Bridging the Computer Science Teacher Shortage with a Digital
Learning Platform
L. M. van der Lubbe
, S. P van Borkulo
, P. B. J. Boon, W. P. G. van Velthoven and J. T. Jeuring
Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 85170, 3508 AD, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Computer Science, Secundary Education, Co-Teach Informatica, Learning Platform, Student Model.
Although computer science is important in the many aspects of the world around us, computer science edu-
cation is insufficient, partly due to a shortage of qualified computer science teachers. Co-Teach Informatica
offers a temporary solution to high schools in the Netherlands to overcome this shortage. With online learning
materials, local remote support desks, and guest teachers, it offers a computer science course following the
curriculum guidelines. This paper presents the design of an online learning platform specifically designed for
the Co-Teach Informatica program. The design has two important pillars: independent learning and progress
tracing. Both are important to ensure that students can follow their computer science course without a quali-
fied computer science teacher in their classroom. Finally, we discuss the design of the student progress tracing
component using a student modelling approach and the requirements of the different user groups.
Computer science is an important subject because of
the influence of the discipline on the world around us.
The number of jobs in software development keeps on
growing. For example, the demand for software de-
velopers in the manufacturing sector is now exceed-
ing the demand for production workers (,
2017a). Research from found that “Com-
puting occupations are the largest category of new
wages in the United States ahead of management,
healthcare, finance, engineering, sales, or any other
category” (, 2016). Although the skills in-
volved in computer science are important to prepare
for future working and everyday life, computer sci-
ence education is insufficient.
In many countries, there is a teacher shortage for
computer science, both in higher and secondary ed-
ucation (Shein, 2019). Moreover, in some cases, a
non-expert teacher (for example a teacher certified in
mathematics) is teaching computer science in a sec-
ondary school (Goode, 2007). There are different
causes of this shortage, among which is the difference
in salary for teaching compared to industry jobs for
computer scientists (Shein, 2019). Moreover, the ma-
jority of computer science students do not consider
teaching as their prior career choice when graduat-
ing (Yeni et al., 2020), as found in a research among
university students from the US. Computer science is
not the only subject with a teacher shortage, globally,
other science subjects, such as mathematics, suffer
from the same problem (McVey and Trinidad, 2019).
However, the number of qualified computer science
teachers who graduate is much lower compared to
mathematics and science teachers (, 2017b).
Different strategies can be applied to attract more
teachers, among which are financial incentives such
as higher salaries and grants, and more opportunities
for teacher licensing for example with an emergency
license until the full license is achieved (McVey and
Trinidad, 2019).
Because schools often only offer a few com-
puter science courses, there is generally only a single
teacher. Thus, computer science teachers do not be-
long to a larger section within their school. This can
create practical challenges and makes collaborations
between teachers difficult (Goode, 2007).
Computer science is an elective course in most
countries, and many schools are not offering it (Yeni
et al., 2020). This means that not all students
will be able to attend a computer science course at
their school or university (Shein, 2019). The con-
tent of computer science curricula in high schools
greatly varies per country and can also differ between
schools. It varies from a focus on basic digital skills
van der Lubbe, L., van Borkulo, S., Boon, P., van Velthoven, W. and Jeuring, J.
Bridging the Computer Science Teacher Shortage with a Digital Learning Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0011971900003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 289-296
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
with a vocational emphasis to learning foundational
computational thinking skills and design principles in
a problem-solving context (Goode, 2007). Therefore,
students can have different skills at the end of their
high school education, preparing them for future jobs
or studies to different extents. In the Netherlands,
Computer Science is also an elective course and few
schools are offering it. There is a national curriculum
for the upper levels of high schools, however schools
still have freedom of how to translate this to their
lessons. Thus, although some general baseline knowl-
edge is required for all students, there are still differ-
ences in the knowledge and competencies of the stu-
dents completing a high school course on Computer
Science in the Netherlands.
Reducing the teacher shortage takes time, and un-
til the situation has improved temporary solutions are
needed. To bring computer science to high schools
without a qualified computer science teacher, Co-
Teach Informatica
offers a remotely organized com-
puter science program following the curriculum for
Dutch schools. Partly, their program is delivered
via online materials. This paper presents the design
of the online learning platform designed specifically
for the Co-Teach Informatica program in the Nether-
lands. The design has two important pillars: inde-
pendent learning and progress tracing. A teacher at
a school participating in the Co-Teach Informatica
program has no or limited content knowledge, but
rather coaches students and manages the practicalities
of the course. Therefore, the platform should facili-
tate the learning of students in the best way possible.
Moreover, a teacher cannot support students in their
progress due to this lack of content knowledge. Trac-
ing the learning progress of the students with the use
of learning goals can help the teachers, but also the
students themselves to gain more insights into their
knowledge level and potential knowledge gaps.
To ensure that the design of the platform is suit-
able for the target group and the program, it is de-
signed in an iterative process and with close collab-
oration with different stakeholders. This paper de-
scribes the design of the platform. The remainder of
this paper will be as follows: The background section
describes the Dutch computer science curriculum, the
organization of the Co-Teach Informatica program,
and methods to trace students’ progress. In the sec-
tion ‘Platform Design’, the design of the platform is
described in more detail. In the ‘Future Work sec-
tion, we briefly look forward to the studies that will
be performed to improve and evaluate the platform.
Finally, in the ‘Conclusions section, the importance
of the research is stressed with a prospect of results
that can be expected from future studies.
2.1 Dutch Computer Science
In the Netherlands, computer science is offered as an
elective course in the higher grades of general sec-
ondary education (in Dutch: havo) and pre-university
education (in Dutch: vwo) (Grgurina et al., 2018).
While regular subjects in the curriculum end with a
national exam in the final grade, computer science
does not have such an exam. Instead, schools can cre-
ate their own exams within the given guidelines. The
content of the curriculum for secondary computer sci-
ence education was renewed in 2019 to be more up-
to-date. The curriculum consists of mandatory core
domains and elective domains. There are three pub-
lishers for learning material for computer science in
the Netherlands: Instruct, Informatica Actief and VO-
Content. Often teachers mix materials from different
publishers and other sources, including their own ma-
2.2 Co-Teach Informatica
Many vacancies for high school computer science
teachers in the Netherlands are unfulfilled and this
number will only increase in the coming years.
Schools are therefore forced to stop offering com-
puter science when their teacher leaves or are unable
to start teaching it (Lucassen, 2022). Co-Teach Infor-
matica aims to help those schools with a temporary
solution following the official curriculum. For the
mandatory domains, Co-Teach Informatica designed
online learning materials that students can use inde-
pendently while a school teacher is present to manage
and motivate the class and do the administration for
the course. This school teacher is not qualified for
computer science and does not need to have computer
science knowledge. To support students on the learn-
ing content, remote local support desks of teaching as-
sistants and subject didactics experts are organized by
Co-Teach Informatica. Multiple remote support desks
are each dedicated to schools in a specific region,
hence they are called local remote support desks. The
teaching assistants also correct and grade the work of
the students. For the elective domains, guest teachers
who are IT professionals are invited to give a project-
based module in a class. Those guest teachers receive
didactical training from Co-Teach Informatica. An
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
overview of the organization of the Co-Teach Infor-
matica program can be found in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Overview of the organization of the Co-Teach In-
formatica program.
This paper presents the design of a learning plat-
form developed for the Co-Teach Informatica pro-
gram. The focus of this platform is to facilitate stu-
dents, teachers and local remote support desks in their
learning process and work. The platform has two
important pillars: independent learning and progress
tracing. These two pillars are particularly important
because the teacher at the participating school is not
a computer science content expert and therefore has
limited content knowledge. Therefore, it is important
that the independent learning of the students is sup-
ported in the best way possible. That means for ex-
ample that communicating with the local remote sup-
port desk should be easy and accessible. Although
the teacher present in the classroom can motivate and
guide students, the teacher might not be able to over-
see their learning progress as the teacher is not famil-
iar with the content. Tracing the students’ progress
by modelling their knowledge based on learning goals
can help to give students, teachers, and teaching assis-
tants insights into the progress of students and classes.
2.3 Tracing Student Progress
To follow the knowledge state of a student and to pre-
dict future performance, knowledge or skill modelling
can be used (Pel
anek, 2017). This is the most used
form of what is called student modelling. Besides
a student’s knowledge and skills, other aspects can
be incorporated into a student model, such as student
motivation, preference or affect. While those aspects
are dynamic, static aspects like gender or age can also
be used (Chrysafiadi and Virvou, 2013).
Student models are useful for teachers or educa-
tional content developers to gain insights in for exam-
ple item difficulty or learner clusters (Pel
anek, 2017).
Learner clustering puts students into a cluster of sim-
ilar students. The system that uses this clustering can
adapt to those clusters, instead of treating all students
as if they were coming from a homogenous group.
For example, if student clusters are created around
learning difficulties, each cluster can receive different
forms of information.
Making a student model available to students of-
fers them a tool for reflection and self-monitoring,
supports discussions between students and teachers
and supports self-regulated learning (Pel
anek, 2017).
In such cases, the model is often visualized, for ex-
ample in a (directed) graph. In adaptive educational
systems, student models are a way to provide person-
alization for individual students (Chrysafiadi and Vir-
vou, 2013). Based on the information in the student
model about the needs, preferences, and knowledge
state, the system can adapt the learning path.
A student model can cover different aspects: the
process of learning and forgetting, using observa-
tional data, domain modelling, and learner clustering
and individualization (Pel
anek, 2017). There are dif-
ferent approaches to modelling learning and forget-
ting. For this type of modelling, there is a distinc-
tion between models that are based on assumptions
about learning, such as the Bayesian knowledge trac-
ing that includes forgetting, item difficulty and indi-
vidualization, and models without these assumptions
about learning that instead use approaches such as
(exponential) moving averages. For both types of
models simple and more complex approaches exist.
Observational data is often the correctness of an item,
but can also be the response time, use of hints, wrong
answers or the history of attempts. To model the do-
main, there are different ways in which the knowl-
edge components (items such as learning material or
exercises) can be organized. Knowledge components
can be organized in disjoint sets, meaning that each
item belongs to one learning component. However, it
is also possible that multiple knowledge components
apply to one item. Knowledge components can also
be arranged in a hierarchy or a structure with prereq-
uisites. Basic student models assume that all learners
come from one homogeneous population. However,
Bridging the Computer Science Teacher Shortage with a Digital Learning Platform
in reality, learners are often diverse which can be ex-
plored with learner clustering.
Intelligent tutoring systems are digital tools that
can be used as a (partial) alternative to one-to-one hu-
man tutoring and can be used for computer science
education. For example, intelligent tutoring systems
give feedback on the syntax or semantics of code writ-
ten in special environments (Crow et al., 2018). In
general, intelligent tutoring systems have two impor-
tant roles for which student modelling is used: a diag-
nostic role and a strategic role (Chrysafiadi and Vir-
vou, 2013). The diagnostic role means that the sys-
tem understands the knowledge of the student. The
strategic role means that the system can plan a re-
sponse to that knowledge state. In their review of
intelligent tutoring systems for programming educa-
tion, Crow et al. (2018) found that such systems often
lack reference materials for the students and mainly
focus on programming tasks and the required instruc-
tions. Reference material is often closely related to
the domain model, which is an important component
of a student model. User interactions with reference
material can normally be used as input for the stu-
dent model. Although intelligent tutoring systems for
programming often lack reference material, it is still
possible to use student modelling, for example for
generating hints and feedback. However, the underly-
ing knowledge domain model might not be visible to
the student because it cannot be linked to explaining
resources and therefore it might be more difficult to
understand the hints and feedback. When reference
material is available, students can seek clarification
based on the feedback of the student model (Crow
et al., 2018).
This section describes the design and the rationale
behind the design of the learning platform. Impor-
tant prerequisites for the newly designed platform are
allowing independent learning and tracing the stu-
dents’ progress, while supporting the specific work-
flow of Co-Teach Informatica. The emphasis on
student progress tracing, using a student model ap-
proach, makes this platform unique compared to other
existing platforms. In the next paragraph, the ratio-
nale behind this is explained in more detail. In the fol-
lowing paragraphs, the main features to facilitate in-
dependent learning within the Co-Teach Informatica
program are explained per user type, i.e., the learners,
the support desk, and the teachers.
3.1 Student Progress Tracing Using
Student Modelling
To trace the progress of the student, a student model
approach is used. This student model represents the
knowledge state of the student and is based on a do-
main model consisting of all learning goals of the
learning materials. This domain model is organized
on different levels. Learning goals are connected with
other learning goals to represent prior knowledge. For
each mandatory domain of the curriculum, the learn-
ing goals are organized by chapter. This helps to
reduce the complexity of the graph and allows easy
and comprehensible filtering. Connections with prior
knowledge can go beyond the learning goals of the
chapter or even the domain.
All learning activities in the online learning mate-
rials are linked to learning goals. For each learning
goal, a so-called probability score can be calculated
based on the student’s achievement on activities re-
lated to the given learning goal. The probability score
expresses the probability that a learner will answer
the next question linked to the learning goal correctly.
Every time a student completes an activity, the prob-
ability score for the linked learning goals (and their
prior knowledge) changes according to the evaluation
of the activity. The exact mathematics behind this will
evolve during initial testing. Figure 2 shows an exam-
ple of what a learning goal graph for a programming
chapter could look like.
As mentioned in the background section, student
models have two roles in intelligent tutoring systems:
a diagnostic role and a strategic role. In our platform,
the student model also has these two roles.
When our student model is used as a diagnosti-
cian it is mainly a tool for reflection, both for the
learner and the teacher or the local remote support
desk. Aside from being a tool that can be used to
give them insight into their progress, it can also stim-
ulate self-regulated learning. Within the learning ma-
terial, there are different types of activities: exercises
for practising and so-called milestone assignments.
Exercises for practising are not mandatory and are
often automatically corrected or manually assessed
by the learner. Milestone assignments are obligatory
and larger activities, often corrected by teaching as-
sistants. Learners are free to decide whether they
want to follow the learning material linearly and com-
plete (all) the exercises for practising before starting
with the milestone assignment or cherry-picking the-
ory and exercises to prepare for the milestone assign-
ment. The information on the learning goals can help
them to make informed decisions about this.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Example learning goal graph for a programming chapter.
The use of our student model can also be extended
towards having a strategic role. Instead of only giving
the learners the freedom to customize their learning
path by for example skipping exercises for practis-
ing, the system could also actively make recommen-
dations to the learners. With these recommendations,
the system can help learners to increase their prob-
ability score (and thus their knowledge) on weaker
learner goals. For example, if a learner has a probabil-
ity score lower than 50% for multiple learning goals
for the next milestone assignment, the system can rec-
ommend exercises that cover those learning goals or
prior knowledge if that is still lacking. This can help
learners to prepare for milestone assignments or ex-
ams. This role has the potential to be extended to
other types of recommendations, such as recommend-
ing supporting peers that can complement each other.
The prerequisite for the first application of the stu-
dent model is that all the learning material can be rep-
resented in the domain model. This means that all
learning activities are linked to nodes in the domain
model graph. Tweaking the mathematics behind this
model, such as weight factors representing the impact
of an item evaluation on the probability score, can be
done based on experiences in the classroom. For the
second way of applying the student model, the pre-
requisites are more complicated. To be able to rec-
ommend suitable exercises for learners, there needs
to be a significant number of exercises. There have
to be multiple ways in which a learning goal can be
practised, and there have to be exercises using differ-
ent combinations of learning goals to be able to fill
knowledge gaps. The current Co-Teach Informatica
program material does not include such a variety of
exercises yet.
3.2 Learners’ Requirements
Learners use the system to access their learning mate-
rials, including theory, exercises for practising, mile-
stone assignments and exams. Figure 3 shows the stu-
dent view of learning material on the platform. Ex-
ercises and milestone assignments can be completed
within the platform. Short answers can be given
through text boxes, different closed answer types are
facilitated and Jupyter Notebook is integrated to al-
low students to work on Python code. For some ex-
ercises, like writing a report, or when specific soft-
ware is needed, exercises are solved outside of the
platform and can be submitted to the platform man-
ually. Exercises are assessed in three different ways:
automatically (for example for multiple choice ques-
tions), manually by the learners (with the help of ex-
ample answers), or by the local remote support desk
(in the case of milestone assignments). In the last
case, learners can read the feedback on their exercises
in the platform and hand in improvements if neces-
sary. Exams can be taken and graded via the platform
as well.
Aside from accessing the learning materials,
learners can follow their progress in different ways.
All exercises for practising are marked with check-
boxes that indicate whether the exercise is completed
(see Figure 3). This gives learners a clear overview of
their progress within a chapter but does not say any-
thing about whether the exercise was correct or not.
Because the exercises are meant for practicing and are
not graded, the score is less important, and thus the
focus is on completing them. For milestone assign-
ments, which are graded, the checkbox shows more
information. A score (0-100%) is shown together
with a green or red checkmark indicating whether the
Bridging the Computer Science Teacher Shortage with a Digital Learning Platform
Figure 3: Screenshot of the platform from the student’s view.
score is sufficient to pass or whether another attempt
is needed.
