3D Reference-Based Skeletal Movement Evaluation
Lars Lehmann
, Roman Seidel
and Gangolf Hirtz
Digital Signal Processing and Circuit Technology, Chemnitz University, Reichenhainer Str. 70, Chemnitz, Germany
Segment Reference, Visualisation, Feedback Control, Assisted Motion Control, Motion Error Detection, 3D
Realtime Animation.
In a medical therapy, the exact execution of the training exercises developed by the therapist is a crucial task for
the success of the therapy. Currently, a therapist has to treat up to 15 patients at the same time on an outpatient
basis. To compensate this deficit, an automated assistance system needs to be created. Previous approaches
have focused on a parameterised segment angle-based assessment for training exercise feedback. This work
focuses on a reference-based approach. This reference is created by the therapist and thus corresponds to
the ideal movement model and can be individually adapted to the patient. It is necessary to compare this
reference with the patients’ real movement in real time, to detect deviations and to output them as errors. For
this purpose, the reference can be adapted to the body size of the patient and the patients’ current position
and orientation can be taken into account, or it can be described by reference segments, i.e. an angle-based
comparison of the reference. Our work highlights the the segment and reference-based assessment approach
and compares them to each other.
After a hip operation, the persons treated must com-
plete a rehabilitation phase of several weeks in a spe-
cial stationary therapy centre. During the therapy,
one therapist looks after up to 15 patients (Nitzsche,
2018). It is not possible for the therapist to carry out
the therapy in the required quality because they lack
the necessary overview. This lack of specialist control
leads to errors in the execution of the patients’ move-
ment. These systematic incorrect movements due to
unavailable control aggravate their hip problems and
delay or even prevent recovery (L
osch, 2019).
Demographic change will increase the number
of patients and decrease the number of therapists
(Budliger, 2021). In order to prevent a collapse of
therapeutic medicine, computer-supported assistance
in the implementation of therapy is indispensable.
Therefore, a prototype was developed, which uses a
depth sensor to realise a skeletal extraction and de-
tects and evaluates the patients’ movements directly
at runtime. The markerless assistance system works
in real time and supports the therapists in this way.
For visualisation, the assistance system uses a three-
dimensional avatar, modelled on a human body, to
represent a patient and to detect and map his move-
ments. The avatar is formed by a three-dimensional
mesh model whose surface is described by triangles
and is connected to the extracted skeleton so that the
patients’ movements directly affect the model. The
mesh model is divided into segments according to
the coupled skeleton, which are used for direct vi-
sualisation(Lehmann, 2020). If an error is detected
during the movement, the corresponding segment in-
volved in the error is coloured directly on the mesh
model(Wolff, 2018). Figure 1 shows an error and the
colouring of the involved segments with the help of
known traffic light colours.
Figure 1: Representation of direct error mapping.
When coloured red, this extraction segment is directly
involved in the error. Yellow stands for a warning, the
Lehmann, L., Seidel, R. and Hirtz, G.
3D Reference-Based Skeletal Movement Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011969200003497
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2023), pages 150-155
ISBN: 978-989-758-642-2; ISSN: 2795-4943
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
segment is in a critical movement area. If the segment
is coloured green or according to the mapped texture
(Capizzi, 2002), no error has been detected and the
movement is correct.
An angle-based comparison of the skeleton’s bone
joints for motion immobilisation is relatively easy to
realise, but it also has some disadvantages. Creating
the comparative movements is quite time-consuming,
as each individual aspect of the movement must be
specified and agreed separately. It would be sim-
pler to have a movement recording that can be gen-
erated quickly and used for comparison with the cur-
rent movement. These recorded references are indi-
vidualised ideal movements generated by the thera-
pist. Two of these reference implementations are pre-
sented and compared in this paper.
The general segment-based movement assessment
(SBE) concentrates on the observation of the skele-
ton points and their position in relation to each other.
The individual points of the extraction skeleton are
known and also their connection to each other. These
are used to read angles between segments and match
them. In this way it can be determined whether a
movement within a predefined frame or is ending out-
side of it(Zhao et al., 2014). This method is a stan-
dard method for a motion assessment(R
oder et al.,
2023)(Ren et al., 2005).
At the beginning of the movement evaluation, it is
necessary to define the individual 3D movements and
their corresponding error patterns(Ant
on D, 2015).
The movement definitions are needed to realise the
repetition counts. The error patterns help to deter-
mine deviations in the intended movement and to give
hints for the real execution of the movement. In the
assistance system, various SBE scenarios have been
created. There are abduction, flexion and extension
movements for both the lower and upper extremities
that can be detected and evaluated. In this section an
example creation of the right leg abduction and its er-
ror patterns are shown.
Abduction is defined by the movement of a body part
away from the body axis (Menche, 2003). In the fig-
ure 2 the whole skeleton is shown during an abduction
of the right leg. The movement is visualised mirror-
inverted because the sensor extraction is done in this
The joint points A, B, C and D necessary for cal-
culating the abduction angle are marked in green. The
angle results from observing the position of two inter-
Figure 2: 2D representation of an abduction of the right leg.
The angle α between the two through the straight lines AB
and CD is determined and used as a motion measurement.
section lines. The intersection line results from two
joint points belonging to each bone. The actual an-
gle α is obtained by substituting the intersection lines
into equation 1.
cos(α) =
u · v
|u| ·|v|
The angle α is the desired goal of this movement
where u = S A and v = S C. This angle must be
achieved during the real-time movement in order to
realise a correct repetition of the movement.
Additional parameters for the movement guidance
must be checked in order to achieve an optimal train-
ing result. For example, it must be ensured that the
movement takes place primarily in the xy-plane if the
patient is standing frontally in front of the extraction
sensor. This plane should not be left during the abduc-
tion movement. In addition, the knee, i.e. the angle
between the vectors CE and DE, can be bent too much
during the movement. This simplified movement re-
sults in a compensatory movement that is contrary to
recovery. A bent upper body, i.e. a tilting of the entire
upper area of the extraction points, also has an un-
favourable effect on the target movement. Only when
all these factors are taken into account can a success-
ful movement be counted and processed as a repeti-
tion. Otherwise, the additional parameters create an
error image that is immediately presented to the pa-
tient visually in order to correct his or her movement
execution during the next repetition.
If this SBE-based movement is to be changed or
even extended, application-related problems arise. If
the angle of the abduction is changed, the associated
variable must be changed either directly in the source
code or with the help of a GUI connection, which is
still quite easy to do with this simple abduction move-
ment. Although in this case the user has to switch
through the four parameter defaults and parameterise
the appropriate one, this can be done. If, however, in
addition to this abduction, a flexion of the left arm and
a slightly offset extension of the right arm with a pen-
3D Reference-Based Skeletal Movement Evaluation
dulum movement of the upper body are to be realised,
a GUI-based arrangement of the training movement
quickly reaches its limits, becomes extremely time-
consuming to handle and results in confusing layouts.
Temporally different movement sequences are diffi-
cult to implement with the SBE.
In order to avoid the time-consuming manual individ-
ual parameterisation of an SBE training, reference-
based methods of training planning can be used. The
creation and use of the individualized patient refer-
ence is carried out by the therapists with the assis-
tance system (Lehmann et al., 2021). In the assis-
tance system’s reference recording mode, the ther-
apist’s movements are recorded and stored as a se-
quence in the system. These movement sequences are
available as digitized 3D skeletal movements. A ref-
erence is equivalent to a repetitive motion where the
start and end points can be identified. The advantage
of the reference is that it can be created by an expe-
rienced therapist, making it an ideal therapy and indi-
vidually adapted to the patient.
Figure 3: A short movement reference that shows the rais-
ing and lowering of both arms.
The figure 3 shows a reference image, where the ref-
erence consists of 100 individual steps and serves as
the basis for the patients’ assisted movement rehabil-
itation. The movement in the first position of the ref-
erence and the last one are similar in their orientation
and position.
The original skeleton extraction does not deter-
mine the exact and real extraction points in ev-
ery frame due to varying lighting conditions, sensor
deficits and model extraction inaccuracies. As a re-
sult, when motion vectors of the individual frames are
recorded, shifts and deviating, geometrically jumping
points occur. This has to be smoothed in order to de-
sign the subsequent processing of the reference in the
best possible way and to reduce input errors as much
as possible.
The comparison of a current movement with a move-
ment reference is explained using two methods inte-
grated in the assistance system.
Figure 4: The original reference on the left is imprecise due
to errors in the extraction of the individual points and re-
quires smoothing. The mean reference in the middle was
smoothed with the SMA(Dreszer, 1975) and ten neighbor-
ing points in each direction of the gradient. The right refer-
ence was smoothed ten times consecutively, involving two
adjacent points.
3.1 Reference Based Evaluation (RBE)
Therapists and patients differ in their physical size.
The reference created by medical professionals is
therefore not immediately applicable to the anatom-
ically deviating patients. An adjustment of the sizes
of skeletal extractions must be made beforehand. The
current skeletal information of the patient is used for
the 3D visualisation of the avatar. Since the current
extraction points are used for the visualisation, the
size must be adapted to the reference (figure 5).
Figure 5: The original reference (blue) has been adjusted to
the bone length of the current real sequence (orange). The
adapted reference (magenta) is the target of the adjustment.
For the comparison of the movements between the
reference and the current skeleton some calculations
and parameter declarations are needed. Blue sections
in figure 6 are reference sections, orange stands for
the current movement and the sections in the orange
box are calculated at runtime.
At the beginning, the length of the patient’s bones
must be determined in order to use this for the ad-
justment of the reference skeleton. For this purpose,
the assistant system tells the patient to stand relaxed
and calmly frontally in front of the extraction sensor
in order to keep his bone length extractions as stable
as possible. The initialisation process must provide at
least 60 frames of almost identical length values in or-
der to use these as the basis for the adaptation. These
bone lengths are applied to the smoothed reference
and this is adapted once to the corresponding size.
IMPROVE 2023 - 3rd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Figure 6: The stages of RBE based movement assessment
to be carried out.
The scaled reference S must be adjusted to the
patients’ position. For this, the difference vector v,
which is defined between the root node of the ref-
erence skeleton S
and the root node of the patient
skeleton P
is calculated. The root vector of the skele-
ton is the vector from which all extraction points of
the skeleton originate and is usually equated with the
middle hip.This difference vector v shows the location
difference between reference S and the current extrac-
tion P and comes about when the standing positions
of the patient and the reference are not exactly on top
of each other. To compensate for this, every extrac-
tion point and every sequence of the scaled reference
S is now subtracted with this displacement vector v.
Another adjustment to be made for each extraction
run is the rotational shift of the current motion skele-
ton to the associated reference frame. This difference
can arise when there is a deviation in the orientation
rotation of the reference to the current motion. The ro-
tation of the entire skeleton can best be understood at
the hip, because this is anatomically fixed. It is there-
fore not possible to move the left and right hip extrac-
tion point independently of each other, since these two
are connected by the hip bone(Schwegler and Lucius,
Figure 7: When comparing a non-rotated (left) and rotated
hip (right), the larger distance between the skeletal points is
noticeable in the former.
The problem of the resulting angle between the hip
vectors to be compared is shown in figure 7. In both
cases the reference has been adjusted to the current
movement. The comparison was made on an identi-
cal frame index of the animation. Hip rotation was
ignored in the left figure. The distances between the
extraction points of the blue reference and the ma-
genta adaptation skeleton are much larger than on the
rotated side.
After the size, the position and the rotation differ-
ence have been applied to the reference S, the compar-
ison of the extraction vectors can be generated. For
this, all adapted reference sequences R
are compared
with the current extraction points P. Since the move-
ment executions are not completely identical, a 3D
vector is used to calculate the valid tolerance range
for the current extraction point comparison.
(S[ j]
) < P
(S[ j]
+ ) (2)
The above inequality 2 is checked for each dimen-
sion. If one of the three-dimensional extraction points
is outside of this tolerance range, it is detected as a
motion error and is colored.
3.2 Segment Reference Based
Evaluation (SRBE)
The RBE considered in the previous section is a rel-
atively complex procedure to carry out the desired
movement evaluation. To overcome this complex
preparatory steps such as stable bone length calcula-
tion and its adapted reference adjustment as well as
hip transformation adjustments per updated extraction
frame must be carried out. These disadvantages can
be avoided with SRBE.
Figure 8: The stages of SRBE based movement assessment
to be carried out.
Blue sections in figure 8 are reference sections, or-
ange stands for the current movement, the sections in
the orange box are calculated at runtime. The angles
between the bones are independent from the length
of the bones. Starting from a root extraction point,
which is found in the middle hip extraction point, the
known bone connections of neighboring extractions
and their connection angles can be used to determine
the position of the extraction points under consider-
ation. In contrast to the reference-based comparison,
3D Reference-Based Skeletal Movement Evaluation
the one-off calculation of the bone lengths is saved, as
is the adjustment of the reference skeleton sizes, the
permanent shift of the reference to the origin and the
rotation of the hip, since the angular considerations of
the skeletal extraction points already include them.
The calculation of the angles between the indi-
vidual bone segments of the reference must also be
carried out once, at the beginning of the movement
tracking. The already smoothed reference animation
is required for this. The calculation of the individual
angles is done segment by segment for each recorded
movement sequence by iterating step by step over the
total number of reference movement images. To do
this, it is necessary to know how the skeletal extrac-
tion points are assigned to the segments, i.e. which
bones are connected to each other. Then the re-
quired angles between these joined bones can be cal-
culated. The connected bone segments of the skeleton
are taken as straight lines and each is transferred into
the parametric form. It is known that these straight
lines intersect in space as they converge at the associ-
ated extraction point. The equation of a straight line
is as follows.
x = a + λu (3)
The vector a is the extraction point of a bone from
the bone segments table that corresponds to the first
index. The parameter u is the direction vector of this
bone line. That is the difference between the end vec-
tor b of the straight line and its start vector a. Each
value of λ corresponds to exactly one point on the
straight line. The associated indices of the bones can
be read from the given composite bone segment table
of the skeleton extraction.
Once the parametric forms have been determined
for both lines that belong together, the angle between
the two can then be calculated. For this, the direction
vector u of the first bone in the segment is processed
with the direction vector v of the second bone in the
formula 1.
The arccosine of the angle α returns a value be-
tween and 180°. These angles are recorded for
all segments of the frame and across all frames of
the animation and saved in the assistance system as
a variable rsa for later processing. After the angles
have been determined for all segments of the ref-
erence frame and across all possible frames of the
recorded animation, they can now be used for a move-
ment comparison with the current angle segments.
However, it is not enough just to determine the angle
of the bone segment. The position of the composite
bones in relation to the connection vector S must also
be evaluated. For this, the position of the points A and
B must be evaluated. Therefore, the angles between
Figure 9: Calculation of the connection angle of the bone
segment and the positional relationships of the composite
AS and SB to the standard planes are calculated. By
looking at the x, y and z values of the two points A and
B and comparing them with the corresponding values
of S, the direction of execution can be determined ex-
actly. Positive or negative values are obtained, which
are multiplied by the angles to the standard planes to
determine the final direction angles. For each angle α
there are three positive or negative angles for A and B.
The current angles are determined from the pa-
tient’s current movement extraction. The calculation
is analogous to the calculation of the reference angles,
with the difference that the collection is not based on
the total reference, but only on the current extraction.
It is then checked whether a frame that meets the crite-
ria is found in the set of reference segment angles R
and the alignment angles of R
and R
of the entire
reference animation. If a matching angular segment
frame is available, the patient’s current movement is
judged to be correctly executed based on the segment
angles P. Otherwise, a movement error is detected in
the deviating extraction segment.
(R[ j]
) < C
(R[ j]
+ ) (4)
The deviation tolerances of the current patient an-
gle C
are shown in the formula 4 and can be set in
the system. The tolerance allow a controllable devi-
ating movement execution with respect to the refer-
ence. This ensures that all patients, according to their
fitness level, can perform these reference exercises.
To increase the exercise intensity, only the tolerance
has to be reduced to bring the patients more and more
into the desired optimal starting reference during their
exercises. For the comparisons of R
and C
and of
and C
, there are similar tolerence frames. Only
when all seven conditions are evaluated as correct is
the executed patient movement also correct.
The SBE is the standard method for performing the
evaluation. Only the current angles between the de-
fined and selected bone segments of the individual
IMPROVE 2023 - 3rd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
extraction frames are taken into account. If this an-
gle corresponds to the previously created parameters
and does not touch any of the necessary error patterns,
the movement is evaluated as correct, otherwise it is
marked as a non-compliant movement.
The RBE is a reference-based method and is there-
fore not parameterised like the SBE, but receives its
comparison values from a previously created refer-
ence movement. This reference movement is created
individually for the respective patient and serves as
the basis for the targeted movement comparison.
With the RBE, the reference is adjusted to the size
of the current patient and their specific spatial coordi-
nates. During the execution of the patient movement,
the patient is guided through the repetition with the
help of bounding boxes that reflect the tolerance level
of the movement deviation. If the patient moves out-
side the permissible range, an error is detected and a
corresponding visual message is given to the patient.
The second reference-based method considered is
the SRBE. This is not based on length comparisons
but on the angles between the bone segments of the
reference. These angles are also evaluated in terms of
their orientation to determine the correct direction of
execution of the given joint angle. Due to the angle
evaluation, the SRBE is not limited to static length
information and also works with changing reference
skeletal sizes, for example when a patient moves to-
wards or away from the extraction sensor.
Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of the motion eval-
uation methods.
Description SBE RBE SRBE
clearly error patterns () ()
fixed error patterns
high creation time
idealized reference
speed evaluation
fast execution speed () ()
single-joint overview
real-time ()
change position to cam
easy GUI usage
The generation and use of an individual reference
has the advantage of subject-specific correct execu-
tion. A patient can then follow this reference to per-
form the best possible therapy. The two reference-
based methods presented here can realise movement
assessment. The RBE shows exactly those local 3D
positions of the skeletal points that have to be ap-
proached by the patient, the SRBE enables this pre-
cise movement tracking on the basis of the evaluated
angle sequences within the reference. The benefits of
reference-based movement capture do not only extend
to medical movement therapy. Rapid reference gen-
eration and reference evaluation could also be applied
in other areas where skeleton-based motion detection
would be helpful. The reference could be used for
training steps in the assembly industry as well as for
learning a musical instrument. As long as the move-
ment patterns can be recorded and extracted, they can
be evaluated for all movement-specific tasks and ap-
plied to the situation.
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3D Reference-Based Skeletal Movement Evaluation