A Process for Evaluating the Prudence of Enterprise Architecture Debts
Ada Slupczynski
, Peter Alexander
and Horst Lichter
Research Group Software Construction, RWTH Aachen University, Ahornstrasse 55, Aachen, Germany
Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture Debt, Prudence, Recklessness.
Enterprise architecture (EA) debt represents a situation involving the declining quality of an EA in return for
gains in other aspects. It accumulates through the sub-optimal architecture decisions made by the projects
contributing to the EA. To avoid the reckless accumulation of EA debt, the impact of an architectural decision
on EA debt and its prudence needs evaluation. However, as the scope of an EA debt issue tends to cover
a wide range of systems and stakeholders, there may be different views on its prudence depending on the
evaluation context. Failing to consider all relevant contexts may lead to reckless estimates and justifications
for the EA debt. The analysis of prudence and recklessness exists in related fields of study (e.g., technical
debt and financial debt). However, research has yet to explore the way to apply these concepts in EA debt
management practices. Therefore, this study proposes a process for evaluating the prudence of EA debts,
which we developed based on current insights about prudence and recklessness in related fields of study.
Furthermore, we discuss some open questions and propose future research directions in this context.
Enterprise architecture (EA) offers comprehensive
support for promoting business-IT alignment, yet
coping with misalignment issues remains challeng-
ing. Common organizational problems, such as ad-
verse behavior (e.g., poor communication and IT
governance) and incautious trade-off decisions (e.g.,
reusing legacy systems to expedite project delivery),
often lead to misalignment issues. If not managed,
these issues may gradually slow or even stagnate fur-
ther evolution of the EA. Thus, the concept of EA debt
has been proposed (Hacks et al., 2019).
EA debt represents ”the deviation of the cur-
rently present state of an enterprise from a hypothet-
ical ideal state” (Hacks et al., 2019). On the one
hand, EA debt leads to declining architectural qual-
ities (e.g., higher complexity and lower maintainabil-
ity) and tends to increase the cost or difficulty of fu-
ture changes. On the other hand, taking on EA debt
as a short-term solution can be deemed necessary to
cope with tight constraints or to optimize return on
IT investment. Therefore, before taking on EA debt,
all relevant stakeholders should be well aware of the
consequences and their responsibilities for it.
To ensure prudent decisions on EA debt, enter-
prise architects must first understand the factors and
aspects of prudence and recklessness in this context.
However, evaluating the prudence of EA debts can be
challenging as stakeholders’ views on prudence and
recklessness may differ depending on the evaluation
context. This issue often occurs in a complex orga-
nization where a spectrum of interests and contradic-
tions exist among the stakeholders. Finding a consen-
sus here is necessary to avoid taking on EA debt based
on reckless estimates and justifications.
Thus, a process for collaboratively evaluating the
prudence and recklessness of EA debt is needed. Al-
though related studies exist in various debt-related
contexts, e.g., technical debt (TD) and financial debt
(FD), they only describe the basic understanding of
prudence and recklessness without addressing ways
to evaluate them in practice. More importantly, none
has explored prudence and recklessness in the context
of EA debt. Therefore, this study aims to gather in-
sights about prudence and recklessness in related con-
texts to answer the following research question (RQ):
RQ How to evaluate the prudence of EA debts in a
complex organization?
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 discusses related works on the char-
acteristics of prudent and reckless debts. In section 3,
we propose a process for evaluating the prudence of
Slupczynski, A., Alexander, P. and Lichter, H.
A Process for Evaluating the Prudence of Enterprise Architecture Debts.
DOI: 10.5220/0011971400003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 623-630
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
EA debts. Then, section 4 demonstrates the process
using an illustrative problem scenario. Section 5 sum-
marizes our interviews with EA researchers and prac-
titioners about the process. Section 6 discusses the
implications and threats to the validity of our result.
Finally, section 7 concludes this paper and motivates
future research directions in this context.
Our exploration into TD and FD studies identifies var-
ious characteristics of prudence and recklessness. A
study introduced prudence and recklessness as two of
the four classifiers in the TD quadrant: a concept that
helps to decide whether taking on TD is a strategic
move or not (Fowler, 2009). According to the TD
quadrant, a debt is prudent when the ”payoff is greater
than the costs of paying it off but reckless when it
”results in crippling interest payments or a long pe-
riod of paying down the principal. Meanwhile, other
TD studies consider debt prudent when all possible
consequences are well-understood before incurring
the debt, including the positive, negative, short-term,
and long-term consequences (Clair, 2016) (Codabux
et al., 2017) (Sas and Avgeriou, 2019) (Silva et al.,
2018) (Waltersdorfer et al., 2020) (Zalewski, 2017);
all relevant stakeholders have deliberately consented
to take on the debt (Sas and Avgeriou, 2019) (Silva
et al., 2018) (Waltersdorfer et al., 2020); when fea-
sible measures to repay the debt have been clarified
(Brenner, 2019) (Silva et al., 2018); and when the un-
derlying premises of the debt are valid as well as well-
documented (Brenner, 2019) (Ernst et al., 2015).
Furthermore, some studies on FD defined several
characteristics of prudence. These studies argue that
debt is prudent when all relevant risks and expendi-
tures to hedging against the debt have been assessed
(Denton et al., 2003); when the premises underly-
ing the debt and following conclusions are deemed
valid before incurring the debt (Becha et al., 2020);
and when all relevant stakeholders are well-informed
about the debt’s cost-benefit analysis (Wolf, 2013).
Despite all these insights about what prudence and
recklessness are, little is known on how to evaluate
them specifically for EA debts.
Based on our exploration into related literature (as de-
scribed in section 2), we developed a process that al-
lows various stakeholders to collaborate in continu-
ously evaluating the prudence of EA debts, ensuring
an up-to-date and comprehensive view in this context.
As shown in figure 1, the prudence evaluation process
(PEP) contains six interrelated sub-processes and de-
tailed activities as described in the following.
As suggested in (Becha et al., 2020), (Brenner,
2019), and (Ernst et al., 2015), evaluating the pru-
dence of debt requires an understanding of the under-
lying premises. Therefore, we propose that the PEP
starts with the Debt Context Analysis, which focuses
on identifying the various contexts, circumstances,
and stakeholders to be considered in analyzing the EA
debt. This sub-process starts with identifying the debt
contexts: the organizational contexts in which the EA
debt and its effects are present. A debt context can be
as general as some organizational layers (e.g., busi-
ness, application, security, infrastructure) or as spe-
cific as some organization entities (e.g., capabilities,
applications, processes, standards). Some ways to
identify the debt contexts include having discussions
with the relevant domain experts and analyzing the
available documentation (e.g., EA models). Once the
debt contexts are known, this sub-process continues
with identifying the debt circumstances: the organi-
zational factors that support or oppose the need for
the EA debt under analysis. A debt circumstance can
be some specific organization rule, constraint, or re-
quirement that turns the EA debt into an advantage or
disadvantage for the organization. Next, based on the
debt contexts and circumstances identified, the sub-
process proceeds with identifying the debt stakehold-
ers: the people whose understanding and cooperation
are necessary for the further management of the EA
debt under analysis. A debt stakeholder can be the
person in charge of, e.g., the processes or applica-
tions within the scope of the debt contexts and cir-
cumstances. We argue that all these activities can help
to put the EA debt into a broader perspective and thus
allow for a more reasonable evaluation.
Furthermore, after identifying the debt stakehold-
ers, it is necessary to ensure they are informed about
all possible consequences of taking on the debt, as
suggested in (Clair, 2016), (Codabux et al., 2017),
(Sas and Avgeriou, 2019), (Silva et al., 2018), (Wal-
tersdorfer et al., 2020), (Wolf, 2013), and (Zalewski,
2017). Therefore, following the Debt Context Anal-
ysis, we propose the Collective Debt Assessment,
which focuses on preparing and conducting a col-
laborative debt assessment among all debt stakehold-
ers. This sub-process starts with communicating the
debt to its stakeholders. To effectively communicate
the debt, it may be necessary to tailor the debt rep-
resentations according to the debt stakeholders’ spe-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: An overview of processes for evaluating the prudence of EA debts.
cific viewpoints (Maqsood et al., 2022). Next, to ob-
tain a comprehensive view of the debt’s consequences
from all relevant perspectives, we propose to collect
feedback from the debt stakeholders. During this ac-
tivity, it is necessary that all kinds of consequences
(e.g., financial, functional, strategic consequences) re-
ceive the debt stakeholders’ attention, as suggested
in (Denton et al., 2003). Thus, using approaches to
elicit structured feedback (e.g., questionnaire, check-
list) should be considered. Also, looking into the
stakeholders’ feedback may identify new debt con-
texts and circumstances that require further examina-
tion by other stakeholders. The identification of debt
circumstances and stakeholders may thus repeat un-
til the needed level of comprehensiveness is reached.
Then, as there are often some contradictions and dis-
crepancies among stakeholders, we propose to ana-
lyze conflicts and gaps within their feedback. Con-
cretely, a conflict means a disagreement among the
debt stakeholders, whereas a gap refers to the lack of
shared awareness about the debt’s consequences. The
conflicts and gaps identified should then be discussed
with the corresponding stakeholders to correct misun-
derstandings and improve the shared understanding.
Further, as suggested in (Brenner, 2019), (Sas and
Avgeriou, 2019), (Silva et al., 2018), and (Walters-
dorfer et al., 2020), it is necessary to ensure that the
debt and its possible control measures are deliberately
consented by all relevant stakeholders. Therefore, we
propose the Debt Prudence Evaluation, which fo-
cuses on achieving consensus among the debt stake-
holders about the prudence of the debt under analysis
and the feasibility of its control measures. To achieve
this objective, the debt stakeholders must first agree
on the debt’s consequences. Thus, this sub-process
starts with finding solutions to reach an agreement
in the mid of conflicting interests, needs, or attitudes
among the debt stakeholders. To support this ac-
tivity, the use of conflict management strategies and
the presence of a moderator may be necessary. As
the moderator, we suggest choosing someone knowl-
edgeable of the organization’s methods, projects, and
stakeholders. The next activity is to determine means
to assess the debt consequences, namely the criteria
and tools for evaluating the prudence of debt. When
selecting the evaluation criteria, it is necessary to con-
sider the organization’s goals, principles, and general
recommendations, e.g., considering debt as prudent
when its ”payoff is greater than the costs of paying it
off (Fowler, 2009). After the evaluation criteria are
selected and accepted by the relevant stakeholders,
we suggest determining the suitable metrics and tools
for measuring them. Apart from the metrics specific
to the organization, some key performance indicators
of EA management (as proposed in (Matthes et al.,
2012)) can also be used. Finally, this sub-process
proceeds with evaluating the prudence of debt and
its control measures, which focuses on measuring the
debt’s consequences and possible control measures
using the criteria, metrics, and tools selected in the
previous activity. Also, different weights and thresh-
olds can be applied to the evaluation criteria to reflect
the organization’s priorities and tolerance on various
aspects. Based on the determined values and trade-
offs among the evaluation criteria, stakeholders can
classify the debt as either prudent or reckless.
Classifying debt into prudent or reckless provides
an outlook of the debt’s future impact on the organi-
A Process for Evaluating the Prudence of Enterprise Architecture Debts
zation. This outlook will remain valid provided the
debt and its circumstances are controlled as planned.
Therefore, we propose the Debt Control Measures
Monitoring, which focuses on continuously track-
ing the progress and results of planned debt control
measures. This sub-process starts with reviewing the
progress of the control measures to inform stakehold-
ers about the current status, supporting factors, and
inhibitors of the debt control measures. Here, collab-
oration management tools can help to ensure that all
the responsible stakeholders deliver the needed con-
tributions in time. Next, upon completing the debt
control measures, we suggest verifying the effects ex-
pected from the control measures to confirm the costs
and benefits of their implementation. As such effects
may propagate through the dependencies among the
affected systems or projects, analyzing these effects
should take a broader perspective. Thus, the use of
dependency analysis approaches can be helpful here.
Finally, cutting across the above sub-processes
of PEP, the Debt Documentation and Communi-
cation sub-processes focus on ensuring up-to-date
and meaningful documentation of all information in-
volved in the PEP as well as facilitating the commu-
nication of it among the stakeholders. In this way,
stakeholders are less likely to rely on ”tribal memory,
which often happens in enterprise-level management
(Brenner, 2019) (Klinger et al., 2011). To achieve
consistency in this context, one should consider us-
ing structured documentation and communication ap-
proaches (e.g., forms, reports, catalogs).
This section introduces a toy use case and presents the
process of applying the proposed PEP to evaluate the
prudence of EA debts contained in this use case.
4.1 Use Case
A company has been working on a core functional-
ity project. Due to its complexity, the project grew
to require many dependencies, making maintenance
harder. Thus, the company decided to invest in reduc-
ing the project’s TD through refactorings and enforc-
ing updated architectural guidelines. The new archi-
tectural guidelines include, among others, avoiding
further dependencies between newly developed func-
tionalities and the non-refactored parts of the legacy
solution. However, due to time and budget pres-
sure, the company managed the refactoring only par-
tially while still having to deliver the new functional-
ity quickly. To cope with this situation, a stakeholder
proposed temporarily deviating from the guidelines
and incurring EA debt by reusing some parts of the
non-refactored systems for the new functionality.
The system under study consists of two sub-
systems: Modern System and Legacy System. Mod-
ern System uses a popular language—it is easy to find
programmers knowing it. However, Modern System
is dependent on some functionalities of the Legacy
System, which uses an old language—its program-
mers are rare and expensive. The whole system has
three applications of interest (see Figure 2). Applica-
tion A is already modernized and decoupled from the
Legacy System. Application B is still a legacy appli-
cation and depends on another, i.e., Application C.
The new functionality requires the introduction of
Application D, which requires some functionalities of
Application B. Going forward, there are two decision
alternatives: The first is to deploy Application D on
the Legacy System. The second is to deploy Applica-
tion D on the Modern System and establish a cross-
systems communication with Application B. These
decision alternatives are subject to EA assessment.
4.2 Process
Due to various perspectives and needs, the EA man-
agers decided to use PEP for their assessment. In
the Debt Context Analysis, the EA managers iden-
tify the context of the debt. The company is currently
working on modernization. The development budget
for the legacy system was reduced after the decision
to modernize it. Additionally, the number of expe-
rienced programmers for the legacy system has sig-
nificantly diminished over the past few years, while
the number of modern system programmers has in-
creased. In the next step, the circumstances of the
debt are analyzed. One of the circumstances is the
guidelines requiring new functionality to be built in-
dependently of the legacy system. As they analyzed
the documentation, they identified the debt stakehold-
ers - a modernization team leader, a group of pro-
grammers working with the Modern System, a group
of programmers working with the Legacy System,
and finally, the requirements analyst, who was work-
ing with the client on the new functionality require-
ments. All findings are documented to support the
further steps of the process.
All debt stakeholders are invited to discuss the two
options, as per Collective Debt Assessment. The EA
managers communicate their findings to the gathered
stakeholders, inviting a discussion. Each of the in-
vited stakeholders is asked to provide feedback. The
feedback is documented during the discussion, and
the relevant information is identified. For example,
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Modern System
Legacy System
Legacy System
Modern System
Application B
Application DApplication A
Application C
1st Option 2nd Option
New Development
Application A
Application C Application B
Modern Systems Legacy Systems
Application D
Violation to
EA standard
Figure 2: Example of evaluating the prudence of EA debt using the PEP process.
the need to deliver quickly is identified from the feed-
back of the client’s representative. Another require-
ment provided by the modernization team leader is
that the modernization project is on a limited bud-
get spread over a couple of years. From this, EA
managers identify that modernizing Application B to
deliver the new functionality on time is not feasi-
ble in the given time frame. The Legacy System
programmers argue for the implementation involving
the Legacy System. Due to their extensive system
knowledge, this option would be delivered sooner,
saving time and meeting the deadline. Due to their
experience, it would also be a more reliable result.
Upon this, the EA managers note that this violates the
company guidelines and would eventually require the
modernization of the new Application D. The Modern
System programmers advocate development using the
Modern System. They point out the guideline accor-
dance and the integration of new functionality with
the Modern System. They are confident in their pro-
gramming skills but acknowledge lesser knowledge
of Legacy System applications, including Application
B, on which Application D would depend. They also
identify that this option would cost more, as it would
require the development of an interface to allow for
the use of Application B. The legal representative pro-
vides information on the contractual penalty of cross-
ing the time-to-deliver. Based on the stakeholder dis-
cussions, the EA managers identifies a conflict of time
and cost versus guidelines. They also identify a com-
munication gap between the two teams. This issue
leads to another round of discussions.
After listening to all stakeholders and analyzing
the conflict, the EA managers started the Debt Pru-
dence Evaluation. They evaluate the two options on
their cost and resulting benefit (see Table 1). The
first option is considered according to the cost of dis-
regarding the guidelines and modernizing in the fu-
Table 1: Costs and benefits analysis of the two options in
the toy example.
Option 1 Option 2
faster delivery guideline accordance
deadline met
modern technology
no modernization needed
violates guidelines lesser knowledge of Legacy System
needs additional work needs additional interface
higher cost with time higher cost now
might cross time-to-deliver
ture. Similarly, the second option is evaluated in its
worst-case scenario, adding the penalty for crossing
the time-to-deliver. Team leaders are expected to pro-
vide estimations of their respective solutions. The
costs and gains of the two solutions are compared to
evaluate the prudence of the debt. The first solution
seems quicker and cheaper, but it does not follow the
guidelines and introduces additional debt. The second
solution follows the guidelines and promises fewer
problems in the future, but it is more costly and less
reliable. Given the comparison, the EA managers de-
cide to suggest the first solution. However, to mitigate
the incurred debt, they propose cooperation between
the two teams to simplify future modernization. All
proceedings are to be thoroughly documented. The
findings of the PEP process are documented and pre-
sented to the board for final evaluation and decision.
After a while, the EA managers perform an audit
and observe that the modern language programmers
are more knowledgeable regarding the Legacy System
thanks to the cooperation. All recommendations have
been followed, and the documentation is kept up-to-
date. This activity is performed as part of the Debt
Control Measures Monitoring. The entirety of the
process is documented for future reference and com-
municated to all involved stakeholders as part of Debt
Documentation and Communication activities.
A Process for Evaluating the Prudence of Enterprise Architecture Debts
The evaluation was planned and performed in the
form of an expert interview. Before the interview,
the invited participants obtained a short version of the
presentation slides, introducing the topic. Three EA
Debt experts participated in the evaluation of PEP.
5.1 Background
The first section of the interview was participant’s
background, based on three different aspects. The
first aspect was the work performed. All participants
have extensive experience in EA research. Two work
as associate professor and professor at two differ-
ent universities (neither being RWTH Aachen Univer-
sity). The third participant has industry background
as a Lead Information Architect of a large company.
The second aspect was the participants’ under-
standing of EA. Participants agreed that EA relates
to a holistic consideration of the organization, meant
to align IT and business needs. Additionally, the use
of EA models, structure and visualization was deemed
necessary to obtain an overview of the organization.
The third aspect was the consideration and under-
standing of prudence and recklessness. One partic-
ipant related debt to a gap between the holistic per-
spective and the reality along with the delta describ-
ing it. In this understanding, prudence is trying to re-
duce the gap, while recklessness is allowing the gap.
Another participant focused on consciousness. This
would place prudence as making an informed deci-
sion, and recklessness being not aware or not caring
about doing wrong. The third participant did not de-
cide on the two concepts. They argued that prudence
requires common understanding, which requires defi-
nitions, examples, and best practices.
5.2 Process
The second section focused on assessing the applica-
bility of the proposed PEP. When discussing PEP and
its contribution, the process was first introduced to the
participants. Then each activity was examined sepa-
rately to determine the correctness of PEP.
The evaluation of the process was split into two
parts. The first focusing on usability, second on reli-
ability of the process. First, questions about the use
of prudence evaluation in decision making, the per-
son responsible for the execution of PEP and its col-
laborativeness were asked. Afterwards, the interview
moved towards activity-related questions as presented
in Table 2. The final question was concerning the dif-
ficulties related to the application of the process.
Table 2: Activity-related process questions.
Debt Context Analysis
Which data/documents can be used to determine the context of a debt?
How can the stakeholders relevant to making a decision be identified?
Debt Collective Assessment
Can comprehensive concerns be determined from the gathering
of the stakeholders?
How can it be verified if all relevant concerns were identified?
How to manage potential disagreements?
Debt Prudence Evaluation
Can comprehensive consequences be determined from the
gathered concerns?
Given the consequences and based on the provided definition,
can the prudence of the debt be determined?
Re-evaluation step
Would a re-evaluation require stakeholders involved previously
or only those related to the concern, whose information got updated?
Debt Documentation and Communication
Who and how can document the activities performed?
In this chapter, we will first discuss the results of the
evaluation and the contribution of this study, and fi-
nally consider the threats to validity of this study.
6.1 Evaluation Feedback
Through the expert interviews, we obtained various
feedbacks as summarized in the following.
On Facilitating Common Understanding: The
evaluation showed that although prudence can sup-
port decision-making, it needs to be more defined to
allow for a shared understanding of prudence among
involved stakeholders. PEP requires the context of
the decision and the joint agreement of relevant stake-
holders. The evaluation showed that the process can
be collaborative, supporting expert integration.
On Helping Identify Relevant Stakehold-
ers: The process needs to be supported by
documentation—EA models were unanimously
deemed relevant in the context determination. One
problem might be missing documentation. Thus, it
might be relevant to develop methods and tools for
supporting the identification of context and relevant
stakeholders. To achieve such methods and tools, the
understanding of the company, relations among its
stakeholders, and sources of relevant information is
On Performing a Screening Test: As it can be
challenging to gather all inputs from the stakehold-
ers (due to them being unavailable or simply human
error), the process should be supported by a screen-
ing test to identify potential disagreements. Such test
could show potential outcomes, allowing stakehold-
ers to review the process for correctness. The dis-
agreements could then be prioritized and solved with
conflict management methods.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
On Assessing Accuracy Of Evaluation: The de-
termination of prudence depends on the accuracy of
identified concerns and their consequences. The ac-
curacy depends on the method used for evaluation and
expected reliability of information. As such, support
tools (e.g. correlations between concerns and their
consequences) can increase process’s reliability.
On Performing The Re-Evaluation: Given new
or changed information, the iterative steps support-
ing re-evaluation need to be considered. The re-
evaluation should involve as few participants as pos-
sible, e.g. a necessary core and a review group.
The consideration could require some of the previ-
ously identified stakeholders to participate; however,
it might also identify new ones. The usual workflow
of the company would not be disturbed by each itera-
tion of the process.
On Keeping a Central Documentation: All par-
ticipants agreed that the most important aspect of the
documentation is its type. Initially, a wiki is enough,
but all in all it should be supported by a dedicated tool
containing all necessary information, e.g. about the
decisions and relevant stakeholders. The information
would be stored centrally, allowing for easy access.
On Using in Practice: The process was deemed
lightweight, allowing it to be used in practice. How-
ever, methods used, governance, and standardization
need clarification, improving the ease of use.
6.2 Contribution
The contribution is twofold. One aspect is the contri-
bution towards the research community. Another are
the implications of this study for EA practitioners.
For researchers, the first benefit of this contribu-
tion is the consideration of prudence and recklessness
in the context of EA Debts. During our work, we
found no paper considering the two concepts in this
context. This shows a need for further research on
aspects affecting the decision making. Another bene-
fit is that PEP aims to increase awareness of EA debt
while also allowing to understand specific decisions’
reasons, benefits, and risks.
For practitioners, the first benefit is the classifica-
tion of EA debts into prudent and reckless based on
various criteria, as discussed in Section 2. Such clas-
sification helps to reason the decisions made, leading
to a better overall understanding and management of
EA debt. Also, it helps to improve communication
among various stakeholders. Another benefit is the
support for ensuring a comprehensive understanding
of EA debt consequences, which is necessary for pri-
oritization in decision-making. Finally, the proposed
process activities provide initial guidelines that can be
adapted according to the immediate needs of a spe-
cific enterprise, thereby allowing for a tailored priori-
tization of the debt based on the goals of the enterprise
and the concerns of its stakeholders.
6.3 Threats to Validity
Validity was considered with the help of the defini-
tions provided by (Wohlin, 2000).
The concept of internal validity discusses the
trustworthiness of the relationship between the study
and its results. Due to this, it requires an objective
approach when assessing the data. One potential dan-
ger to internal validity is subjective assessment and
classification. All results presented in this paper were
consulted with an expert at each study stage. The re-
sults were also discussed and presented to further ex-
perts in the form of the performed evaluation. This
ensures objectivity in the scientific proceedings. An-
other essential aspect when considering internal valid-
ity is how much the results represent the actual state
of the art. To ensure this, the development process
was based on the cited scientific works, which had to
be reviewed before publication. This means the sci-
entific fundament for this study was evaluated objec-
tively, without the interference of the authors.
The concept of external validity considers the gen-
eralizability of presented results to other contexts. For
the results to be replicable, we presented the entire
procedure that underlies our results. Additionally, we
restricted our process to the context of EA but not to
other contexts. The presented process is a structure,
requiring further work on more detailed aspects. As a
result, this process can easily be adapted to other con-
texts. The measures mentioned in the Debt Prudence
Evaluation step are to be selected and adapted by the
specific project, allowing their application in various
contexts. To further strengthen the external validity
of our findings, we performed the evaluation not only
with scientific researchers but also practitioners.
The concepts of prudence and recklessness have been
used in TD and FD literature to differentiate good de-
cisions from bad ones. However, the process of eval-
uating them in the context of EA debt has yet to be
defined. Therefore, this paper proposes a process for
assessing the prudence and recklessness of EA deci-
sions considering their consequences and root causes.
Analysis of the most common causes might lead to
discovering a bigger EA problem. Also, understand-
ing the consequences allows stakeholders to realize
A Process for Evaluating the Prudence of Enterprise Architecture Debts
and select the most appropriate decision strategies.
These supports are necessary for making timely and
effective decisions.
This paper also intends to motivate further studies
in this context. One possible research direction is to
identify relevant decision-making contexts and ways
to elicit stakeholders’ perspectives on these contexts.
However, finding all the contexts and stakeholders re-
lated to an EA debt can be intricate, especially when
the EA landscape and management structure is large
and complex. Therefore, future research should de-
velop methods and tools to contextualize EA debts,
collect and organize relevant information from var-
ious sources, and bridge communication among the
relevant stakeholders. Following this, future research
should focus on developing ways to use the informa-
tion collected for meaningful assessments. Thus, we
recommend investigating the relationship between the
information pieces and existing debt-related key per-
formance indicators (KPI) and viewpoint-based ap-
proaches to assessing EA debt. Finally, future re-
search should develop practical ways to conclude the
prudence or recklessness of an EA debt based on the
assessments performed and to select appropriate con-
trol measures. Thus, we recommend exploring the
applicability of existing decision analysis approaches
and debt mitigation strategies to determine, e.g., when
to mitigate risks and reject the decision.
The second research direction is to evaluate the
proposed process in practice. As our evaluation re-
sult suggests, many aspects have yet to be considered
in the core design of the process, e.g., the financial
and project management aspects when evaluating the
prudence of EA debts. Thus, we recommend further
validation and development of the process to make it
more practical, concrete, and well-rounded for real-
world industrial scenarios through, e.g., performing a
series of workshops with various companies and ded-
icated experts. Such workshops can help identify the
unclear but needed aspects of the process.
The third research direction would be to consider
providing a tool to manage all the gathered informa-
tion in one place. Such a tool should classify the infor-
mation based on provided parameters and register the
relations between various information pieces, helping
to find needed information and make decisions.
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems