ICT-Supported Design Thinking Workshop Program: A Case Study of
Encouraging Social Lean-In for High School Students in Japan
Dunya Donna Chen, Jiayi Lu and Keiko Okawa
Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
Constructionism, Nonformal Learning, ICT, Design Thinking Process, Social Lean-In.
Since 2015, an ICT-supported workshop program based on the constructionism approach has been imple-
mented at Fujimikaoga High School for Girls (FHS) in Japan. Keio University Graduate School of Media
Design students from diverse cultural backgrounds facilitates the nonformal learning experience. The pro-
gram employs a design thinking process (DTP) and ICT tools to enhance active collaborative learning and
intercultural interactions. Over 800 students have participated, demonstrating gains in critical thinking, in-
vestigation, feedback articulation, and iteration of their own views. This paper details the program’s concept,
process, qualitative findings, key elements of success, and challenges during implementation.
1.1 Contextual Progression
The notion of globalization is often discussed with re-
spect to its commercial, cultural, and societal aspects
(Ritzer and Dean, 2019). The progression in tech-
nological infrastructure amplified the overall smart-
phone adoption rate in Japan (Tateno et al., 2019).
This affluence in accessibility has facilitated more op-
portunities for interpersonal communication and ex-
posure to diverse cultures. Specifically, the social fea-
tures on platforms enable these connections, allowing
youngsters today to participate actively (Lehdonvirta
and R
anen, 2011).
While youngsters engage digitally, they may in-
evitably encounter discussions about worldwide mat-
ters and challenges, ones in Japan included (Lehdon-
virta and R
anen, 2011). Online and offline interac-
tions necessitate cultural sensitivity, competence, and
respectful communication (Parkinson, 2009; Cush-
ner, 2015; Nastasi, 2017).
To develop these crucial skills, the Programme
of International Student Assessment (PISA) recom-
mends promoting global competence through the cul-
tivation of critical thinking and intercultural appreci-
ation in discussing, analyzing, and taking action to-
ward global subjects (OECD, 2018). Such skills are
crucial for constructing a harmonious multicultural
community in the long run (OECD, 2018; Tichnor-
Wagner and Manise, 2019). Various initiatives world-
wide aimed at promoting global competence among
high school students exist (Tsang et al., 2020), al-
though, in Asia, they typically take the form of short-
term competitions rather than long-term program in-
tegration in support of the school curriculum.
1.2 Use of ICT: Pre and During
In 2022, a study found that prior to the COVID-
19 pandemic, Information and Communication Tech-
nologies (ICT) use in secondary school classrooms
in Japan varied across the country (Iwabuchi et al.,
2022). The hesitation in using ICT tools in Japan’s
classrooms was also reflected in the findings from a
2013 study, as well as the country’s low ranking in
the OECD’s report, which indicates a reliance on tra-
ditional methods of instruction (OECD, 2020; Kusano
et al., 2013). During this period, ICT was largely per-
ceived as a stand-alone subject with limited integra-
tion into the overall education process.
During COVID-19, educators in Japan had to ex-
ploit assorted digital services obtainable to continue
teaching (Kang, 2021), resulting in increased ICT tool
adoption among both educators and learners (Kang,
2021). However, ICT primarily served as a means of
communication during this period in Japan, replacing
physical presence (Kang, 2021). E-mail and Zoom
were frequently used alternatives for communication
between teachers and students, but the formal educa-
Chen, D., Lu, J. and Okawa, K.
ICT-Supported Design Thinking Workshop Program: A Case Study of Encouraging Social Lean-In for High School Students in Japan.
DOI: 10.5220/0011969300003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 527-534
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tion approach remained unchanged (Barry and Kane-
matsu, 2020; Kuromiya et al., 2022). Interestingly,
studies suggest that teachers and parents in Japan still
favor physical learning environments rather than in-
tegrating digital tools into their practice (Akabayashi
et al., 2023; Ikeda, 2022).
1.3 Motivation
The progress of technology and ease of information
access has enabled learning to evolve beyond tradi-
tional physical settings. These context conditions led
to the creation of a proposed program that aims to ex-
plore the viability of a structured nonformal tutorial
environment to foster peer learning while studying the
influence of ICT tools on students’ relationships, mo-
tivation to learn, and knowledge acquisition.
1.4 Structure of Discussion
To provide clear visibility of the process for the pro-
gram, the following discussion will be divided into
three main parts: 1) Section 2 primarily discusses the
overall foundation of the program. 2) Section 3 con-
centrates on the deliberate use of the Design Thinking
Process for implementation. 3) Section 4 discusses
using ICT tools to enable peer learning and intercul-
tural, multicultural, and cross-team interactions.
2.1 Aims and Structure
Formal learning is demarcated as obligatory with the
aim of attaining accreditation, vastly composed by
the lecturer under an educational establishment within
the scheme (Eshach, 2007; Cedefop, 2014). Specif-
ically, Japan’s secondary education addressing stu-
dents’ needs for global competence is primarily mo-
tivated by schooling in a formal education approach
(Davidson and Liu, 2020). Under this method, topics
were often taught in textbook-directed methods and
concluded as the lecture was completed, as the con-
tent was delivered and expectantly obtained by the
Conversely, nonformal learning is typically run
by a chaperon, systematically prearranged in accor-
dance with learning objectives, and participants at-
tend voluntarily, deprived of assessments, nor ob-
tainment of accreditation (Hamadache, 1991). Stud-
ies suggest that nonformal learning practices enable
students to gain problem-solving skills, build self-
confidence through reflecting on experiences, and
proactively seek knowledge (Dib, 1988). The nonfor-
mal learning in this program is defined by the OECD
as learning through a program that does not involve
evaluation or certification (OECD, 2005).
Arguably, learning can arise in various settings
through diverse methodologies when new informa-
tion is presented and connected to existing knowledge
schemes (Saunders and Wong, 2020). The proposed
program aims to provide supplementary scaffolding
for student-centered learning experiences in a non-
formal setting, promoting active reflection, creativity,
and meaning-making through experiences. As illus-
trated in Figure 1, the proposed structure does not aim
to modify the current formal approach in Japan’s sec-
ondary education, but rather to enable students to de-
velop global competence skills through offline experi-
ences and broaden their contact with diverse cultures
through ICT tools.
Figure 1: Proposed Structure of the Program.
2.2 Nonformal Learning
Constructionism is based on the idea that individuals
learn best when actively constructing understanding
and meaning, rather than passively receiving informa-
tion (Harel and Papert, 1991). Rather than committal
to memorization, Figure 2 illustrates the supporting
theories used in the proposed program.
Figure 2: Supporting Theories for the Proposed Program.
The program is partly constructed based on
Lev Vygotsky’s concept of constructing knowledge
through socialization (Vygotsky and Cole, 2018;
Pass, 2004). Facilitators, local community members,
high school teachers, and student peers all play a role
in the communication and learning process. Through
social interaction, students create their own interpre-
tations of the material and integrate them with exist-
ing schemas (Gallagher and Reid, 2002).
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Incorporating a social constructivist learning the-
ory in the proposed program has numerous benefits,
including the ability for students to identify areas of
interest, foster creativity, and collaborate with peers to
appreciate diverse perspectives (Vygotsky and Cole,
2018). This approach also inspires active reflection
and discovery, enhancing the creation of knowledge
(Alam, 2022; Ali, 2019). Moreover, the social con-
structivist method provides workshop facilitators with
a degree of autonomy, allowing them to tailor the ses-
sions to the needs and level of understanding of dif-
ferent participants (Vygotsky and Cole, 2018).
Jean Piaget’s learning theory of constructivism
supports the second half of the grounding philosophy
for the proposed program (Pass, 2004). Reflecting on
one’s own practices is a critical aspect of adapting and
integrating new information (Pass, 2004). This re-
flection procedure encourages exploration and active
learning (Gallagher and Reid, 2002).
2.3 Creating the Environment
The proposed program intends to foster students’ so-
cial lean-in and promote global competence devel-
opment by creating a learning environment that in-
tegrates social context with exposure to global is-
sues. This approach aligns with the idea that global
competence is often enhanced within a social context
through proactive engagement with real-world global
issues (OECD, 2018).
To motivate social lean-in, the program has been
designed to shift students from passive knowledge
receivers to active learners and enhance their global
competence through nonformal learning opportuni-
ties. It utilizes the Design Thinking Process (DTP)
(Friis Dam and Yu Siang, 2020) to facilitate students’
awareness of a specific topic of interest, apprecia-
tion of diverse perspectives, and proactive problem-
solving (Rao et al., 2022) As 21st-century students
are naturally inclined to be technology-savvy, digital
resources have become an intuitive form of learning
outside of school (Saykili, 2019). Incorporating ICT
tools in the program, therefore, provides an efficient
way to transmit, store, create, share, and exchange in-
formation and ideas (Saykili, 2019).
The study focuses on exploring the potential of utiliz-
ing the nonformal learning environment and dynamic
interaction between ICT tools and DTP framework
for promoting the acquisition of global competence
and social lean-in among students.
Specifically, as illustrated in Figure 3, the pro-
gram is grounded on constructionism values and aims
to provide a nonformal learning setting that utilizes
ICT to support global competence development. De-
sign thinking practices are employed as a guide to en-
able students to actively perceive, discover, and ana-
lyze their local communities. The ICT tools’ innate
characteristics brought a many-to-many communica-
tion platform that further supports the construction of
peer learning (Pfister, 2011). Collaborative learning,
which is an operative means to benefit the learning
progression and increase the learning involvement for
learners (Topping, 2005), is possible under the peer
learning theory. Through this setting, students can es-
tablish connections with local community members
and actively interact with the facilitator community.
Figure 3: Relationships among the Proposed Program, Con-
structionism, and ICT Tools.
In addition, Self-Determination Theory supports
using a continuum and interactive structure to fulfill
the inner needs for competence, connection, and au-
tonomy, as well as social interpersonal communica-
tion, all of which can enhance knowledge construc-
tion and motivation to learn (Flannery, 2017; Parr
and Townsend, 2002). The proposed program takes
this into account by providing room for individual
decision-making and ownership while utilizing ICT
tools for cooperative learning and peer assessment
(Jacobs and Ivone, 2020; Pinheiro and Sim
oes, 2012).
These aspects further enhance student engagement
and broaden their perspectives as they share their dis-
3.1 Collaboration with Fujimigaoka
High School (FHS)
Since 2015, the proposed program has been annually
implemented outside of regular class hours at FHS, an
all-girls secondary education institution in Japan that
aims to “nurture young ladies with a global mindset”
(FHS, 2015). The proposed program, which has an
average of 100 tenth-grade participants each year, is
incorporated into the compulsory course “Basic Sus-
ICT-Supported Design Thinking Workshop Program: A Case Study of Encouraging Social Lean-In for High School Students in Japan
tainability”, as part of FHS’s designation as a “Su-
per Global High School” (FHS, 2015) by the Japanese
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and
Facilitated by the Global Education project team
at Keio University Graduate School of Media Design,
the program features an average of 1 to 1.7 facilitator-
to-group ratio, allowing for more thorough discus-
sions and improved relational connections between
students and facilitators. The project team com-
prises postgraduate students from at least 15 countries
across Asia, Europe, North America, South America,
and the Middle East, offering high school students the
opportunity to interact with facilitators from diverse
cultural backgrounds.
3.2 Frequency of Implementation
The proposed ICT-supported workshop program was
conducted at FHS in Japan, typically once a month
from June to January of the following year. The in-
tervals between workshops allowed students to gain
practical experience through hands-on learning in the
3.3 Specifics of the Proposed Program
The workshop comprises eight sessions that use DTP
as a framework for facilitation. The first two ses-
sions aim to orient students to the program and project
theme while fostering group bonding. The remain-
ing six sessions guide students to explore, examine,
ideate, and create solutions for a community of their
choice, based on project themes such as global econ-
omy, sustainable development, climate action, and
gender equality. The following discussion will focus
on the third session and beyond, where DTP is uti-
3.3.1 Design with Culture in Mind
FHS students, who have not previously participated
in non-formal learning, may initially expect detailed,
step-by-step instructions from the facilitators. To
challenge this mindset and facilitate the transition to
non-formal learning, the program’s third and fourth
session focuses on DTP’s “empathize and define”
3.3.2 DTP Phase 1: Empathize and Define
The “empathize and define” phase comprises two
workshop sessions that aim to raise students’ aware-
ness of their community through practical experi-
ences such as keeping an observation diary, conduct-
ing interviews, and reflecting on community issues
and situations. Figure 3 illustrates 4 main activities
designed for team members to interact with each other
and international facilitators, providing opportunities
to apply their learning even beyond the workshop ses-
In 2016, the proposed program built upon the for-
mal classroom learning of the global economy by
providing students with practical experiences in field
research and observation, data collection, and pro-
cess analysis related to locally-made goods for the
global market. This hands-on approach encouraged
active exploration and critical thinking, moving stu-
dents away from traditional passive learning methods.
By utilizing the discovery learning concept, the pro-
gram attempts to develop self-sufficient learners who
determine the linkage among diverse evidence, per-
ceptions, and theories rather than relying on straight-
forward teaching (Clark, 2018).
3.3.3 DTP Phase 2: Ideate and Feedback
This phase, depicted in Figure 3, consists of two
workshop sessions with main activities that aim to
unify information obtained from previous sessions,
establish arguments, articulate individual sentiments,
and stimulate deliberations toward common goals.
The implementation of this phase has shown that
culture is a crucial factor influencing student partici-
pation. The local culture of valuing conformity, social
expectations of obedience, and females being agree-
able can act as barriers to learning. Therefore, the
proposal was modified to address these cultural char-
acteristics, challenging students’ comfort zone by re-
quiring them to articulate criticism with reasoning and
express individual views. Often, tutors tend to simply
encourage students to speak up, but the proposed pro-
gram goes further by creating a safe environment for
sharing and conversing. Observations indicate facili-
tators’ determination to generate such an environment
is a significant first step.
The mindmap technique was used during the ses-
sions to ideate solutions and understand the intercon-
nection of stakeholders and its multifaceted nature
in a topic. Facilitators mediate and encourage pro-
ductive exchanges among peers and constructive re-
flection. Post-session, students refine their ideation
based on peer feedback, which would gain practice
in problem-solving, decision-making, and communi-
cation, providing experiences that are not typically
found in traditional formal schooling.
Such problem-based and case-based learning per-
mit students to practice their knowledge in real-life
circumstances, encouraging advanced cognition ca-
pacity (PCTL, 2021; CITL, 2021). This exercise
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
in striving under challenging situations facilitates a
growth mindset (Dweck, 2016), and community inter-
action enables students to expand their understanding
of self-identity and personal values.
3.3.4 DTP Phase 3: Prototype and Testing
Aligned with global competence thinking, the final
phase of the program encourages students to take ac-
tion and showcase their creations through a year-end
exhibition. Preparing and exhibiting the work allows
students to take ownership. Building upon the expe-
rience in phase 2, the final exhibition challenges stu-
dents to interact among team members and consider
and construct the meaning of their proposed solutions.
Here the area of learning comes from considering the
impact of proposed solutions for the target commu-
During this phase, facilitators focus on ensuring
the freedom of exploration in prototyping and learn-
ing through trial and error whilst maintaining motiva-
tion. The reflection on experiences enables students
to gain awareness of the total experience. Based on
the feedback from students, it is noticeable that this
final process also enables students to gain a sense
of control and confidence as well as bonding among
the members. According to McClelland’s theory of
needs (Osemeke and Adegboyega, 2017), this oppor-
tunity to demonstrate competence satisfies the need
for achievement and becomes one of the motivators
which further ignites students’ learning behavior.
ICT tools are selected for their ability to transmit,
store, share, and exchange information, thoughts, and
communication, supporting the collaborative learning
process (Pinto and Leite, 2020). Additionally, using
ICT allows students to learn at their own pace. The
discussion below is structured around the three pri-
mary contributions of ICT tools. The specific func-
tions, values, and observations for the use of ICT in
the proposed program are summarized in Table 1.
4.1 Co-Creation Within Team
Observations from the implemented sessions show
that ICT tools such as Google Slides, Jamboard,
Padlet, Miro, and Zoom supported group work and
co-creation processes within each team. These tools
were chosen to shift students’ attention from large
group peer pressure and conformity culture, providing
each team with a secluded platform that helps them
stay focused on small group discussions while having
enough flexibility to share information among mem-
bers. Online ICT tools provide options for learning
pace and communication in preferred formats.
Feedback received from students indicates that
they appreciated the interactions among team mem-
bers, particularly for data analysis and logic flow or-
ganization to create their project proposal. Students
also noticed the flexibility of ICT platforms, and their
ease of use supported them in proactively exploring
other functions during the co-creation process, pro-
viding them with a sense of autonomy. Observations
of student behavior during sessions show that they
were more willing to take the initiative to communi-
cate without probing from facilitators.
4.2 Large-Scale Discussion
Given the large number of participants each year,
challenges related to visibility on the progress of in-
dividual groups and large-scale participant discus-
sion were anticipated. To address these challenges,
tools such as Mentimeter, Padlet, and Miro were em-
ployed. Data confirmed that these tools enabled stu-
dents to have wider visibility into the work of their
peers upon initial completion of work within each
team, which further stimulates their interest in other
groups’ progress and discussion among and within
their team members. Increased cross-team interac-
tions were also observed, as well as the ability to
discuss, appreciate, comment, and share the work
of other teams within their own group. From the
perspective of Self-Determination Theory (Flannery,
2017), the nonformal learning setting and ICT tools
offer fertile ground for autonomy. The exhibition
at the end of the program offers an opportunity to
demonstrate students’ competence, and peer social in-
teractions throughout the program contribute towards
the relatedness. By fulfilling the need for autonomy,
competence, and relatedness, the proposed program
helps foster students’ intrinsic motivation to learn.
4.3 Intercultural Interactions
In addition to cross-team interactions, the mediation
of ICT tools was particularly pronounced when travel
was limited due to COVID-19. Facilitators were sit-
uated around the globe in their home counties while
participants were in Japan. Zoom enabled commu-
nication to be established in various formats regard-
less of geographical boundaries. For example, in DTP
phase one, Zoom’s live audio-visual images allowed
both facilitators and students to share their local com-
munity environment and lifestyle. During these inter-
ICT-Supported Design Thinking Workshop Program: A Case Study of Encouraging Social Lean-In for High School Students in Japan
Table 1: Functions and Value of ICT Tools Used in the Proposed Program.
Tex t Tran smi ss ion Image Transmission Audi o-v is ual Transmiss io n Data Storag e Interpersonal Communication
Visi bi lity of other Gro ups'
Mass Communication
Val ue Co nt ri bu tion to t he
Offered commu nicati on
Offered mult isen sory
Offered mult isen sory
Ensu red conti nu ous 2 4/7/3 65
access for self-paced learning
Encourag ed wi thin-team and
cross-team discussions
& Connected students with
facilitators worldwide
Provided opportunities for
peer learning
Allo wed i ndivi dual s to be
heard and seen by all attendees
Observ at io n Evi dences
Students actively participated
in discussions on Zoom and
Students took
photos/screenshots of slides
and used mood boards for
Students showed active
comprehension by taking
notes, nodding heads, and
asking relevant questions
Students accessed and checked
resources uploaded on Padlet
after sessions
Students collaborated on
projects using Canva, Google
Slides, and Jamboard
Students commented and
interacted with each other's
work o n Padlet and Mi ro
Students expressed individual
opinions using MentiMeter
during online sessions
Zoom X X X
Canva X X X X X X
Goog le Sli des
actions, students can non-formally become aware of
the cultural differences as facilitators visually show
and tell their physical settings and introduce local
lifestyles. Meanwhile, tools such as Mentimeter gave
students a unique experience as they voice out indi-
vidual thoughts anonymously, which was a unique ex-
perience in a collectivist and conformist cultural con-
Insights from these experiences were organized
and documented using Jamboard, Padlets, and Miro,
which facilitated internal deliberation as students pro-
gressed to the second phase of the DTP process. Here,
facilitators oversaw the development of the investiga-
tion, engaged students in text conversations to reflect
on experiences, and challenged their presumptions,
thus developing their cultural metacognition (Chua
et al., 2012). This process allowed students to com-
bine newfound insights with pre-existing thinking and
creatively address community issues.
Students gain support on the content of work, en-
counter interpersonal and intercultural connections,
and problem-solving skills. With these experiences,
students learned the diversity in perspectives and how
culture shapes one’s value system and beliefs, further
influencing behavior. This new interaction, feedback,
and support experience, from a social learning pro-
cess perspective, acts as a motivator for learners to
continue to take proactive actions and overcome the
fear of failure and attempt to step out of their current
comfort zone of formal learning style.
5.1 Insights from Student Feedback
Table 2 presents qualitative responses from student
surveys that provide valuable insights into students’
learning experiences and workshop design. These
responses indicate that participants have developed
self-awareness and critical thinking abilities, become
more invested in community issues, and demonstrated
motivation to propose and take action towards ad-
dressing these issues, showcasing social lean-in. Fur-
thermore, the process of learning to ”lean in” has been
found to cultivate a growth mindset. The positive con-
versation during the program further motivated stu-
dents, who were provided with an open and safe en-
vironment to express their views, provide peer re-
sponses, and share knowledge. Facilitators could also
exchange views with students outside planned times
and restricted physical sites.
Qualitative feedback also indicated first-hand in-
volvement in this program promotes understanding
of diverse perspectives where students recognize the
importance of mental flexibility and respecting dis-
similar views when approaching and examining situa-
tions. In addition, the program provided a foundation
for a flipped classroom experience with the support
of ICT tools, offering access to educational resources
outside of workshop sessions and facilitating individ-
ualized support during the workshop sessions. As a
result, students engaged more in activities and discus-
sions during session hours and proactively explored
learning materials outside of the workshop.
5.2 Key Elements of Success
The proposed program’s implementation has revealed
several key elements of success. First is the collab-
oration and support from the high school where the
program was held. As change is a rather challenging
topic culturally (Saito, 2018), having an open-minded
institution agree to this partnership was essential for
the program’s successful implementation. The school
provided access and acted as a strong liaison with
smooth communication and commitment throughout
the years of study.
Additionally, facilitators’ dedication, extra time in
pre-session training, open discussion, and preparation
contributed significantly to the program’s success.
The open and honest sharing of experiences, both suc-
cesses and challenges, further bonds the facilitators
and allows best practices to be quickly learned and
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Students’ Learnings.
Themes Examples
Increased awareness of self within the community
“The most important thing I learned today was to think about social issues as my own.”
“I learned that it is important to find social issues starting from myself.”
Developed ability to critically evaluate information, articulate and refine own
ideas, and form well-reasoned opinions
“There were many times when I could not express my opinions, but I did my best to participate
actively. I was able to share my opinions with everyone.”
“By asking people questions, you can learn things you wouldn’t have thought of on your own.”
Greater understanding and recognition of the causes of certain community issues
“The most important thing I learned today was to think deeply about causes.”
“The problems that are happening today are caused by many different things.”
Motivation to take action toward community issues
“I would like to have the opportunity to freely express my thoughts and thoughts about our
current situation and the environment through illustrations.”
Cultivation of a growth mindset th rough th e p rocess o f learning to “lean-in” “I learned that it is important to continue to take on challenges.”
Gained broader perspectives
“I found that expressing daily problems in writing and pictures helps me to think about solutions
at the same time.”
Willingness to engag e with and learn fro m diverse perspectives
“The most important thing I learned today was to expand my inspiration by listening to different
people’s opinions.”
“Different people have different opinions on the same issue, so it is necessary to take into
account the other person’s ideas.”
adapted to unique facilitator-student circumstances.
The qualitative feedback suggests that well-prepared
and adequately trained facilitators can adapt to diverse
learning needs, improving student learning outcomes.
Furthermore, a broad enough topic that is rele-
vant to students’ formal learning and their local con-
text also contributes to the success of implementation.
Having a wider topic allows students to explore in
a nonformal learning environment, and context rele-
vancy further motivates students to lean in.
However, challenges were encountered during the
implementation, including but not limited to aspects
such as varying levels of student engagement, limita-
tions in terms of time and resources, which had an
impact on the consistency and sustainability of the
workshop, and the struggle in time to allow students
to learn at their own pace.
Future work includes making the workshop more
relevant to current learning methods, using digital
tools, and connecting with local community members
and stakeholders. Quantitative studies across differ-
ent locations and regions will help gain a deeper un-
derstanding of the workshop’s impact.
The authors would like to thank the 800+ students and
teachers of FHS, as well as colleague facilitators, for
their support and participation in the workshop activi-
ties over the past eight years. Their contributions were
crucial to the success of the program.
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