The analysis of reported issues and relevant
comments showed that a deeper study of the impact
of non-NL elements is needed to explore semantical
aspects of reports. This extends the space of the report
analysis. The introduced text pre-processing and
derived text features facilitate understanding the
classification decisions and assure better accuracy.
The validity threat to our study is the result restriction
to a few projects. Nevertheless, the presented
methodology is universal due to similarities in created
software repositories (contents and structure).
The main text mining is targeted at classification
or clustering of the considered textual objects, here
we can use diverse statistical and machine learning
techniques, which can be combined and adapted to
project specificity and searched properties. This can
be enhanced with contextual and correlations
analysis. Distinction between texts generated by bots,
authored by users, developers or testers could narrow
semantic searches and extend the space of repository
studies. Further research is targeted at correlating
issue handling processes schemes and times with
semantical aspects of textual descriptions and other
issue features (basing on our previous experience -
Sosnowski, et al., 2017; Polaczek & Sosnowski,
2021). This can be enhanced with questionnaire
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