and select the most appropriate decision strategies.
These supports are necessary for making timely and
effective decisions.
This paper also intends to motivate further studies
in this context. One possible research direction is to
identify relevant decision-making contexts and ways
to elicit stakeholders’ perspectives on these contexts.
However, finding all the contexts and stakeholders re-
lated to an EA debt can be intricate, especially when
the EA landscape and management structure is large
and complex. Therefore, future research should de-
velop methods and tools to contextualize EA debts,
collect and organize relevant information from var-
ious sources, and bridge communication among the
relevant stakeholders. Following this, future research
should focus on developing ways to use the informa-
tion collected for meaningful assessments. Thus, we
recommend investigating the relationship between the
information pieces and existing debt-related key per-
formance indicators (KPI) and viewpoint-based ap-
proaches to assessing EA debt. Finally, future re-
search should develop practical ways to conclude the
prudence or recklessness of an EA debt based on the
assessments performed and to select appropriate con-
trol measures. Thus, we recommend exploring the
applicability of existing decision analysis approaches
and debt mitigation strategies to determine, e.g., when
to mitigate risks and reject the decision.
The second research direction is to evaluate the
proposed process in practice. As our evaluation re-
sult suggests, many aspects have yet to be considered
in the core design of the process, e.g., the financial
and project management aspects when evaluating the
prudence of EA debts. Thus, we recommend further
validation and development of the process to make it
more practical, concrete, and well-rounded for real-
world industrial scenarios through, e.g., performing a
series of workshops with various companies and ded-
icated experts. Such workshops can help identify the
unclear but needed aspects of the process.
The third research direction would be to consider
providing a tool to manage all the gathered informa-
tion in one place. Such a tool should classify the infor-
mation based on provided parameters and register the
relations between various information pieces, helping
to find needed information and make decisions.
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems