case of degradation on the communication between
In this work we proposed Sophos, a framework that
extends the Kubernetes platform in order to adapt its
usage to dynamic Cloud-to-Edge continuum environ-
ments. The idea is to add a layer on top of Kubernetes
to overcome the limitations of its mainly static appli-
cation scheduling and orchestration strategy. Orches-
trating applications in the Cloud-to-Edge continuum
requires a knowledge of the current state of the infras-
tructure and to continuously tune the configuration
and the placement of the application microservices.
To this aim in Sophos a cluster monitor operator mon-
itors the network state and the resource availability on
cluster nodes, while an application configuration op-
erator dynamically assigns inter-Pod affinities and re-
source requirements on the application Pods based on
application telemetry data. Based on the current in-
frastructure state and the dynamic application config-
uration, a custom scheduler determines a placement
for application Pods.
As a future work we plan to improve the in-
frastructure and application monitoring modules with
more sophisticated techniques that allow to do predic-
tive analysis on the infrastructure and the application
state and to make proactive application reconfigura-
tion and rescheduling actions. To this aim time series
analysis and machine learning techniques will be ex-
plored in the future.
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