extraction frames are taken into account. If this an-
gle corresponds to the previously created parameters
and does not touch any of the necessary error patterns,
the movement is evaluated as correct, otherwise it is
marked as a non-compliant movement.
The RBE is a reference-based method and is there-
fore not parameterised like the SBE, but receives its
comparison values from a previously created refer-
ence movement. This reference movement is created
individually for the respective patient and serves as
the basis for the targeted movement comparison.
With the RBE, the reference is adjusted to the size
of the current patient and their specific spatial coordi-
nates. During the execution of the patient movement,
the patient is guided through the repetition with the
help of bounding boxes that reflect the tolerance level
of the movement deviation. If the patient moves out-
side the permissible range, an error is detected and a
corresponding visual message is given to the patient.
The second reference-based method considered is
the SRBE. This is not based on length comparisons
but on the angles between the bone segments of the
reference. These angles are also evaluated in terms of
their orientation to determine the correct direction of
execution of the given joint angle. Due to the angle
evaluation, the SRBE is not limited to static length
information and also works with changing reference
skeletal sizes, for example when a patient moves to-
wards or away from the extraction sensor.
Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of the motion eval-
uation methods.
Description SBE RBE SRBE
clearly error patterns ✓ (✗) (✗)
fixed error patterns ✓ ✗ ✗
high creation time ✓ ✗ ✗
idealized reference ✗ ✓ ✓
speed evaluation ✗ ✓ ✓
fast execution speed ✓ (✓) (✓)
single-joint overview ✗ ✓ ✗
real-time ✓ (✓) ✓
change position to cam ✓ ✗ ✓
easy GUI usage ✗ ✓ ✓
The generation and use of an individual reference
has the advantage of subject-specific correct execu-
tion. A patient can then follow this reference to per-
form the best possible therapy. The two reference-
based methods presented here can realise movement
assessment. The RBE shows exactly those local 3D
positions of the skeletal points that have to be ap-
proached by the patient, the SRBE enables this pre-
cise movement tracking on the basis of the evaluated
angle sequences within the reference. The benefits of
reference-based movement capture do not only extend
to medical movement therapy. Rapid reference gen-
eration and reference evaluation could also be applied
in other areas where skeleton-based motion detection
would be helpful. The reference could be used for
training steps in the assembly industry as well as for
learning a musical instrument. As long as the move-
ment patterns can be recorded and extracted, they can
be evaluated for all movement-specific tasks and ap-
plied to the situation.
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3D Reference-Based Skeletal Movement Evaluation