of an oil pump, or changes in its
thermal properties could indicate looming faults. Cur-
rently such inspection information is only available to
Fuhrmann, F., Diwold, K., Waikat, J., Gaugl, J., Belavic, F. and Graf, F.
X-AMINOR: A Mobile Multi-Sensor Platform for Lifecycle-Monitoring of Transformers.
DOI: 10.5220/0011968800003491
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2023), pages 121-128
ISBN: 978-989-758-651-4; ISSN: 2184-4968
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
experts themselves. Additionally, the inspection pro-
cess is based on experience, which enables the human
expert to correctly identify, classify and interpret de-
The project X-AMINOR aims at developing an
automatic transformer lifecycle-monitoring solution
to detect and evaluate information, which previously
could only be captured by experts during inspection.
The project develops a mobile multi-sensor platform
(audio, video, thermal) providing additional informa-
tion to complement existing monitoring. X-AMINOR
will utilize sensor data to build data models, forming
the basis for predictive maintenance and continuous
product improvements. The developed monitoring so-
lution is applicable in the entire lifecycle of a trans-
former, thus providing additional information from
its cradle to grave. The developments are therefore
driven by two application scenarios in the life cycle
of a transformer: final (end of line) testing after pro-
duction as well as operation.
The technical result of the project constitutes a
functional monitoring prototype, which will be de-
ployed and tested in the context of transmission grid
operation as well as end-of-line tests. Long term eval-
uation scenarios will be used for an in-depth quantita-
tive and qualitative evaluation of the system and will
allow the quality assessment of the developed meth-
ods as well as its benefits in the context of end of line
testing and automated condition monitoring.
The remainder of the article is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 depicts the general challenges X-
AMINOR addresses and outlines potential monitor-
ing use-cases. Section 3 discusses the overall system
design and introduces the utilized sensing technolo-
gies. Finally, Section 4 concludes the article and gives
an outlook on the next steps towards the envisioned
monitoring solution.
Climate protection, the energy system transformation
and the required market efficiency create major de-
mands for today’s energy suppliers. The increasingly
volatile utilization of the grid operation components
is particularly challenging. This is grounded in the
growing availability of renewable forms of energy, the
European exit from coal and nuclear power, as well as
new ”energy-hungry” industrial sectors with dynamic
consumption patterns (Shi et al., 2016). However, the
digitalization of the energy system offers new oppor-
tunities to increase efficiency. In the following, the
challenges addressed by X-AMINOR are listed to-
gether with the associated, demand-oriented solution
Network Utilization and Redispatch. The trans-
mission and distribution grid are particularly chal-
lenged by the volatile performance of sources (Janda
et al., 2017) – e.g., photovoltaics or windfarms. In or-
der to guarantee reliable supply, a redispatch is carried
out whenever grid bottlenecks are detected (Hedman
et al., 2011). With this redispatch power plant oper-
ators are instructed to reschedule their performance
to avoid possible network bottlenecks, causing sig-
nificant costs for grid operation and energy trading.
To avoid future bottlenecks and corresponding redis-
patches, specialized monitoring and control solutions
can be used to continuously supervise and control the
grids and their assets. In contrast to distribution grids,
digitalization is already well advanced in the trans-
mission grid. By using SCADA (Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition) systems (Pliatsios et al., 2020),
the grid can be monitored, analyzed, and optimally
controlled over a large area. In addition to informa-
tion on the current utilization of a resource, its status
as well as information on its past activities, SCADA
systems offer the possibility of calculating load sce-
narios more precisely. This applies to transformers,
which - in addition to the network itself - represent
the most important asset of a transmission network.
Transformer Utilization and Fault-Related Out-
ages. Optimal operation of transformers is required
to ensure continuous reliability of supply. The oper-
ator currently calculates the possible utilization of a
transformer on the basis of selected overload param-
eters (nominal power, oil and winding temperature,
etc.), which are continuously recorded. While these
parameters enable an estimation of the overload, ex-
panding existing models with additional information
would enable a better assessment of the current load
and the associated possible time-limited overload of
transformers or substations. Expanding existing mod-
els requires additional information, such as an accu-
rate assessment of the transformer’s current thermal
state. A possible consequence of an inaccurate as-
sessment of the overload capacities of transformers is
a shortened service life or premature failure. Here,
the failure distribution of a transformer during its life-
time follows a so-called bathtub curve (Klutke et al.,
2003), showing an increased probability of fault at the
beginning and end of its service life (Figure 1).
Faults at the beginning of the transformer’s life are
caused by incorrect design, manufacturing errors or
defects in production. At the end of its life, the failure
probability increases due to age and fatigue. Hence
we identified a number of use-cases to be addressed
SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 1: Fault rate distribution of transformers over its life-
by the X-AMINOR monitoring system, ranging from
transformer development to operation. These use-
cases thus encompass encompass the whole life-cycle
of transformers. In the following we outline exem-
plary monitoring use-cases at different stages of a
transformer’s life-cycle, which X-AMINOR aims to
automate and optimize.
Manufacturing. Currently, various quality aspects
of the individual manufacturing steps are checked
manually, requiring a training phase and many years
of experience. With X-AMINOR, parts of the quality
check could be carried out automatically via the mon-
itoring system. For instance, a 3D variance analysis
for manually isolated transformer parts could yield vi-
tal information to identify potential error sources dur-
ing operation.
Factory Acceptance Test. During the end of line
test, manual noise measurements are currently per-
formed. Since the transformer is under load during
the test, this method poses a safety risk for employees.
With the help of a mobile monitoring solution this test
can be automated. In addition, the system allows the
generation of a 3D sound model of the transformer,
which can be used as a fingerprint for reference in
later analyses.
Operation. During operation, transformer infor-
mation is continuously collected via SCADA sys-
tems and used in the context of condition monitor-
ing systems (CMS). Such systems can utilize trans-
former parameters which are actively collected via the
SCADA system (e.g., voltages, temperature, etc.). X-
AMINOR will enable a continuous external inspec-
tion of a transformer (acoustically and visually) and
thus the detection of errors which start to manifest
themselves (e.g., small leaks or the beginning of in-
sulation defects), which currently can only be discov-
ered in later stages. Moreover, peripheral systems of
the transformer (e.g., fans) can also be monitored in
this way.
Post Mortem Analysis. Currently, the planning of
new transformers does not involve data gained from
a post mortem analysis nor any other historical data.
Making such data available via X-AMINOR can fur-
ther reduce errors caused by uncertainties in the di-
mensioning of new transformers, as well as using this
information for optimizing the state of the grid.
X-AMINOR is designed to collect and analyze vi-
sual and acoustic information in addition to already
available operating parameters in order to enable a
more precise assessment of the transformer’s condi-
tion. For an autonomous operation it requires suitable
transportation means (mobile platform) and IT tech-
nologies (middleware and edge computing). The next
section outlines the envisioned system design and the
underlying technologies that will be applied in the
context of the cross-sensor lifecycle-monitoring plat-
3.1 System Design
The overall X-AMINOR system design is sketched in
Figure 2. The system contains a scalable (on-premise
cloud) backend, which performs acoustic and visual
data analytics, as well as X-AMINOR middleware
nodes, which are installed at specific transformer lo-
cations to monitor their behavior during operation.
Figure 2: X-AMINOR system design.
In this context, X-AMINOR utilizes recent devel-
opments in the area of the Internet of Things (IoT),
where a range of protocols and architectures for in-
stantiating intelligent monitoring systems have been
proposed (Wang et al., 2013). To guarantee scalabil-
ity, edge computing will be utilized via GPU-enabled
computing nodes. This will allow nodes to prepro-
X-AMINOR: A Mobile Multi-Sensor Platform for Lifecycle-Monitoring of Transformers
cess data streams and perform first analyses, while
the backend performs computation-heavy analytics as
well as model training and development. In regard to
its system design X-AMINOR takes inspiration from
a number of middleware systems and solutions for
distributed monitoring, which have been developed
in the context of smart grid operation (Cejka et al.,
2018)(Diwold et al., 2018). To increase the integrity
of the node applications, they will be isolated in run-
time containers, which have almost negligible influ-
ence on the performance of programs compared to
their native execution (Morabito, 2017).
The core methodology of X-AMINOR concerns
the visual and acoustic assessment of transformers.
State of the art of acoustic and visual technologies
as well as the contribution in these areas from X-
AMINOR, together with a first glimpse into applying
such technologies in the context of transformer mon-
itoring are outlined in the following subsections.
3.2 Visual Diagnostics
Visual diagnostics in X-AMINOR rely on three pil-
lars: a reasonable accurate mapping of the trans-
former and localization of detected conditions and
findings, the visual detection of specific defect types
known in advance, as well as the detection of generic
changes on the transformer surface.
3.2.1 Mapping and Localization
Acquiring an as-built 3D model is a prerequisite for
the mapping and localization of conditions.
Related Work: Numerous methods based on
RGB (Taketomi et al., 2017) and RGB-D (K
et al., 2016) sensors are known for 3D mapping. Al-
though these offer low hardware costs, the accuracy
is usually limited to a range of several millimeters.
Higher accuracies can be achieved with other sensors,
in particular with terrestrial LIDAR scanning. Com-
mercial solutions (e.g., Leica
) are routinely used for
such tasks. RGB or RGB-D cameras are also suitable
for localizing aspects relative to 3D models (Sattler
et al., 2019). Here, efficient transfer learning for new
scenes is currently the main challenge (Balntas et al.,
Contributions: Within X-AMINOR we will ap-
ply state of the art methods for 3D model data genera-
tion like LIDAR scanning, RGB-D sensors and Struc-
ture from Motion (SfM). We will apply associated lo-
calization techniques, both for the initial scanning of
the transformer and the periodic scanning with a mo-
bile device later on. Figure 3 and 4 depict first re-
sults of localization experiments performed within the
Figure 3: As-built 3D transformer model acquired with a
Leica BLK360 scanner.
Figure 4: View on a transformer with an RGB-D sensor
(Microsoft Azure Kinect).
3.2.2 Visual Inspection of Known Defect Types
This task deals with the visual detection of specific
defect types known in advance.
Related Work: The literature on visual detection
of surface defects is yet extensive, an up-to-date
overview can be found here (Czimmermann et al.,
2020). In most approaches, classifiers are trained
with existing training data using machine learning.
More recent works (see (Tabernik et al., 2019)) try
to minimize the number of examples required for
suitable training. Also, thermal infrared information
is used to create 3D temperature models of the
measured surfaces using LIDAR data (Borrmann
et al., 2013), through 3D reconstruction with a depth
camera (Vidas et al., 2013) or using CAD models
(Sels et al., 2019). Moreover, in existing transformers
analog measuring devices are often used, from which
SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
digital values cannot be read out easily. (Lee et al.,
2018) proposes an approach for realtime automatic
instrument status monitoring using deep neural
Contributions: In the literature, a majority of ap-
proaches focuses on the detection of defects in indi-
vidual 2D images. In the X-AMINOR project indi-
vidual 2D detection results are integrated and consol-
idated in a 3D model of the transformer. This way, the
reliability of detections can be improved by correcting
individual false positives via the results from other
images. Based on the given 3D transformer model
and the localization information of the sensor system
relative to the device, a holistic detection model can
be established, linking the different modalities. Ad-
ditionally, the system reads analog displays from im-
ages acquired via the sensor system. The first chal-
lenge here is the reliable detection and identification
of the display elements and furthermore a reading at
unfavorable viewing angles which can falsify the re-
sult. In X-AMINOR, the reading of thermometers as
well as the control of pump flow indicators are con-
3.2.3 Change Detection with Mobile Sensors
In contrast to specific visual inspection tasks change
detection focuses on observing a scene over a longer
period and register all types of expected or unex-
pected changes.
Related Work: For mobile inspection one could
detect purely geometric changes compared to a
reference model (Palazzolo and Stachniss, 2017).
However, if changes such as contamination or
corrosion need to be found the paradigm of visual
change detection must be adapted to mobile cameras.
A first work in this direction was published with
the aim of finding changes in street scenes which
can lead to map updates (Alcantarilla et al., 2018).
For inspection tasks, comparable methods for the
surface assessment of concrete pipes were examined
(Stent et al., 2015). Here, the (semi-) automatic
generation of sufficient training data plays a central
role (Sakurada et al., 2020). More recent works even
aim to find a textual interpretation of the changes
(Park et al., 2019).
Contributions: On the one hand, a system for
change detection must be sufficiently robust in terms
of recording conditions and localization accuracy, but
on the other hand, the high level of generalization
must be achieved with a low training effort. X-
AMINOR aims to build on the robustness of cur-
rent methods from the literature, which fundamen-
tally seems promising but has to be evaluated in detail
for the present scenario. The effects of small amounts
of training data as well as transfer learning methods
are examined. A further approach to improve the per-
formance is the aforementioned consolidation the de-
tected changes from several individual images in the
3D model of the transformer. Last but not least, the
creation of an evaluation data set, in which the tar-
geted irrelevant changes (lighting, seasons, weather)
as well as relevant changes (contamination, leakage,
corrosion etc.) are adequately covered is another con-
3.3 Acoustic Condition Assessment and
In X-AMINOR, we analyze the emitted airborne
sound via acoustic monitoring. Our aim is to
reconstruct a complete 3D representation of the
transformer’s sound radiation (acoustic heat map).
We will utilize microphone arrays to record the
transformer’s location dependent sound radiation. By
analyzing different recording positions all around the
transformer, we construct a complete representation
of the emitted sound pressure levels, which we then
use for further analyses. Figure 5 shows an example
sound radiation pattern recorded during the first
measurement sessions of the project.
Related Work: Acoustic monitoring refers to the
automatic detection of abnormal events through the
analysis of acoustic signals. In acoustic condition
monitoring, a statistical model is formed from the
acoustic signals of a predefined “normal” condition
of the process. The task of this model is the automatic
detection of deviations from this normal condition
given new input data. Acoustic event monitoring
is restricted to the detection of predefined acoustic
events, which are often associated with certain error
states. Using pre-recorded error-state examples
and machine learning methods, classifiers for the
automatic detection of these events are developed
(Heittola et al., 2018). Literature reports systems
for acoustic monitoring of traffic flows (Graf and
Gruber, 2018), production machines (Siebald et al.,
2017), industrial plants (Koester et al., 2018) as well
as urban spaces (Bello et al., 2019).
Contributions: To create an acoustic heat map,
we transform the sensory data into a spatial 3D repre-
sentation and adapt them to the 3D model of the trans-
former. We use the heat map for consistency valida-
tion in condition monitoring during the transformer’s
X-AMINOR: A Mobile Multi-Sensor Platform for Lifecycle-Monitoring of Transformers
life-cycle. We first construct an initial sound radiation
model during factory acceptance testing. Once the 3D
representation is constructed, we use it as a reference
for later comparisons. During the transformer’s oper-
ation, we record new data which resulting 3D repre-
sentation is compared to the reference. If we detect
certain deviations, we trigger an alarm, and a manual
check is initiated. Moreover, we derive a failure de-
tection analysis from the sound radiation model. Cer-
tain failure states such as broken cooling fans or cool-
ing units produce characteristic sounds, which we use
to construct specific failure event classifiers. During
data acquisition, we record data from these, mostly
simulated, failure states and construct specialized de-
tectors. In order to obtain meaningful results from
the acoustic modeling, sound source localization, sig-
nal characteristics and the position of the sensor ar-
ray must be analyzed together. The merging of these
dimensions into a single, closed model leads to new
possibilities for the statistical modeling of acoustic
Figure 5: Sound radiation pattern for frequency band 90-
140Hz of a transformer.
3.4 Transformer Modelling
Within X-AMINOR the sensor data will be used for
modelling a transformer’s aging process during oper-
ation. A multitude of transformer models have been
proposed, focusing on different aspects such as capac-
ity estimation and prediction (Alvarez et al., 2019) or
thermo-hydraulic aging (Seitlinger, 2000). It has been
shown that a multitude of factors must be considered
to achieve accurate modelling (Raith et al., 2020), in-
cluding the transformer’s thermal behavior, insulation
moisture as well as the dynamic variation of load-
ing and temperatures. Modelling typically utilizes as-
sumed initial conditions and operation assumptions
for the evolution of the simulation. The data es-
tablished with the X-AMINOR monitoring system
will allow to validate and tune existing aging mod-
els based on operational data. Moreover, such data
can be used as additional model input to individually
model a specific target transformer. Additionally, this
information allows the development of new models
which relate acoustic, visual, and thermal informa-
tion established during end-of-line testing with oper-
ational data, allowing for a continuous evaluation of
the transformer.
In this article we have outlined the vision of the X-
AMINOR project, which aims to study and demon-
strate a novel cross sensor platform monitoring so-
lution for transformers. X-AMINOR is designed to
complement existing monitoring solutions and enable
continuous monitoring of a transformer to improve its
operation. The project will address use-cases in the
context of manufacturing (end-of-line tests) and oper-
ation to ensure the applicability of the solution across
the whole lifecycle of a transformer. Besides demon-
strating such holistic monitoring concepts, the project
will advance methods of visual, thermal and acous-
tic condition monitoring and demonstrate their appli-
cation in the context of grid installations. Currently
the project is at a very early stage, as of now initial
data acquisition campaigns have started to enable the
development of data-driven methods as well as refin-
ing existing transformer models. In parallel the target
hardware and overall system is currently under de-
This research is funded by the Austrian Research
Promotion Agency (FFG) within the project X-
AMINOR (881186) and the FFG-COMET-K1 Cen-
ter ”Pro2Future” (Products and Production Systems
of the Future), Contract No. 881844.
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SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems