Sending Trustworthy News to the Elderly Through TV Notifications
Telmo Silva
and Jorge Abreu
Digimedia, Department of Communication and Arts, University of Aveiro, 3810-193Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Elderly, iTV, Notifications, Trustworthy, Fake News.
Abstract: Fake News is a global phenomenon that is increasing. They have the potential to spread rapidly in social
media due to the ease of sharing and to the large audiences these platforms can reach. Users need to be vigilant
in checking the accuracy of the information they consume. Considering that some older persons do not have
the digital literacy to distinguish between trustable digital sources, this paper depicts a proposal for a system
that sends trustable news to the elderly through TV notifications – by far the most used media device of this
target group.
Fake news has become an increasingly prevalent
issue in recent years, with the proliferation of social
media and the ease of spreading misinformation. Fake
news is intentionally misleading information that is
presented as if it were real news. It can take many
forms, such as fictional articles, manipulated photos,
or distorted videos, where advanced Artificial
Intelligence (AI) techniques pay a major role. Fake
news can be spread through various channels,
including social media or websites or traditional
media like newspapers (Bathla et al., 2023).
This can be especially concerning for elderly
individuals, who may be more vulnerable to believe
in false information due to cognitive decline or a lack
of digital literacy (Baptista & Gradim, 2020). Munger
et Al in (Munger et al., 2018) reinforce that the
Clickbait effect is very prevalent among seniors thus
creating the potential to them to be influenced by fake
According to the United Nations, the number of
elderly people (defined as those aged 60 or over) in
the world is expected to more than double by 2050,
from 962 million in 2017 to about 2.1 billion in 2050
(World Health Organization, n.d.).
The increase in the percentage of elderly
population is largely due to declining fertility rates
and increasing life expectancy. Many countries are
experiencing an aging population, but the trend is
most pronounced in developed countries, where birth
rates have been below the replacement level for
several decades.
The aging of the population has implications for
health care systems, social security systems, and the
economy more broadly. It is important for societies to
plan for, and address the needs, of their elderly
populations to ensure their well-being and support
their contributions to society.
However, to guarantee that elderly can participate
in the society it is crucial that they are well informed.
In this way, this paper proposes a solution that sends
trustworthy news to the elderly, through TV
notifications allowing them to be well informed.
For Industry (digital service providers), push
notifications have become a strategy that has the
power to attract audiences’ attention throughout the
day. As for the users, checking notifications is an
embedded behaviour across media sources to get
updates and quick access to personalized information,
namely, news feeds. In the TV ecosystem (that in its
wider concept includes the user’s experience in
audio-visual content consumption over an ecosystem
of different sources and devices) there are several
projects and initiatives that use notifications in TV
Silva, T. and Abreu, J.
Sending Trustworthy News to the Elderly Through TV Notifications.
DOI: 10.5220/0011973100003476
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2023), pages 194-198
ISBN: 978-989-758-645-3; ISSN: 2184-4984
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
applications to get viewers’ attention. Some examples
- Notification systems for social media apps,
such as Facebook or Twitter, which can send
notifications to a user's TV when a new
message or update is received (Anyfantis et
al., 2018)
- Alert systems for news apps, that pop-ups on
the user’s TV when a breaking news event
occurs (Anyfantis et al., 2018).
- Reminder systems for TV shows or movies,
which can send notifications to a user's TV
to remind them to watch a particular
program (Yoong et al., 2018).
- Personalized recommendation systems for
TV shows and movies, which triggers a
notification in the user's TV with
recommendations based on their viewing
history (McGee-Lennon, 2012).
- Alert systems for weather, traffic, and other
local information, which can send
notifications to a user's TV to keep them
informed about important events in their
area (Silva et al., 2020), (Silva, 2022).
Despite this significant number of works that use TV
notifications to get users attention, it is worth to note
that sending trustworthy news to elderly through iTV
notifications it is not an explored solution.
To design, develop and test the digital solution, a user
centred design approach based on the following main
methodological steps was carried out:
1) A Focus group
2) The solution development
3) A field trial.
Figure 1 depicts the process and the key objectives of
each phase.
Figure 1: Research steps.
3.1 Focus Group
A focus group is a research method used to gather
insights and opinions on a specific topic or product.
A focus group typically consists of 6 to 10
participants who are selected to represent a larger
target audience.
In this case, the Focus Group (FG) sample is
composed of six individuals aged between 64 and 80
years, 4 of them female and 2 males. The participants
knew each other, as students at the Senior University
of AAA (Removed for blind review), and one of his
teachers accompanied the session, in addition to the
moderator. The session lasted approximately 1h30m,
in a UX Lab, simulating a living room with a TV (Fig
Figure 2: Focal Group in the UX Lab.
After contextualizing the session and signing the
informed consents, the importance of their opinions
for the future development of a notification service
was highlighted, and that none of them was being
evaluated and, on the contrary, the team need them to
contribute with their living experience. Then, the
participants were invited to introduce themselves and
report their television consumption habits and use of
technological devices.
The oral collection of habits and demographic
data was adopted instead of filling out a
questionnaire, so as not to tire the participants and
make them more available to focus on the discussion
of the proposed scenarios about TV notifications. For
this purpose, animated videos were shown, depicting
the proposed solution with a realistic character, to
maximize the understanding of the pratical scenarios
presented. After the presentation of each scenario,
participants were invited to openly express their
opinion on the usefulness of these notifications in
their daily lives. At the end of the session, a summary
image was presented, recalling all the scenarios, to
promote a discussion about their preferences and
collect suggestions for other scenarios they
considered relevant.
Regarding television consumption habits, all
participants stated that they watch TV every day. The
newscasts are the most watched programs by the
group, being consumed daily. In addition to news
content, 2 participants mentioned watching
documentaries, 2 mentioned movies, 1 mentioned
Sending Trustworthy News to the Elderly Through TV Notifications
entertainment programs and 1 of the participants
mentioned programs about sport. Additionally, 2
participants stated that they usually do other activities
while watching television, such as “playing
crosswords” or “making lace”. Another participant
demonstrated second screen practices, when referring
that he usually uses a tablet to search for news or
subjects he saw on TV “It is a way of deepening
themes that I like or find interesting”while another
participant demonstrated that he uses TV mainly as a
way of “feeling accompanied during the day”, since
she leaves the TV-sets on in different rooms of the
As for the use of other devices, all participants
have cell phones. Only 2 individuals stated that they
use the cell phone only to answer or make
conventional calls. The remaining 4 participants use
their mobile phones daily to send messages, browse
social networks and make video calls. One of the
participants mentioned that this form of
communication facilitates contact with his family:
“My children live far away. Talking to them via video
is a way of being closer”. Regarding other devices, in
addition to the cell phone, 3 participants claimed to
own a computer, 1 participant owns a tablet, and 1
participant owns a smartwatch.
In order not to disperse attention, nor to tire the
participants too much, six scenarios centred on
information and contexts highlighted in the literature
for this senior audience were presented: phone call
notification on TV; exchanging messages with family
members; notification for participation in public
events; invite friends to public events; health
monitoring and breaking news from trustable sources.
As a final remark, all the participants considered
that notifications in the TV about breaking news were
very important.
3.2 Digital Solution Development
Digital news formats, specially provided by social
media and news aggregators, are dominant in younger
audiences, while older audiences tend to be more
focused on traditional media, like the printed press
and television. Thus, news notifications from credible
sources displayed on the TV can bring a surplus
value, specially to older adults.
The digital solution proposed in this paper
comprises components from 2 projects: TRUE and
On the one hand, the TRUE project offers a set of
news sources and robust instruments for the
automatic selection and credibility assessment of
information sources, as well as a newspaper creation
tool that incorporates a news writing tool, to help high
school students to produce trustworthy content. The
proposed solution in this project aims to promote
critical thinking and awareness about fake news. On
the other hand, the OverTV project provides a digital
solution based on TV-first interface to push
notifications, by using a notification management
platform, that allows scheduled personalized
information to be displayed on-screen in the TV
device as well as on personal connected devices, such
as smartphones and tablets.
The solution proposed in this article was based on
integrating news notifications in the OverTV project
information flow, that are generated and curated (in
terms of credibility) in the TRUE project. Thus, older
adults, that spend a considerable amount of time in
the front of the TV, will receive notifications about
breaking news (from credible sources) in their TV
sets allowing them to be informed and, consequently,
more able to participate in society. Figure 2 depicts
the System architecture of the digital solution.
Figure 3: System architecture.
The digital solution proposed comprises the
process of displaying news notifications on the TV
screen; a pop-up message integrated into the morning
and evening routines, with headlines of breaking
news (in the morning routine) and local news (in the
evening routine). This richer format of notification
adopts the look and feel of social media and Over the
Top (OTT) platforms’ thumbnail cards to appeal
audiences, aiming to foster the sense of knowledge of
older adults and generate engagement, to reinforce a
sense of community.
The solution was designed based on a flow of
information that automates the selection and dispatch
of credible news to people’s households.
Firstly, a WebApp obtain the content used to
create a notification based on news from the TRUE
engine main role.
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 4: News'
For the notifications content, the OverTV engine
detects the breaking news’ key points. Then, the
project’s API returns the breaking news’ information
and their credibility level. Next, the system detects
the viewers’ district location, and the most credible
and relevant breaking news for that geographical area
are stored in the OverTV project’s database. Then, the
OverTV project solution creates and sends
notifications to the user’s TV, based on pre-
determined parameters.
Afterwards, if the user’s TV STB (Set Top Box)
is on and if the viewer is surfing TV channels, the
notifications are sent to the TV’s service provider
API. Finally, this API sends the notifications to the
designated household TV STB.
The news notifications are sent using the
following criteria: the general and local news
notifications are integrated into the morning (from 7
AM to 11AM) and evening routines (from 7PM to
11PM) sent when a viewer is zapping.
3.3 Field Trial
The main goal of the field trial was to understand how
the users react to TV notifications in a shared device
and how useful the trustworthy breaking news were
to their daily lives. After the users’ experience during
the trials, the aim was also to obtain suggestions for
improvements and for other typologies of
The field trial was carried out between July and
August 2022. The assessment protocol was divided
into four phases: i) the recruitment of participants and
the provision of instructions about the proposed
solution and the field trial; ii) the filling-in of a pre-
test survey to characterize the users’ sample regarding
the usage of devices and TV consumption habits; iii)
the implementation of the developed solution at the
participants’ households, with permanent remote
monitoring and technical support when needed; and
iv) the final phase, which consisted of filling-in a
post-trial survey to obtain feedback, namely about the
different thematic notifications, problems faced,
suggestions for improvements, and the receptivity to
this service in the future.
The sample was comprised of 9 participants, 5
female and 4 males, between 65 and 85 years old. The
25 participants are distributed into 6 houses (each
corresponding to a STB) with different compositions
of family households.
The characterization questionary showed that,
given the wide age range of the sample, some
participants expressed difficulties using certain
devices. Seven users mentioned that they faced
difficulties using the smartphone, whilst other 2 do
not use this device at all. Regarding the tablet, 10
participants do not use it and another 2 have
difficulties doing so. Finally, 4 participants expressed
difficulties using the computer and 7 do not use it at
all. Regarding the TV consumption habits of the
sample, 7 of the participants mentioned that they
watch TV more than once a day, and 2 said they watch
it once a day.
Overall, throughout the field trial, 504 notifications
were created, of which 442 were sent (meaning that
the STB of the users are connected when the
notification was sent). When questioned about how
many notifications they viewed, 3 of the users said,
“more than 3 per day”. Complementing these
statistics, 6 of the participants considered that the
number of notifications they saw every day was
“adequate”, and another 2 considered it “very
adequate”, and one, “not adequate”.
In the post-trial survey, 5 of the users expressed
that the routines’ notifications were “very useful” and
4 considered them “useful”. However, 5 of the users
considered particularly “useful” the breaking news
sent in the mourning routine, suggesting that this type
of content may be more suited to the beginning of the
To evaluate a solution of notification on the TV a field
trial was carried out with a sample of 9 participants
from July to August of 2022. Overall, there was a
Jacinda Ardern resigns as prime minister of New
Sending Trustworthy News to the Elderly Through TV Notifications
positive response to TV notifications in terms of
usefulness of the messages (56%) and a manifest
willingness to use such a service in the future (80%).
Despite the delivery rates registered (approximately
46%, conditioned to having the STB turned on), the
participants indicated the following preference of
time slots to receive notifications with trustworthy
breaking news in the TV: afternoon period (56%) and
the morning period (44%).
In this way, the field trial validated the usefulness
of TV notifications with trustworthy breaking news,
although with the need of fine-tuning the sending
schedules to increase the rate of sent notifications.
Improvements to the prototype according to
suggestions for new types of notifications will be
addressed in future iterations of the prototype and in
an extended field trial to allow to optimize the impact
of the delivery times.
This work was developed and funded under the scope
of the project TRUE (POCI-01- 0247-FEDER-
046923) financed by COMPETE 2020, POCI 2020
and Portugal 2020 and under the scope of the project
OverTV financed by AlticeLabs@UA.
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ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health