4.1 Summary
The present work aimed to outline a framework for
using OSM data to enrich driving data recorded in
real traffic environments. Using OSM data requires
several steps, such as identifying relevant way IDs,
downloading way data, and sorting the nodes of the
segment IDs before the data can be joined with the
driving data. Further, the importance of data
visualization has been highlighted for all pre-
processing steps.
We also presented an application scenario by
using the extracted map data for calculating a path
curvature along the way segments and converting it
into a potential velocity model that has been used in
an algorithm for predicting turn maneuvers.
4.2 Discussion
Analyzing and modeling behavioral data from driving
studies can be challenging and often entails numerous
steps of data handling, preparation, and aggregation
before the final data modeling and extraction of
results can be performed. In research papers, these
data steps are typically described only briefly due to
the natural limitation of words and intended focus on
the related research questions. Comparatively,
research papers on modeling behavioral data from
other domains, such as automotive engineering,
summarize these steps using abstract algorithmic
sequences or mathematical formulas. For early career
researchers or experts from other domains with only
limited experience in technical implementations of
complex data processing pipelines or algorithms,
these types of papers can be discouraging and prevent
further investigation.
Being able to (re-)implement these data
processing steps can be a crucial requirement to
reproduce published results, extend previous
research, or reuse analytical models for other research
purposes. Based on previous research activities, this
work presents a step-by-step guide for enriching
driving data by means of public map data and freely
available tools such as databases and open-source
programming languages. The aim of this paper was to
help readers getting started with similar projects,
particularly smaller research groups or individual
human factors researchers without access to experts
from data engineering teams. However, the presented
methods can be used in many areas of human factors
research and are easily accessible. To make the
presented methods even more efficient, future work
could focus on automating the retrieval of way ids and
corresponding map data (node information),
depending on the recorded GPS data of the driver.
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