Exploring Situational Leadership Using Critical Incident Technique
in the Times of COVID-19
Tshidi Machaba
, Melani Prinsloo
, Malcolm Ferguson
and Pedro Ribeiro
Henley Business School Africa, University of Reading, Cnr of Milcliff and Witkoppen Roads,
Paulshof, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
ALGORITMI Research Center, University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
Keywords: Leadership, Project Management, Success, Agility, Crisis.
Abstract: The success of any project is a direct function of project leadership. Projects undertaken in a changing
environment require project managers who can adapt their leadership style on demand. This study focuses on
the impact of situational leadership in times of crisis, specifically during the period of the COVID-19
pandemic. The methodology used was the critical incident technique, carried out through interviews with
project managers and the analysis of 128 incidents described by respondents. It was found that 78% of the
project managers used more than one type of leadership and 82% used the directive type. Based on this
research, it was possible to develop a set of rules for effective leadership in troubled situations.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought different and
complex challenges for companies. The need for
rapid change, agility, and sustainability are closely
linked to projects and new ways of managing
projects. Leadership is important in the success of any
project (Lategan and Fore, 2015). A successful leader
motivates and inspires the team, manages conflicts,
and makes the right decisions to ensure the success of
Situational leadership is a leadership model that
suggests leaders should adapt their leadership style to
maximise team performance by considering the
demands of the situation. The model, initially
presented by Hersey and Blanchard (1969), suggests
four styles of situational leadership: directing,
coaching, supporting, and delegating.
This study aims to address the following research
question: what types of situational leadership helped
to manage projects successfully during the COVID-
19 pandemic? The Critical Incident Technique (CIT)
was considered the most appropriate method for this
study, as it allows details to be gathered about specific
events that occurred during a project. Eighteen
interviews were conducted with project managers in
South African companies that developed projects in
the areas of health and information technologies. In
total, 128 incidents were collected and analysed.
The next sections present the work performed and
the main results obtained. In section 2, based on a
literature review, the main concepts of CIT,
situational leadership, and project success are briefly
presented. In section 3, the research methodology is
presented, detailing the sample selection, the profile
of the respondents, and the protocol used in the
interviews. The main results are presented in section
4 describing the types of situational leadership used
by the interviewed project managers and discussing
the main findings. Finally, the last section provides an
overall analysis and summarises the main results.
This study analyses the impact of situational
leadership on project success using CIT. This section
Machaba, T., Prinsloo, M., Ferguson, M. and Ribeiro, P.
Exploring Situational Leadership Using Critical Incident Technique in the Times of COVID-19.
DOI: 10.5220/0011974200003494
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2023), pages 98-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-646-0; ISSN: 2184-5891
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
describes the main concepts about CIT and situational
leadership. Moreover, a brief background on the field
of project management is presented.
2.1 Situational Leadership
The general idea of situational leadership is that there
is no single leadership style that adequately addresses
the needs of an organisation, but rather that leaders
must adapt their style to match the specific context or
The Hersey and Blanchard (1982) situational
leadership theory is based on the premise that one
must consider the characteristics of the leader and
followers as well as the situation to determine the
most appropriate form of leadership. The model
suggests that there are four primary leadership styles:
telling, selling, participating, and delegating.
Blanchard revised the situational leadership
model and published an updated version as
Situational Leadership II (SLII) in the book,
Leadership and the one minute manager (Blanchard
et al. (1986). The model posits that, in selecting their
leadership type, team leaders will consider the degree
of direction they need to give their members versus
the level of support they should offer. Accordingly,
the SLII model has two dimensions – directive
behaviour and supportive behaviour – as illustrated in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Situational Leadership II model (Blanchard et al.,
The model includes four basic types of leadership,
derived by combining the two dimensions mentioned:
1. Directing (S1): leaders provide more direction
than support to team members.
2. Coaching (S2): leaders provide high levels of
direction and support to team members.
3. Supporting (S3): leaders provide more support
than direction to team members.
4. Delegating (S4): leaders provide limited
direction and support to team members.
The model also indicates that the shift from S1
(directing) to S4 (delegating) aligns to the
development level of those being led, where D1
denotes a developing team member and D4 denotes a
developed team leader. Development level refers to
the extent to which a person has mastered the skills
necessary for the task at hand and has developed a
positive attitude towards the task. This development
level range with two dimensions of competence and
commitment replaces the performance readiness
range with dimensions of ability and willingness of
the original model. The reasoning is that competence
is perceived as something that can be developed,
whereas ability is seen as natural ability. Equally,
commitment may simply diminish over time, rather
than suggesting a lack of willingness, which is seen
as stubborn resistance in many countries (Blanchard
et al., 1993).
A more recent study tested three basic
assumptions of the SLII model, namely that the
model’s four leadership styles are both received and
required by followers; and that where followers
reported a fit between the style they needed and the
style they received, they demonstrated better
performance (Zigarmi and Roberts, 2017). Their
study highlighted the importance of both the initiating
structure and consideration dimensions of the SLII
model in various combinations. Three of the four
leadership styles of the SLII framework were reported
as frequently received, with minimal reports of high
directive-low supportive leadership. That said, all
four of the leadership styles were reported as needed.
This study also found that follower-reported fit
between one’s needed and received leadership style
at work resulted in more favourable scores on nine of
the 10 employee outcomes, compared to follower-
reported misfit. This indicates that leaders must adapt
their styles to their followers’ needs for optimal
2.2 Critical Incident Technique
Over the past decade, there has been an increasing
interest in people’s subjective impressions of life –
whether work-related, service and product
experiences or personal endeavours. The stories
people tell give researchers and practitioners insight
into how people make sense of the environment in
which they operate. This has helped researchers and
participants to learn, reflect, and improve the outcome
Exploring Situational Leadership Using Critical Incident Technique in the Times of COVID-19
of their efforts. Within the context of leadership
studies, specifically situational leadership, the field
benefits from research techniques that highlight the
subjectivity of experience, the layers of meaning
attached to leader and non-leader actions, and the
experiences most characteristic of general
organisational life (Bott and Tourish, 2016).
CIT has been used in a multitude of settings and
industries (Swanson et al., 2021; Ruiz et al. 2016)
doing just that – exploring subjective experiences to
help solve real problems (Davis, 2006). It is ideally
suited to uncover and unpack these experiences using
a systematic approach to obtain rich, qualitative
information about significant incidents from first-
hand experience. In this case, situational leadership in
technology and health projects was explored over the
COVID-19 pandemic timeline (January 2020 to
December 2021) by asking research participants to
describe how their behaviour, actions, or an
occurrence positively or negatively impacted a
specified project outcome.
CIT is a tool used to gather and analyse
information on behaviours that impact performance
by uncovering the skills, attitudes, knowledge, and
values at play. Flanagan (1954) listed the five CIT
steps to follow to secure these outcomes, namely to:
1. Ascertain the general aims of the activity being
2. Make plans and set specifications;
3. Collect the data;
4. Analyse the data; and
5. Interpret the data and report the results.
CIT is frequently used to collect data based on
observations reported from memory. This is usually
satisfactory when the incidents are recent and the
observers made detailed observations and evaluations
at the time of the incident.
To mitigate the risk of poor recall, which could
negatively impact the quality of the responses and the
interview time, it is suggested that researchers email
the interview guide to the participants one week in
advance (Bott and Tourish, 2016) and ask them to
think about critical incidents to discuss. Incidents can
also be restricted to those that occurred in the past
year, although this may be problematic in cases where
many incidents need to be collected.
However, in this study, the focus on the
COVID-19 time frame is sufficiently recent and, in
some ways, distinct due to the pandemic’s impact on
human lives and on the businesses they work in.
Variations in context are critical as they are likely
to lead to different results and thus implications.
Therefore, the importance of probing questions to
uncover any intricacies in the fact-finding stage of the
interview must be emphasised. Damoah (2018) and
Mol et al. (2017) contended that the dearth of studies
on Africa implies a current lack of understanding of
pertinent management issues, and have called upon
management scholars worldwide to examine the
extent to which Africa can influence existing theories.
2.3 Project Management
Projects are designed to fulfil the strategic needs of an
organisation, such as market demand, customer
requests, technological advances, legal requirements,
social needs, and crisis handling (Anantatmula,
2020). According to Gardiner (2017) a project is a
temporary effort that exists, is unique, takes shape
through progressive elaboration of processes and
standards, and is mostly defined by the complexity,
size, and scope. Minelli (2020) attested that a project
is a temporary effort to create a unique product,
service, or a result, and has a definite start and end.
The project management knowledge areas consist
of integration, scope, time cost, quality, human
resources, communication, risk, procurement, and
stakeholder management (Demirkesen and Ozorhon,
2017). Project management is the application of
processes, methods, skills, knowledge, and
experience to achieve specific project objectives
according to the project acceptance criteria within
agreed parameters (Kerzner, 2018).
Different authors attest that an event is deemed a
project if it meets the following criteria:
Defined start and end dates;
Defined objectives and desired results; and
Budget and scope.
Although there might be more or fewer criteria in
a project, there is a consensus that the above are
instrumental to the definition of a project.
This research aimed to explore the impact of
situational leadership in times of crisis, specifically
the COVID-19 pandemic between January 2020 and
December 2021. The focus was on critical incidents
that impacted commercial projects undertaken by
companies through medical or technological
The interpretive and exploratory nature of this
study favoured a qualitative approach. CIT was
identified as a suitable method, as it allows for the
emergence, rather than the imposition, of a collection
of incidents based on salient and memorable
respondent experiences (Tuuli and Rowlinson, 2010).
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
The practicality of CIT in project management
research has been demonstrated in several studies
(Haussner et al., 2016; Kaulio, 2008; Varajão et al.,
2014) and its appropriateness for this study was
further underscored by its demonstrated reliability,
validity, and practicality. Therefore, CIT was used in
this study for the following reasons (Ramseook-
Munhurrun, 2016):
Positive and negative critical incidents could be
identified, allowing researchers to examine the
incidents most significant to the problem being
Being inductive in nature, hypotheses were not
needed, allowing the development of concepts
and theories.
Since the critical incidents are personal
experiences, new research evidence related to the
phenomena studied could be generated.
Project managers could use the information
derived from the CIT for project improvements.
The CIT research approach is important for
evaluating respondents’ attitudes from various
projects and settings.
Inductively designed critical incident interviews
were conducted to explore the behaviours and actions
of project leaders and team members to identify
alternative influences arising from other
organisational actors and contextual factors (Bott and
Tourish, 2016). Since context is crucial in research,
the choice of the empirical context was deemed
appropriate, given the scant attention being paid to
research in Africa (Damoah, 2018). Consequently,
semi-structured critical incident interviews were used
to collect behavioural data from 18 participants from
17 South African organisations working on
technology and/or health interventions during the
3.1 Sample Selection
Based on its success in previous CIT studies, a
convenience sampling approach was adopted to select
participants (Gremler, 2004). Participants included
project sponsors, project managers, project team
members, engineers, designers, and analysts working
on commercial technology- or health-related projects
that addressed COVID-19 challenges. This diversity
of respondents was to ensure that incidents collected
were comprehensive in their coverage of the varied
perspectives represented in project settings
(Flanagan, 1954).
Sample size in CIT studies is determined by the
number of critical incidents, rather than the number
of interviews required to achieve adequate coverage
of the subject of study, as well as the complexity of
the problem under investigation (Tuuli and
Rowlinson, 2010). Flanagan (1954) suggested that “if
the activity or job being defined is relatively simple,
it may be satisfactory to collect only 50 incidents. On
the other hand, some types of complex activities
appear to require several thousand incidents for an
adequate statement of requirements.” Flanagan added
that the investigator needs to be cognisant of
saturation, where the addition of further participants
reveals few new critical incident behaviours.
Overall, 18 interviews were conducted, each
lasting on average one hour. Interviews were
recorded and respondents’ demographic information
captured with their consent. Respondents were
requested to recall specific incidents related to the
project in their own words. Probes were used to
ensure detailed descriptions. To generate the
incidents, respondents were asked to describe the
positive or negative critical incident that contributed
significantly to the outcome of the project. In total,
128 incidents were collected. CIT allowed
respondents to “speak for themselves”, providing an
authentic understanding of critical incidents and
insights related to the success of the project under
COVID-19 conditions.
Analysis was done by examining the text for
narrative structures to identify insights that emerged
from the data. Working in teams, the analysts
categorised the critical incidents related to situational
leadership impacting project success, in the process
also validating the categories (Butterfield et al. 2005).
3.2 Profile of Respondents
Eighteen project managers and project sponsors from
the technology and health sectors were interviewed
via online platforms (i.e., Zoom and Microsoft
Teams). The interviews were recorded digitally and
transcribed. Majority of respondents were from the
technology sector (82%), only three worked in health
During the interviews, respondents shared a
project they completed between January 2020 and
December 2021 and recalled the critical incidents in
the project’s life cycle. The projects were diverse in
nature and included establishing a command centre,
helping private hospitals navigate the challenges and
opportunities posed by COVID-19, delivering
733 000 laptops to learners registered at technical and
vocational colleges, offering innovative technology
solutions to large manufacturing and retail banking
companies, and shifting a call centre to agents’
homes. Two of the projects were in companies that
Exploring Situational Leadership Using Critical Incident Technique in the Times of COVID-19
were on the brink of closure at the onset of COVID-
19 and managed to become sustainable businesses
during the pandemic. The diversity of projects
together with the precarious financial positions of
some of the companies strengthened the data set and
contributed to its reliability.
3.3 Interview Protocol Development
As emphasised in section 2, a clear definition of a
critical incident, within the context of the study, is
important to ensure that participants do not
necessarily see it as a crisis and/or a negative event.
For the purpose of this study, a critical incident is a
decision and/or action undertaken by a project team
member (or a person not directly involved in the
project) that contributed significantly to the project
outcome in terms of:
Efficiency measured as duration, cost, or
resources required;
Contribution to business sustainability; and/or
Impact on participants, beneficiaries, or other
The research team carefully considered whether
the interview guide should specify the identification
of both positive and negative incidents. If not, it was
more likely that respondents would recall negative
incidents (Davis, 2006), which have longer-lasting
and more intense consequences. After a thorough
review of literature, it was decided to request both
positive and negative incidents for this study to reveal
a commonly experienced range of challenges and
situations, as well as diverse themes that may vary
across different contexts. The question that was posed
– describe the positive/negative critical incident
(decision/action that contributed significantly to the
outcome of the project) – does not presume that all
(or any) leadership behaviours will be relevant, as the
research design does not deductively consider
behaviours prescribed by a particular leadership
theory at its onset.
To find a balance between clarity and dialogue,
without invoking unnecessary response bias, the
probes listed below were used in the study. They were
designed to minimise structure in the interview
process and ensure that the discussion was driven by
what the respondents felt was important.
What could have made the action more effective?
Which aspect of the project outcome was most
affected? Please explain why you think so.
What was the project role of the person who took
the unplanned action you described?
In what way do you believe the critical incident
contributed to the project outcome?
What were the negative/positive effects of the
critical incident on the project outcome?
What could the person have done differently to
have a more positive effect on the project
What do you believe equipped the person to
make this contribution (rank in order of
This section presents the critical incidents identified
from 18 transcripts of interviews conducted with
project sponsors and project managers of 17 different
companies. A total of 128 incidents were reported.
This analysis is presented in two sections: 1) types of
situational leadership employed by project managers
and 2) discussion of findings.
4.1 Types of Situational Leadership
Used by Project Managers
For the purpose of this study, each critical incident
was categorised according to the four basic types of
situational leadership (i.e., directing, coaching,
supporting, and delegating). In most of the projects
considered (82%), more than one type of situational
leadership was used to achieve success (Table 1).
Two of the three projects in the health sector used a
combination of three types of situational leadership to
deliver on their goals, while a third (33%) of
technology projects used three types of situational
Table 1: Number of situational leadership (SL) types used
to deliver projects.
type of
types of
types of
types of
Health 0 1 2 0
Technology 3 5 5 1
Total 3 6 7 1
% 18% 35% 41% 6%
The technology company that blended all four
types of situational leadership delivered a unique
project to clients. Historically, the company provided
only electronic components to its clients. During the
pandemic, for the first time, the company offered its
clients a full technology solution, both hardware and
software, to vertically integrate its parts into a
complete solution for clients. To accomplish this, the
company rolled out a multidisciplinary team. Prior to
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
COVID-19, the company was put up for sale because
it was seen as a commodities business and, at the
onset of the pandemic, it had to retrench staff to
remain competitive. The remaining employees were
given ongoing training to ensure a full understanding
of all aspects of the business to enable growth. The
team was supported to keep employees engaged
throughout the project by implementing various
virtual social activities, such as “virtual cook-offs”.
The outcome of the situational leadership was that
clients now saw the company as a partner in the
growth and development of their businesses.
Importantly for the company, it has not only remained
in business, but is now also able to offer a unique
service to its clients, with multiple growth
Four in five (82%) project managers used the
directing type of situational leadership to deliver their
respective projects. This was followed by coaching
(65%), supporting (53%), and delegating (41%), as
illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Types of situational leadership by sector.
The critical incidents related to directing (S1)
comprised decisions to continue to offer services
during the various iterations of COVID-19
lockdowns. This was accomplished by a multitude of
decisions and activities, namely:
Going online and allowing and enabling their
employees to work remotely;
Offering new services and products relevant to
the pandemic conditions;
Creating new structures to mitigate the impact of
Adapting traditional project management
methodology by reducing the planning phase;
Increasing the frequency of risk assessment
meetings; and
Extending the duration of status meetings to
allow for learning and bonding, and breaking
down tasks into smaller outputs to demonstrate
delivery and keep team members connected.
Coaching (S2), as another situational leadership
style, was used by two-thirds of project managers to
provide their employees with emotional support and
help them remain connected during COVID-19. The
critical incidences included:
Providing training;
Conducting regular online risk assessment
meetings complemented by longer routine
project status meetings;
Sharing information continuously; and
Providing frameworks for operations in the time
of COVID-19.
Other areas of coaching allowed branches to
formulate standard operating procedures related to
their unique contexts. These comprised:
Transferring skills to partner organisations;
Helping clients consider organisational cultures
in how they deliver products and services;
Assisting employees to be heard during online
meetings; and
Trusting employees to work remotely.
Half the projects used the supporting (S3)
capability of situational leadership. The critical
incidences in this category included:
Drawing on the company’s physical and
intellectual resources;
Increasing the frequency of reporting back to
project team members;
Helping team members remain connected while
working remotely, creating virtual social events;
Employing counsellors to help employees cope
with COVID-19 and working remotely;
Building trust amongst team members; and
Understanding the cultural diversity of
employees, and ensuring that meetings were
“intentional and impactful”.
The delegating (S4) situational leadership
capability was used mainly by project managers who
had to deliver on large and complex tasks through
multidisciplinary teams. While many of these projects
used traditional project management methodology,
during COVID-19, they adapted these to meeting
more often for short risk assessment updates,
reducing the size and time of incremental outcomes,
and using more time for progress meetings to share
learnings and facilitating connectedness. As such, the
critical incidences were:
Meeting daily to assess risk;
Providing clear instructions or standard
operating procedures;
Authorising team leaders to take final decisions;
Trusting team members.
Exploring Situational Leadership Using Critical Incident Technique in the Times of COVID-19
Of the three companies that did not use the
directing situational leadership capability, one
applied only the delegating capability, one employed
only coaching, and one practised both coaching and
supporting. The project that used the delegating
situational leadership was steeped in this practice. It
was a project of a company with offices across the
globe and offered services in diverse country
jurisdictions through multidisciplinary teams
resourced with members from the different offices.
Consequently, the COVID-19 lockdown reduced the
company’s face-to-face interactions with its clients,
but had limited impact on the teams. Nonetheless,
they did make changes, which included meeting more
frequently online. The company delivered its projects
earlier than planned.
4.2 Discussion of Findings
At the onset of COVID-19 lockdowns, project
managers had to make decisions quickly to ensure all
their business functions continued to operate, offered
new services and products in response to the
exigencies of the pandemic, protected their revenue
streams, prevented closure of their businesses, and
safeguarded their employees’ well-being.
Consequently, the directing situational leadership
capability was used by majority of project managers.
Those who did not use the directing capability were
technology companies that had historically worked
with teams dispersed across offices and countries.
These companies had experience working remotely
and focused on improving their coaching and
delegation situational leadership capabilities.
Nonetheless, working remotely brought to the
fore the importance of enabling and supporting
employees during the pandemic and helping their
respective clients to enhance their business
performance. As such, project managers combined
directing with coaching, supporting, and delegating
capabilities. The coaching capability was frequently
utilised because it allowed project managers to build
trust by increasing their employees’ technical and
emotional capabilities. Furthermore, supporting
situational leadership capabilities were used to help
employees remain connected during a pandemic
when everyone was feeling isolated and dealing with
illness, loss of family members, and the fear of job
The COVID-19 pandemic appeared to have
served as a catalyst to not only consider remote
working as an option, but it underscored the
companies’ soft skills, especially their culture and
their employees’ emotional well-being. A notable
finding was the adaptation of traditional project
management methodologies to respond to the
COVID-19 pandemic. Project managers recognised
that to successfully deliver on projects with their team
members working remotely and limited face-to-face
interaction with their clients, they had to frequently
provide evidence of progress. Additionally, they
recognised that there were too many variables at play,
which increased risk and uncertainty daily.
Consequently, they made five changes to the
traditional project management methodology,
Reducing the planning time so that clients would
feel the “heightened” sense of urgency towards
the critical delivery;
Emphasising “incremental delivery” where they
further broke down outputs into smaller pieces of
work that could be used to frequently report on
Conducting frequent risk assessment meetings
where many of the projects met daily for a few
minutes to “clock in” and get a quick assessment
of team members’ progress and emotional well-
being, and to identify and mitigate any new risks.
Running longer project status meetings to
include learning and feedback opportunities,
which helped keep their team members
connected; and
Offering many virtual social opportunities for
team members and clients to remain connected
and ensure their emotional well-being.
While COVID-19 amplified time and resources,
project managers took this as a given and believed
that the criteria of success on their projects were user
satisfaction, business and commercial performance,
and quality performance. These latter criteria were
considered critical in ensuring that their businesses
were sustainable. Analogously, project success
factors were expanded to include building trust,
collaborating, and ongoing communication with
internal and external stakeholders.
The study confirmed that situational leadership
offers a useful model for understanding leadership in
project management due to its contingency-based
assumption. COVID-19 offered not only a means to
test this assumption, but to also examine the model’s
veracity. In this study, project managers’ decisions
were not only shaped by the exigencies of the
pandemic, but also by the level of development or
maturity of their teams and clients and the complexity
of the projects as described above. COVID-19
underscored the significance of trust and
connectedness amongst team members and between
the project team and the client as project success
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
factors. Project managers, who recognised these
enabling factors, combined directing with coaching
under the situational leadership types. The coaching
situational leadership type allowed project managers
to build trust and keep both internal and external
stakeholders connected.
Project managers used a combination of situational
leadership types during COVID-19 to accommodate
the many unknown variables affecting their projects
and the related uncertainties in a changing
environment. They made directive decisions at
executive level, including working remotely to ensure
that business functions continued. Concomitantly, to
ensure success, project managers applied the
coaching situational leadership capability to ensure
their employees were empowered and remained
Ultimately, company leaders trusted employees to
work remotely because they had no alternative under
the strict national lockdown. This led to a distributed
working model applied at an unprecedented scale
worldwide and with great success. This distributed
workforce would have been impossible without
technologies and many technologies were developed
or refined to facilitate the shift. Equally, the increased
reliance on technology required an intentional
emphasis on human connection and the success
stories point to leadership that was able to harness and
weather the COVID-19 pandemic.
While it is tempting to conclude that remote
working should become the new norm beyond the
lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, it is important to
bear in mind the unique context in which the remote
working model succeeded. Perhaps the most
significant aspect of the COVID-19 context was the
fact that, just as managers were sceptical of trusting
their teams to take accountability without
supervision, employees were understandably anxious
about being retrenched and eager to demonstrate their
value to their organisations.
The situational leadership model points to a need
for agility and responsiveness on the part of leaders,
so there is a need to adopt a situational work model
that accommodates varying combinations of office-
based and remote working. Perhaps the most valuable
lesson from our collective COVID-19 experience is
that human beings are, at our best, agile, resilient, and
inclusive, and, at our worst, stubborn, fickle, and
The results obtained suffer from some limitations
resulting mainly from the difficulties in collecting
more detailed data from the projects. It should also be
noted that it would be important to interview
participants other than project managers. The lack of
information about leadership styles before COVID is
also a limitation of the study. As future work it is
intended to continue the investigation in order to:
obtain in a reliable way the relationship between the
leadership styles and the results (positive or
negative); study how the leadership styles coexist /
evolve during a project; understand in a quantitative
way which are the impacts of the leadership styles on
the success criteria.
- Participants in the Latin American Council of
Management Schools (CLADEA) Project
Management Research Group focusing on the
‘impact of situational leadership in times of crisis on
project outcome’.
- This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação
para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D units
Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020.
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Leadership and the one minute manager. Collins.
Blanchard, K. H., Zigarmi, D., & Nelson, R. B. (1993).
Situational Leadership
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