Towards e-Cities: An Atlas to Enhance the Public Realm Through
Interactive Urban Cyber-Physical Devices
Paulo Cruz
, Ivo Oliveira
, Bruno Figueiredo
, João V. Lopes
and Paulo Freitas
Lab2PT, School of Architecture, University of Minho, Campus de Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
Keywords: Urban Cyber-Physical Devices, Augmented Public Space, e-Cities, Sustainability, Urban Design.
Abstract: Cyber-physical devices are the backbone of a postdigital society in which the virtual and real spaces are
seamlessly integrated by ubiquitous computing and networking. The incorporation of such devices in public
space is a central subject of a strategic Research Project that gathers a multidisciplinary team from architecture,
product design, polymer science and ICT R&D units. This paper frames the key roles of public space and
ICTs for UN Sustainable Development Goals and sustainable smart cities. It also reports the architecture R&D
unit review on the relations between public space, community, environment and digital interfaces. This review
was materialized in an Atlas that collects, classifies and relates a corpus of heterogeneous urban cyber-
physical projects case studies. We expand on three main framing concepts (Digital Twin, Interface,
Awareness) and identify trends on the devices’ design and deployment strategies to counteract digitally hostile
environments and early obsolescence. We also suggest the rising of new types of urban devices aiming at
expanding the liveliness of urban places, the knowledge of urban life and the users’ environmental
consciousness. The lessons learned from the Atlas fed the design guidelines for a developing demonstrator of
a new breed of environmentally sensible interactive urban devices.
Throughout history, the role and meaning of public
space in the city has evolved. Nonetheless, its
infrastructural and social roles, remain fundamental
components of inhabitants’ wellbeing. Urban life has
always been supported by the creation of devices that
address human needs in those spaces, from street
furniture to the architectonic artefacts of the cities’
hidden infrastructures (Uslu & Bölükbaşı, 2019).
With the widespread of internet and pervasive
computing, most of the services are being digitalized
and moved to a global networked virtual space,
parallel to the physical one we inhabit (Castells,
2009). The evolving technology opened new
possibilities of interaction between these two spaces,
and from real to virtual, a gradient of mixed realities
was created. Augmented Reality, Internet of Things
(IoT), Big Data and Digital Twin are technologies and
concepts that seem to be the sign under which
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
is shaping our world. A new networked digital layer
is correlating all aspects of the human life and
identity, but also the built environment around us and
the meaning of public space as a place (Cindio, 2008).
Following this repositioning of public space,
triggered by a new digitally mediated public realm
and a pressing global sustainability crisis, the
interlacing between digital and analogue, between
bits and atoms, is pervading and redefining
architecture and urban design disciplines (Ratti &
Claudel, 2016).
1.1 Public Space and ICT, Key Factor
for the SDGs
These two facets, Public space and ICTs, are key
factors in reaching UN Sustainable Development
Cruz, P., Oliveira, I., Figueiredo, B., Lopes, J. and Freitas, P.
Towards e-Cities: An Atlas to Enhance the Public Realm Through Interactive Urban Cyber-Physical Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0011975500003491
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2023), pages 58-69
ISBN: 978-989-758-651-4; ISSN: 2184-4968
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Goals (SDG) and targets. Our main focus among
SDGs is Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements
inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable; specifically,
the target 11.7: To provide universal access to safe,
inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces,
particularly for women and children, older persons
and persons with disabilities (Goal 11 | Department
of Economic and Social Affairs, n.d.). Public spaces
are an opportunity to achieve other SDGs, namely:
SDG 3: Health and Well-Being NCD prevention,
access to healthy foods and local markets, physical
activity, walkability and safe circulation; SDG 5:
Gender Equality public spaces safety for women
and girls; SDG 8: Decent Work for All – public
spaces are the “workplaces” for many informal
workers; and SDG 13: Climate Change green and
public open spaces in cities addresses both climate
change mitigation and resilience (Kristie, 2016).
Authors like (Tjoa & Tjoa, 2016) outline the
enormous potential of ICTs to ensure quality and
accountability, and to accelerate the accomplishment
of the SDGs. The UN World Summit on Information
Societies (WSIS) in 2003 and 2005 was devoted to
the vision of “a people centred, inclusive and
development-oriented information society”, which
was synthetized in eleven WSIS Action lines (Cn) for
ICT driven sustainable development. UN Action Line
facilitators have produced a WSIS-SDG matrix
linking WSIS Action lines with SDGs
( ICTs are both identified as
targets in the SDGs for education, gender equality,
infrastructure (universal and affordable access to the
internet) and as a cross cutting tool to be utilized for
the achievement of all the SDGs (Table 1).
WSIS-SDG relations were further disaggregated
into the SDG targets. There is no direct linking
between WSIS ICT Action lines and our main focus
SDG target 11.7, although we can say that the former
are implicit in many solutions for a safe, inclusive and
accessible public space. Also, Action line C9
(Media), related with information accessibility, user
data security and the role of media in the Information
and Knowledge Societies, is not directly referenced
as related to SDG goal 11. The questions addressed
by this Action line seem most relevant to cities as the
natural relation between public space and media is
historically acknowledged (McCarthy, 2003).
1.2 The Role of Urban Cyber-Physical
Devices for Sustainable Smart
A Cyber-Physical Device (CPD) is a device in which
physical components and software are deeply
intertwined. We consider CPD both as an individual
device and a component of a broader Cyber-Physical
System (CPS). These can process and define actions
from data collected from their environment, being
compliant to spatial and temporal contexts. Ongoing
advances in science and engineering expand the link
between computational and physical elements by
intelligent mechanisms, increasing the adaptability,
autonomy, efficiency, functionality, reliability,
safety, and usability of cyber-physical systems
Table 1: WSIS Action lines - SDGs matrix, highlighting SDGs related to public space and Action lines related to SDGs 8 and
11 (adapted from
Towards e-Cities: An Atlas to Enhance the Public Realm Through Interactive Urban Cyber-Physical Devices
(Khaitan & McCalley, 2015).
Our approach to CPDs departs from the
architecture and urban design disciplines. It targets
CPDs developed to assist urban life in public spaces
or to manage city infrastructures, which we termed:
Urban Cyber-Physical Devices (UCPD) and Urban
Cyber-Physical Systems (UCPS). In this perspective,
both the object, its relations to user and impacts on
the site and society, are as important as the
technicalities of the system and ICT technologies.
Urban Cyber-Physical Systems can be seen as a class
of what has been labelled as Cyber-Physical-Social
Systems (CPSSs): the extension of Cyber-Physical
Systems to seamlessly integrate cyber space, physical
space and social space (Pasandideh et al., 2022).
The combination and coordination between the
physical public space, urban data and ICTs is tied to
the concept of Smart City. A tentative definition of
Smart City implies an approach to urbanization that
uses innovative technologies to enhance community
services and economic opportunities, improve city
infrastructure, reduce costs and resource
consumption, and increase civic engagement
(Halegoua, 2020). They are the product of mass
urbanization, the contemporary Society of
Information and Knowledge and the fourth industrial
revolution response to global problems that threaten
our planet (Mitchell, 2000). UCPDs play a major role
in all these fronts. As we shall see, UCPDs are (i)
sensible hubs, collecting and broadcasting urban
information; (ii) interactive interfaces between city,
individuals and communities, raising awareness and
engagement; (iii) gateway devices, bridging cyber,
physical and social spaces; and (iv) adaptable
devices, pushing for design and governance solutions
that address both large-scale long-term societal
emergences, and small-scale short-term daily life
individuals concerns (Anwar et al., 2021).
1.3 The Research Project
The incorporation of UCPDs in public space is a
central subject of an ongoing strategic Research
Project that gathers expert teams from architecture
and product design, polymer science and ICT R&D
units. This paper reports the initial review on the
relations between public space, community,
environment and digital interfaces produced by the
architecture R&D unit. This was materialized in an
academic publication named Atlas for the design of
future e-cities (Atlas from now on)
( that collects, labels,
relates and critiques a corpus of heterogeneous
UCPDs case study projects deployed in public space
around the world, which reflects the
multidisciplinarity of the research team.
The scientific importance of this Atlas is trifold:
(i) for the Research Project the lessons learned from
the Atlas fed the design guidelines for a demonstrator
of a new breed of environmentally sensible
interactive urban devices, which integrates all the
project’s research lines; (ii) for the scientific
community it is an updated state of the art in the
subject, extending related work like the Pool of
Examples of the CyberParks 2014-2018 project
(CyberParks, 2014) or Active Public Space project
publications (Markoupoulou et al., 2017); and (iii) for
the non-experts it’s a theoretical and monographic
introduction to the subject, with an ample set of fully
illustrated applied cases.
In the following sections we delve into the Atlas
and use it as a leitmotif to expand on the subject of
UCPDs, their public space incidence, user behaviour
and societal transformation potentials into a more
sustainable urban future. The paper continues as
follows: first we present the Atlas and records
structures, the set of case studies and the reading grid
rationales; next we present results on case studies
cross readings and relationship mappings; finally, in
the discussion and conclusion section we comment on
results, expand on their meaning to sustainability and
on their importance to Research Project future work.
The Atlas is a compilation of UCPDs’ case studies,
presented as a set of records with a unified
representation, meant to be used as an easy to consult
state of the art document. It dives into aspects of
devices’ development and implementation and
analyses public space transformations. It was
methodologically devised after the definition of Atlas
in Geography: a set of standardized thematic
representations providing a comprehensive image of
a territory (in our case: the Interactive Urban Cyber-
Physical Devices subject). Because of the continuous
emergence of new projects and technologies, the
Atlas is designed with a chronological coded
structure, receptive to new additions.
SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Table 2: List of recorded projects in the Atlas (please refer to links in the end of this paper).
Figure 1: The four-page record’s organization in Atlas’ BENCHMARK case study (P17.01). Reading grid, from left to right:
Preview; Datasheet; Object; Context (top) and Review (bottom). Images in pages 2 and 3 from [20].
2.1 Case Studies
The rationale behind the selection of examples
followed a series of principles backing the main goal:
to portrait the diversity of contexts and scales, and the
several design and deployment strategies of
innovative UCPDs. Priority was given to objects with
a physical existence that support typical human needs
(mobility, comfort, security, etc.), and to
implemented or prototyped design objects over
untested concepts, purely artistic interventions or
digital-only initiatives. We’ve searched for examples
that possess some sort of sensing, communication,
interactivity or adaptability capacity that augments
their physical performance and extends its existence
into the virtual realm. The Atlas currently comprises
24 case studies (Table 2).
Towards e-Cities: An Atlas to Enhance the Public Realm Through Interactive Urban Cyber-Physical Devices
2.2 The Records Structure
Each project entry is bound to a four-page
organization with two main foci: Object and Context
(Figure 1).
The complete set of the records reading grid
headings is: (i) Preview; (ii) Datasheet; (iii) Object;
(iv) Context; and (v) Review.
(i) Preview. A bird’s eye view of the project that
summarizes its context and design concepts using
highlighted tags that clearly make it easy to
identify and situate. This information is divided
into 5 topics as in Table 3.
(ii) Datasheet. Situates the example with general
information: project’s official name, code,
development team, third-party participation,
development nature (e.g. academic, independent),
location, year, keywords, related projects and
references. An Overview topic describes the
project by the development team’s own words.
(iii) Object. Under this heading, the main design
features and functions of the objects are
organized. Stress is in the relations between the
physical and digital components of the device, and
the functioning of its associated interface. Topics
are as follows:
Design Principles. Small description of the
strategic, functional and implementation choices,
considering modularity, customization,
adaptability, associated digital platforms, etc.
Shape and Material. Descriptive paragraph of
the tangible scope of the object such as:
dimensions, general shape, composition,
materials, connections, structural design.
Sensors and Connectivity Infrastructure
Technologies. Detailed list of implemented
sensors and type of collected data, as well as the
connectivity infrastructure technology.
Specific Functioning. A summary of the
interface, hardware and software functioning
Table 3: Preview topics, subtopics, tags, and their description.
SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
including connectivity infrastructure, technologies,
interaction principles and data flow.
(iv) Context. Addresses the presence of cyber
physical technologies and interactive devices in
the public space. The focus is on the urban
contexts in which they are deployed and their
influence in the design and functioning of the
spaces, and in the people who inhabit them.
Topics are as follows:
Context Diagram. A graphic diagram depicting
(with relative fidelity) the urban context type and
scale which the device is attached to, synthetizing
its contextualized functioning.
Context: Small description of the public space
the system is applied to, including urban, cultural
and geographical contexts.
Induced Transformation. Analysis of the
device’s effects in the public space and the
citizens (direct or indirect), as well as influence
over contemporary pressing matters, namely
urban sustainability.
(v) Review. A critique assessment of potential
benefits and weaknesses of the project, both as an
isolated and a contextualized object. Topics are as
• Success Factors and Strategies to Counteract
Obsolescence. Discussion about the project’s
characteristics and approaches that help make it a
• Issues. A speculative overview around what are
the object’s main issues considering possible
obsolescence, dependencies and sustainability.
Keywords were assigned to projects empirically and
ranked based on the specificity of the characterizing
terms, from generic (lower rank) to particular (top
rank). There are 40 distinct keywords, but 12 of them
are only used once (e.g., Vital Signs, E-bicycle or
Digital Water) and don’t generate connections
between projects.
In Figure 2 we represent the relations between
Atlas records. Related projects are connected by
edges via keywords sharing. Each record has five
keywords, weighted by inverse ranking order, from
lower (1) to higher (5), and the strength of the relation
(edge weight) is determined by the sum of the
keyword weights in source (left) and target (right)
project. The disks size at right represent the number
of times a project is referred to.
Figure 2: Diagram of the relations between Atlas records,
via keywords.
From the results of this analysis, we can observe
(i) The stronger aggregated sum edge is SMART
POLE - BIRLOKI (weight: 24, via Smart City +
Urban Furniture + Modular Design keywords),
followed by edge 21 SWINGS - ACTIWAIT
(weight: 21, via Playable + Social Interaction +
Public Open Space keywords), and MURMUR
20, via Art Installation + Lightscape + Social
Interaction keywords). This depicts some
grouping of examples: first, UCPDs as smart city
equipment; second, UCPDs as social and activity
stimulators in public space; and, third, UCPDs as
public art media;
(ii) The most referred project is 21 SWINGS (10
TREE.0 (9), and BENCHMARK (8). The fact
highlights the importance of examples related to
social interaction, design principles based on
playable strategies and kinaesthetic interactions;
(iii) The project BEACON is never pointed out as a
related project. As a technology it was deemed to
generic, so relations to other projects are weak;
(iv) The most used keywords in the Atlas are Urban
Furniture (10 times), Public Open Space (9),
Human Tracking and Social Interaction (6). To
some extent this reflects the bias in the designer’s
viewpoint and examples’ selection;
(v) The keywords more often ranked on top (2 times)
and producing the strongest simple edges between
projects (weight = 10), are Smart City (associating
Towards e-Cities: An Atlas to Enhance the Public Realm Through Interactive Urban Cyber-Physical Devices
AUGMENTED SPACES), and Art Installation
CITY). This corroborates the results described in
(i) and the importance of screens, yet the standard
user interface.
3.1 Empirical Results from Cross
In this section we do a summary of the Atlas’ records
cross readings, following the topics of the reading
grid outlined above. We intend to give a clearer
picture of the main problems, common solutions and
affinities between projects.
In Table 4 a case study project names – preview
tags matrix summarizes the tags highlighted in the
Preview first page of each record. Tags description,
and topic/subtopic grouping can be acquired from
Table 3. Following the five topics classification, and
by decreasing order of importance, the main used tags
are: (i) Context: Public and Exterior, Permanent,
Functional; (ii) Scope: Social, Environment,
Governance; (iii) Design principles: Replicable,
Connected, Customizable; (iv) Sensing capabilities:
Tracking, Environmental, Physical; and (v) Outputs:
Visual and Direct, Interactive, Deferred.
3.1.1 Datasheet Overview
Selected examples are contemporary with the
dissemination of internet and mobile digital
technologies, spanning the last 13 years. The
emphasis in this period reflects a bias towards the
availability of information, but it also hints to the
upwelling use of cyber components in urban devices.
Development teams are mainly academic, and two
organisations stand out: MIT (5 projects) and Gehl
Architects (2 projects). While North America (USA)
and Europe (Italy, Spain and Denmark) are the
standout locations, this indicates a Eurocentric (or
occidental) bias and the need for the diversification of
origins in future work. Most cases are not
participatory but most result from public institutions’
support in the implementation of the devices in public
3.1.2 Design Principles
The incorporation of ICT technologies in the design
of urban life assistance devices pushes to
multidisciplinary and codesign processes.
Multidisciplinary teams of specialists are necessary to
address the increased complexity of the design task,
and codesign approaches point to a new stage of
hands-on participatory processes. This incorporation
and design processes leave traces in new breeds of
augmented types of standard urban objects, or give
rise to new ones. Playfulness and Emotional Design
Table 4: Case study project names – preview tags matrix.
SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
are two major design strategies to increase user
interaction and engagement with the objects, the
services or social goals. These strategies can be
applied both to the object, the digital interface and
media content that is presented by the devices. As
sensing and interacting devices UCPDs may produce
large quantities of data. Open-source, open-data but
also data visualization, play a major role in the
objective of the DIY Atlas’ examples, and are the
substrate for further artistic, design or commercial
explorations by other devices.
3.1.3 Shape and Material
There is no typical size or scale for this kind of
devices, nor implementation strategy, as they range
from pocket-size sensor boxes to street scale
interventions. Nonetheless, if most interfaces are
designed for urban scale, interaction between user
and the devices always happens in a human centred
scale. Shapes tend to be simple and rectilinear. This
trend can be related to the most used industrial
materials and fabrication methods where the main
concerns are cost-effectiveness and ease of
fabrication. Nonetheless, there are a few organic and
metaphorical shapes, such as trees, hearts or animal
3.1.4 Sensors and Connectivity
Most of the examples are equipped with sensors and
can collect data in real-time. While some simulate a
near real-time sensing capability by collecting online
data, others have no sensing capabilities at all. The
most used sensors are environmental sensors and user
interface sensors. Geolocation, tracking, gesture and
facial recognition are other major uses for sensors,
which can be achieved in various ways (with
predominance to computer vision). Interactive touch
screens range from small tablet like screens, sensing
the pressure of a finger, to very big floor screens,
sensing the pressure of the users’ body. Sensor data
can be used locally and immediately discarded or
recorded in a web server using pre-processed data if
UCPDs’ nodes have edge computing and long-range
communication capabilities. In this case they can also
be remotely managed and maintained. Devices may
also work as a WI-FI Hotspot, nonetheless,
connectivity between personal devices and UCPDs is
mainly achieved by pairing Bluetooth/BLE wireless
3.1.5 Specific Functioning
Interaction with UCPDs is, in most cases, stimulated
by local soundscapes, lightscapes and personal device
usage integration. This engagement happens through
network facilitator systems such as QR codes,
Beacons, Bluetooth or other means of wireless
communication. Interfaces try to escape the common
PC experience, there is a general trend of gamifying
common actions in public space to increase
attractiveness. These include synesthetic experiences
that use the “body as interface” and alternative ways
(other than screens) of displaying information. The
data handling is carefully done to guarantee long-term
sustainability in pressing matters such as: personal
and site sensitive data security, legal usage,
communication networks overload, data storage
capacity and energy consumption of systems’
3.1.6 Context
Most of the examples in the Atlas are deployed in
developed countries’ public open spaces (see Table 2)
and address common global or characteristic urban
problems: environmental sustainability, public
participation, community resilience and security in
public spaces. These devices are installed mostly in
spaces seeking for high activity or pedestrian flow,
such as squares, boulevards or important street
intersections. Some cases are connected to indoor
activities and entertainment, and others are mobile,
therefore not site specific. Most devices are designed
to interact directly with pedestrians instead of cars or
traffic, notably a fruitful trend targets disabled people
and assisted living in public space. However, some
UCPDs are installed in segregated spaces, aiming at
their activation. The urban scales of interventions
vary from single interventions in small public spaces
to citywide devise systems; their cyber contexts
(network scale) also vary from direct physical
interfacing, or in-place mobile device pairing, to
global internet connectivity. The deployment time
frame of research or artistic based interventions is
short, while functional and industrialized products are
designed to endure harsh outdoor conditions for long
3.1.7 Induced Transformation
Public space transformation upon device
implementation can be segmented into six groups.
Although the device’s (i) Physical presence is the
only concrete direct transformation in the public
space perception, data collection is the base of (ii)
Towards e-Cities: An Atlas to Enhance the Public Realm Through Interactive Urban Cyber-Physical Devices
governance informed decision-making, which will, in
turn, lead to more tangible and intangible
transformations. (iii) Behavioural change is an
exemplary indirect transformation where data
communication and clever interface design are key
aspects in the moulding of place and sustainability
aware citizens. This also integrates (iv) social
interaction encouragement, aiding in the rupture of
bias and prejudice within different background social
groups that share the same public spaces as well as
(v) urban setting activation that foments social
interaction and permanence in otherwise segregated
spaces. The implementation of these devices can also
be more operative, focused on (vi) the facilitation of
quotidian tasks or even in the enhancement of city
infrastructures that can improve safety and inclusion.
3.1.8 Success Factors and Strategies to
Counteract Obsolescence
Successful interventions oftentimes rely on
opportune timings and placement. These prospects on
public space life renewal and good selection of
deployment sites (where interaction is welcome by
the users) are important aspects to consider. Apart
from other direct object design parameters, such as
safety, weatherproof, durability, anti-vandalism or
even modularity to ensure long-lasting devices, its
designed physical affordances are a safe fall-back in
case of digital failure, and a way to avoid object’s
obsolescence as a whole. Providing enjoyable
experiences as well as a sense of discovery through
emotional design is also a strategy to create empathy,
and therefore counteracting obsolescence. Perhaps
even more important, is the perceived utility of the
device and its inclusive goals (ethnographic, age
groups and disabilities) through its formal design and
intuitive user-friendly interface.
3.1.9 Issues
One of the main issues about applying ICT
technology to the public space is implementation cost
effectiveness. Although there are low-cost
technology and DIY solutions, large scale
implementations are yet too costly to produce and
maintain. There are heavy counterproductive
dependencies triggering obsolescence in UCPDs:
high-end technology, high maintenance, third-party
services, mandatory apps or even continuous service
content feed. Also, heavy dependence on novelty,
perceived usefulness and user attachment may
become a trivialization issue. The inequality of access
to ICTs, digital illiteracy or the bodily condition of
users to operate physical interfaces, are another major
issue from the perspective of users. User safety
concerns go now beyond devices’ ergonomic and
placement concerns, extending into collected
personal and site data security assurance, which
conflicts with users’ rights to privacy and anonymity
in public space. Also, the ecological impact of the
production of UCPDs we’ve studied is not a main
consideration concerning recycled materials usage,
sustainable fabrication processes or renewable energy
From a literature review on the design perspective on
UCPDs, and the process of elaboration of the Atlas
itself, a set of framing meta concepts were synthetized
regarding UCPDs and their incidence in the public
space. Without the objective of reaching closed
concepts, we’ve identified the following: digital twin,
interface and awareness.
From the engineering and CAD industries, digital
twin is the real-time digital representation of a
physical object or process integrating sensor data that
can be used to manage the real world (Fuller et al.,
2020). The responsive nature of UCPDs and their
double physical and digital presence in the public
space rekindles its use, counteracting a sense of
alienation from place and architecture. Regardless of
its complexity, the convergence between virtual and
real worlds seems undeniable and it depends on the
interface’s conspicuity.
Interface is a fundamental concept in architecture
and urban design, traditionally understood as the
symbolic boundary between public and private
realms or the physical surface that separates different
spaces. With the introduction of cyber technologies,
it could also mean the active control over building
elements and adaptable spaces. Interface design is
paramount in the engagement of people and UCPDs’
success, becoming a synonym of functioning (Dade-
Robertson, 2013). In the technological mediated
realm of contemporary societies, UCPDs are regarded
as the interface layer between a set of increasingly
overlapping spaces and interconnected networks
(Figure 3). Interface is the place where
communication and interaction happens, therefore it
is the place where awareness rises.
SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 3: Conceptual diagram with UCPDs as the central
interface node of a network of networks and as a gateway
between social, virtual, and urban spaces.
The concept of awareness seems to frame the
main goal for the implementation of cyber-physical
devices in the city and the notion of Smart City itself.
Awareness is synonymous of knowledge and
perception, but also consciousness, sensitivity, and
familiarity. This broad concept can be applied to
people, machines, the relation between them, and
between them and their environment. Public space
users’ increased awareness of global pressing issues
is a key factor to participation and engagement and a
main drive for the implementation of ICT technology.
Awareness is the first step to behavioural change and
social transformation which is arguably the very base
of a sustainable future. Developments in ICT
technologies also look to increase not only the
machine’s awareness of its users but also of other
machines and its environment in (increasingly
autonomous) automated networks of devices that
keep alive a digitalised world that seems to dispense
user’s intervention (Pitt, 2015). The increasing
dependency on ICTs may be seen as both an
opportunity and a threat, but awareness is ultimately
understood as human knowledge, literacy and
conscious use of machine, and participation in a
virtual world built to deal with real problems.
Contrary to the idea that digital space deprives public
space and collective life of its physical substrate, the
Atlas reveals examples of how the dynamics between
real and virtual, between physical and digital spaces,
are allowing their reviving. In addition to the
portrayal of current UCPDs, the Atlas provides a
perspective on new ICT mediated relations between
citizens and public space, that allow to pursue SGDs
with innovative strategies for inclusion, local
economic opportunity and sustainability awareness.
UCPDs have the potential to open public space to the
most vulnerable by means of increased security,
assisted living, new forms of communication and
simple human-centric playful interactions.
Concurrently they develop digital literacy,
community participation and environmental action,
namely for those with fewer opportunities and
education, by means of democratizing the public
access to digital technologies, information and media.
These devices also contribute to a reinvention and
diversification of uses and activities in public space.
Components of the public space or activities that are
increasingly monofunctional or restricted get
counteracted by devices that expand their possibilities
and publics (e.g., working outdoors, virtual visits to
museums). Diversity of uses and activities also means
more people and longer occupancy, so more social
and economic opportunities in a safer environment.
As most of UCPDs are urban data sensors, they
amplify an already data saturated digital space. This
data, if shared as open-data and allied to open-source
technologies and ingenuity, is a social and economic
opportunity for local entrepreneurs.
Although it’s too soon to establish the emergence
of new typologies, UCPDs gave rise to new classes of
objects deployed in public space with a distinct image
and functioning. We’ve identified and named three
instances: (i) Sensor Boxes, (ii) Smart Trees, and (iii)
Chargers. (i) Sensor Boxes are small UCPDs devoted
to sense the city, with the sole function of collecting
urban data, mainly environmental. They range from
institutional ICT infrastructures to simple DIY
devices in the open-source and open-data spirit,
merging ecological concerns with digitalization. (ii)
Smart Trees are tree-like free-standing structures,
devoted mainly to collect sun power, with their
photovoltaic “leaves”, for charging battery devices,
usually acting as Wi-Fi hotspots. Placed isolated in
urban squares they are also shading structures and
meeting points with interactive features. With the
multiplication of battery devices and electric
mobility, the need for autonomous or integrated (iii)
Chargers in the public space has increased. From
electric car pole chargers to personal devices’ USB
chargers integrated in solar urban furniture, these
devices are becoming pervasive. We notice that these
Towards e-Cities: An Atlas to Enhance the Public Realm Through Interactive Urban Cyber-Physical Devices
new classes of objects are mainly sustainability
A significant part of the case studies in the Atlas
depends on considerable financial, material and
energy resources, and although sustainability
problems are main design motivations, these concerns
are not equally reflected in the production of the
devices themselves. Nonetheless, it is notorious that
this is an emergent and inescapable development.
Urban objects residing outdoors are increasingly
designed to ambient energy harvesting, becoming
energetically self-sufficient, and the use of recycled
materials and new fabrication methods that minimize
waste, costs and promote circular economy (like
additive manufacturing, is also a recent but growing
trend. These developments in energetic, material and
fabrication processes aren’t currently highly
intertwined with cyber components incorporation,
nor large scale 3D printed objects are fully accepted
as final products.
These challenges were the leitmotif for the
developing Research Project’s demonstrator for a
new breed of environmentally sensible interactive
urban devices, which integrates all the Project’s
research lines. It will be materialized in a family of
augmented street furniture that incorporates: (i)
cyber-components, (ii) renewable energy, (iii)
recycled materials, and (iv) additive manufacturing in
a full-scale outdoor-ready device, resorting to
recycled plastic extrusion-based additive
manufacturing by robotic arm. The lessons learned
from the Atlas fed the demonstrators’ requirements
and design guidelines, balancing digital integration
and physical affordances, as well as needed resources
and expected results.
Work co-funded by European Regional Development
Fund (ERDF) thru Norte 2020: Project
“Lab4U&Spaces - Living Lab of Interactive Urban
Space Solution” (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-
000072); and Project Lab2PT - Landscapes, Heritage
and Territory laboratory - UIDB/04509/2020 thru
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
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SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
List of links to Atlas projects’ case studies in the web:
Towards e-Cities: An Atlas to Enhance the Public Realm Through Interactive Urban Cyber-Physical Devices