Methods for Model-Driven Development of IoT Applications:
Requirements from Industrial Practice
Benjamin Nast
1 a
and Kurt Sandkuhl
1,2 b
Institute of Computer Science, Rostock University, Albert-Einstein-Str. 22, 18059 Rostock, Germany
School of Engineering, J
oping University, Gjuterigatan 5, 55111 J
oping, Sweden
Internet of Things, Model-Driven Development, Modeling Methodologies, Systematic Literature Review.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a crucial topic in research and industry over recent years. Enterprises
often fail to create business value from IoT technology because they have difficulties defining organizational
integration. Model-driven Development (MDD) is considered an effective technique for IoT application de-
velopment. We argue that methods for MDD should comprise the organizational as well as the system de-
velopment and integration. This paper aims to provide an overview of the current state of research on MDD
of IoT applications. For this purpose, we conducted a structured literature review (SLR). A research gap was
identified as no specific research could be found on MDD of IoT applications with a focus on organizational
and system aspects. We also derived requirements from an industrial use case. The main contributions of this
paper are (a) requirements from medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to methodical and technical IoT develop-
ment support derived from a use case, (b) the results of a systematic literature analysis in this field, and (c) an
initial structure for the methodical support and initial architecture for the accompanying tool support.
From the initial technological idea in the late 1990s
to extend the reach of the Internet also to include
physical “things”, the Internet of Things (IoT) con-
cept developed into an essential element in digital
transformation and the Internet economy (Hansen and
Bøgh, 2021). Many physical devices, like vehi-
cles, household devices, or production lines in man-
ufacturing, are equipped with sensors and control
units connected to the Internet, which facilitates IoT-
enabled services, such as remote monitoring and con-
trol, predictive maintenance, or product-as-a-service.
IoT can be defined as the “seamless interplay among
dynamic communities of human users, conventional
computer systems, and smart objects, which interact
with each other and the surrounding environment”
(Fortino et al., 2015). Other technological trends,
such as cyber-physical systems (CPS) and industry
4.0 (Horvath and Gerritsen, 2012), or new business
models, such as smart connected products (Porter and
Heppelmann, 2015), data-driven services, and quanti-
fied products (Sandkuhl, 2022), supported the devel-
opment of infrastructures and organizational models
related to IoT.
From a research perspective, there is a substantial
body of knowledge on technological and development
aspects of how to specify, design, and implement IoT
solutions (Alberti et al., 2019; Fortino et al., 2015).
However, our observation is that many, primarily
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), hesitate
to invest in IoT efforts because they consider the de-
velopment processes too complex and have difficul-
ties designing the organizational integration (Sand-
kuhl and Seigerroth, 2021). The motivation for our
work is that existing model-based approaches for IoT
solutions focus on the software and systems perspec-
tive and show a need for more integration with orga-
nizational and business model aspects. We argue that
methodologies for model-driven development (MDD)
of IoT solutions need to be better prepared for use in
SMEs and should also include organizational integra-
tion. This viewpoint is confirmed by the findings of
(Fortino et al., 2021), who state that the IoT develop-
ment products, such as methodologies, frameworks,
platforms, and tools, mainly focus on the software
components of IoT systems.
The long-term objective of our work is to develop
methodical and technological support tailored to the
Nast, B. and Sandkuhl, K.
Methods for Model-Driven Development of IoT Applications: Requirements from Industrial Practice.
DOI: 10.5220/0011973500003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 170-181
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
needs of SMEs that allows for the implementation
of IoT solutions integrating business (i.e., business
model and organizational integration) and IT aspects
(i.e., software and systems engineering). The main
contributions of this paper are (a) requirements from
SMEs to methodical and technical IoT development
support derived from a use case, (b) the results of a
systematic literature analysis in this field, and (c) an
initial structure for the methodical support and an ini-
tial architecture for the accompanying tool support.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2
briefly introduces the research method used in our
work. Section 3 summarizes the state-of-the-art
in IoT development methodologies and specifics of
SMEs to be taken into account in methodology devel-
opment. Section 4 introduces the industrial case study
motivating our work and requirements for methodolo-
gies from an SME perspective. Section 5 presents a
literature study on method support for IoT develop-
ment. Section 6 presents the initial version of method-
ical and technical development support for SMEs.
Section 7 summarizes findings and future work.
Research work in this paper started from the follow-
ing research question, which is based on the motiva-
tion presented in section 1: RQ: When implementing
IoT solutions in SMEs, what are the enterprises’ re-
quirements for methodical and technological support,
to what extent are these requirements covered by ex-
isting methodologies, and how should the methodi-
cal/technical support look like?
The research method used for working on this re-
search question is a combination of literature study,
descriptive case study, and argumentative-deductive
work. Since our previous work (see (Nast and Sand-
kuhl, 2021)) indicated that the specifics of SMEs were
not sufficiently represented in existing work and not
well understood, we decided to perform a case study
to gather information pertinent to the subject area. A
qualitative case study is an approach to research that
facilitates the exploration of a phenomenon within its
context using various data sources. This ensures that
the subject under consideration is not explored from
only one perspective but rather from various perspec-
tives, allowing for multiple facets of the phenomenon
to be revealed and understood. Within the case study,
we used three different perspectives, which at the
same time represent sources of data: we observed
the activities during IoT development, examined the
enterprise’s business model, and interviewed differ-
ent roles involved. Yin differentiates various kinds
of case studies (Yin, 2009): explanatory, exploratory,
and descriptive. The case study presented in section
4 has to be considered descriptive, as it describes the
phenomenon of process outsourcing and the real-life
context in which it occurs.
Based on the research question defined and the re-
quirements visible in the case study, we started identi-
fying research areas with relevant work for this ques-
tion and analyzed the literature in these areas. The
purpose of the analysis was to find existing theories,
methods, or technologies that guide the implementa-
tion of IoT solutions in SMEs from both IT and busi-
ness perspectives. Due to the focus on SMEs, the
specific characteristics of SMEs had to be identified
and taken into account before starting the literature
analysis (see section 3.2). Section 5 presents and dis-
cusses the results of the literature study. Based on
the case study results and the literature study results,
we propose an initial structure of the method and
an architecture for the method’s tool support. This
argumentative-deductive part of our work is the sub-
ject of section 6. The overall research project follows
the ideas and principles of design science research
(Hevner et al., 2004) with the methodical and tech-
nical support being the core artifact. In our previous
work, we investigated the need for a domain-specific
modeling language (DSML) by analyzing business
needs in a use case and existing literature in the field
of DSML in IoT (Nast and Sandkuhl, 2021). This
confirmed the relevance of research in modeling IoT
solutions and forms the starting point for this paper.
The next step is to understand the requirements for the
application of models in developing IoT applications,
i.e., model-based development of IoT, and the possi-
bility of reusing procedural or conceptual knowledge
from existing methods. To investigate the former, as
also mentioned above, we use an industrial case study
and investigate the requirements. For the latter, a lit-
erature analysis was performed that also takes into ac-
count the results of the requirement analysis from the
industrial case. As a conclusion for both steps, we
identify future tasks in method development for MDD
of IoT solutions.
This section describes the required theoretical back-
ground for this research approach. Section 3.1 fo-
cuses on IoT and MDD. Specifics of non-IT SMEs
in this context are described in section 3.2.
Methods for Model-Driven Development of IoT Applications: Requirements from Industrial Practice
3.1 Internet of Things and MDD
The IoT has become an important topic in research
and industry, contributing to digital transformations
in many industrial domains (Hansen and Bøgh, 2021).
IoT technologies are at the center of industry 4.0 ap-
plication scenarios and support the implementation of
CPS. Many approaches are available today to support
the specification, design, and implementation of IoT
solutions (Fortino et al., 2021) from a technological
and development perspective. However, many enter-
prises are still struggling to derive business value from
IoT technology or are reluctant to invest in IoT efforts
because of difficulties in defining organizational inte-
gration (Sandkuhl and Seigerroth, 2021).
There have been many approaches proposed to
cope with the complexity of developing IoT solutions
and improve their portability (Fortino et al., 2015).
MDD is based on the concepts of software engineer-
ing and diagrams and is considered an effective tech-
nique for managing the complexity of IoT applica-
tions (Sosa-Reyna et al., 2018). To model a sys-
tem and describe an architecture and functionality is
more efficient for developers than to describe, doc-
ument, and code every system detail in a program-
ming language (Atkinson and Kuhne, 2003). Using
MDD in this way, developers can engage with high-
level abstractions to meet their system requirements
and then automatically generate the necessary code
(Kelly and Tolvanen, 2008). Existing model-based
approaches also focus on requirements from a tech-
nical perspective and show a lack of integration with
the day-to-day processes they should be supporting.
The results of (Fortino et al., 2021) state that the IoT
development products, such as methodologies, tools,
platforms, and frameworks, mainly focus on the soft-
ware components of IoT systems, thus confirming this
Defining a DSML to describe system require-
ments enables the use of MDD. Compared to general
modeling languages, DSMLs are easier to specify, un-
derstand, and maintain (Frank, 2013). A defined syn-
tax, semantics, or both, preserves the integrity of the
models (prevents nonsensical models). Moreover, of-
ten a concrete syntax in the form of a special graphical
notation for a DSML is given that helps to improve the
clearness and understanding of the models.
3.2 Specifics of SMEs in Organizational
The specifics of SMEs have been well-researched
when it comes to the introduction of technological in-
novations, such as the IoT. One stream of work in this
field concerns the “readiness” of organizations for in-
novations, which aims at identifying aspects and fac-
tors affecting the introduction of innovations into an
enterprise. Based on general observations when intro-
ducing information technology by (Snyder-Halpern,
2001), various adaptations for specific fields were
proposed, such as service innovation readiness (Yen
et al., 2012) or readiness for Artificial Intelligence
ohnk et al., 2021). In this work, the factor of dig-
ital innovation readiness seems to be most suitable
to identify the specifics of SMEs that have to be ob-
served when developing MDD support tailored for
SMEs. These aspects are (Lokuge et al., 2019):
Resource readiness describes how flexible finan-
cial, technological, and human resources that are
required for digital innovation can be used in an
enterprise. Essentially, this addresses the aspect
of whether an enterprise has sufficient resources.
IT readiness describes the quality of the IT portfo-
lio to facilitate digital innovation. Here, the exis-
tence of the required IT infrastructure and acces-
sibility of digital technologies is in focus.
Cognitive readiness concerns the knowledge base
in an organization needed for digital innovation,
i.e., are the right competencies and the right
knowledge available?
Partnership readiness addresses the aspect of ex-
ternal stakeholders and their view on an organiza-
tion’s digital innovation. This includes partners,
suppliers, and even customers.
Cultural readiness concerns the core values of an
organization and how they facilitate digital inno-
vation, for example, by a culture of sharing of
ideas, decentralized decision-making culture, or
Strategic readiness addresses the set of manage-
rial activities available to facilitate digital innova-
tion, i.e., are there sufficient managerial and lead-
ership competencies.
We argue that a methodology for IoT introduction
should take into account the specifics of SMEs for all
these factors. SMEs are characterized by:
Resource: compared to larger enterprises, SMEs
have less flexibility in the assignment of resources
to technology innovation projects. Thus, they aim
at projects with clearly defined and stable resource
IT: the IT situation is strictly defined by organi-
zational needs. IT introduction, as such, is often
connected to or seen as innovation.
Cognitive readiness: SMEs focus on the avail-
ability of competency and knowledge required for
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
their core business. Competencies in areas of in-
novation usually are present if the subject of inno-
vation is in the core area.
Partnership: there is no general pattern of readi-
ness when it comes to customers, suppliers, or
partners of SMEs, as the readiness of these groups
highly depends on the domain and business model
of the SME.
Cultural readiness is highly dependent on the
owners of an enterprise and the organizational cul-
ture they accept. Innovative owners tend to have a
higher openness to technological innovations.
Strategic readiness usually is limited as SMEs
have management personnel that often has a mul-
titude of tasks in their responsibility, which re-
duces the capacity for new activities.
In this context, we explicitly exclude SMEs from the
IT sector as they usually have competencies in the
area of IoT, i.e., the focus is on non-IT SMEs.
In this section, the use case from industrial practice is
presented. First, the use case company and the appli-
cation context are described in section 4.1. The spe-
cific details and resulting requirements are described
in section 4.2.
4.1 Case Company and Application
The method support work for integrating organiza-
tional aspects into IoT development methods is based
on an industrial use case from the air conditioning and
cleanroom technology (ACT) sector. Additional sen-
sors and control systems need to be integrated and
connected to a network in ACT facilities to enable
energy optimization and a basis for predictive mainte-
nance. The result is an IoT solution that forms the ba-
sis for new business services. Inspections of air han-
dling units in operation often reveal significant dis-
crepancies from the assessed energy efficiency. As
the control technology becomes more automated, the
amount of data is increasing sharply. Operating the
direct and indirect processes of ACT facilities in an
energy-efficient or -optimal manner needs intelligent
data processing. Therefore, the demand for sys-
tem solutions for self-recognition and self-organized
learning and the control of the systems is high.
The planned IoT solution is intended to provide
diagnostic support for possible optimizations in ACT
facilities and for the operational processes of the case
study company. Such a solution must be able to pro-
cess a large amount of information from different
sources and must be integrated into the operational
processes of the case study company to support new
types of services.
4.2 Use Case and Resulting
In collaboration with the case study company, require-
ments for the intended system were derived. To do
this, employees of the case study company first de-
scribed all the desired functions of the overall system.
A description has been developed for each require-
ment, along with guidelines on how to achieve the de-
sired goal. Those include required technical capabili-
ties and outputs, respectively, functions of the human
interface. Based on this information, it was then pos-
sible to identify and specify the required data for each
requirement (e.g., origin or required recording dura-
tion and measurement accuracy). The requirements
were then prioritized in terms of their importance and
feasibility for the project (see Table 1).
Table 1: Requirements from use case.
Priority Requirement
1 Maintenance Support
2 Detect Disruptions
2 Recognise Operating Errors
2 Energetic Inspection
3 Detect Rule Errors
4 Predictive Maintenance
4 Dynamically Adjust
Maintenance Cycles
5 Contracting
5 Facility Dimensioning
5 Commissioning
The following is a brief explanation of the require-
ments. Two of them are then described in more detail.
The overarching requirement is the Interoperabil-
ity of the overall system. This means that the imple-
mentation using new sensors or a new measuring kit
and the connection to existing building control sys-
tems must be possible. Furthermore, flexibility re-
garding the data sources should be given (e.g., dif-
ferent sensor types).
Maintenance Support was cited as the most im-
portant requirement. Up to now, it has only been
possible to fix acute errors during maintenance work.
Methods for Model-Driven Development of IoT Applications: Requirements from Industrial Practice
Such errors, which only occur temporarily, therefore,
fall through the cracks. A historical view of existing
data should make these problems visible.
The automatic and permanent checking of com-
ponents of a facility to Detect Disruptions (e.g., a
fan fails) and to Recognise Operating Errors caused
by users (e.g., forget to reset exception schedules for
events) have the second highest priority. This en-
ables avoidable excess consumption to be identified
and thus supports the process of Energetic Inspec-
tion. This process is required by law (in Germany) for
industrial ACT facilities and is currently performed
manually by a technician on site. Here, the cur-
rent behavior of the system and the wearing parts are
checked. In some facilities, a building control system
is installed, which can sometimes provide a historical
sensor readout if configured accordingly. However,
as the employees of the use case company told us,
the available data (if any) is usually too incomplete to
evaluate the performance of the system.
The requirement Detect Rule Errors has priority
3. Incorrect regulations can cause considerable addi-
tional consumption that goes unnoticed. For exam-
ple, the air conditioner and heater may start simulta-
neously at a certain temperature. The user does not
notice this because the room temperature is satisfac-
Data obtained from the system can bring about
further changes in maintenance (priority 4). On the
one hand, it is possible to Dynamically Adjust Main-
tenance Cycles. It is better to determine maintenance
intervals by the intensity of the use of a facility rather
than fixed times. On the other hand, it is possible to
detect components with deviation behavior to main-
tain or replace them before they break (Predictive
Furthermore, a few requirements will play a role
in the future (priority 5). However, the technical foun-
dations for this are already to be created, at least to
some degree, as part of the current project.
Understanding avoidable excess consumption by
the system can open up new business models for the
company in the future. For example, if an oversized
fan is identified, a more suitable one can be installed.
This swap would be done free of charge, and the com-
pany would share in the electricity savings. Contract-
ing in this way is only possible without significant risk
if a good data basis is created.
Once sufficient data is available from many facil-
ities, comparisons can be made between them. This
is intended to detect, for example, the oversizing of
a facility (Facility Dimensioning). Often a facility is
designed for more people in a room or building than
are actually present.
Before a system can be used sensibly and produc-
tively, many details must be set and implemented in
the control system. Therefore, another requirement
is to simplify the process of Commissioning and thus
save appointments with the customer.
As described above, Maintenance Support is the
essential requirement of the planned system. Tem-
porary faults, which are caused, for example, by the
facility’s design, should be made visible with the help
of historical data. This results in the data being stored
historically in a database. To support this, automati-
cally generated reports and diagrams are to be output.
A typical example is that a facility heats and cools
simultaneously in strong sunlight. The last mainte-
nance appointment took place in the summer, and the
error did not occur then. With the collection of his-
torical data, this event can be detected. Automatically
generated reports and diagrams can make this under-
standable for every user. Among other things, data
about humidity, temperature, volume flow, or CO
content is needed. The resolution should be one hour,
and the recording needs to include at least one spring
or autumn, better a year. If possible, permanent stor-
age is preferred. The measurement accuracy depends
on the measurement variable. Temperature (+/- 1° C),
electrical power (500W), and humidity (5%), for ex-
ample, need high accuracy. Steps of 10 Pascal, in con-
trast, are sufficient for pressure.
To Detect Disruptions in individual components
of an ACT facility, these must always be checked for
threshold or experience values to trigger an alarm.
Data to be recorded for this purpose and the re-
quired measurement accuracy vary for each compo-
nent. These and similar data can also be used to iden-
tify operating errors. By comparing the data with nor-
mal values at a certain time, one can inform about this
irregular condition. The details of the data required
are very similar to those for Maintenance Support.
This section addresses the question of what work has
already been done in MDD of IoT applications, focus-
ing on real-world enterprise use cases. The research
approach used, the data collection and the results are
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
5.1 Search Strategy and Process
To systematically identify the existing research about
MDD of IoT applications, we performed a Systematic
Literature Review (SLR) according to the guidelines
of (Kitchenham, 2004). This approach was chosen
because it was developed to assess what has already
been published on a particular research topic, com-
pare existing research findings, and analyze potential
research gaps. Following (Kitchenham, 2004), our re-
search approach was carried out in six steps. We first
formulated the general research question:
RQ. What is the state of research on model-driven
development of IoT applications?
Next, we conducted the literature review and identi-
fied relevant papers. In this way, we developed search
strings and defined criteria for inclusion and exclu-
sion in the third step. After extracting and collecting
the relevant data from the selected papers in the fourth
step, we analyzed these data and summarized the re-
sults in section 5.2. Finally, we interpret and discuss
the results.
5.1.1 Development of Search Strings
Once the research question was defined, we started
the literature review with an initial population and
identified ”Model-driven”, ”Enterprise” and ”IoT” as
the main keywords. Subsequently, we collected syn-
onyms and associated terms for these:
Table 2: Search terms for the SLR.
Model-driven Enterprise IoT
MDD Company
MDE Organization
MDSD Business
(DSL AND Model*)
The selection of synonyms is based on previ-
ous experience in this field. The initial keywords
were used to develop several search strings. Syn-
onyms were then added to compare how the results
changed. In order to create the search terms, we used
the ”Scopus” database. We tested about twenty differ-
ent search strings, but we only give the most impor-
tant ones because of the page limitations. For each
string, only the titles were scanned initially. Next, we
reviewed the abstract and then the introduction and
summary. We finally read all selected papers and ap-
plied the selection criteria.
In order to complete the literature search, the
search strings (see Table 3) were also applied to the
databases ”IEEE-Xplore”, ”ACM Digital Library”,
”SpringerLink, and ”AISeL”. We adapted to the syn-
tax of the respective database. Within the ”Springer-
Link” database, we also used the corresponding Ger-
man translations. Since no other suitable work was
found, we decided to retest a version of the search
term with additional keywords to see if this had a dif-
ferent effect on the search results than in ”Scopus”.
Even so, we did not find any other works with the
search term.
The literature review was performed between Au-
gust and October 2022.
Table 3: Search strings.
Search Number of Results/
String Identified Papers
TITLE-ABS- Number of Results: 70
KEY Identified Papers: 6
((”model driven”
OR ”mdd” OR
”mde” OR ”mdsd” (Corradini et al., 2022)
OR (”dsl” AND (Moin et al., 2022)
”model*”)) AND (Nast and Sandkuhl, 2021)
(”enterprise” OR (Michael et al., 2019)
”company” OR (Brambilla et al., 2017)
”business” OR (Khaleel et al., 2017)
AND (”iot”))
((((”Full Text & Number of Results: 180
Metadata”:”model Identified Papers: 2
driven” OR ”mdd”
OR ”mde” OR
”mdsd”) OR (”dsl” (Ferreira et al., 2018)
AND ”model*”)) (Khaleel et al., 2017)
AND ”iot”
AND (”Full
Text & Metadata”:
”enterprise” OR
”company” OR
”business” OR
5.1.2 Selection of the Papers
For the selection of relevant papers to answer the re-
search question, all abstracts had to be read and the
inclusion and exclusion criteria (see Table 4) were ap-
plied. We consider a paper relevant if the authors de-
scribe a model-based development approach of an IoT
application. Moreover, the included approach must be
the center of the paper. Papers in which the authors
only mention that those approaches can be helpful for
certain questions are not relevant to us. Work that is
not based on a real company application or has not
been evaluated in a company is not considered. We
also excluded papers in the context of healthcare, as
Methods for Model-Driven Development of IoT Applications: Requirements from Industrial Practice
the requirements are different from ordinary compa-
Table 4: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion Criteria
A model-based development
approach of an IoT application is described.
The included approach must be the center of the
work (not only mentioned).
Exclusion Criteria
Work that is not based on or has not been
evaluated in a real company is not considered.
Work in the context of healthcare is excluded.
Before reading the abstracts, we excluded any
items we found that were no papers. In ”Scopus”,
14 of the 70 items had to be filtered out because they
are tables of contents, summaries of books, and so
on. Two of them were included twice in the results.
We then read the abstracts of 54 remaining papers and
identified only six relevant papers according to our
criteria. If the situation was unclear, we read the en-
tire text to decide whether the text was relevant or not.
The second string from Table 3 was applied in ”IEEE
XPLORE” (180 results) and added one new relevant
paper, resulting in a total of seven relevant texts iden-
5.1.3 Summary of the Search Process
We started this SLR with the population. As
a first step, we applied an initial search string
to the previously defined literature sources (”IEEE
Xplore”, ”ACM Digital Library”, ”SpringerLink” and
By adding synonyms to refine the search string,
a broader range of research papers could be covered,
building the basis for identifying relevant papers. We
established criteria to determine which papers were
relevant to answering our research questions. Before
we started identifying relevant papers, we excluded
articles that are, for example, tables of contents, sum-
maries of books, or that appeared more than once in
the results. After reading the abstracts, seven relevant
papers remained, which are analyzed in section 5.2.
5.2 Search Results
In this section, we answer the research question from
section 5.1 using the collected data from the identified
relevant papers. First, general information is provided
on the research topics, research approaches used, ac-
tive researchers in the field studied, and the overall
activity. Then, the approaches presented in each case
are summarized to provide an overview of the current
state of research. It continues to examine the extent to
which the approaches considered organizational as-
pects in the development of IoT solutions and what
is written about research gaps or problems and criti-
cism. A table was first created in Excel to collect the
relevant data from each paper.
5.2.1 Research Activity and Topics
Since our own experience leading up to the SLR has
already shown that general MDD approaches tend to
focus on technical aspects of IoT solution develop-
ment, so we did not expect many contributions. Thus,
it is not surprising that we found only seven contri-
butions in which the organizational requirements of a
real enterprise are considered during development.
We can see in Table 3 that three of the seven rele-
vant papers were written in the last two years (2021-
2022). Two were written in 2017, and one each in
2018 and 2019. The seven papers are written by 36
authors, and none appeared more than once. They
described approaches with different emphases and at
different stages of progress. Four papers are written
by authors of the same university (Corradini et al.,
2022), (Moin et al., 2022), (Nast and Sandkuhl, 2021)
and (Ferreira et al., 2018). The other papers were
written in collaboration between two or more univer-
sities and different types of organizations or compa-
In summary, it seems that there is no research
group which working on this topic for years. This
could be because this topic is very practice-oriented
and therefore requires applied research rather than ba-
sic research projects.
In none of the selected papers is a holistic platform
proposed. The use of tools in combination with their
own meta-models or modeling languages or a combi-
nation of different tools is always described.
5.2.2 Approaches of MDD
(Corradini et al., 2022) propose an approach called
FloWare that organizes the modeling and develop-
ment of IoT applications into distinct steps, man-
ages complexity in representing IoT variability, and
enables reusability of design decisions and artifacts.
This provides modeling support through functional
models to fully represent and handle the potential
variability of devices in a given IoT application do-
main. Once a particular configuration is selected, it
is augmented with specific information to automati-
cally derive fragments of IoT applications that the de-
veloper within a low-code development environment
successively combines. FloWare is fully supported by
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
a toolchain that has been released for public use. A
tool was designed to create functional models and a
platform including templates that automatically gen-
erate the basic application logic for interacting with
the selected devices, helping the developer to develop
more complex applications. Requirements from a real
Smart Campus scenario were taken into account dur-
ing development.
An open-source research prototype called ML-
Square is presented by (Moin et al., 2022). It is based
on the Eclipse Modeling Framework and the state-
of-the-art in model-driven software engineering liter-
ature for intelligent CPS and the IoT. The intended
users are mainly software developers who may not
have deep knowledge and skills related to heteroge-
neous IoT platforms and various artificial intelligence
technologies, especially machine learning. It pro-
vides a domain-specific modeling methodology for its
users. Therefore, it enables the automatic generation
of source code from the models for the entire soft-
ware solution of IoT or CPS. The users gain access to
the APIs of the libraries and frameworks of machine
learning at the modeling level. Using the enhanced
software models in ML-Quadrat thus enables the pro-
vided model-to-code transformations not only to pro-
duce the source code but also the ML models for the
target IoT solution and possibly re-train them by ob-
serving new data samples later. The approach focuses
on Smart IoT services and was initially validated
through requirements from four computer science ex-
perts (two from industry and two from academia) with
different levels of skills in, for example, IoT or Ma-
chine Learning. The extended version of this ap-
proach, called DriotData, is currently under develop-
ment and is intended to be offered as a subscription-
based service for SMEs. This will include model ed-
itors for domain experts without knowledge or skills
in the IT area.
The approach described by (Nast and Sandkuhl,
2021), which is integrated with enterprise modeling
techniques, considers organizational and technical as-
pects of IoT application development. A method
component for IoT modeling is added to the enter-
prise modeling language 4EM. The overall objective
is methodical and technical support for model-based
development of IoT solutions, focusing on organiza-
tional integration into business processes, organiza-
tion structures, and business models. The creation of
a model is intended to configure the IoT application
and thus provide a basis for data processing without
requiring IT skills from the user. The stage of this ap-
proach described in the paper is limited to the model-
ing phase. It contains a meta-model and a DSML for
ACT facilities, which were derived based on require-
ments from an actual use case and interviews with do-
main experts. Upcoming work needs to extend this to
multiple cases and explore the use of the developed
models to configure IoT platforms to be used during
the operation of the enterprise IoT solution.
(Michael et al., 2019) discuss a way to create IoT
systems using a model-based approach to support pri-
vacy and data transparency. The relevance and appli-
cation are shown on a use case from industrial pro-
duction processes. Tools and frameworks in connec-
tion with a set of domain-specific languages (DSLs)
are used. A possible DSL model structure, includ-
ing domain models, a privacy model, and possible in-
stantiations, as well as relevant aspects that must be
considered for the system design, are shown. The ap-
proach was validated in a real-world production line
use case. The realization makes use of two different
MDE tools. First, a modeling language development
workbench is used that supports agile and composi-
tional development of DSLs. The second tool is a
generator for enterprise management, which is based
on the first tool and uses a set of models. These are
parsed using a templated engine and transformed to-
wards the target, namely output files in the target lan-
guage. As a result, an information system is created
of class diagrams and graphical interface models.
The work of (Ferreira et al., 2018) deals with
the complexity of IoT application development for
integrating CPS modules into SMEs manufacturing
processes. For this purpose, an architecture-based
process modeling and simulation of the different
phases of existing SME factory production is pro-
posed. This enables real-time information through
IoT data collection to feed different production im-
provement mechanisms (e.g., planning, scheduling,
and monitoring). This will be done by providing
data on the components in the current environment of
SMEs to improve the performance of their production
processes. The solution is divided into design time
and runtime. At design time, user knowledge leads to
a representation of the processes in the factory. There
is a tool for creating a model that does not require
the permanent support of a specialist. The resulting
BPMN diagram is then executed by another tool (af-
ter being refined there). An IoT device deployed on
a machine enables the coordination of hardware and
software components. Information such as the time
of completion activities, the number of products man-
ufactured, wasted products, and production or setup
times for the machines can be given in real-time. To
avoid any complication or waste of time in the pro-
duction process, an additional tool was developed to
be used by the factory workers to check the produc-
tion schedule or detect component errors. The exper-
Methods for Model-Driven Development of IoT Applications: Requirements from Industrial Practice
iment prototype was validated in a polishing process
as part of a real company’s production process of cut-
(Brambilla et al., 2017) focus on requirements and
usage scenarios that cover the front-end aspects of IoT
systems. The proposed model-driven approach to de-
sign interfaces includes defining specific components
and design patterns using a visual modeling language
for IoT applications and describing an implementa-
tion of the solution that includes automatic code gen-
eration from the models. It contains the definition of
the main domain-specific concepts for IoT and typ-
ical use cases, a visual modeling language focusing
on user interaction aspects, and a set of design prac-
tices that increase productivity and simplify the de-
sign of IoT solutions. Moreover, tools for the design,
deployment, and execution phases of IoT applications
are implemented. The validation of the approach in
three different industrial use cases in cooperation with
a company is described.
The Enabling Business-based Internet of Things
and Services (ebbits) platform with a focus on the
industrial domain is presented from (Khaleel et al.,
2017). Heterogeneous applications were deployed
and tested, such as a wireless sensor and actuator
network for monitoring industrial machinery and an
RFID-based system for operator management, locat-
ing, and authorization. The latter includes an inter-
active user interface for wearable devices to visual-
ize real-time information from devices in the physical
world. To simplify the process of creating IoT appli-
cations, tools for MDD are used. These developments
are based on an IoT middleware designed to enable
the seamless integration of heterogeneous technolo-
gies and processes into traditional enterprise systems.
This paper presents the deployment of the prototype
in the automotive industry.
5.2.3 Interpretation of the Results
This section completes the SLR and addresses the in-
terpretation of the results. To provide an overview of
the current state of the research on MDD of IoT ap-
plications, the identified papers are examined in the
context of the overarching research question.
The results showed that there is not much research
on MDD of IoT applications based on requirements
from real-world use cases from enterprises. A small
number of papers were identified. However, that ad-
dressed the topic in a variety of ways based on the
inclusion criteria selected. Only (Corradini et al.,
2022), (Nast and Sandkuhl, 2021), and (Ferreira et al.,
2018) combined technological and organizational as-
pects in the development process. The rest of the pa-
pers validated their approaches after development in
real-world use cases in cooperation with companies.
In fact, the results showed that there are already
many different approaches to handling the complex-
ity of IoT application development. Tools containing
meta-models and a graphical modeling language are
often used in MDD.
Not much is written in the selected papers about
further research or problems in this area. (Corradini
et al., 2022), (Moin et al., 2022), (Nast and Sandkuhl,
2021), (Michael et al., 2019), and (Brambilla et al.,
2017) intend to apply their described approaches in
different domains to validate them. A need to improve
the application logic and functions and to achieve
user-friendliness and thus higher acceptance is identi-
fied by (Corradini et al., 2022), (Ferreira et al., 2018),
and (Brambilla et al., 2017). (Khaleel et al., 2017)
merely summarizes the results and does not provide
an outlook on further action.
The work reviewed in this chapter provides
promising approaches that focus on the technological
aspects of model-driven IoT application development
(at different maturity levels). Usability plays an im-
portant role in all approaches, to a greater or lesser
extent. (Moin et al., 2022) and (Nast and Sandkuhl,
2021) even explicitly target users without special IT
skills and thus non-IT SMEs. In summary, there is no
validated method that combines technological and or-
ganizational aspects in all phases of the development
process, and there is no specific support for SMEs.
After describing the requirements for the overall ap-
plication resulting from the use case in section 4.2,
section 6.1 now presents the requirements that re-
late directly to the methodological/technical support.
Section 6.2 presents the initial version of methodi-
cal/technical development support for SMEs.
6.1 Requirements
ACT facilities for the industry are not mass-produced
but designed individually for each customer. In these
systems, many components have to work together,
and we need a variety of sensors to understand what
is going on inside them. However, the signals from
these sensors are not readily interpretable. Often, they
only measure an analog signal of 0 to 10 volts, which
must be converted into a physical unit of measure-
ment. To make sense of these measurement points
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
and understand the performance of the system, they
must then be processed and put into context. As the
configurations of these air conditioning systems vary,
so does the arrangement of the measurements. Only
some systems have a cooling unit, and some use it
only for cooling, while others also use it for dehu-
midifying. These heterogeneous structures also have
an impact on the IT architecture. On the one hand,
the systems are heterogeneous in their configurations,
and the data must be preprocessed at great expense
to be usable. On the other hand, there is great poten-
tial in comparing systems with similar configurations.
At the same time, the implemented system must be
usable by climate experts. Emphasis is placed on a
system that does not require a lot of IoT and analysis-
specific knowledge but is usable by the end user.
While the requirements described in section 4.2
relate primarily to the data and, thus, to the over-
all system, it was possible to derive further require-
ments in the various development phases. The use of a
method for the development of IoT applications must
be usable without requiring knowledge of IT or data
processing. For this purpose, appropriate interfaces
must be provided for configuration and later also for
operation and maintenance. Therefore, for configu-
ration, options are created that require only domain-
specific knowledge. In addition, a kind of vocabulary
for the designation of sensors or their IDs and clear
definitions of the configuration data (unit of measure-
ment, data format, or range of values) must be de-
fined. Another requirement is that ACT facilities can
be visualized. On the one hand, this helps ACT tech-
nicians in designing the solution. On the other hand,
these visualizations can be used for presentations to
customers to explain repair measures or the replace-
ment of components in an understandable way. The
monitoring of ACT systems must be made possible,
for example, through alarms or comprehensible dia-
grams and data evaluations.
6.2 Initial Method Structure and Tool
We developed a tool that includes a meta-model and a
DSML for ACT facilities to support the ACT techni-
cians in designing the IoT solution. The tool was de-
veloped using the ADOxx meta-modeling platform.
This is a development and configuration platform for
the implementation of modeling methods. Using this
platform, it is possible to realize a full-fledged mod-
eling software that contains procedures and function-
alities in the form of mechanisms and algorithms in
addition to the modeling language.
The modeling language for ACT facilities is based
on the requirements of the case study. An example
model of a fictitious facility containing some of the
modeling objects is shown in Figure 2.
The classes of the meta-model represent the possi-
ble components in such facilities. The attributes con-
tain, e.g., information about the type of the compo-
nents or the unique identifiers of the sensors. The
symbols are based on the European standard DIN EN
12792 and the knowledge of the domain experts in-
volved in the project. The graphical representation, as
well as the designation of the components, depends on
the entered attributes. Arrows show the logical rela-
tionship between the components and the airflow di-
rection. Sensors are represented with a circle and a
line to the component or location in the model. The
letters in the circle indicate the sensor type. An exam-
ple model of a real facility (see Figure 1) shows some
of the objects in the modeling language and contains
eight sensors: two each for controlling the supply and
exhaust air (temperature in °C and CO
content in
ppm). Furthermore, the two air filters are equipped
with a sensor for the pressure difference (unit of mea-
surement: Pascal), and the fans with a sensor for the
volume flow (unit of measurement: m³/h).
Figure 1: Model of the example facility.
The creation of a new facility in the tool is started
with the input of configuration data. Required infor-
mation about the location, the operator and owner,
and the components of a facility, are requested via
dialog boxes. The input of these values automati-
cally generates the corresponding modeling objects,
including the attribute values (e.g., fan size). Unique
IDs are assigned to the sensors, depending on their
type and position.
The configuration data and the sensors’ IDs are
converted into a JSON file and sent to a server appli-
cation using an HTTP request (see Figure 3). This
information can also be exported as documentation of
the facility and used for presentation or internal pur-
poses of the case study company. For instance, this
documentation can help the customer understand his
facility, the results of energetic inspections, or even
the need for renewal and repairs.
Methods for Model-Driven Development of IoT Applications: Requirements from Industrial Practice
Figure 2: Objects of the DSML.
The developed tool allows the technician to con-
figure the installed sensors. Parts of the physical con-
figuration are covered by collecting hardware-related
sensor information and mappings to measured as-
pects. The configuration enables the data processing
of the logical part by indicating what type of ACT fa-
cility is present. The user of the tool does not need
specific knowledge or skills in IoT and data analysis.
Figure 3: Architecture of the overall system.
Starting from requirements to methodical/technical
support for IoT implementation in an industrial use
case, this paper investigated how SMEs can be sup-
ported in developing and introducing IoT solutions
that integrate business (i.e., business model and orga-
nizational integration) and IT aspects (i.e., software
and systems engineering). The initial structure for
method support and a first architecture of tool support
for this method was proposed. The work was also an-
chored on a systematic literature analysis in the field.
The successful application of the method and tool
support in the case company shows that it meets
the requirements of at least this specific SME. The
method and tool support also address the situation
in SMEs when it comes to resource, cognitive, and
IT readiness: clearly defined method steps and free-
of-charge tool support contribute to low resource re-
quirements. The modeling tool and the possibility
to generate part of the configuration reduce the need
for special employee training and lower the cognitive
readiness threshold. The use of standardized compo-
nents minimizes IT readiness expectations as much as
reasonable. The other readiness aspects require more
investigation in future work.
The main limitation of our work is that we base
the requirements for the method support on only one
use case. This poses the threat of having tailored the
method proposal to the demand of the use case en-
terprise only. However, the results of the literature
analysis and similarities to established methods give
reasons to believe that the method might be transfer-
The future work will have conceptual and empiri-
cal nature. From a conceptual perspective, a more de-
tailed description of the method and architecture and
the extension of the tool support is required. From
an empirical perspective, more case studies are neces-
sary to ensure validity. Furthermore, evaluation with
stakeholders in SMEs is needed.
Part of the research presented in this paper was sup-
ported by grant no. TBI-V-1-426-VBW-145 of the
Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and
Labour of the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern us-
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
ing funds from the European Regional Development
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