In addition to this, learners can follow their
progress via a learning goal graph, as shown in Figure
2. For each chapter, the part of the learning goal graph
with the relevant learning goals, coloured according
to their probability scores for a student, is shown in-
teractively so that students can explore it. For every
learning goal, they can read a description, find an ex-
ample and link to the relevant reference material.
Lastly, the platform allows learners to communi-
cate with the local remote support desk, the teacher,
the class group, or other individual learners. An inte-
grated chat-like message service is offered to facilitate
these different ways of communication.
3.3 Local Remote Support Desks’
The local remote support desk uses the platform to
prepare learning materials and make them available
for different classes.
As explained earlier, some of the learners’ work
is corrected by the teaching assistants from the local
remote support desk. The work of students can be
downloaded or viewed on the platform and a rubric
can be filled in to evaluate the work. This rubric is
also linked to learning goals, to strengthen or weaken
the probability scores of those learning goals (see Fig-
ure 4).
The local remote support desk can communicate
with individual learners, class groups, teachers and
each other via the integrated chat service.
3.4 Teachers’ Requirements
Teachers have the same user type (technically) as the
local remote support desk. However, teachers will
not use the possibility to change learning material and
grade assignments. Teachers need to edit the planning
as this is class specific and can follow the progress of
their students. Moreover, they can communicate with
their class, individual learners or the local remote sup-
port desk.
The platform that is introduced in this paper will ulti-
mately be used within the Co-Teach Informatica pro-
gram. To develop the platform, intermediate eval-
uations will ensure an informed design. Therefore,
the stakeholders (students, teachers, and local remote
support desks) are involved in the design process. Af-
ter initial brainstorming to get insights into the user
requirements, the prototype of the system was built.
This prototype will be evaluated in a pilot study, in
which multiple classes will be using the platform for
a short course on programming. The research with
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 4: Screenshot of a rubric to evaluate the work of students.
this platform will give insights into how independent
learning within a classroom setting can be facilitated.
Requirements for the platform, and prerequisites that
need to be met to fulfil these requirements, will be-
come clear.
Since this is still a limited prototype, the stu-
dent model will be limited to having a diagnostic
role. Future work will focus on incorporating more
learning material to extend the roles of the student
model. Moreover, the exact embedding and visualiza-
tion of the student model is an important focus point
of the first pilot study. Aside from this, certain design
choices, such as the way that completion of exercises
for practising and milestone assignments are shown
to the learners are important questions for this pilot
study. Finally, the pilot study aims to improve the
user experience for all involved stakeholders to best
facilitate their workflow.
Aside from the user experience with the platform,
the goal is also to integrate a student model. Our re-
search will give insights into how a student model
can be applied to the Dutch Computer Science cur-
riculum. Moreover, a suitable way of visualizing this
student model and the way that it is embedded in the
material is also explored in this research. Those find-
ings apply to other courses as well.
For the prototype design, the scope of the plat-
form with respect to the learning content is still lim-
ited. The learning materials of one mandatory domain
(programming) are included, which also means that
the student model is only developed for that domain.
In the future, the learning materials will include all
mandatory domains. Each domain within the Dutch
computer science curriculum will have its demands
for the platform. While programming is a rather prac-
tical domain, other domains can be more theoretical,
which may pose other challenges. For example, do-
main model graphs representing the student models
might become less connected. We also expect that
extending the learning material in the platform cre-
ates the need to change the initial design or extend it
with new requirements. Thus the platform needs to
be versatile, which makes it also broader applicable,
possibly for other subjects as well.
The platform is designed to be used within the Co-
Teach Informatica program, but our platform could
also be used by qualified computer science teachers
that want to follow their students’ progress using a
student model based on learning goals. And in addi-
tion, we see potential for it to be used in other contexts
as well. More secondary school subjects are suffering
from teacher shortages. It might be interesting to ap-
ply a similar approach using the infrastructure of our
platform for those subjects to help overcome the prob-
lem of teacher shortage more broadly.
Bridging the Computer Science Teacher Shortage with a Digital Learning Platform
The research reported here was part of a larger
project, (partly) financed by EFRO and REACT EU,
project number KVW-368.
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education